project and paper possible. Special thanks to Jared Rees and Jacob Amosfor construction and technical support on this project.The survey methods described in this paper were reviewed and approved as exempt by theUniversity of Portland IRB committee.References[1] K. E. Lulay, H. E. Dillon, T. A. Doughty, K. A. Khan, D. S. Munro, V. D. Murty, and S. Z. Vijlee, “Implementation of a Design Spine for a Mechanical Engineering Curriculum,” in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2015.[2] S. Hsi and A. M. Agogino, “Scaffolding knowledge integration through designing multimedia case studies of engineering design,” in Proceedings Frontiers in Education 1995 25th Annual Conference. Engineering Education for
Roundtable, 2005, Tapping ’ P Th E I v I v , Business Roundtable: Washington, D.C. 3. Blue, C. E., Blevins, L. G., Carriere, P., Gabriele, G., Leader, S. K. G., Rao, V. and Ulsoy, G., 2005, The Engineering Workforce: Current State, Issues, and Recommendations. Final Report to the Assistant Director of Engineering., National Science Foundation: Arlington, VA. 4. National Academy of Engineering, 2004, The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. National Academy of Engineering: Washington, D.C. 5. National Academy of Engineering, 2004, E h E 2020 p E E h N wC y. National Academy of
education and cognitive psychology, pp. 109–119, 1987.9. L. Davis, S. Luster-Teasley, F. Samanlioglu and L. Parrish. 2007. AGGRIEMENTOR: Improving the retention of undergraduates in STEM areas vie e-mentoring. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. 2007, AC 2007-769.10. S. Brainard and L. Carlin, “A longitudinal study of undergraduate women in engineering and science.” in Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, November 1997, pp 134-143.11. Ryan Cavanaugh, Matt Ellis, Richard Layton, and Mark Ardis. “Automating the process of assigning students to cooperative-learning teams.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition
in any mechanical engineering program across theworld. This paper presents three different approaches taken by faculty at three different regionaluniversities in the United States with similar small class size, low student-teacher ratio, andcomparable cost of attendance. We examine the pedagogical approach, course content, desiredoutcomes, and assessment of outcomes at three different universities to identify the desiredbalance between traditional, analysis-based outcomes and those targeted towards practice-basedskills.IntroductionA course in the design of machine elements has been a part of most mechanical engineeringcurricula since the 1950’s. The content of this course has its roots in academic research in solidmechanics, mechanisms and
engineering (again, from the perspective of a senior ME 440 student in mechanicalengineering). For cases such as this in which a word was used frequently, the context of the use of the wordwas then checked to see if it was utilized in a positive or negative way to assess and describe acourse. In any case, the uses of the word, whether in a positive or negative statement, indicatesits importance in assessing a class, and provides insight for improving future courses and theprogram in general. Every use of the term “feedback” (a total of 7 times in Q#1) is included hereas one example of this check: - [professor] was really good and detailed at giving feedback on our writing - Closest would be Fluid [M]echanic[s] Heat Transfer Lab. Lots of
of application of the approach. Semester Course Project Phase Fall Lab Course 1 Sensor(s) Spring Lab Course 2 Measurement system Fall/Spring Capstone 1 and 2 Prototype Fig. 1 Distribution of Intellectual Effort.It is important to point out that the Lab Course 1 is a prerequisite of the Lab Course 2, and theLab Course 2 is a prerequisite of the Capstone 1 course. Therefore, the sequence of coursesimposes a constrain to the approach for those students that miss one of the courses in thesequence for
inaugural Faculty Associate for Mobile Learning. He has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wyoming (Laramie, Wyoming). He has approximately 25 publications/presentations. He is a member of the American Society for Engineer- ing Education (ASEE). He is the recipient of David S. Taylor Service to Students Award and Golden Apple Award from Boise State University. He is also the recipient of ASEE Pacific Northwest Section (PNW) Outstanding Teaching Award, ASEE Mechanical Engineering division’s Outstanding New Edu- cator Award and several course design awards. He serves as the campus representative (ASEE) for Boise State University and as the Chair-Elect for the ASEE PNW Section. His academic research
. Maxwell and Z. H. Merchant, "Using Mobile Learning to Improve Low Success Rate in Engineering Courses," in Proceedings of the 125th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2018.[3] S. B. Velegol, S. E. Zappe and M. L. Brannon, "Online modules enable prerequisite review and mastery during design courses," in Proceedings of the 121st ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, 2014.[4] "Learning Glass," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 3 February 2019].[5] H. L. Weiss, "Work in Progress: Using Videos for Improvement in Knowledge of Prerequisite Material," in Proceedings of the 126th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, Florida, 2019.[6] C. J. Brame
-29. Summary of advantages and disadvantages of using boards are outlined intable 3. Page 23.619.5 Table 3- Pros and Cons of Chalk and Whiteboards Advantage s of Chalk and White Boards Disadvantages of Chalk and white BoardsAbility to follow the progression of materials as Figures and Graphs have to be hand-written andthey are being presented to learn may not be as efficient as digital counterpartsEngaging students in the process of note taking and Time being wasted over presentation and muchavoiding distractions and boredom suggested in fewer
