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resintaking up the volume that infill patterns would be taking up if the part was printed solid.Printing Time and Material EstimationsThe frame structures were sliced in Repetier-Host for 60mm/s printing-speed with a 0.6mmnozzle at 0.4mm layer height with 2 perimeters and 3 solid top/bottom layers, providing anoverall shell thickness of 1.2mm. The slicer estimates more than 8 hours and 113 m filament toprint a 40x40cm frame with 15% infill while without any infill the print time and material arereduced by ~40%. (Figure 3) (a) (b) Figure 3 Slicer estimates and printing statistics of 40x40cm frame parts a) 15% infill slice with printing statistics b) 0
➢ Specifications for the working environment of the team robot system Cleaning area: 20m×10m Time for cleaning: 120 minutes➢ Specifications for Master Robot • Size 620×360×295 mm3 • Maximum payload: 2 kg • Body weight: 28 kg • Maximum speed: 0.22 m/s • Ground clearance: 1 cm • Continuous operation: 120 minutes • Drive hardware configuration: Differential wheeled with 2 drive wheels and 4 casters • Drive software requirement: Autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance • Battery requirement: (x2), 22Ah sealed lead-acid batteries➢ Specifications for Slave Robot
Table 1. Table 1: G-Codes for Circles and Squares Circle Square G20 M3 S1000 G20 G90 G40 G90 G0 M3 S____ G00 X0 Y0 Z0 Z-_____ G01 Z-___ F__ G1 X.918 F__ G02 X0 Y0 I.446 J0 F__ G1 Y.918 G1 X0 G00 X0 Y0 G1 Y0 G01 Z-___ F__ G02 X0 Y0 I.446 J0 F__ M30 G28 M30 G28Two levels of spindle speed (S
uploaded to Slic3r software where is a tool that converts digital 3D models into printinginstruction and customize printing parameters such as tool path, fill pattern, etc. as shown in Figure2(b). General printing layer pattern such as zigzag will decrease tensile strength perpendicular tobuild axis and poor surface finish in order for dynamic testing. Therefore, a concentric fill patternwas set up using Slic3r software to maximize tensile strength for dynamic load frame testing. Thesaved file was then loaded to Cura software to run 3D printer as shown in Figure 2(c). For theprinting parameter, the film is printed at 220 °C of nozzle temperature, 50 °C of heating bedtemperature, and 15 mm/s of extrusion speed. Final film was 0.55 mm in thickness
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solar cells as images and two-dimensional maps, and briefly discussed the wealth of information that is accessible to studentsusing inexpensive and easy-to-operate systems. Solar cells provide a convenient and informativeobject of study for imaging, laser scanning, and thermography due to the variety ofmicrostructures and their impact on readily measured performance parameters.References[1] “Snapshot of Global Photovoltaic Markets 2017” (http://www/[2] T. Strauch, M. Demant, P. Krenckel, S. Riepe and S. Rein, "Analysis of grain structureevolution via image processing based on optical measurements of mc Si wafers," 2016 IEEE 43rdPhotovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Portland, OR, 2016[3] B. C. Chakravarty, N. K. Arora, S. N
leak-free or airtight systems such as in plastic(micro) fluidic systems, e.g., for point-of-care lab-on-a-chip systems.An ultrasonic weld is made by bringing the working surface of a horn (sonotrode) connected toan ultrasonic transducer in close contact with two workpieces that have been positioned andaligned. The vibrating horn pressed onto the surface of the workpiece(s) creates ultrasonic(10,000 to 30,000 Hz) waves that travel through the workpiece. The ultrasonic waves incombination with applied force, create a vibration-induced frictional heating at the matingsurfaces of the parts, leading to surface melting and subsequent fusion.Ultrasonic welding is a relatively fast (1 sec per weld), clean process that does not requireadhesives
2 Final product development - design output: medical device with improved characteristics, verified performance and initial requirements. To insure compliance with various medical device regulatory standards HIV-VL was designed following medical device regulation documents, international standards, and guidance and recommendations documents. The list of such regulations used in design and design process management is provided below with the specificity and applicability of each standard and requirement. F IGURE 2. S URVEY OF S TAKEHOLDER FOR P RODUCTTechnical DescriptionStudents assessed the market to determine the product tobe produced with a survey (Figure 2
. The project is multidisciplinary and encompasses areas of bio, electrical, andmechanical engineering. It seeks to give students knowledge and improve literacy in bio-fuelmanufacturing and production by investigating photosynthesis, respiration, and control boardelectronics for aquatic environment needs [5].Technical DescriptionThe project was a capstoneproject that extended for 3consecutive terms. The tasksare shown in Figure 1’s Ganntchart. Students worked withChlorella due to its high oilretention, which isapproximately 30% of its entiremass [4]. Algal cultures inphotobioreactors have high F IGURE 1 GANNT CHARToptical density, which results in the surface-cells absorbing most of the light
