Psychological Association, 2012.[2] Koedinger , K. R., E. Brunskill, R. S. Baker, E. A. McLaughlin, and J. Stamper, “Newpotentials for data-driven intelligent tutoring system development and optimization,” AIMagazine, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 27–41, 2013.[3] Butz, C. J., S. Hua, and R. B. Maguire, “A web-based intelligent tutoring system forcomputer programming,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Web Intelligence, pp.159–165, IEEE, 2004.[4] Hsiao, I.-H., P. Brusilovsky, and S. Sosnovsky, “Web-based parameterized questions forobject-oriented programming,” in Proceedings of World Conference on ELearning, E-Learn, pp.17–21, 2008.[5] Brusilovsky, P. and S. Sosnovsky, “Individualized exercises for self-assessment ofprogramming knowledge: An
focused on building robots that can workin hazardous environments, but they also learned about different majors that explore roboticsconcepts in manufacturing, as well as the application of hydraulics for flood gates.AcknowledgmentThe project team wants to acknowledge Virginia Space Grant Consortium for its partnership inand continuous funding for the ODU BLAST program. 7References:[1] R. S. Andersen, S. Bøgh, T. B. Moeslund, and O. Madsen, "Intuitive task programming of stud welding robots for ship construction," in Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, 2015, pp. 3302-3307: IEEE.[2] S. Pfeiffer, "Robots, Industry 4.0 and humans, or why assembly work
rearrangement is also provided.What is 5 S?Based on Japanese words that begin with ‘S’, the 5S Philosophy focuses on effectivework place organization and standardized work procedures. 5S simplifies your workenvironment, reduces waste and non-value activity while improving quality efficiencyand safety.5 Japanese words ‚ Seiri - Sort (Housekeeping) ‚ Seiton - Set in Order (Workplace Organization) ‚ Seison - Shine (Cleanup) ‚ Seiketsu - Standardize (Keep Cleanliness) ‚ Shitsuke - Sustain (Discipline)Benefits of 5 S for lab users ‚ A more pleasant work environment ‚ More satisfying jobs ‚ Makes your job easier ‚ A process that makes sense ‚ Pride in the workplace ‚ Associates and customer
Real Figure 3: Root locus for proportional control of the balancing robot.exceptionally lucky, it will be very difficult to tune a controller to stabilize the balancing robot inthe vertically upward position. It would probably be a good learning activity to let them try.Assuming they are fairly quickly frustrated by trying to guess PID gains that work, they should bemotivated to learn how the root locus design technique applies to this problem.The model of the robot in the vertically upward position should lead to a transfer function of theform N G(s) = (s + p)(s − p) √where p = A. It
cumulative failure distribution? What is the MTBF and MTTR (mean time to repair) ofa part or system? Do opportunities exit to improve a part or system performance? What types ofreliability testing are appropriate? What should be the accelerated stress conditions to use toinduce early failures?Today’s customers demand manufacturers to produce highly reliable and easily maintainableproducts. Engineering education is basically deterministic6. But natural variability plays a vitalrole in determining reliability. There is variability in the materials, manufacturing processes, andin using the products. Figure 2 shows the variability in the strength (S) of product based on
: A Dynamic Framework for DevelopmentAbstract Following up on its 2009 research, the National Center for Manufacturing Education(NCME) continues to explore trends in manufacturing education programs. This paper presents acompilation of results from the “Question(s) of the Week” framework designed to preface the2011 study and move the trends report towards an ongoing, dynamic source of relevantinformation for engineering technology educators engaged in the design and delivery ofmanufacturing education.Introduction The National Center for Manufacturing Education (NCME) housed at SinclairCommunity College, Dayton, Ohio published Trends in Manufacturing Programs1 in 2009. TheNCME acknowledges support from the National Science
differentengineering disciplines to solve many important manufacturing automaton problems. As a finalproject, students are expected to model and simulate a work cell for the selected application andto perform the same with the physical robots in the lab. They will compare both outcomes forevaluation of the calculated results. Students submit a comprehensive engineering report todocument all requirements. Experiments and projects are designed and implemented in asequence that would allow the students to acquire a complete manufacturing automationexperience. This included on-line and off-line robot programming (uploading and downloadingprograms between robots controllers and simulation software), robot integration (addingperipherals to a robot(s) to create a