. b) Investigate open loop and closed loop control of position with the Taskbot. c) Investigate the effect of the Proportional Gain on the position of the Taskbot. d) Create graphs in Excel and use them to analyze and interpret experimental data. 3. Rotational a) Understand rotational speed expressed in units of rpm and Speeds, Gear Sets, radians/s, linear speed in units of m/s, and the connection between the Speed and Torque two speeds. Ratios b) Understand Gear Ratios
College in Memphis, TN, where he served as Student Section Advisor and Chair of the Memphis – Midsouth Section of ASME. In 1982, Ken joined Villanova University where he teaches thermodynamics and a wide variety of other courses. He currently serves as Assistant Department Chair for the Mechanical Engineering Department. Ken is the author of over fifteen publications in the fields of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, engineering education and computer graphics for flow visualization. Ken has performed research in computer graphics for the U. S. Army Ballistics Research Lab in Aberdeen, MD. He has also done consulting work for a number of companies in the Memphis and Philadelphia areas. Ken is a
that are present in a number of core educationtheories. The observations of student gaps and repair/remediation issues are the everyday, reallife exemplars of what happens when there is a mismatch between principles of theory andpractice. The learning cycles approach, first articulated in the late 1950’s and 1960’s by RobertKarplus and J. Myron Atkin (physics/elementary science education) and independently Page 25.1160.3developed by Chester Lawson (biology education) (Lawson, 1989), is one of these corephilosophies which informs this research. Karplus and Atkin based their Learning Cyclesapproach on observation and Piaget’s work on
laboratory experiences. For example, the Battery lab and PowerGeneration lab, described in this paper, are designed based on our department's energy systemsresearch.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThanks to faculty, IPAC members, and students at Penn State Mechanical Engineering for theirsuggestions and innovative ideas on this work. This work is also supported by the Penn StateLeonhard Center for Enhancement of Engineering Education. References:[1] N. S. Edward, “The Role of Laboratory Work in Engineering Education: Student and Staff Perceptions,” Int. J. Electr. Eng. Educ., vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 11–19, Jan
. A. Mason, “Online Mathematics Homework Increases Student Achievement,” AERA Open, vol. 2, no. 4, p. 233285841667396, 2016, doi: 10.1177/2332858416673968.[10] R. A. and T. Williams, “The Effectiveness of Online Homework in an Introductory Science Class,” J. Coll. Sci. Teach., vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 28–31, 2006.[11] S. Hauk, R. A. Powers, and A. Segalla, “A Comparison of Web-based and Paper-and- Pencil Homework on Student Performance in College Algebra,” Primus, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 61–79, 2015, doi: 10.1080/10511970.2014.906006.[12] J. T. Callahan, “Assessing Online Homework in First-Semester Calculus,” Primus, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 545–556, 2016, doi: 10.1080/10511970.2015.1128501.[13] P. G. Larose
SBxFigure 2: Projectile motion archetypeProjectile motion is confined here to two-dimensions for simplicity as not much morefundamental complexity is gained from including a third dimension to the particle’s motion. Themotion of the particle is constrained to have constant velocity and solutions are usually foundusing three classic kinematics equations. The problem description below shows three points ofinterest in the trajectory, A, B, and C. Each point can have specified its position, S, or velocity,V. Since acceleration in projectile motion is constant, only two constant values, the x- and y-components, are necessary to define the acceleration at all points along the trajectory. Ifadditional variables for the time of flight between each point
,Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A., June 24-27, 2001, pp. 6.84.1-6.84.7.[5] R. Bannerot, "Ac 2008-809: Hands-on projects in an early design course," in Proceedings ofthe 2008 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., June 22-25, 2008, pp. 13.663.1-13.663.34.[6] S. Daniels, B. Aliane, J. Nocito-Gobel, J., and M. Collura, "Project-based introduction toengineering - a university core course," in Proceedings of the 2004 American Society forEngineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A., June 20-23, 2004, pp. 9.1020.1-9.1020.13.[7] G. Sullivan, and J. Hardin, "Integrating ’Design challenges’ into a freshman introduction tomechanical engineering
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combination of BayesianKnowledge Tracking and Performance Factor Analyses approaches, are also briefly described.IntroductionGames can be effective learning tools in classroom settings. This fact has been demonstrated ina wide variety of disciplines, across a large range of ages, and over a long period of time. Indeed,successful examples of ‘computerized’ games used in university settings may be identified as farback as the 1960’s when computers were still in their infant stages. For example, Raia1 describesthe effective utilization of a computerized game to teach business management skills at theUniversity of Maryland in 1966.A consistent plea from industries over decades has been the need for universities to train studentsto handle the complexities
assigned book. I also tried to get notes from a classmate to see what concepts are emphasized • Follow up with Professor and got class notes. • Usually nothing, I hope I can learn it the next lecture. A very bad habit, I do admit. I intend to now review it over with a classmate, and do readings that may cover the topics I missed in class. • Look at the corresponding sections in the book(s) that I missed, and Google anything I’m unsure about. • I generally ask the professor what I miss. Then I go home and review the material. If I am confused with any of the material then I’ll come back and ask questions. • Watch topic on You Tube and work through problems on my own
