effective communicate acrossdisciplines.The student team organization mirrors current industry standard operating procedures. First, theteam is multidisciplinary, including EET students with programing and circuits skills and METstudents with CAD, design, mechanical analysis skills. All students must demonstrate projectprocess skills, utilizing current design for six-sigma procedures. The students learn a standardset of tools to manage the project, as well as synthesize those tools with their discipline specificknowledge.BackgroundThe original 3D Printing Technology was based on fused deposition modeling (FDM)technology, developed in the 1980’s and first commercialized by Stratasys in the 1990s. Theoriginal concept of FDM, based on existing hot
orthoses using rapid prototyping. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation.8(1), 1-11.doi: 10.1186/1743-0003-8-1[2] New 3D printing technology helps enable customized, in-office-printed orthotics (2015). Los Angeles: AnthemMedia Group. Retrieved fromhttps://reddog.rmu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1718199313?accountid=28365[3] Zug, S., Penzlin, F., Dietrich, A., Nguyen, T. T., & Sven, A. (2012). Are laser scanners replaceable by Kinectsensors in robotic applications? Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Retrieved fromhttps://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/00a7/bb020b5f1eea7311439289f8c15f79c62429.pdf[4] Innovations and novel manufacturing techniques to hold the future for orthotic devices. (2015, Jan 06
, the program to select the threshold for the color parameters H (hue), S(Saturation) and V (Value) is run. After the adjustment of HSV values, the upper boundary ofthe red color is selected as [190, 255, 255] and the lower boundary of the red color is [160, 160,10]. Using the two sides of threshold, the mask area of the red symbol board is identified asshown in Figure 12 when the second robot is in the back of the first robot as seen in Figure 11. Figure 10: HSV Definition for Image Processing Figure 11: Positions of Two Robots Figure 12: Image from Pi Camera and Mark Image(2) Development of control algorithmAfter the target symbol board is identified, the following
impact on the surface it is driving on. The prototyping for the crawlerinvolves some very advanced technologies, using a camera to allow the robot to see, and giving itthe ability to decipher objects and defects from the functional interior of the plane is one of thechallenges they are still trying to overcome. This project has been substantially helped out bythings such as CAD programs and rapid prototyping aids that let the project move ahead muchfaster. This is more important when using new materials such as polymers and carbon fiber.Presentation #5Title: The Evolution of Urban Manufacturing – 1970 to PresentAbstract: This presentation reviewed the state of Urban Manufacturing during the 1970’s incontrast to its condition today, using
, Object 2: Differentiate between servo and non-serve control systems Higher Order Thinking Skillsits components question, Object 3: Differentiate between manual and automatic programmingto see differentiate Object 4: Differentiate between robot handling and assemblyinterrelationship contrast ...s and ideasB5: Synthesis Create, design,- to use creativity Object 1: Create and Generate Automatic Path Generation develop, collect,to compose and
Page 15.695.1112, 2000.5. Felder, R., Active Learning with Dr. Richard Felder, downloaded on March 17, 2010 fromwww.youtube.com/watch?v=1J1URbdisYE.6. Dutch, B.J., and Allen, D.E., and White, H.B. (1998). Problem-based Learning: Preparing Students to Succeedin the 21st Century. “Essays on Teaching Excellence”. Center for Teaching, University of Southern Maine. Vol. 9,No 7, 1997 – 1998.7. Bound, D. & Feletti, G. (1991). The Challenge of Problem-Based Learning (p. 13). New York: St. Martin’sPress.8. Albanese, M.A. & Mitchell, S. (1993). Problem-Based Learning: A Review of Literature on Its Outcomes andImplementation Issues. Academic Medicine, 68. 52-81.9. Marshall, J. and Marshall, J. (2007). In Search of Teaching Excellence. American
