. Alba-Flores [5] implemented the peer review process in a Circuit Analysis lab course resulting in anincrease in students’ awareness about the importance of technical writing and improved writingassessment results. Corneal [6] developed a sequence of three templates to guide studentsthrough the process of technical report writing and implemented it in a first-year engineering labcourse.According to the theories of learning transfer [7], describing how past experiences affect learningand performance in a new situation, the transfer of writing skills from first-year composition toengineering can be classified as ‘far transfer’ that contains very few abstract or generaloverlapping features [8]. In a previous study to improve engineering
templates and exemplars for different technical writing formats [16-18]; (b) use ofdetailed grading rubrics that are shared with students before writing assignment submission [19];and (c) timely and meaningful feedback, either from instructors [6, 15] or through peer review[20, 21]. Secondly, most undergraduate programs currently follow some version of writingacross the curriculum (WAC) [6, 9, 22-24] where communications skills developed in early-years courses are reinforced through later lab, design, and capstone classes. Ideally, instructionalelements like templates, exemplars, and rubrics are kept consistent throughout WAC courses.Lastly, there is strong evidence to suggest that situated learning activities – that is, instructionand assignments
for instructors to maximize student learning andcommunication skills in a third year mechanical engineering course that uses computer aideddrafting (CAD) for a design project. The current framework mirrors the review process thattakes place in industry and motivates students to keep up with major deadlines. Students need tolearn how to accept feedback, review other’s work, and communicate their designs to besuccessful in industry. The framework has been developed over three semesters and incorporatesscaffolded milestones, (peer) design reviews, and reflection. This paper presents instructorobservations of lessons learned and graduate TA observations from lab with the goal of makingthe framework accessible to other instructors of design. The
, students were “challenged to convey scientific information in a different, moreengaging way.” Aiming to engage a reader beyond an instructor or peer encouraged them to, “change[their] writing style and employ more media, such as YouTube videos, in the project.” Furthermore,freedom to organize the module outside the framework of a traditional paper helped students “understanda better chronology to explain sustainability issues.” Overall, The knowledge that the module “could bebeneficial to someone in the future” motivated students to write more freely and create a story.In addition to the self-evaluation form, interviews were conducted to better capture students’ case-writingexperience and learn about their prior exposure to sustainability. Table 1
” frame structure is designed using computeraided (CAD) and stress–strain analysis using ANSYS software. The successful student-learning outcome of this project is accomplished by solving complex problem skills usingmodern tools, actively engaging in decision-making and time management. Overall works concluded that the four key features are important in comprehend ofaddressing complex solution problems: (i) team-based framework; (ii) multidisciplineeducation including sustainability of a project or coursework-based learning; (iii) applicationof modern tools in complex engineering problem with an understanding of the limitations; and(iv) effective communication by means of oral presentation and technical report writing, orboth on complex
collaboration on assignments. Discussions Forum designed to facilitate informal communication between students, either for free discussion or for grading purposes. Gradebook Entries into Canvas about numerical or letter-grade assessments. Entry Modules Tool that can unify all content into smaller, structural components. Typical groupings are by week, topic, or day. Outcomes Statements describing knowledge, skills, and abilities that learners will develop that enable tracking of student progress through their use in rubrics Peer Reviews An Assignment feature used to facilitate students reviewing each other’s submissions Quizzes
University, IN, USA. She also holds an M.S. in Astronomy and Astrophysics and a B.S. in Astronomy and Meteorology from Kyungpook National University, South Korea. Her work centers on elementary, secondary, and postsecondary engineering education research as a psychometrician, data analyst, and program evaluator with research interests in spatial ability, STEAM education, workplace climate, and research synthesis with a particular focus on meta-analysis. She has developed, validated, revised, and copyrighted several instruments beneficial for STEM education research and practice. Dr. Yoon has authored more than 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings and served as a journal reviewer in engineering
