Paper ID #10480When Engineering Meets Self and Society: Students Reflect on the Integra-tion of Engineering and Liberal EducationXiaofeng Tang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Xiaofeng Tang is a PhD candidate in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Page 24.1374.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 When Engineering Meets Self and Society: Students Reflect on the Integration of Engineering and Liberal EducationIntroductionA
Society for Engineering Education, 2014 What’s in the Soup? Reflections from an Engineer, a Physicist, and an English Professor on an Interdisciplinary Summer Grand Challenge ProgramIntroduction to the Summer Grand Challenge ProgramThree professors with common interests and goals piloted in Summer 2013 a program focused onsolving one of the fourteen Grand Challenges of the 21st Century identified by the NationalAcademy of Engineering (NAE).1 These challenges range from providing energy from fusion toengineering better medicines. The summer program was centered on making solar power cheaperand locally manufacturable in a less developed region. The program purposefully broughttogether humanities, science
Page 24.729.2of instructors’ written feedback and students’ written reflections on electrical engineeringstudents’ speaking skills. Four design courses—sophomore, junior, and two senior designclasses—provided the project’s framework. The research involved assessing the presentations ofa select group of project students and an equal number of control group students, beginning withthe sophomore design class and continuing through the two senior design courses.The project students received feedback via an analytic rubric. The benefits of using rubrics areshown in Conrad et al 7. The Project students viewed their videotaped presentations and wrote areflective paper on their performances. The control group did not receive feedback, althoughtheir
editorial alsoaimed to increase engagement with interdisciplinarity. In line with those objectives and trends,this paper discusses grounded theory development via metaphors, an approach that has not beenwidely engaged in engineering education, and highlights its challenges. In doing so, the paperalso raises larger questions about theory in engineering education research. The aims of thisarticle are threefold: 1) to demonstrate how new metaphors can contribute to grounded theorydevelopment, 2) to explain the significance of such approaches, and 3) to identify challenges ofintroducing grounded theories and new metaphors in engineering education research.This paper follows others who have reflected on their own research studies,9 and calls
: Pedagogical Objectives The pedagogical foundation for the 2D Design Activity rests in the Kolb learning model18, whichdescribes the complete progressive cycle of learning experiences. As shown in Figure 1, thismodel is based on four fundamental progressive experiences needed for learning: concreteexperience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. In theKolb model of learning, the goal for any course or teaching activity is to follow this progressionof student led learning, and to act as a facilitator in the natural inquisitive exploration that willoccur in this progression. Concrete
decide on a set of learning objectives. Thisrequired balancing the different purposes of the course. What should the relative emphasis be ofchallenging the students to learn and practice one or more specific engineering ways of thinking,versus encouraging the students to grapple with, and reflect on, the central philosophicalquestion of whether there are, in fact, engineering ways of thinking, and if so, what are thoseways of thinking? Ultimately, the course was designed to pursue both these threads ofexploration, separately at first, but later entwined within the students’ final term projects.The following set of learning objectives were developed to balance the two threads of the course:A year or more after having taken this course, students
curiosity2. Accept the problem momentarily 2. Accept it seriously as one’s own project to be analyzed and solved.3. Work towards a final examination 3. Work realistically towards resolution of the project.4. Assume established professional 4. Professional structuring is connectedknowledge structuring practices as given with personal inclination, interest and curiosity. Reflection loop creates integrative knowledge.5. Finish with final examination. 5. Finish with ideas of how knowledge may be implemented in
-demanding nature of the curriculum” (p. 1). Their description of an innovativecurriculum for achieving global competence at the Georgia Institute of Technology reflects otherchallenges of study abroad for engineers, including obtaining institutional support, providingincentives for faculty involvement, and overcoming the inertia created by the lack of a traditionof study abroad for engineers.Lohmann, Rollins, and Hoey2 also describe deficiencies in the existing scholarship that assessesthe outcomes of study abroad generally: (1) a tendency to “dwell on logistical and actuarialaspects. . . or student satisfaction;” (2) lack of attention to “student learning effects or careerimpact;” (3) limiting assessment “to the development of psychosocial