? 2) One 67 1.95 0.44 0.67 3) Two 9 4) Three or more 4 Will one of your jobs likely 1) Yes 53 lead to an engineering 2) No 1.47 0.25 0.50 47 position? Average hours per week 1) None 18 spent on your job(s)? 2) Less than 10 5 3) More than 10 less than
acceleration of a particle and system of particles in Cartesian, Polar as well as Normal and Tangential coordinate systems.CLO.2 draw Free Body Diagrams and apply Newtons laws of motion to calculate (1) the displace- ment, velocity, and acceleration of a particle system caused by given forces, and (2) the forces needed for a particle system to move in a prescribed way.CLO.3 compute work, potential energy and kinetic energy for particle(s), and apply work-energy approach to problems where forces and acceleration are not primary quantities of interest and to use these principles to obtain velocity, displacement, and the work done by external forcesCLO.4 compute Momentum and Impulse of particle(s) and apply Momentum-Impulse
pressure gradients plus gravitational forces plus shearforces. This was an ambitious topic to tackle for both students and teacher (as well ascartoonist). It may not have been completely successful, but the earlier two cartoons helped toset the stage for this more complex representation. Figure 8: Navier-Stokes equation.Many students will recall the apocryphal story of Sir Isaac Newton “discovering” gravity whensitting beneath an apple tree and being struck on the head by a falling apple. This scene is shownin Figure 9 and used to represent the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. Adultswho grew up in the 1970’s will remember the Schoolhouse Rock cartoon segment “A Victim ofGravity” which contains the
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insulation to provide a level surface tosecure the water pipes (Figure 5b). Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) tubing was selectedfor ease of installation and its ability to withstand the expected 30 psi circulationpressure. A second three-inch pour covers the tubing to a depth of two inches (Figure5c).The orientation, diameter and length of the PEX tubing required was determined using aConduction Shape Factor, S, for rows of equally spaced parallel, isothermal cylindersburied in a semi-infinite medium12. The distance from the top surface of the pad to thepiping is 2”, the distance from the piping to the insulation below is 3”. The use of asemi-infinite shape factor, when the geometry is clearly not semi-infinite is supported bythe addition of
AC 2008-207: ACTIVE AND COLLABORATIVE LEARNING EXERCISES FOR AFIRST COURSE IN FLUID MECHANICSStephen Turns, Pennsylvania State University Stephen R. Turns, professor of mechanical engineering, joined the faculty of The Pennsylvania State University in 1979. His research interests include combustion-generated air pollution, other combustion-related topics, and engineering education pedagogy. He has served as an ABET mechanical engineering program evaluator since 1994. He has received several teaching awards at Penn State, including the Milton S. Eisenhower Award for Distinguished Teaching. He is also the author of three student-centered textbooks: An Introduction to Combustion: Concepts and
promote the purposes ofcommunication. Communication would become for students something that would allow them tolearn more about what they know. Professors while teaching would also be involved in thelearning process. All involved would benefit. As one writer put it, “I think mentors should berole models, BUT a role model who hasn't forgotten where s/he came from, how s/he got towhere s/he is now and always looking back to see if s/he can help those that came from the verysame place.”3 Everyone has had to write, and engineering faculty continue to have to producetext throughout their careers. By taking their own travels through communication as a means toget engineering students to look at their own tasks, a bond can form that allows for
ddesigned for UPF. The R Rockn’ Bowleer allows a person with partial p quadrriplegia to boowl. This devvice is a “high-end”attachmeent for the Un niversal Playy Frame, giv ving the userr a great deall of control oover the spinn andplacemen nt of the balll. Perhaps th he most uniqu ue feature off the Rock nn’ Bowler is the powereddspinning rail system that can be used u to add spin s to the b all. As the bball rolls dow wn the ramp,, itcomes inn contact with h two rails spinning
program: Strategies and experiences,” Huffman, S., Albritton, S., Wilmes, B. (editors). Hershey, Penn.: IGI Global. She maintains research and publishing tracks in nascent interdisciplinary trust concepts, eLearning, and innovative teaching, learning in fields of statistics and research methods, engineering, medical fields, and assessment methods.Dr. Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech C. T. Amelink is currently serving as the Research Analyst and Assessment Specialist for the Dean’s Office, College of Engineering, Virginia Tech. Previously, she worked on assessment initiatives with the Institute for Distance and Distributed Learning, Division of Student Affairs, and the Center for Excellence in Undergraduate
student. As theinstructor has likely studied the subject in-depth and taught it many times it can be difficult forthem to recall what was confusing to them when they learned it the first time, while the studentsin the course can be keenly aware of where confusion is arising. Peer tutoring is a practicewhich takes advantage of this to improve student learning by having students learn from otherstudents. It is important to note that peer tutoring can be accomplished in a variety of ways andTopping1 identifies ten dimensions which can be varied depending on the specificimplementation used: 1. curriculum content covered by peer tutors 2. number of tutors and tutees 3. tutor and tutee year(s) of study – tutors could be from same year of study or