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greater impact in the continuous improvement efforts.References[1] Sirinterlikci, A., & Kerzmann, T. L. (2013, June), Contributions of a Mandatory Internship Course to anEngineering Curriculum Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.[2] Ntafos, S., & Hasenhuttl, M. (2015, June), Internships, Other Employment, and Academics Paper presented at2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, Washington.[3] Miller, M. H. (1998, June), Industry Internships as a Tool for Curriculum Development Paper presented at 1998Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington.[4] Unpublished ABET Self-Study Report, 2015.[5] http://www.abet.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/E001-15-16-EAC-Criteria-03-10-15.pdf
accomplish the same goal and would be easier toimplement. Lynxmotion, in fact, markets a small turn table for this type application.Simulation of Lynx Robot The MS Robots Suite includes a simulation package. One of the nextgoals is to model the Lynxmotion robot so that programs may be executed off line. Oregon Institute of Technology has several old robots from the 1970’s that are stillmechanically sound, but whose controls are hopelessly out of date. Modern stepper or servodrives are available relatively inexpensively. Software drivers will be written for the some ofthese devices to allow MS Robotics Suite to address them as services. The software written forthe Lynxmotion controls will be modified to allow the same user interface to drive these
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. Arc Flash is due to the rapidrelease of energy caused by an arcing fault between two phases or from a phase to ground of anAC power circuit. The discharge of energy may be massive and vaporize copper causing an arcblast devastating everything in its path. This may be more easily described in the followingfigure or from the YouTube video inadvertently shown in the EET class a year ago. The resultsare devastating.Why the focus on Arc Flash?The study of arc flash dates to the early 1980's paper "The Other Electrical Hazard: Electric ArcBlast Burns" by Ralph Lee which was published in the IEEE Transactions on IndustrialApplications. The standards based on this paper have been available for quite a long time buthave only recently been taken
attain several areas in engineering, for this reason is importantfor all the future professionals be familiarize with this kind of technology. Page 15.401.8References[1] M. Chang. J. He, Enrique Castro-Leon, Service-Orientation in the Computing Infrastructure,2nd IEEE International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering, Shanghai, Oct2006, pp 27-33[2] Chen, Y. & Bai, X. (2008), On robotics applications in Service-Oriented Architecture, The28th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops proceedings;Beijing, China, 551-556[3] S. Kant Vajpayee (1995), Principles of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall
Reverse Engineering – The Stimulu”, 2002 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.7. Robertson, J., Wales, B., Weihmeir, J.,“Reverse Engineering as a Means to Understand Complex Tool Design”, 2004 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, UT.8. Forsman, D., “Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototyping: A Senior Level Technical Elective for Mechanical Engineering Students and Much More”, 2004 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, UT.9. Orta, P., Medoza, R. R., Elizalde, H., Guerra, D., “Engineering Education Through Reverse Engineering”, 2006 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Chicago, IL .10. Shooter, S., “Reverse Engineering to Design Forward: An Introduction to Engineering Experiential Learning
required by investors, E(R)In estimating the expected rate of return, the assumption was made that the company could belocated in either the US or a Latin American country such as Peru. For the US option, the riskfree rate of return, RF was 6%, the market rate of return, RM, was 10% (S&P 500),5 the unleveredbeta, β, for the company was 1.29.6 This is beta value for the diversified chemical industry,which is a close substitute for the plastics company’s beta value. Substituting these values inequation (2) yields an expected rate of return of 11.2% for the plastics company. ERUS 6% 1.2910% 6% 11.2%Estimating the E(R) for Peru with equation (2) seemed a bit more difficult because of sparsefinancial data to
Interdisciplinary Environment Along with Media Art and Marketing, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, 2007 3. Todd, R. H., Magleby S. P., Sorenson C. D., Swan B. R., and Anthony D. K.: A Survey of Capstone Engineering Courses in North America, Journal of Engineering Education, 84(2), 165 – 174, 1995 4. Amon C., Wesner J., and Hoff R.: Identifying and Implementing Projects for a Multidisciplinary Engineering Design Projects Course at Carnegie Mellon, Proceedings of the Page 22.1181.7 ASEE Annual Conference, 2006 5. Frei F. X.: The Four Things a Service Business Must Get
publicly funded process that serves privateindustries. Recommendation: The comments should be read to gain further insight to the quantitative survey responses and better understanding of other perspectives.References1. Jack, H., “The State of Manufacturing Engineering Education”, An SME Technical Paper, November 20052. Danielson, S, Georgeou, T, “The State of Manufacturing Engineering Technology Education”< ASEE AnnualMeeting, 2007.3. Wells, D., Bennett, R, Radtke, C., “On the Structure and Character of Graduate Education in Manufacturing”,ASEE Annual Meeting, 2007.4. Jack, H., "Perceptions in the Manufacturing Education Community", ASEE Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY,June 2010.5. Wells, D., “Challenges and Responses Over a
