. Page 23.1289.4Figure 2: 2 Mode shap pe plots from m an ANSYS S finite elem ment analysiss.Animatio on of the moode shape within finite ellement softw ware is a powwerful meanss for illustrattingthe motioon corresponnding to a sppecific mode. However,, the relationnship betweeen a calculatedmode shaape and the actual a respon nse of a real-world struccture seems ddifficult for some studennts tofully grassp. For exammple, duringg class in falll, 2012, as a beam modee shape was aanimated duuringa course lecture, a stu udent
relationship between P and T relative to saturation conditions to determine the associated thermodynamic region.3. Students determined the boiling temperature of water in Denver, Colorado where the ambient pressure is 85 kPa.4. Students quantitatively explored the dependence of the specific internal energy (u), specific enthalpy (h), and specific entropy on temperature and pressure in the superheated vapor region. Graphs were generated showing the dependence of u, h, and s on temperature or on pressure. (an example of the student generated graphs is shown in figure 3 below)5. By varying pressure at constant temperature students observed an isothermal route from the superheated, through the liquid-vapor region to the subcooled liquid
continuous learning platforms in place.Even though our industry advisors gave us mixed feedback on the proposal, we still felt stronglyabout the potential of offering digital badges to our students on topics outside the normalcurriculum. An additional motivating factor was the depth of our connections with true thoughtleaders with relevant expertise. We were confident that we would be able to attract very strongand engaging presenters. Luckily this turned out to be the case.We recognized that our badge topics must address 21st century skills such as those identified bythe ASME 2030 vision including the need to “[s]trengthen teamwork, communication, problemsolving, interpersonal, and leadership skills” [10]. We additionally were aware of topic areas
Paper ID #33651Design Across The Curriculum: An Evaluation Of Design Instruction in aNew Mechanical Engineering Program.Dr. Sean Stephen Tolman, Utah Valley University Sean S. Tolman is an Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Program at Utah Valley Uni- versity in Orem, UT. He earned his BSME degree at Brigham Young University in 2002 and a MSME degree from the University of Utah in 2008 before returning to BYU to pursue doctoral studies complet- ing a PhD in 2014. He spent 8 years working in the automotive safety industry specializing in forensic accident reconstruction before becoming a professor. He teaches
work was initiated at a KEEN Innovating Curriculum with Entrepreneurial Mindset (ICE)workshop. The author is grateful for the financial support of the Kern Family Foundation toattend the workshop. Facilitators and participants of the workshop provided helpful suggestionsduring the development of the module.References 1. T. A. Litzinger, L. R. Lattuca, R. G. Hadgraft and W. C. Newstetter, “Engineering education and the development of expertise,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 100, No. 1, 2011, pp. 123-150. 2. M. M. Lombardi, “Authentic learning for the 21st century: An overview.” Educause learning initiative, 2007, pp. 1-12. 3. T. Byers, T. Seelig, S. Sheppard, and P. Weilerstein, “Entrepreneurship: Its Role in
”, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 13, 273-288, 2003.[5] Chua, K.J., Yang, W.M., and Leo, H.L., “Enhanced and conventional project based learning in anengineering design module”, International Journal of Technology and Design Education. Vol. 24, Issue4, pp. 437-458, November 2004.[Sixty S. Redkar, “Teaching Advanced Vehicle Dynamics Using a Project Based Learning (PBL)Approach”, Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research; Vol. 13, Iss. 3, pp. 17-29, 2012. [7] E. Sokic and M. Ahic-Djokic, "Simple Computer Vision System for Chess Playing RobotManipulator as a Project-based Learning Example", IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processingand Information Technology 2008. pp. 75-79, 2008.[8] Krystian Radlak, Marcin Fojcik
Admissions Department, Personal Interview, November 2006.4. Tri-State University Mechanical Engineering Curriculum, , January 2007.5. S. Kiefer, Personal Website, , January 2007.6. S. Kiefer, Personal Website, , January 2007.7. Trinity College Fire-fighting Robot Competition, , January 2007. Page 12.1180.8
application for the patent involvingvibration.Nomenclature A - Amplitude of Vibration, mm, Cp- Specific Heat, J/kg 0C, f - Frequency of Vibration, Hz., F- Heating Surface Area, m2, G - Mass of solids in the container (eq.17), or mass of air in the volume of height h, (eq.3), kg, g -Acceleration of gravity, m/s2 , h - Height of air below the layer of particulates, m, or convection heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 0C, k-Coefficient of gas permeability, kg/m sec., m- Mass of particulates, kg., Pa -Absolute pressure of air above the layer, Pa., Pi -Absolute pressure of air below the layer, Pa., R- Gas constant, J/kg K, r- Latent Heat of Evaporation, J/kg., s- Height of the Dense Layer of Solids in the Container, mm, T- Absolute