Behavior, Lumen, 2019, pp. 1–18.[2] P. Adler, “Work Organization: From Taylorism to Teamwork,” Perspect. Work, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 61–65, 1997.[3] R. B. Helfgott, “America ’ s Third Industrial Revolution,” Challenge, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 41–46, 1986.[4] S. Lund, “AI , automation , and the future of work : Implications for Engineering Deans,” 2019.[5] T. Chowdhury and H. Murzi, “Literature Review : Exploring Teamwork in Engineering Education,” in Research in Engineering Education Symposium, 2019.[6] H. G. Murzi, T. M. Chowdhury, J. Karlovšek, and B. C. Ruiz Ulloa, “Working in large teams: Measuring the impact of a teamwork model to facilitate teamwork development in engineering students working in a real
view the inside of the boxes the students werepleased and somewhat surprised.The question of whether a fractional factorial design could have been used was aunanimous ‘yes’. A one half or even one quarter design would have yielded verysimilar results.This opinion was validated by comparing the main effect plots for the fullfactorial and ½ fractions DOE’s. The main effects for the full factorial and ½fraction are shown below in figures 3 and 4. Main Effects Plot (data means) for S/M/E Blue Green 60 Mean of Stephanie/Mark/Erynne 50
., Barnes, S., Coe, S., Reinhard, C., and Subramania, K., “Globalization and the Undergraduate Manufacturing Engineering Curriculum,” 2002, ASEE Journal of Engineering Education 91, pp. 255-261.[2] National Association of Manufacturing, “Keeping America Competitive: How A Talent Shortage Threats U.S. Manufacturing,” a white paper on, accessed October 6, 2008.[3] Bee, D., and Meyer, B., “Opportunities and Challenges for Manufacturing Engineering,” 2007, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 24-27, 2007, Honolulu, HI.[4] Waldorf, D., Alptekin, S., and Bjurman, R., “Plotting a Bright Future for Manufacturing
Foundation was followed with additionalfunding and equipment donation from industry and other organizations.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supplied by the National Science Foundation under grant No.0552885. Additional funding and support were generously contributed by Conacyt,Turbomachinery Research Consortium, Honeywell Turbo Technologies, NASA GRC, TRC,Capstone Turbine Corp, Haas, Unist, MA Ford, Cideteq, Comimsa, and Agilent Technologies.References[1] Chittipolu, S., Micromachining of 316L Stainless Steel, Thesis, Texas A&M University, 2008.[2] Hung N.P., Chittipolu S., Kajaria S., Makarenko M., Purdy A., Bickston L., and Williamson D., “Micromachining of 316L Stainless Steel,” Micro/Nano Manufacturing Conference, SME
theAPVAWT capstone team has passed will be introduced to show how the engineering students ofthe team design and build the APVAWT system with the Liberty art students. 2.1 Decision Gate 1 – Stakeholder RequirementsThe 1st decision gate is to identify and confirm stakeholder requirements that guide the capstoneteam in understanding what is needed to be accomplished for the project and the class. Here,stakeholders represent all entities who are involved in this project: the capstone team, theclient(s), and the class instructor. Table 1 shows stakeholder requirements the team presentedand is required to fulfill. Table 1 – Stakeholder Requirements for Design and Construction of the APVAWT Task ID Name Description
). at 4. Morozov, E. Making it. The New Yorker (2014). at 5. Foster, T. Welcome to the maker-industrial revolution. Popular Science (2015). at 6. Chachra, D. Why I am not a maker. The Atlantic (2015). at 7. Moldofsky, K. The maker mom. (2015). at 8. Hatch, M. The maker manifesto. McGraw Hill Education (2014). at 9. Martinez, S. & Stager, G. Invent to learn: Making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom. (Constructing modern knowledge press, 2013).10. Make. Maker Pro. (2014).11. Makerspace North. Makerspace north. (2014). at 12. The British Council. Maker library network. at 13. Chaihuo Maker Space. Shenzhen Maker Faire. (2015). at 14. Seeed. First open hardware gathering in
. Capstones courses can be somewhat limited and late in the coursesequence. What is needed is continuous exposure to support consumer value – true productivityto make the needed pedagogical impact. Sadly, recalls abound annually and there is no lack ofexamples.Recalls provide the needed context to engage and enhance a student’s intellectual interest; theneed to identify and solve a problem(s). As students enters individual courses these recalls,within the balanced scorecard milieu, girded by IoT can help to engage student’s intellectual Page 10 of 16curiosity. They can see the direct application of course content throughout their program ofstudy. In addition, the
, & ones skills, resources and abilities allocating resources prior to learning Information Management – processing information efficiently Procedural – knowledge about how Monitoring – assessment of one s to implement a learning procedure learning or strategy use Debugging – correcting performance errors Conditional – knowledge about