China’s engineering schools. During the 20th century,engineering would in turn become one of the most important fields of higher education in China.The renewal of the educational system in early modern China involved three formative policyphases – namely the “renyin kuimao school system” (1902-1911), “renzi kuichou school system”(1912-1916), and “renxu school system” (1917-1922) – that reflected two different approaches tosituating an emerging discipline of engineering within the broader landscape of Chinese highereducation. This paper examines the three educational systems, including the implications of eachin relation to the establishment of engineering as an academic discipline in early modern China.As we discuss, this historical period has
years immediately after ASEE,6 and engineering faculty from religious colleges anduniversities often reference their faith when describing the context of their teaching work.However, when we searched, we found that the experiences of engineering teachers andengineering education researchers have not been as well explored. As graduate students, ournarratives emphasize our enculturation into the engineering education community as bothteachers and researchers; as people of faith, our spiritualities are an important part of ourjourneys. Prior work7 has highlighted the importance of personal narratives as ways to expresscommunity values by “[providing] a vehicle for scholarly discourse that makes explicit ourimplicit knowledge, promotes reflective
, china, comparative education research, culture, engineering education,ideology, internationalization, policy, policymakingIntroduction: The History and Politics of Policy Borrowing in ChinaPolicy borrowing has been a prevailing strategy for reforming education policies in mostdeveloping countries, reflecting a more general tendency toward dependence on foreignexpertise, information, and financing.1 As a developing country, China has been borrowingeducation policies from developed countries since the mid nineteenth century, including in the Page 24.497.2field of engineering education. In fact, one critical question throughout the modern history
the difference of cultures, our feeling of Page 24.398.6being a stranger, it can lead to a situation “designing for”. It is not “designing at theplace of”, but it means that the collaboration is not effective anymore. Indian membersbecome conductors and their points of view are seen as truth. So it is “designing for” inthe sense that we put our efforts at the service of 2 villagers” [Student 2, Final Report2012]. Another student echoed the sentiment reflecting “that it is important to know whatdesigning with means before any interaction with the community. Sometimes, I foundmyself losing my stand in the face of the participants from India, but I had
Museum’s CollectionWithin STEM education, a movement called STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art,and Mathematics) is gathering momentum. Yet, while articles abound with ideas forincorporating STEAM concepts into K-12 classrooms, the literature on STEAM education at theuniversity level is scant. Complicating matters is the fact that the “A” in STEAM does notalways stand for “Art”; for example, in one recent ASEE paper that contains the words “STEAMcurricula” in its title, the “A” stands for “Agriculture” [1].However, reflections on STEAM at the university level can be found in a few papers presented atthe 2013 ASEE convention. One, “Faculty reflections on a STEAM-inspired interdisciplinarystudio course,” offers insights on the opportunities
, political, and economic needs shaped the Page 24.1218.3objectives, curriculum, and teaching methods for engineering education in China.Tsinghua University has played a very important role in the history of engineeringeducation in the People’s Republic of China. Its history of both general education andengineering education reflects not only China’s own political and social development,but also global trends. The system of engineering education at Tsinghua Universityexperienced numerous changes, often as a result of political movements or changes ingovernmental education policy.2 Influenced by several complicated factors, therelationship between engineering
because it fails to value ways ofknowing outside positivist empiricism.Biesta26 further argues that Dewey’s theory of knowing can provide an alternative epistemologyfor education research, because it is not based on a dualism between mind and materiality.Instead of separating the self from the knowable world, Dewey conceived an action-theoreticalframework in which ways of knowing are active – they are ways of doing. Biesta notes that forDewey, knowledge is not prescriptive, and research would not dictate practice: “no conclusion ofscientific research can be converted into an immediate rule of educational art” (19).29 Reflexivity(a practice of reflection that is critical of its own power relations) requires integrating knowledgewith reflection and