functional mini-desktopCNC machine. The assessment of the Capstone design experiment indicated that the six programoutcomes achieved levels of 80 to 93%.References: 1. “ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs”, Effective for Evaluations During the 2007-2008 Accreditation Cycle. WWW.ABET.org 2. J. Ansari, A. Javaheri, S. Tompkins, K. Williamson, “OUTCOME ASSESSMENT PROCESS IN A MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING PROGRAM”, Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. 3. J. Ansari, A. Javaheri, N. Ghariban, “CIM LAB TO SUPPORT MANUFACTURING DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION”, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
. Page 15.291.10AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by a National Science Foundation grant no. 0935211. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Rampersad, H.K., Integrated and simultaneous design for robotic assembly, Chichester, England: Wiley, 1994.2. Hsieh, S. (2005). "Automated Manufacturing System Integration Education: Current Status and Future Directions," Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR. Page 15.291.11
bothparticipants helped in answering student questions. This course also helped the students becomeacquainted with college faculty and this familiarization should help with difficulties that somestudents experience with the transition to college.References1. (2013) Economic Opportunities through Education by 2015 (EcO15). [Facts about workforce skills, educational data, and other supported programs of EcO15], http://www.eco15.org/index.php.2. Hicks, T., and Heastie, S. (2008) High School to College Transitions: A Profile of the Stressors, Physical and Psychological Health Issues that Affect the First-Year On-Campus College Student, Journal of Cultural Diversity 15, 143-147.3. (n.d.) U.S. Department of Education (DOE). Teacher
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of surface measurement, for significant intellectual achievements in mechatronics and for contributions to product design.Dr. Shetty is the author of two books and more than 150 scientific articles and papers and the holder of several patents. His both text books on Mechatronics and Product Design are widely used as a textbook in many Universities around the World. Major honors received by Prof. Shetty include James Frances Bent award for Creativity, the Edward S. Roth National Award for Manufacturing from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineer Faculty Award, and Society of Manufacturing Engineers Honor award. He is an elected member of the
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hands-on simulated assembly line, and the other is a computer-aided simulation using Arena software. Keywords: Arena; Gamification; Lean, Engineering; Lean Principles; Lean Teaching; SimulationIntroduction Nowadays, the concept of Lean manufacturing is widely used in industries and so it is imperative for thecurrent emerging Industrial engineering workforce to understand and be able to apply lean manufacturingconcepts. Implementing Lean principles in real time manufacturing settings has increased significantly since1990’s 1 and the application in service 2 industries for the last 10 years. This observed increase in theapplication of lean principles could be easily narrowed down towards the effectiveness of lean methodology
authorswish to express sincere gratitude for their financial support received the duration of the project.Bibliography1. Their Future Is Green: The Clean-Energy Economy Promises An Engineering Jobs Bounty – Training GraduatesWith Right Skills, American Society for Engineering Education PRISM, pp. 38-41, 4/2010.2. Blue Green Alliance | Clean energy assembly line report: Environment, Development and Growth: U.S.-MexicoCooperation in Renewable Energies, ISBN: 1-933549-78-5, December 2010, Duncan Wood, Woodrow WilsonInternational Center for Scholars.3. U. S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review, 2013http://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/index.cfm?page=renewable_home4. Annual Energy Outlook 2013 with Projections to 2050 (Early Release
(3D) printingmarket is estimated to be around 2.99 Billion USD by the year 2018 according to a globalstrategic business report 6 complied by Global Industry Analysts Inc., a source of WorldwideStrategy and Market Intelligence.As a flipside to Subtractive Manufacturing process where a solid block of material is used tomanufacture products, Additive Manufacturing (AM) is an advanced manufacturing technologyprocess used since 1980’s where parts are built by selectively adding materials as layers alongwith reducing waste. It is an automated technique for direct conversion of 3D Computer AidedDesign (CAD) (digital) data into physical objects using different layer-based additiveapproaches. Manufacturers have been using these technologies to reduce
module to the main controller. After, the transmitter was connected to the Naza using aservo cable. The S-Bus receiver in the transmitter was connected to the X2 channel of theNaza.At the end, the GPS module was plugged into the GPS port on the PMU. Figure 6 showsall electronic parts connected and fitted in the bottom box. Figure 6: Electronic parts connected and fitted in the bottom boxConfiguration1. Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) CalibrationElectronic speed controllers are responsible for spinning the motors at the speed requested by theautopilot. Figure 7 shows a Turnigy-Electronic Speed Controller used. Most ESCs need to becalibrated so that they know the minimum and maximum PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)values that the
maker movement manifesto: rules for innovation in the new world of crafters, hackers,and tinkerers. McGraw Hill Professional, 2013.4 Fab Foundation. What is a Fab Lab? Web. 28 Dec. 2015 .5 Bloom, Benjamin S. Hasting, Thomas. Madaus, George. Handbook of formative and summativeevaluation of student learning. New York, USA: McGraw-Hill, 1971.6 Harris, Pamela. Johnson, Ralph. Non-traditional Teaching & Learning Strategies. Montana StateUniversity. Web. 6 Jan. 2016. .7 Wookieepedia. Jedi. Web. 28 Dec. 2015. .8 Etsy. Redefining Entrepreneurship: Etsy Sellers Economic Impact. Web.https://blog.etsy.com/news/files/2013/11/Etsy_Redefining-Entrepreneurship_November-2013.pdf9 Bloom, Benjamin S. Hasting, Thomas. Madaus, George. Handbook of formative