tomimic the educational structure in professions such as medicine and law.References 1. Keith, J., “ASSISTANT PROFESSORHOOD: YOUR VERY OWN STARTUP COMPANY” in the Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, paper 2006-105, June 2006. 2. Rose, A., “Career Options in Engineering Education”, in the Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, paper 2006-1826, June 2006. 3. Schneiderman, S. and Hall, T., Actionable Professional Development Guidelines for Engineering Technology Faculty” in the Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, paper 2006-79, June 2006. 4. Aghayere, A., “Strategies for Enhancing the Scholarly Productivity of Engineering Technology Educators” in the Proceedings of the
of 1300 m/s?Aircraft altitude: 12 kmBurner air inlet temperature: 320 KBurner pressure: 8 times the ambient pressure Page 13.1143.5Problem 4Consider an aircraft flying at 120 m/s at 5 km with the following characteristics: Aircraft mass: 7,000 kg Wing pitching moment: 800 Nt⋅m Wing lift: 50,000 Nt Wing aerodynamic center: 2.5 m ahead of the center of gravity Tail wing pitching moment: 0 Nt⋅mDetermine the tail wing lift and position required for pitch trim condition.Problem 5Determine the combustion chamber temperature required for the turbojet engine describedbelow.Aircraft speed: 120 m/sAircraft altitude: 7
lecturers Provide field trip for immersion learning at industrial sight Design assessments Page 14.55.4 Timeline for developmentTable 1 shows the template of the team teaching course outline, where the weekly topicsare tabulated. This template can be modified based upon the instructor’s course and typeof project. It is best geared for use in courses beyond the freshman year when the studentshave enough background for more sophisticated team projects.Table 1 Template of Team Teaching Course OutlineWeek First class period Second class period1 Introduction to class with prof(s) Overview of
60 Temperature (deg. C) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Time (s) Figure 2: Temperature distribution of cylinder with time.ExperimentIn the Systems and Measurement course, the same students conducted an experiment, cooling thesame cylinder that was analyzed previously using finite difference techniques. The primary goalof the laboratory was to determine an estimate of the heat transfer
14.1118.11Appendix I Appendix II Group Project Laboratory Hydro PowerPURPOSE:• to function effectively on teams,• to communicate effectively via a specification interface document,• to have a commitment to quality & timeliness,• to integrate multiple components to make a device,• to demonstrate ideas for turning water into power,• to show sustainability in the overall design of the device,• to use project management techniques.REQUIREMENTS:Horse Power Generation: hp = 0.003 + 10%Height: weight(s) must travel 8 feetAssembly time: < 30 minutesWeight of entire device: < 5 lbfSize: See rules belowParts of the device that must “stand alone” are the Nozzle
AC 2009-430: A SIMPLE, AFFORDABLE STEADY-STATE FIN HEAT TRANSFERMINI-LAB/DEMOMichael Maixner, United States Air Force Academy Michael Rex Maixner graduated with distinction from the U. S. Naval Academy, and served as a commissioned officer in the USN for 25 years; his first 12 years were spent as a shipboard officer, while his remaining service was spent strictly in engineering assignments. He received his Ocean Engineer and SMME degrees from MIT, and his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. He served as an Instructor at the Naval Postgraduate School and as a Professor of Engineering at Maine Maritime Academy; he is currently a member of the Department
.” Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, 2004. 2. Subrahmanian, E., Westerberg, A.W., Talukdar, S.N., Garrett, J., Jacobson, A., Paredis, C., Amon, C.H., Herder, P.M. and Turk, A., “Integrating Social Aspects and Group Work Aspects in Engineering Design Education,” Int. J. of Engineering Education, Vol. 19 (1), pp. 75-80, 2003. 3. Amon, C.H., Finger, S., Siewiorek, D.P. and Smailagic, A., “Integrating Design Education, Research and Practice at Carnegie Mellon: A Multi-disciplinary Course in Wearable Computers,” ASEE J. Engineering Education, pp. 279-285, 1996. 4. Finger, S. and Amon, C.H., “Designing and Prototyping Interactive Fluid Dynamics Exhibits for the
foradvanced engineering study, Cambridge, MA.Dewey, J. (1933). A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process.Boston: Heath.Educational Testing Service. (2005). Introduction to the PATHWISE Framework InductionProgram. Retrieved February 3, 2017, fromwww.ets.org/s/efolio/pdf/Intro_PW_FW_Induction_Program07.pdfScales, P., (2012). Teaching in the lifelong learning sector. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).Schön, D. A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action (Vol. 5126).Basic books.Wessling, F. C. & Roller, S. A. (2016). Lessons Learned and Adjustments Made while TeachingHeat Transfer with a Flipped Classroom. In American Society for Engineering Education AnnualConference & Exposition
