the SLICE project (Service-Learning Integrated throughout a College of Engineering), coordinator of the graduate program in solar engineering, and coordinator of the Village Empowerment Project. Page 12.298.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Attracting Underrepresented Groups to Engineering with Service-LearningAbstractThe University of Massachusetts Lowell College of Engineering has an objective to integrateservice-learning into core required courses in every department so every student every semesterhas at least one course with S-L (SLICE: Service-Learning Integrated
are truly underrepresented, what efforts are being made to correct the phenomenon? Dowomen in science and engineering reach the top in their fields? If not, why? For the purpose ofthis paper, women in academia and in the industry will be the focus.I. IntroductionThe statistics of education show that women outnumber men in college enrollment. Womenrepresents sixty percent of the undergraduate population and in 2001-2002, women earned moredoctorates in the United States than men. However, women are underrepresented in science andengineering (S&E) fields. Science and engineering education in the United States has a genderedhistory. In a study for the National Science Foundation, Jon Miller1found that while 9 percent ofadult men are
graduate student mentors and SURE participants is a vitalaspect of establishing strong mentoring relationships. During the 2005 SURE programthe SURE Program Coordinator was solely responsible for the pairing of studentparticipants with graduate student mentors. However, in the 2006 SURE program,graduate student mentors were given the opportunity to select student participants tomentor. Selection was based upon evaluation of a list that included the studentparticipant’s home school, hometown, research area, and faculty advisor. A maximum oftwo and a minimum of one SURE participant(s) were given to each graduate mentor.Graduate student mentor opinions were solicited in the 2006 SURE program. Thisincreased participation in program activities amongst
AC 2007-2785: START: A FORMAL MENTORING PROGRAM FOR MINORITYENGINEERING FRESHMENTony Mitchell, North Carolina State University Dr. Tony L. Mitchell, Lieutenant Colonel United States Air Force, Retired, received his B.S. degree in Mathematics from North Carolina A&T State University, the M. S. in Information and Computer Science from Georgia Tech, and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University. Currently he is Assistant Dean, Engineering Student Services, Director, Minority Engineering Programs, and Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. Previous educational assignments include
Conference, 2004.[3] Komerath, N. M. and Smith, M. J., “Mentoring Students to Technology Careers”, Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference, 2004.[4] Kukulka, D. J., Barker, D. S., Favata, J. and Sanders, R., “Implementation of the Computer Science, Engineering Technology, and Mathematics Scholarship (CSEMS) Program at Buffalo State College”, Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference, 2004.[5] Moskal, B. M., Lasich, D. and Middleton, N., “Science Related Degrees: Improving the Retention of Women and Minorities through Research Experience, Mentoring and Financial Assistance”, Proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Annual Conference, 2001.[6] Bayles, T. M., Spence, A. M. and Morrell, C., “Improving the Freshman Engineering Experience
given sensor) the higher the value they return.2. Bumper sensors: Renee has four of these, one on the front, left, right and back. They return a "0" if Renee has bumped into something in that direction, and a "1" if she has not. Page 12.1193.93. Wheels: Renee's wheels can go forward and backwards as well as stopping. She can now do the following actions: Action Left Wheel Right Wheel Forward F F Left S F Right F S
support staff should be provided to maintain teaching laboratories and researchinfrastructure and there should be a reduction in the requirement for the cumbersomesignature/approval process.For graduate students, at the present time, out-of-state tuition should not be charged to all out-of-state graduate students after one year of residence at the university. Tuition waivers should begiven to all graduate students on assistantship or fellowships. Tuition rules should be similar toother state-supported institutions so Alabama A&M University can recruit and support graduatestudents competitively.Need for more Ph.D.’s in PhysicsWe receive calls and visits from various agencies such as the Coast Guard Academy and otheruniversities such as