'digital thread' to link every phase in themanufacturing lifecycle, from early stages such as design through to sale and service. The goalof digital manufacturing is to provide manufacturers with better insight at critical decision pointsto avoid costly errors, gain efficiencies and be able to respond to customer and market demandsin a more agile manner” (Digital Manufacturing, 2016). At present, there is no clearly definedcareer or educational pathway for preparing technicians with DM skill set(s). Hence, there is aclear and imminent need to educate and train our future workforce with the skills required toavail the opportunities from the DM boom. An economic and efficient way to accomplish thiswill be to train the trainers that deliver
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, explaining why the design is notergonomic, and offering possible solution(s) to make the design/part ergonomic. Besidesengaging the students, the assignments allowed the instructor to directly assess students’learning of the concepts from the theory lectures. The students found the assignmentsinteresting and were more engaged to the topic as those ergonomic examples relate totheir daily life. The enthusiasm and interests of the students in those exercises werereflected in the course evaluation as well. It can be concluded that the exercises engagedstudents more intensively in the course and helped them to understand the applications ofergonomics. Finally, the assignments and final term paper/case study helped to achieveseveral learning outcomes
the angularorientation of residual machining marks, and much more [12]. In the past decade, significantefforts have been directed towards developing standard worldwide 3D parameters, the result ofwhich is a set of standard “S Parameters” in four general categories: amplitude, spatial, hybridand functional. Similar to 2D Parameters discussed earlier in this paper, the 3D parameterscommonly used now are,Amplitude ParametersBased on overall heights, (1) Root Mean Square Deviation, Sq- RMS of height distribution (2) Skewness, Ssk- the degree of asymmetry of a surface height distribution (3) Kurtosis, Sku – the degree of peakedness of a surface height distribution (4) Average Height, Sz – average of ten highest and lowest points.Spatial
engineering and research projects along with K-12 outreach. With theavailability of low-cost 3D printers and associated printing materials, converting a room of PCsand furniture into an integrated design and development space has become a reality.References[1] Chandrupatla, T. R., & Dusseau, R. A., & Schmalzel, J. L., & Slater, C. S. (1996, June), Development OfMultifunctional Laboratories In A New Engineering School Paper presented at 1996 Annual Conference,Washington, District of Columbia.[2] Strife, M. (2009, June), Working Within The System And Listening To Users: Faculty And Students DefineLibrary Space And Service Needs Paper presented at 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, Texas.https
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, increasingfriction, mechanical work, and kinetic energy, therefore causing more energy losses.Modified Bernoulli’s Equation 𝑣2 𝑣22 Z1 + 𝑝𝛾1+ 2𝑔1 + Hp – Hm – HL = Z2 + 𝑝𝛾2 + 2𝑔Where g is the gravitational acceleration, p is the pressure and γ is the specific weight of thefluid, Z is the elevation and v is the velocity. H denotes head due to the presence of the motor,pump and losses. In order to determine the torque of the gear pump, the rpm of the pump’s shaftmust be measured using a tachometer. 2π N[rad/s] = 60 N[rpm], where N[rpm] is the measured value from the tachometer Pump Power[W
weight of thefluid, Z is the elevation and v is the velocity. H denotes head due to the presence of the motor,pump and losses. In order to determine the torque of the gear pump, the rpm of the pump’s shaftmust be measured using a tachometer. 2π N[rad/s] = 60 N[rpm], where N[rpm] is the measured value from the tachometer Pump Power[W] Torque: T[N·m] = N[rad/s]For this project, we assume that the torque of the air motor is equivalent to the torque of the gearpump. Therefore, we could calculate the overall efficiency of the gear pump. (pressure)(�lowrate) ɳoverall = T×NTo calculate the power of the air motor, Power = Hm[m] × γ × Q
extending beyond ourfirst goals of STEM exposure and engagement.References[1] S. Rogers, S. Harris, I. Fidan, and D. McNeel, “Art2STEM: Building a STEM Workforce at the Middle School Level,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, BC, June 26-29, 2011.[2] M. Bright, “The Importance of Early, Consistent Exposure to STEM Fields,” Huffington Post, May 5, 2017. consistent-exposure-to_us_5908e6b1e4b03b105b44bcdf[3] S. Oberoi, “The Economic Impact of Early Exposure to STEM Education,” Committee for Economic Development, June 21, 2016. impact-of-early-exposure-to-stem-education[4] H