unprecedentedly abrupt and challengingtransition from face-to-face to online instruction. And one of the hard-learned lessons was thatsolely changing the mode of class meetings from face-to-face to virtual did not work effectivelyfor engineering education. As shown in recent studies on student perceptions of online learningduring the pandemic, students experienced declines in peer-to-peer and student-instructorinteractions in fully online courses [1]. Students also reported difficulties in maintainingmotivation and getting support, which has negatively impacted their online learning [2].During this unusual time, the flipped classroom particularly has drawn attention as an effectiveway to address the challenges associated with fully remote teaching. In a
Awards. Increase financial support for low-income students with academicability/talent or potential for engineering degree programs by offering an average of 24scholarships per year over a 6-year period to at least 36 unique students. Attention will be givento recruiting students from backgrounds that are underrepresented in engineering at theUniversity.II. Multi-Layered Mentoring. Support student’s academic success, matriculation, sense ofbelonging, persistence, and career aspirations with faculty mentors, peer mentors and industrymentors; coordinate with academic advising.III. Social and Academic Support. Foster cohort formation through collaborative design teamprojects for introductory engineering design courses, regular S-STEM activities
the statics book, as well as writing content that could not be found in othersources, such as the reaction forces. She wrote a few examples for the book, but most of the workwas editorial by organizing the content into chapters. When she was first asked to help compileand write this OER book, she was extremely excited. Once she began working on it, she began tofeel overwhelmed and found it quite daunting at the beginning. Although aspects of thedevelopment of the OER took numerous hours and became monotonous, she thoroughly enjoyedwriting her own sections and examples. The process was more time consuming than she expected,but once she finished compiling and writing all the chapters, she had a great sense of pride andaccomplishment.Overall
2 Female 1 Male 0 Video with Video that Video that No only the shows the shows preference writing instructor students regarding visible video formatFigure 4: Student Responses to the Question: “For the worked example videos, which format doyou prefer?”Next, Figure 4 shows student preferences
and Cold, and Rate vs. Amount. Theweek following the misconception labs, students complete experiments focused onthermocouples and the refrigeration cycle along with completing a thermal analysis tutorial usingANSYS Mechanical. In Week 4, students complete experiments that take the entire lab time(Bomb Calorimeter, Conduction through a Tapered Rod, and Major/Minor Losses) and require amore traditional lab write-up. The following week they do peer review on their write-ups withsubmissions due the following week. This cycle repeats two more times for each of thelaboratory teams (which are different from the HT teams) to complete each of the mainexperiments. The students then complete a Cooking Lab where they cook a roast, apple, andpotato while
poster session to promote formativefeedback from peers and project advisors [7]. The consortium is unfortunately no longer active.The Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME) project developshigh-quality assessment tools for teamwork, and eases data collection and analysis through aweb-based interface [8]. It would be beneficial if a consortium similar to TIDEE could be formedto develop ways to assess each ABET student outcome; by involving experts in educationalmeasurement, and by automating the data collection process, such a consortium could makeassessment more valid and less arduous.In this paper, we refer to the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET simply as ABET.We work from the premise that the seven ABET
are less under their control. Though it is notintended for the education environment, a simple act of assigning grades may already put gradersin a powerful position. By democratization, we (as instructors) basically release our “gradingpower” in the courses and engage students in the grading processes. Examples include contractgrading, self-grading, and peer evaluations.In our view, these categories of alternative grading can address the negative features oftraditional grading discussed earlier. First, both lower grade granularity and democratization ofgrading can make grading less judgemental as students are not compared by hair-splittingdifferences, and they can have more control in grading. Second, standardized and iterativeformative
thinkingand other General Education objectives addressed in the course. Following the completion of thecourse materials, a curricular course proposal was submitted to UFS and underwent consultationprocedures. Ultimately, the proposal was approved by UFS in April 2018 and the course wasoffered to students for the first time in the fall of the same year.Throughout the course, students had access to a variety of fluid apparatus and were encouragedto experiment with creating novel flows. Each image produced by the students was required to beaccompanied by a write-up, which some of the art students found surprising. The student workwas then evaluated for both artistic and scientific merit, with an emphasis on developing anappreciation for the beauty of