., Jeffrey, K., An Interactive Computer-Based Tutorial for MATLAB, 30th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 18-21, 2000. Page 12.858.95. Wirth, M., Kovesi, P., MATLAB as an Introductory Programming Language, 2006 Wiley Periodicals Inc.6. Teaching Problem-Solving Skills, Prepared for the TRACE Workshop, “Teaching Problem-Solving Skills,” June 17, 2003.7. Navaee, S., Das, N., Utilization of MATLAB in Structural Analysis, Proceedings of the 2002 ASEE/SEFI/TUB Colloquium.8. Wikipedia encyclopedia, Sen, S., and Shaykhian, G. Scope of various
continuing efforts to improve the freshmen engineering sequence.The impact of retention efforts that began in 2002 with the TWD grants and continue through2005 for Baylor’s engineering and computer science programs are readily discernable from table3. The two-year freshman retention rate increase of 46% for engineering and 38% for computerscience is evidence that the School’s retention efforts have been particularly effective.Recently, two of the authors received a 5-year NSF S-STEM grant to fund scholarships andmentoring activities for transfer students. These funds will provide scholarships for up tofourteen transfer students per year and mentoring activities to increase the probability that theywill graduate with a degree in engineering or
-oriented methodology in constructing engineering and businessapplications has grown exponentially since the early 90’s. In the object-orientedmethodology, the software design focuses on objects instead of functions and functionaldecompositions. An object is introduced as a discrete entity, containing its data andfunctions. The main aspects of the object-oriented methodology includes encapsulation,inheritance and polymorphism [3]. Encapsulation refers to wrapping object attributes andbehaviors in an enclosed entity, inheritance deals with object reuse, and polymorphismconcerns with object having access to a behavior where the knowledge to the access isknown at runtime.Objects encapsulate the related attributes (data or member data) and behaviors
., Leigh-Mack, P., Davy, B., and Wheatland, J., (2004), “Research experience program for undergraduates in a Historically Black College and University.” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.3. Mervis, J. (1998), “Wanted: A better Way to boost number of minority Ph.D.s”, Science, 281, 1268-1270.4. NSF LSAMP Program: Jiang, X., Sarin, S., and Williams, M. (2005), “Assessment of NC-LSAMP project: A longitudinal Study”, Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR.6. Williams, M., Watson, J., Jiang, X., and Sarin, S., “Preliminary Results of the NC-LSAMP project
two faculty conducted the study.NASA took the lead in identifying desired capabilities and performance attributes thatwould significantly enhance range capability. The study was funded by MIST and NASAEight Doppler radars with different capabilities and characteristics from three companieswere considered in this study8. Doppler radar capabilities considered were: CW Dopplerradars (The continuous wave (CW) Doppler radar has typical low operation andmaintenance cost), available at X-, C-, and S-bands, Velocity only, Full angle trackingand Direct ranging. The Doppler radars can interface to range data networks throughmost range data formats and have Doppler radar hardware/software upgrades with PCbased and PowerPC architectures. In addition, the
with appropriate projects and deliverables. We lookforward to reporting on the results of our revised service-learning seminar.BibliographyDuffy, J., Tsang, E., Lord, S., Service-Learning in Engineering: What, Why, and How?Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Education.Meadows, L., Jarema, S., An Evaluation of the Impact of a Service-learning Project in a RequiredFirst-Year Engineering Course. Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Conference of American Societyfor Engineering Education.Oakes, W., Duffy, J., Jacobius, W., Linos, P., Lord, S., Schultz, W., Smith, A. Service-Learningin Engineering. Proceedings of the ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2002.Thompson, M., Oakes, W., Using Service-Learning
Digital Libraries", Conference on Advanced Technology in Education, Cairo, Egypt, March 2003. 5-Masullo, M.J., Mack, R., "The Role of Digital Libraries in K-12 Education", D-Lib Magazine, Reston, USA, September 2000. 6-Mack, R., Masullo, M.J., Meyer, J., "Educational Multimedia: Perspectives in Evolution", IBM Research Report, New York, USA, 2003 (in press).5- SIMI (2000) Do’s and Don’ts of Video Conferencing. [online]. Available: (March 27, 2000) Page 12.1600.116- Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, Michael, & Zvacek, S. (2000) Teaching and Learning at a Distance. Upper