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companyrestrictions (e.g.; US citizenship) the project is designated and arrangements made for a plantvisit. Typically, a 1-2 hour meeting with the company includes an explanation of their business, ageneral description of the operation(s) to be simulated, and a tour of the plant and specificoperation(s). Data is provided then and upon request, including pictures and videos if available.The team observes the plant operations, discuss the issues and company expectations, gatherrelevant data and information, and begin creation of the simulation. Additional plant visits andcompany communications are the responsibility of the students. A Gantt chart from MicrosoftProject is submitted weekly, and the professor monitors project progress. Technical support atDelmia
Studies in Manufacturing Technical Group and have produced and circulated the initial survey. The survey and other investigation conducted by the authors seek data on demographics, size and productivity, and topical concentration of a wide variety of programs that teach manufacturing subjects. This paper will present some background history, summarize the data collected and offer some conclusions that point towards results that can be useful to any interested college, department or program.Historical Context: For about the past twenty-five years, the Society of ManufacturingEngineers has sponsored and supported a wide spectrum of works in a particular vein with aconsistent thread. From the early 1980’s, SME has issued nearly a dozen
Coordinator Conference and completion of Student Evaluation Form)Following grading scale is observed for each course: (94 - 100%, A), (90- 93%, A-), (87- 89%,B+), (83- 86%, B), (80- 82%, B-), (77- 79%, C+), (70- 76%,C), (60 -69, D), (0 -59, F)During the course of the internship, the student must develop and maintain a weekly journal, toserve as a tool for recording learning experiences5. The journal should also include log of thestudent's activities and a collection of thoughts and insights gained from the activities. Thejournal may contain any on-the-job issues or problems and related solutions or courses of actiontaken. A final report is also mandatory. This is above and beyond the weekly journal. The formatand topic(s) of the final report is
size from 500 to small threshold(s) that actually reflect current demographics of small companies to include 5, 10-25 and 50 Maintain funding level for NSF-ATE programs and target additional funding for innovative Regional and National Centers in advanced manufacturing, to include significant funding for advanced manufacturing equipment and faculty training Sponsor a joint research project on the state of manufacturing education in coordination with the National Governors Association Adopt the metric systemState and Local Levels Encourage a deeper understanding of the role and economic impact of advanced manufacturing programs in K-12 education, especially with guidance counselors and
project is designated and arrangements made for a plantvisit. Typically, a 1-2 hour meeting with the company includes an explanation of their business, ageneral description of the operation(s) to be simulated, and a tour of the plant and specificoperation(s). Data is provided then and upon request, including pictures and videos if available.The team observes the plant operations, discuss the issues and company expectations, gatherrelevant data and information, and begin creation of the simulation. Additional plant visits andcompany communications are the responsibility of the students. A Gantt chart from MicrosoftProject is submitted weekly, and the professor monitors project progress. During the tenth weekof the quarter, the team presents the
by the syringe pump, moves through the chip. The flow of fluid through the chip can beclassified as laminar or turbulent. The heat transfer coefficient, h, used for calculating forcedconvective heat transfer is determined through a correlation of the dimensionless numbers: Nusseltnumber, Nu, Reynolds number, Re, and Prandtl number, Pr. Nu = hD/k Re = DVp/μ Pr = μC/k (2) Page 24.403.6Where D is tube diameter in meters; V is characteristic fluid velocity in m/s; k is thermal conductivityof fluid in kJ/hr-m-K; ρ is fluid density in kg/m^3; C is the constant pressure
called Introduction to CAM. They can write programs manually or generate thecode through the CAM package MasterCAM. NC machines have earned a certain level ofreputation in the manufacturing arena through their capabilities including the quality of the work.The question has now been formed to read ‘Is there a novel application of these machines thatcould make them more valuable and pave a way for an entrepreneurial opportunity’. Thestudents were given a lecture and notes on effectual thinking. They were given an additionalopportunity to produce a component and observe the capabilities of the machines. They werethen requested to identify the special feature(s) and design a product that would exploit thisfeature in its manufacturing process. They
Education and Practice, Vol 134. April 2008.6. Rajan, S., It’s About Time: The Competitive Advantage of Quick Response Manufacturing, New York, CRC Press, 2010.7. Personal Interviews with George Brown, Dan Turner, and Anita Konopa, Emergency Services Coordinators, [Local] Office of Emergency Services, Feb. 2008 and Nov. 2009.8. "Disaster Preparedness Program." City of [Local] Fire Department, available at http://www.[Local]city.org/fire/preparation.asp.9. Cooper, Robin, and Regine Slagmulder. Supply Chain Development for the Lean Enterprise : Interorganizational Cost Management, Productivity Press, 1999.10. Personal interview with Elizabeth Merson, [Local] American Red Cross. Oct. 2009.11. Personal interview