content andtechnical content together in ways that are manageable by faculty who are not engineers. Thecourse in professional and technical writing at our college is required of all engineering andcomputer science majors and is usually taken in the junior year. The course has undergone manytransformations in content and focus since it was first developed in 1994. The latest iterationblends communication principles with technical projects that can bridge the divide and helpstudents see how the two fields are intricately intertwined in the engineering workplace.This paper reflects on the work-in-progress at Rose-Hulman focused on helping our studentsdevelop their communication skills in technical contexts. Currently five faculty are
artificial intelligence. The firm was headed up by none other than aformer director of the National Security Agency, Admiral Bobby Ray Inman (Ret.). The proposalaffected the University of Texas directly, since a key commitment that won the bid, beyond the$20 million building erected to house this private corporation, was the promise to upgrade UTAustin’s faculty and research capabilities by opening up 30 new faculty lines, especially in fieldssuch as electrical engineering and microelectronics.40Koen’s own career reflected this turn of events at UT Austin. While Koen was tenured early, injust three years, it took him longer to attain the rank of Full Professor. This was partly because oftime spent away from UT Austin—Koen spent several years at the
and Universities (AACU).Preliminary analysis of a subset of the data suggests areas of both alignment and disparitybetween engineering faculty and the VALUE rubrics. In particular, engineering faculty beliefsalign with the rubrics’ emphasis on context and purpose and content development in writtencommunication, but reflect less attention to disciplinary genre conventions and sources. In theteamwork domain, engineering faculty recognize the importance of conflict resolution, but offerfew other criteria included in the VALUE rubric. At the same time, faculty emphasize theimportance of distributing workload and managing the project effectively, an area not well-represented by the rubrics. These findings, once refined through analysis of the full
required when addressing the reader’s questions/concerns in a technical memocompared with a research paper. The PITCH outcomes (see Table 1) addressed in this course are1a, 2b, 2c and 2d. Feedback from the initial two non-graded PITCH assignments in fall 2013 was used todevelop a general advice table, outlining common mistakes made by students. Examples areprovided to illustrate these mistakes and how to correct them. The usefulness of the advice tableis limited if it does not reflect the mistakes made by the students taking the course. Thus, it isexpected that the table will change and expand with subsequent offerings of the course. Somefaculty voiced concern that students may not read a multipage table. Thus, in addition, a one-page advice
serve as a bridge between theoretical and practicalknowledge. 4 It is practical research that addresses an immediate, local need while providing Page 24.1130.2opportunities for deep reflection leading to individual professional growth. 5Although there are similarities, action research should not be confused with case study research.Typically, case study research involves an independent, outside observer studying a phenomenonin a naturally occurring environment, whereas an action research study includes a researcher whoactively participates in his or her own environment. For educators, this is often a classroom inwhich they teach. Action research
which the student design team’s memo presents design deliverables that are viable, elegant, and robust. Submitted work should be technically correct, yet also reflect a degree of down-selection and optimization that results from quantitative design tradeoffs (e.g., square versus round sections, hollow versus solid, best material selection, weight minimization). Velocity: A measure of the memo's communication efficiency and effectiveness at the paragraph- level. An efficient and effective writing style allows the reader to decode a document's message smoothly and at a speed in sync with the reader's ability to uptake information. On the contrary, poorly written streams of English
instructors from industry, who brought a truly multi-disciplinary character to these courses. Finally, we gave students numerous opportunities topractice their critical thinking skills by answering non-trivial questions, formulating decisions,and reflecting on their actions.Motivation for the sequence of technology commercialization coursesA recent survey of engineering students showed that 41% of them wanted to start their ownbusinesses, and 66% thought that entrepreneurship education would strengthen their careerprospects and improve their learning experiences8,9. Another survey showed that 50% of facultyand administrators believed that access to entrepreneurship programs would improve engineeringeducation10. These statistics show that many people
in Drama. She has published articles on performance and on communication, and has edited journals and anthologiesMs. Deborah Tihanyi, University of Toronto Deborah Tihanyi is a Senior Lecturer in the Engineering Communication Program at the University of Toronto. Page 24.802.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Intersections of Humanities and Engineering: Experiments in Engineering Specific Humanities Electives and Pedagogies1. Introduction:A significant amount of research, reflected in the 2000 ABET requirements, has acknowledgedthe importance