environment and provide industrial and educational outreach to neighboringcolleges. Allowing students access to state of the art technology gives them an advantage inproduct development and manufacturing. This boosts interest in academic and personalentrepreneurial projects while at the same time offers exposure to multiple fields of study. Page 12.1186.2The CPIC currently houses two fully-functional RP machines. One is Z-Corp.’s Spectrum Z510color system which uses a gypsum-based powder and liquid binder. This machine is the focalpoint for current experimentation. The center offers students hands-on experience withtechnology that is becoming as
procedure with variable time step size adjuster. The time step size isvaried between 10-4 second and 10-6 second, such that convergence is achieved. Page 13.1115.6The following numerical values are used in the numerical computationsMx = 90kg, My = 120kg,Kx = 108 N/m, Ky = 108 N/m,Cx = 1900 N-s/m, and Cy = 2200N-s/mThe above damping values are based on a damping ratio of 1% of the critical dampingcalculated from the stiffness data. The mass and stiffness values correspond to that of atypical CNC machine. The stiffness values correspond to those of the lead screwsdriving the two tables. These values may vary somewhat from the nominal values, butfor this
is used to micromachining an alloy comprisingof different elements, the material removal rate (MRR) in micro ECM has been derived to be 13: τ 1 100 EAdt MRR = ∫ (1) τ 0 ⎛ xi zi ⎞ ∑i ⎜⎜ A ⎟⎟ρFgr ⎝ i ⎠Where MRR : material removal rate (µm3/s) E : applied voltage (V) A : surface area of electrode (mm2) : pulse duration (s) xi : weight fraction of the ith element
. Ray, (1992), Robotics and Manufacturing Automation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY.[3] Hsieh, S. and Hsieh, P.Y., “Web-based Modules for Programmable Logic Controller Education,” Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 13(4), Dec 2005, pp. 266- 279.[4] Hsieh, S. and Hsieh, P.Y., “An Integrated Virtual Learning System for Programmable Logic Controller,” Journal of Engineering Education, 93(2), April, 2004.[5] Hsieh, S. and Hsieh, P.Y., “Animations and Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Programmable Logic Controller Education,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 19(2), 2003.[6] Hsieh, S., “Reconfigurable and Scalable Automated Systems Projects for Manufacturing Automation and Control Education
-cost setup of an FMS educational platform has the potential of achieving variousobjectives, which include teaching the fundamental concepts and applications of roboticsand automation in FMS, enabling students to participate in hands-on innovative laboratoryexercises, and exposing students to the innovative methodologies in FMS.7 References[1] Hu, S. J., Ko, J., Weyand, L., ElMaraghy, H. A., Lien, T. K., Koren, Y., Bley, H., Chryssolouris, G., Nasr, N. and Shpitalni, M., 2011. “Assembly System Design and Operations for Product Variety.” CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 60(2), 15-733.[2] Makris, S., Michalos, G., Eytan, A., and Chryssolouris, G. 2012. “Cooperating Robots for Reconfigurable Assembly Operations
22.522.4people.To reinforce the importance of manufacturing in the United States, the Presidents of Harvard andMIT have recently come out in support of strengthening manufacturing in the United States4.Said MIT president Susan Hockfield, “if manufacturing is old-fashioned, then we‟re not doing itright.” It‟s time to change that negative image, and it‟s time to change manufacturing.Manufacturing engineers need to raise the perception of their profession as being a majorcontributor to our standard of living. Without cost reductions created by manufacturingengineers, we wouldn‟t be able to produce and buy all the great things that improve people‟slives. The abundance of affordable products, once considered the luxuries of the elite if theywere available at
consistency is dependent of cycle time.RTR analysis is based on programming the robot to move during a particular path design. The programcontent is to run at different setups of speeds and terminations as follows: (1000 mm/s @ 0% CNT),(1000 mm/s @ 100% CNT), (2000 mm/s @ 0% CNT), and (2000 mm/s @ 100% CNT). This research paperarranged in the following manner that section 2 for the variables analysis and section 3 results andanalysis and section 4 is to conclude the findings and record the recommendations for the future work.2. Programming Variables AnalysisIn order to understand the problem of the correlation between cycle time and consistency with otherrobot variables it should first be realized what variables that we are analyzing. Variables
: M = {X, Y, S, ta, δext , δint , λ},Where:X - set of input events;Y - set of output events;S - set of sequential states (also called the set of partial states);ta - time advance function used to determine the lifespan of a state;δext : Q × X → S - the external transition function defining how an input event changes astate of the systemδint : S → S - the internal transition function describing the way how system state changesinternally ϕ ϕλ :S →Y - is the output function where Y =Y ∪{φ} and φ ∉Y is a ”silent” or an”unobserved” event.Our model consists of the several equipment units represented as atomic models. Units statesare updated dynamically starting from the physical representation of the