methodology.2. Overview of QFDQFD method was documented in Japan in the mid 1970’s and was first introduced to theUnited States in 1983 by Professor Yoji Akao. Since then, remarkable development andimplementation of QFD for curriculum design and improvement have been observedworld-wide 5. QFD method is a technique linking customer demands and productdevelopment. Ranking system in QFD method helps to identify and prioritize customer’svoice clearly.One of the main principles used in QFD is to determine directly from customers whatthey expect in a particular product or service viz., quality of curriculum in the instantcase. This is called Voice of Customer in parlance of QFD. There are different
Dickinson andCompany (BD Medical-Medical Surgical Systems); Otis Elevator; Pratt and Whitney/ UnitedTechnologies; and Producto and Moore Tool Company. The DVD also included interviews withindustry CEOs; the Community College Chancellor; deans; faculty and students from the CTCommunity Colleges and COT 4-year partner institutions. The DVD was designed in 5 to 8minute sections. This allowed educators the flexibility to view particular segment(s) withouthaving to watch the entire DVD. The DVD was distributed statewide and nationally and wasvideo streamed on the COT RCNGM website (www.nextgenmfg.org)Another statewide initiative was an ad that highlighted a Hispanic, female COT EngineeringTechnology alumnus from Norwalk CC who completed her A.S. degree
Students through a Project-Based Cooperative Learning Approach,” Proceedings of the 32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontier in Education Conference, November 6-9, 2002, Boston, MA, Section F2A, pp. 1-6.23. Fincher, S. and Petre, M., “Problem-Based Learning Practices in Computer Science Education,” Proceedings of 1998 Frontiers in Education Conference.24. Ju, W., Oehlberg, L., and Leifer, L., “Project-Based Learning for Experimental Design Research,” Proceedings of International Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, September 2-3, 2004, Delft, the Netherlands.25. Thomas, J.W., “A Review of Research on Project-Based Learning,” available at https://www.bie.org/files/researchreviewPBL.pdf26. PCB Design Tools’ Webpage at http
-2112-6, Springer, New York. http://explainingthefuture.com/3dprinting.html10. Joseph T. Belter and Aaron M. Dollar, “Strengthening of 3D Printed Fused Deposition Manufactured Parts Using the Fill Compositing Technique,” PLOS ONE, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0122915, April 16, 2015.11. Smith, R. T., and S. A. Melnyk. "Green Manufacturing: Integrating the Concerns of Environmental Responsibility with Manufacturing Design and Execution." Dearborn, MI: Society for Manufacturing Engineering (1996).12. Govindan, Kannan, Ali Diabat, and K. Madan Shankar. "Analyzing the drivers of green manufacturing with fuzzy approach." Journal of Cleaner Production (2014).13. “Investment in renewable energy generates jobs. Supply of skilled workforce needs
to be employed. That andother additions will soon to be realized.References[1] Sirinterlikci, A., Sirinterlikci, S., Utilizing Rep-Rap Machines in the Engineering Curriculum, 2014 ASEE Annual Conference.[2] Jaksic, N., New Inexpensive 3-D Printers Open Doors to Novel Experiential Learning Practices in Engineering Education, 2014 ASEE Annual Conference.[3] Ertekin, Y., Husanu, C., N.,I., Chiou, R., Konstantinos, J., Interdisciplinary Senior Design Project to Develop a Teaching Tool: Dragon Conductive 3-D Printer, 2014 ASEE Annual Conference.[4]Technology Overview DLP Process.EnvisionTec. http://envisiontec.com/technology-overview/. Accessed on December 31, 2013.[5] DIY DLP Printer. Dimensionext. http://www.dimensionext.co.uk
time might be allocated for introducing those software to enhance learning process.Figure 7. Moldflow Analysis (a) Fill time (b) Circuit Coolant Temperature – Preparation inrogress for the next semesterReferences[1] Lee, K. (1999). Principles of cad/cam/cae systems. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Company.[2] Ma, J., & Nickerson, J. V. (2006). Hands-on, simulated, and remote laboratories: A comparative literature review. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 38(3), 7.[3] De Jong, T., Linn, M. C., & Zacharia, Z. C. (2013). Physical and virtual laboratories in science and engineering education. Science, 340(6130), 305-308.[4] Corter, J. E., Esche, S. K., Chassapis, C., Ma, J., & Nickerson, J. V. (2011). Process and