majorsin the Mechanical Engineering Concentration at our university. The sequence of presentation oftheoretical content in the course is coordinated with the requirements of the ski lift project, sothat students are presented with theory on an “as-needed” basis. Preliminary evaluation ofstudent perception of learning based on Student Assessment of Instruction (SAI) datademonstrates that students feel that learning of theoretical content is improved when it ismotivated by the need to solve a problem for their ski lift design.IntroductionA course in the design of machine elements has been a part of most mechanical engineeringcurricula since the 1950’s. The content of this course has its roots in academic research in solidmechanics, mechanisms and
skills) that are important for success as professional engineers. References:[1] J. Colwell, "Soft Skills for The New Economy: Their Place in Graduate Education inEngineering and Engineering Technology," in 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville,Kentucky, USA, 2010.[2] Frenkel, M., & Bringardner, J., & Borges Rajguru, S. (2019, June), “Work in Progress:Student to Scholar: A Learning Community Model for Professional Skills Development” in 2019ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida, USA. https://peer.asee.org/33650[3] A. M. Agogino, “Educating the Engineer of 2020,” in Volume 3: Design; Tribology;Education, 2008, doi: 10.1115/esda2008-59324.[4] National Academy Press
setting clear expectations, students feel that this assignment is achievableand therefore increases their sense of competence and expectancy.ConclusionOverall, this assignment helped students make a connection between the highly theoretical topicsof the course to real-world applications. The assignment is low-stakes and is not intended to takemore than an hour to complete. The students in the course have achieved the learning objective ofthe assignment. With the presentation component, they are exposed to their own application aswell as the applications selected by their classmates.References[1] S. A. Ambrose, M. W. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. C. Lovett, and M. K. Norman, How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching.[2
in an HVAC duct, and compressed natural gas in a supply line. The equipment available to you is the pipe friction demo (PFD), which you may recall from MC311. A description of the PFD is given in Section 1.4. The equipment will be provided but you must develop the experimental procedure. You will determine whether it is possible to reliably and accurately use the PFD (the model) to predict the pressure drop in real piping systems (the prototypes). First you should determine whether you can achieve full similarity between the model and prototype(s). Then you should assess the accuracy of your experiment by comparing it with the known solution described in Section 1.3. The variable of
positive.Reference1. Clark, W. and DiBiasio, D. (2007). Computer simulation of laboratory experiments for enhanced learning. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-27.2. Chapra, S. and Canale, R., 2014, Numerical methods for engineers, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education.3. Richard G Budynas and J Keith Nisbett, 2015, Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, 10th edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education.4. Moazed, A.R., Roberts, R., Le, X. and Duva A., 2010, Teaching finite element analysis in undergraduate technology curriculum. ASEE Northeast Section Conference, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, May 7-85. Brown, A., Rencis, J.J., Jensen, D., et al, (2008). Finite element learning modules for
actual acoustic particle velocity of the pressure wave: Vs 3 = ρ s ωs ω 2 V0 1 + 2 1 − + 2iζ s ρ0 ω ω where: ρs is the density of the acoustic velocity sensor; ρo is the density of sea water; ωs is the mounted sensor natural frequency, ωs = keq meq ; ω is the circular frequency of = the signal to be detected, (ω 2π f , 100 Hz ≤ f ≤ 2,000 Hz ); and ζ is the damping ratio of the sensor mount. Goal of Task 1: Provide
students to excelin their individual performance within groups, are expected to provide improved outcomes.References1. Paulino A, Babb P, Saar C, Friesen S, Brandon J, Ieee. Engaging high school students in an engineering thermodynamics project. Paper presented at: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference; 2014, Apr 03-05, 2014; Istanbul, TURKEY.2. Tebbe PA, Ross S, Pribyl JR, Ieee. Work in Progress - Engaging Students in Thermodynamics with Engineering Scenarios. Paper presented at: 40th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference; 2010, Oct 27- 30, 2010; Arlington, VA.3. Mulop N, Yusof KM, Tasir Z. A Review on Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Thermodynamics. International Conference on Teaching
an excellent interdisciplinary learning experience in such courses.Bibliography 1. Incropera, Frank, P.; Dewitt, David, P., “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 4th. Edition”, J. Wiley, 1996.2. Kreith, Frank, Bohn, Mark,S., “Principles of Heat Transfer, 6th. Edition", Brooks/Cole, 2001.3. Arpaci, Vedat, S., “Conduction Heat Transfer”, Addison Wesley, 1966.4. Ӧzışık, Necati, M,.“Boundary Value Problems of Heat Conduction ", International Textbook Company, 1968.