0 0 3For calculating the TE values represented in table 2, based on TE equation, joint probabilities arecalculated for emerging node degrees observed in table 1. Table 2. Transfer Entropy values calculated based on table 1 Source Node Destination Node Transfer Entropy Transfer Entropy (S) (D) (S-D) (D-S) N1 N2 0 0.2442191 N2 N3 0 0.2073259 N3 N4 0.09370405 0 N4 N5 0.150515
microfluidic networkof channels, conduits, chambers, filters, and flow control components [9]. Relative to traditionalmacroscale systems, ‘lab on a chip’ systems yield noteworthy advantages including more precisecontrol of reactants faster reaction time, lower consumption of reagents, convenient disposal,effective containment of infectious agents or hazardous substances, portability, and compactness.Lab-on-a-chip applications such as polymerase chain reactions (PCR) to amplify nucleic acids, aswell as cell cultures, need closely regulated heating and cooling with temperature control (often ±0.5 °C) and fast thermal response times (> 5 °C/s) [4]. For such applications, infrared thermalcameras offer non-contact measurement of temperatures and two
enhanced interactive platform, allowing the learningof technical skills with simulation modeling and animation. The developed web-based virtualreality is able to carry out part of the practice through the virtual laboratory. This will advanceteaching speed and the quality of practical training in the machining shop. Students generallyprovided positive feedbacks on the web-based learning environments in attending the MEMScourse.AcknowledgmentThe authors gratefully acknowledge the support of this study by the National Science Council ofTaiwan, under the Grant No. NSC97-2511-S-003-046-MY3.References1. Caliano, G., Lamberti, N., Iula, A. and Pappalardo, M.(1995). A piezoelectric bimorph static pressure sensor. Sensors and Actuators A, 46-47, 176
conceptual design for a Data Warehouse which would integrate the different data servers the company used. With i2 Technologies he led the work on i2’s Data Mining product ”Knowledge Discover Framework” and at CEERD (Thailand) he was the product manager of three energy software products (MEDEE-S/ENV, EFOM/ENV and DBA-VOID) which were/are used in Asian and European countries by both governmental and non-governmental organizations. Acharya has a M.Eng. in Computer Technology and a D.Eng. in Computer Science and Information Management with a concentration in knowledge discovery, both from the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand. His teaching involvement and research interest are in the area of Software Engineering
Microscopy and Physical Properties MeasurementSystems.Graduate students and post-doctoral scholars have always been trained and mentored. Carefulplanning and grant-writing has enabled leveraging of this research work for deployment intocurricular education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Beyond extending classroomlectures to hands-on participation opportunities and demonstrations in the authors‟ labs, thestudents have been afforded the opportunity to experiences a day of touring at a world-renownednational research lab as well as to explore career opportunities. Further, multi-level outreachactivities that have been successfully organized utilizing the lab‟s resources have benefited alarge number of the community and other
flow rates of gases, e.g. air. As a result, wepurchased inexpensive turbine anemometers, designed and marketed to measure windspeeds. We found rotary vane anemometers with a precision of 0.1 m/s for a cost of 30dollars. However, obtaining accurate air velocity measurements with these rotary vaneanemometers requires a tight fit between the anemometer turbine shroud and theexperiment’s outlet, and a careful accounting of cross-sectional flow area through theanemometer.To measure pressure in all experiments, liquid (water) manometers were molded into theflow hardware. In this way, the pressure drop along the pipe flow experiment and thepressure drop and recovery through the Venturi nozzle are easily visualized as waterheights in liquid columns
measurement, intellectual achievements in mechatronics and contributions to product design. He has five Patents for inventions that involve interdisciplinary areas of mechanical engineering, design and computer science. Dr. Shetty has led several successful multi insti- tutional engineering projects. In partnership with Albert Einstein College, he invented the mechatronics process for supporting patients with ambulatory systems for rehabilitation. Major honors received by Pro- fessor Shetty include the James Frances Bent Award for Creativity, the Edward S. Roth National Award for Manufacturing from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineer Faculty Award, and the Society of