gathered during meetings, including meeting attendance. Collectedquantitative and qualitative data were organized into a number of time frames for comparativestudy. Those included: • N-year(s) Cumulative Data • 90-days Cumulative Data • 30-days Cumulative Data • 7-days Cumulative Data • Current DataData trend analysis was utilized to measure the effectiveness and use of the ACME system.Analyses performed included: 1. Analyze the effectiveness of an online reference group with a comparative study on Comments and Completed Goals. 2. Analyze the effectiveness of a traditional reference group with a comparative study on Attendance and Completed Goals. 3. Analyze
review”, Review of Educational Research, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Winter 1991), pp 505-532 4. Judge, J. and J. Leary, “Department-Specific Mentoring Network for Women Students in Engineering”, Proceedings of 35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference,2005. 5. Mara,R. and R. Pangborn, “Mentoring in the Technical disciplines: Fostering a Broader view of Education, Career, and Culture In and Beyond the Workplace”, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, no. 85, pp.35-42. 6. Mueller, S. “Electronic mentoring as an example for the use of information and communications technology in engineering education”, European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 29, No. 1, March 2004, 53-63. 7. Muller, C
. Frey, and L. J. Leifer, “Engineering Design: Thinking, Teaching andLearning” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94, No.1 , 2005, pp. 103 – 120.5. McDermott, L. C., “How We Teach and How Students Learn – A Mismatch?,” American Journal of Physics, Vol.61, No. 4, 1993, pp. 295 – 299.6. Knight, D. W., L. E. Carson, and J. F. Sullivan, “Staying in Engineering: Impact of a Hands-On, Team-Based,First-Year Projects Course on Student Retention,” Proc. ASEE Annual Conference, 2003, Session 3553.7. Fink, L. D., “What is Significant Learning?,” (accessed Jan. 2007).8. Litzinger, T. A., J. C. Wise, and S. H. Lee, “Self-directed Learning Readiness Among Engineering UndergraduateStudents,” Journal of Engineering
Administration and Human Resource Development at Texas A&M University. Dr. Cole has served in a variety of administrative capacities and as the Director of the Summer Seminar on Academic Administration for twenty-eight years training over 1000 higher education administrators representing over 150 institutions. Dr. Cole's professional interests include continuous improvement in educational systems, educational law and educational administration and he is a frequent speaker and consultant on systemic improvement of educational systems. Dr. Cole received his B. S. from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and his M.Ed. and Ph.D. in Educational Administration (Higher Education) from Texas A&M
AC 2007-2832: THE DYNAMICS OF ESTABLISHING AND SUSTAINING ANATIONAL MINORITY ENGINEERING PROGRAMS ADVISORY BOARDTony Mitchell, North Carolina State University Tony L. Mitchell, Lieutenant Colonel United States Air Force, Retired, received his B.S. degree in Mathematics from North Carolina A&T State University, the M. S. in Information and Computer Science from Georgia Tech, and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University. Currently he is Assistant Dean, Engineering Student Services, Director, Minority Engineering Programs, and Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. Previous educational
. Hakuta, Compelling interest: Examining the evidence on racialdynamics in colleges and universities. (pp. 126-169). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.3 George, Y. S., Neale, D. S., & Van Horne, V. (2001a). In pursuit of a diverse sciencetechnology, engineering, and mathematics workforce: Recommended research priorities to enhance participation byunderrepresented minorities. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.4 Congressional Commission on the Advancement of Women and Minorities in Science,Engineering and Technology (CAWSMET). (September, 2000). Land of plenty: Diversity in America’s competitiveedge in science, engineering and technology. Available at Grant Proposal Guide, NSF