happy witha ‘C’ (a passing grade) while another wants an ‘A’. The one desiring the ‘A’ often then mustcarry the team and resents the fact that the other members obtained a high mark without puttingin the work. On the other extreme, each member of the team must materially participate in allaspects of the project (e.g. a team can’t decide one person will write the report, another will dothe calculations, etc.). The instructor’s challenge in this paradigm is to then determine how eachperson performed individually, independent of how well the team performed. Most instructorsattempt something in between these two extremes.As anyone who has taught a class with team projects knows, such courses are typically moredifficult to teach than more
research interests and ac- tivities center on gaining a better understanding of the process-structure-property-performance relations of structural materials through advanced multiscale theoretical framework and integrated computational and experimental methods. To date, Dr. Liu has published nearly 250 peer reviewed publications, includ- ing more than 130 peer reviewed journal articles, and received 2 patents. He has been the PI and co-PI for over 40 research projects funded by NSF, DOD, DOE, NASA, FAA, Louisiana Board of Regents, and industry with a total amount over $15.5M. Dr. Liu has served on review panels for many NSF, DOD, NASA, and DOE programs. Dr. Liu received the Junior Faculty Researcher of the Year of the
was as good(87.8%), if not better, than other students (77.6%). However, under-represented minorities(65.4%) and first-generation students (64.7%) did not fare as well. A number of studies havedemonstrated that first generation students, in particular, face some unique challenges [2]–[5].These students can lack the cultural capital their continuing peers have including the skills andknowledge to build social networks with their academic peers and the ability to tap institutionresources.These observations have encouraged us to consider implementing changes to our freshman levelcourses that can support the development of social networking skills and encourage theidentification and use of resources such as faculty and graduate teaching assistant
” that would guide a department committee in(eventually) redesigning the curriculum: Problem Solving; Communication; Professional Identityand Ethics; Teamwork, Leadership, and Inclusivity; Information Literacy, Judgement, andCritical Thinking; Character Traits and Self-Directed Learning.As all readers will know, the Covid-19 pandemic caused many workplace plans and initiatives togrind to a screeching halt. This curriculum renewal initiative of the mechanical engineeringprogram at Ohio State University was no exception. Over the course of 2020-2022, slowprogress was made on writing specific program goals to match each of the six guiding areasdeveloped during the 2019 retreat. Next, progress was made on developing the student learningoutcomes that
close to $1M in research grants to study writing transfer of engineering undergraduates. For technical research, he has a long-standing involvement in research concerned with the manufacturing of advanced composite materials (CFRP/titanium stack, GFRP, nanocomposites, etc.) for marine and aerospace applications. His recent research efforts have also included the fatigue behavior of manufactured products, with a focus on fatigue strength improvement of aerospace, automotive, and rail structures. He has been the author or co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed papers in these areas.Lurana Crowley, Washington State University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024Supporting First-year
(CFDHT) courses aredesigned more as “numerical fluid dynamics and heat transfer” courses, in which the focus isplaced on teaching the students the fundamentals of one or more numerical methods, such as the © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 2023 ASEE Annual Conferencefinite difference method (FDM), the finite element method (FEM), and the finite volume method(FVM), and how to use them to solve the differential equations that govern fluid flow and heattransfer. The objectives of many CFDHT courses are to enable the students to write a piece of theirown code and use it to simulate benchmark fluid mechanics and heat transfer problemscharacterized by simplified physics
their grades aredependent on their peers’ grades. These drawbacks to traditional points-based grading may resultin a cumulative score, and resulting grade, that may not reflect what students have learned, andmay not effectively incentivize students to learn or employ best practices in learning.There are variations to points-based grading that affect how students learn, their motivation, andoutcomes. For example, grading using different incentives, such as students earning points versusstudents losing points, has been shown to motivate students differently [3]. Goal structures in agrading scheme, such as cooperative, competitive, or individualistic, place implicit value oncertain behaviors, thereby acting as an “unconscious curriculum” that