such projects may be their complexity and possible unrealisticexpectations from the project clients. These potential disadvantages must be considered andproactively addressed by the academic advisor(s) when interacting with the clients and whenguiding the students along their design process.References:1 U.S. Department of Energy, “Hydropower Vision: A New Chapter for America’s 1stRenewable Electricity Source”, https://energy.gov/eere/water/articles/hydropower-vision-new-chapter-america-s-1st-renewable-electricity-source
hypothetical “average”learners) is rapidly developing in the field, as is the body of strategies and interventionsthat have been found to aid in individualized approaches. Being armed with better insightson “who” our students are helps better prepare us for our future objective, that being toaddress the possibility of using the profiles of students to help move towards personalizedlearning in order to aid in the retention - as well as success - of students within the DUEngineering program.References: 1. Hargrove, S. Keith, and Legand Burge. "Developing a six sigma methodology for improving retention in engineering education." Frontiers in Education, 2002. FIE 2002. 32nd Annual. Vol. 3. IEEE, 2002. 2. Zhang, Guili, et al. "Identifying
students’ knowledge about sustainable engineering: Question 1: What does sustainability mean to you now? How do you define sustainability? Question 2: Who can contribute to sustainability? In what way(s)? Question 3: What can engineers do for sustainability? Question 4: What sustainable engineering design tool/principle do you know? Question 5: Have you heard of any individual or organization take any initiatives for sustainability? If yes, explain the details.The answers before and after showed an obvious progress in students’ knowledge ofsustainability and sustainable engineering approaches. Overall, at the beginning of the semester,a lot of students had the very limited knowledge of all of the questions
completed in order to correlate student performance inthermodynamics and their ability to transfer knowledge with other indicators such as GPA,grades in the math sequence, and by examining differences in students as grouped by major,gender and URM status.AcknowledgementsThis work was conducted under IRB 2019-018(N) and grew out of work started under the NSFFoundations Project, Award #1524656, at Stevens Institute of Technology and initiated with thehelp of Dr. S. Lee and Dr. D. Serbin.Bibliography1. Bransford, John D., and Daniel L. Schwartz. "Chapter 3: Rethinking transfer: A simple proposal with multiple implications." Review of research in education 24.1 (1999): 61-100.2. Detterman, D. K., & Sternberg, R. J. (1993). Transfer on trial
, 3. Verify numerical results (lab week 10 of the semester) a. Design AMP center FSW experiment, b. Conduct experiment, c. Document data, 4. Report (hand in last week of semester). Figure 2. Depiction of FSWThe project encompasses several elements of heat transfer covered early in the semesterincluding: 1. Steady and transient conduction, 2. Boundary conditions, 3. Convection, 4. Heat generation.AMP Deliverables – A final report(s) will be delivered to the director of AMP. Includedin the report will be a documentation of the energy transferred from the FSW pin to thework piece and the accompanying machine thermal efficiency (based upon the measuredtorque and pin speed
the importance of validation, however they can be improved to help thestudents learn self-teaching of engineering software. For this reason, the exercises will beupdated for continued use in future courses. The solutions to the five exercises may also act astutorials for the other faculty in the department. Page 25.604.8V. Bibliography 1. Garrett, S. L. (1996) The Polk County Courthouse: a $47 Million Iaq Disaster. Presented at 1996 ASEE National Conference. 2. Schlager, N. Breakdown: Deadly Technological Disasters (Visible Ink Press, 1995). 3. Petroski, H. Design Paradigms: Case Histories of Error and Judgment in