array. (e) A Digital Image Processing unit uses algorithm(s) to process the image. (f) A processed image is generated.There are many methods and procedures for digital image processing. Some common imageprocessing operations include blurring, zooming, edge detection, face recognition, cropping, andmirroring.Digital image processing starts with how all humans visualize the world. We can categorizeimage processing in two parts, analog image processing and digital image processing. Analog Image Processing. Analog image processing deals with analog signals in a varying electrical signal. It takes place in a two dimensional analog signal. Traditional television image is an example of an analog image processing
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recognition of her outstanding research presentation ”NSF STEM Scholars” at the Convitto della Calza Conference in Italy. She served as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the following national and interna- tional scientific journals: Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology (Turkey), Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, and American Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. In addition she is an experienced grant writer: served as a PI, Project Director on a 5-year NSF S-STEM grant for $522,000 that brought 21 scholarships to academically advanced, but financially challenged, students. Dr. Kalevitch is an effective ambassador to the community. Under her leadership, she has built strong outreach programs through
the NSF S-STEM grant and the HIS-STEM grant and a student adviser for a number of technical papers in the areas of mechanics, robotics and industrial automation.Prof. Amir Elzawawy , Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology Dr. Amir Elzawawy is an assistant professor at Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology. Dr. Elzawawy teaches courses in mechanical and mechatronic engineering and engineering technology pro- grams. His research background is in the area of experimental fluid mechanics and currently active on the area of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and heat transfer simulations. This in addition to develop- ing STEM programs to enhance engineering education experiences focused on improving retention
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grant and VSU Engineering andComputer Science Department are deeply appreciated. The hard work from the dryer group in theVSU MANE 450 in Spring 2017 is thankfully acknowledged.Reference[1] D. Gilliam, J. Williams, and Q. Harvey, “The Design and Implementation of a Hops Dryer”,MANE 450 Project Final Report, Virginia State University, Spring 2017.[2] Engineering Student Handbook, Virginia State University, 2013[3] J. Cagan and C. M. Vogel, Creating Breakthrough Products-Innovation from ProductPlanning to Program Approval, Prentice Hall, 2002.[4] L. Siegle, H. Scoggins, S. Driver, and D. Kistler, “Hops in Virginia-2014 Grower Survey”,Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2015.[5] J. Tapke, A. Muller, G. Johnson, and J. Siec, "House of Quality: Steps in
are transferred to final control elements that areintegrated elements that are integrated into various parts of the robot to allow it to respond (e.g.,make a series of movements, pick up an object, etc) with the expectation that this new set ofactions will alter the sensors’ next response to also meet an expected value(s).The defense sector has been a leader in developing sophisticated mechatronics systems formilitary applications. Consumers have had relatively simple mechatronic systems (e.g., garagedoor openers, thermostats, controlled air conditioning, darkness activated lighting, low gasindicator lights in vehicles, and remote-controlled televisions, etc) in their homes for decades.Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) has taken mechatronic
effective and easy to perform the experiment. In the future, companies will seekmore skilled personnel in the area of nondestructive testing evaluation. This trend will drive theemphasis on the educational offerings. Hence, this paper tries to fulfill a little step in this direction.References[1] S. Sambath, P. Nagaraj, and N. Selvakumar, "Automatic defect classification in ultrasonic NDT using artificial intelligence," Journal of nondestructive evaluation, vol. 30, pp. 20- 28, 2011.[2] C. Smyth, F. Poynton, and J. Sayers, "The ultra-sound image camera," in Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1963, pp. 16-28.[3] F. A. Firestone, "Flaw detecting device and measuring instrument," ed: Google Patents, 1942
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, the program to select the threshold for the color parameters H (hue), S(Saturation) and V (Value) is run. After the adjustment of HSV values, the upper boundary ofthe red color is selected as [190, 255, 255] and the lower boundary of the red color is [160, 160,10]. Using the two sides of threshold, the mask area of the red symbol board is identified asshown in Figure 12 when the second robot is in the back of the first robot as seen in Figure 11. Figure 10: HSV Definition for Image Processing Figure 11: Positions of Two Robots Figure 12: Image from Pi Camera and Mark Image(2) Development of control algorithmAfter the target symbol board is identified, the following