discuss the weaknesses ofthe topic-subtopic structure, which is reflected in the presentation’s slides: a topic-phraseheadline supported by a bulleted list of subtopics. Heavily influenced by PowerPoint’sdefaults, this structure leads to presentations that are not well focused and do notcommunicate technical information in an effective manner [4]. Second, the mentors teach Page 24.1399.3students an assertion-evidence approach to creating presentations. In such an approach,the presenter builds the talk on assertions, rather than topics, and supports theseassertions with visual evidence rather than with bulleted lists. In their teaching, Utreeteaching
to demonstrate a rudimentary ability to move beyond “opinions” towards informed judgment that is based in facts, sound reasoning, and active Page 24.929.2 reflection. 3) Demonstrated progress in the basic technical proficiencies of higher education, including reading, writing, oral and visual presentation, independent study, teamwork, and seminar-style conversation. 4) Clear evidence of thoughtful reflections about your own learning process as related to your transition to college.In terms of course content, in the year in which assessment data was collected, the course beganwith a focus on environmental ethics
, and by an authorityderived from education and expertise. The historical development of engineering into aprofession highlighted the engineer’s role in social development and progress; the tradeoffsnecessary in engineering decision-making; and the need to anticipate “unintended consequences”and identify stakeholders who may be silent or lack social power.Student learning outcomes are listed in Table 1.Student work included several design projects, with documentation in the form of hand and CADdrawings, written descriptions, and oral presentations; design problem definition assignments;and writing assignments in which students reflected on their experiences and responded toreading assignments. This work was assessed to evaluate achievement of
provide important technical and communication experiences forundergraduate and graduate students. Senior capstone, thesis, design, and other project activitiesare means to develop teamwork and communication skills. ABET student outcomes reflect thesecritical skills [1] and experiences applying soft skills in the context of project work are valuable.The process of documenting a project and presenting the results enhances one’s technicalunderstanding in ways that students do not often appreciate. Technical poster presentations area common communication mode in which effective delivery depends heavily on succinctexpression, audience analysis, and visual design. Much of the literature related to posterpresentations deals with course-level poster
, 2004)11Design ReviewsDesign reviews were used to assess learning objectives 2-4. Each semester, students work inteams with other students at their university on a design project corresponding to a piece of thewicked problem. Throughout the process, students participate in three design reviews intended toidentify strengths and weaknesses in design processes and guide students’ design developmenttoward better, more defensible, and more sustainable design solutions. We used the Initiate,Design, Execute, Assess, Learn, & Show (IDEALS) framework as a guide for assessment ofthese design activities.12 As part of each design review, students answer reflection questions ontheir progress to date. At the end of the semester, students perform in-class
rated thediscussion as shown in Table 2. Both sets of feedback reflect positively on the session.One of the results of this panel discussion was to point out that while the cultural perception ofthe different fields are often quite diverse in practice there are similarities to build upon. Theparticipants discussed related concepts such as determining the need for new projects to benefithumanity versus developing the design of such projects. While clearly related, the differencesbetween the knowledge, skill sets, and problem solving approaches of the two sides pointed outthat serious communication issues can develop. It is possible that while working toward thesame goal, the different paradigms of the two sides could lead them to
for unobtrusive research12 informed by conventionalcontent analysis13. Using this method, we examined each organization’s group name anddescription in the ASA database to identify keywords associated with working definitions ofinvolvement categories. As additional database entries were reviewed, these working definitionswere continuously revised and adapted to reflect the organizations contained within eachcategory; in some cases, new categories were developed or organizations were re-categorized toreflect emerging trends in the data. In some cases, organizations could not be categorized basedon the ASA database information alone; for these groups, the “About” section of theirorganization website was used for classification. In total, 432 of