. Garcia, M., Numers, Stephanie von, and Twamley, Erin (2014, May 8). Educated and Equipped: Energy & Manufacturing Training. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved January 23, 2015 5. Tseng, Tzu-Liang Bill, Chiou, Richard, Mandal, Paras, Smith, Eric.D, Belu, Radian G and Salcedo, Oscar H. "Fusing Green Energy into Manufacturing Engineering Education to Cultivate Technical Success." 121st ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2014.6. Smith, R. T., and S. A. Melnyk. "Green Manufacturing: Integrating the Concerns of Environmental Responsibility with Manufacturing Design and Execution." Dearborn, MI: Society for Manufacturing Engineering (1996).7
knowwhat school has a manufacturing program, they don’t know where to start – schoolprograms can have different names, but offer the same variety of courses.Schools that are added into the careerME.org database can have multiple linksspecifically entered to take the student directly to their educational programs. When thestudent enters a school name or search term(s), the results list will present the link thatgoes directly to the school’s education programs – no need to navigate within a school’swebsite hierarchy to figure out how to get there. When school programs are added to thedatabase, professors are encouraged to contribute to the data, having the ability torecommend content beyond what they are able to add to their own school’s
Page 23.1201.84 Materials and Processes in Manufacturing 4th Mechanical4 Vibration Analysis OR Control Systems 4th Mech/Elec6 Senior Design Project 4th CommonCourse Content. When the course was first developed, it included only topics directly related tomaterials and processes. However, over the last 20 years the content has been expanded toinclude more topics relevant to contemporary manufacturing competitiveness, such as qualityand design for manufacturing. The official course description reflects this mix of content. ENGR 324. Materials and Processes in Manufacturing (4) S. This course introduces
, H., Wu, Y., “Web-based virtual operating of CNC milling machine tools”, Computers in Industry, Vol. 60 (9), December 2009, pp. 686-687.13. Djassemi, M., “A HANDS-ON APPROACH TO TEACHING CAD/CAM FOR MANUFACTURING AND RAPID PROTOTYPING APPLICATIONS”, The Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition (on CD), June 24-27, 2007, Honalulu, Hawaii, 9 pages.14. Pritschow, G., and S. Röck. "“Hardware in the Loop” Simulation of Machine Tools." CIRP Annals- Manufacturing Technology 53.1 (2004): 295-298.15. Adamski, W. (2010). Manufacturing Development Strategies in Aviation Industry. Advances in Manufacturing
, Austin, Texas. https://peer.asee.org/53314. Devine, K. (2009, June), “Integrating Robot Simulation And Off Line Programming Into An Industrial RoboticsCourse,” Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, Texas. https://peer.asee.org/57195. Greene, C. M., & Anson, S. J. (2011, June), “Restructuring the Robotics Laboratory and Enhancing the RoboticsCurriculum at RIT,” Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC.https://peer.asee.org/188356. Chang, G. A., & Stone, W. L. (2013, June), “An Effective Learning Approach for Industrial Robot Programming,”Proceedings of the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. https://peer.asee.org/191737. Sirinterlikci, A
, and solder onto the PCB using figure 36 as reference. Ensure that the motor leads do not cause any shorts 2 . Note: Figure 36 is mirrored from what is seen looking down on the board and the red wire of the vibration motor should be connected to terminal labeled + and the blue wire to - shown in figure 36. This wiring assumes that the vibration motor will rotate in the clockwise direction with normal polarity (blue lead to ground). The left motor, M2, is connected with normal polarity and the right motor, M1, is reversed. This is why M1’s postive lead is acctually connected to ground. The theory behind this type of locomotion platform is explained in more detail in Analysis, Design and Control of a Planar Micro
have most or all of the following characteristics:4 ≠ Carry academic credit ≠ Engage participants in an active learning process that is student-driven, but guided by a Page 15.665.4 faculty mentor ≠ Produce a tangible outcome or product, such as a business plan, policy recommendation, book, play, or DVD ≠ Involve a team of students, often working on a project that is interdisciplinary in nature ≠ Include a community partner(s) and create an impact on the larger community as well as on the student participants ≠ Focus on student learning outcomes ≠ Help students define a career path or make