Paper ID #41456Board 137: Interdisciplinary Convergence in Robotics and Autonomous SystemsDr. Prashanta Dutta, Washington State University Prof. Prashanta Dutta received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University in 2001. He is a Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Washington State University and the Director of the NSF NRT-LEAD (Next Generation Robotics – Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Adaptive Design) program. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Dr. Dutta has published his research in more than 200 peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings and delivered
teamwork each year and Developmentapply these skills to different team projects. Each lecturemodule would have active-learning components, engaging Figure 2. Implementing teamworkstudents to converse with their peers and apply what they skill development modules in thelearned. We discussed plans for each module below and undergraduate curriculumsummarized the class activities in Table 1. In this work-in-progress, we implemented the firsttwo lecture modules. We have been developing the third module and will implement in futuresemesters. The First Module. The first lecture module would start with understanding the necessityof forming teams to solve complex engineering problems. The instructor would provide
, self-evaluation and peer evaluation Learning Outcomes 0 Not stated 1 No outcomes stated 2 Goals for course stated but not in the form or learning outcomes 3 Learning outcomes clearly stated 4 Learning outcomes stated and are tied to specific assessments Revision / Redoing 0 Not stated 1 No rewriting or redoing of assignments allowed 2 Some rewriting or redoing of assignments allowed, but penalized 3 Rewriting and redoing of assignments allowed 4 Rewriting and redoing of assignments encouragedFor
Paper ID #43969Incorporating Artificial Intelligence into Mechanical Engineering with AmazonDeepRacerDr. Pooya Niksiar, The Citadel Dr. Niksiar is assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering Department at The Citadel. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University, his M.Sc. from K. N. Toosi University of Technology and his B.Sc. from Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Prior to joining The Citadel, he was a lecturer at Clemson University. His research includes the design and development of advanced functional porous materials for bio applications. He has published several peer-reviewed journal
have: 1. Develop innovative solutions to significant, real-world problems. 2. Work with others, such as team members, project sponsors, and faculty members. 3. Situate their work in the relevant social context(s). 4. Develop and deliver a clear, convincing oral presentation and 5. Write an extensive professional report. Students’ course grades are based on: 1. Professional management of their project andeffective communication with all parties. 2. Quality of deliverables‐ both in implementation andreport. 3. Timely achievement of project milestones and deliverables. 4. Professional behavior. 5.Peer and self-evaluation (see Table 1) were infused in the above grading scheme. One
in characterizing graduate-level attrition, persistence, and career trajectories; engineering writing and communication; and methodological development. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Work in Progress: Toward a Holistic Understanding of Engineering Student Success in Mechanical Engineering across Educational StagesAbstract: This WIP paper will present our results to date in conducting a multimethod single casestudy, which is appropriate for deeply understanding multiple stakeholder perspectives within abounded environment, in our case, the Department of Mechanical Engineering at PennsylvaniaState University. The in-progress goal of our team in Mechanical Engineering at
efficacy, COVID-19hindered many students’ ability to allocate time for studying and well-being in the same mannerthey had prior to the pandemic, partially due to the way it “distorted [their] flow of time” [4].Students recorded the effects of this alteration in time diaries, writing that “the effort put intoclass feels more intensive yet yields much worse results”, and even when they could completetheir work, “it takes much longer” [2]. These responses suggest that students are no longer gettingthe expected returns from their time spent studying. In [5], a modified version of the TimeManagement Behavior scale [3] was used to evaluate the time management behaviors ofundergraduate electrical and computer engineering students prior to the pandemic
more than $17 million in external funding, including grants from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Defense in the domain of vibration, control and acoustics. He is the author or co-author of more than 350 peer-refereed technical publications, including 135 journal papers, two textbooks and five book chapters. A fellow of the American Society of Mechan- ical Engineers, Jalili has chaired numerous society committees and edited several engineering academic journals. In addition, he is the recipient of more than 30 international, national and institutional awards for his research, leadership, teaching and service. In his four years as the Head of Mechanical Engineering