(National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering) and the National Science FoundationCSEMS and S-STEM program. In addition to the scholarships, academic workshops help thestudents with time management, academics (how to learn), resources, and other challenges;especially those faced by lower division students and transfer students. The students in each ofthese programs meet at least six times per semester. The students are encouraged, beginning intheir freshman year, to go to career fairs, to consider internships, and to consider writing aproposal for a research award. For these activities, the students need a good resume.1, 2, 3 Theresume needed for an internship or research position is more demanding than the resume used inhigh school to
Program (2+2) started in the mid-80’s, with a handful of universitiesparticipating, provides students from all over the state to complete the first two years closer tohome before transferring to the junior level at Georgia Tech. Currently 14 colleges anduniversities throughout the state of Georgia participate in this program. Students also canparticipate in the Dual Degree Program (3+2), where they have to spend an extra year at ASU toobtain an additional degree in a science major upon completion of the engineering degree atGeorgia Tech. Over 90% students of ASU belong to the African American community as well asthe entire group of engineering students which currently stands at around 50. Though theprogram was primarily designed for transfer to
-1102.15. Thylen, L., P.A.Algerbo, and A. Giebel. 2000. “An expert filter removing erroneous yield data”. In P.C. Robert et al. (ed.) Precision agriculture[CD –ROM]. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Minnesota, 16-19 July 2000, ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI16. Yield Editor (USDA) : Available Online Naoum, S., and Tsanis, I.K., “ Ranking Spatial Interpolation Techniques Using a GIS-Based DSS” Global Nest : The International Journal Vol. 6, No: 1, pp. 1-20, 2004.18. Terra Hawk Aerial System , Wolf, Paul and Dewitt, Bon, Elements of
students that bestdetermined long-term retention and graduation rates. This paper describes what happensfrom year to year and how retention and ultimately graduation are predicted by not onlystudent entry characteristics, but also institutional and departmental characteristics.2. A New Admission CriterionIn an earlier publication2 where we studied a cohort of engineering students who startedin the fall of 1999, we found that retention of transfer students was best predicted by theentry characteristics "number of math and science credits transferred", grade pointaverage at the previous school(s), and choice of major (Electrical Engineering studentswere retained most, Computer Science students least). Freshmen retention was bestpredicted by program
January 9, 2007.3. F.P. Incropera and D.P. DeWitt, “Introduction to heat transfer,” 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., (1996).4. A. Horvat and B. Mavko, “Hierarchic modeling of heat transfer processes in heat exchangers,” Int. J. Heat Mass Trans., 48, pp. 361-371, (2005).5. Allio, R.J. Leadership development: teaching versus learning, Management Decision, v 43, n 7, 2005, 1071-7.6. Curtis, Myra W.; Martin, Clifton S.; White, Carl. "The evolution of a K - 12 pre-college program through student leadership development," ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2001 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Peppers, Papers, Pueblos and Professors, 2001, p 10015-10025. 2001 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Peppers, Papers
International Competition for Scientific and Technical Talent: Disconnect over Women, African-Americans, Native Americans and Hispanic Americans,” June 19, 2006. Page 12.1471.126. Ibarra, R. A., Beyond Affirmative Action: Reframing the Context of Higher Education, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI, 2001. 117. Novak, J. D., and Gowin, D. B., Learning How to Learn, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1984.8. Senge, P. M., The Fifth Discipline, Currency Doubleday, New York, NY, 1994.9. Wankat, P. C., and Oreovicz, F. S., Teaching
specialist for the MEDB Women in Technology Project since 2004, lending her writing skills to WIT¹s broad range of programs statewide. As President and Owner of HomCreative, a creative marketing company, she knows firsthand the challenges and rewards of a women-owned business. She holds a B.A./Journalism from the University of Hawaii and an M.A./Journalism from the University of Oregon.Jenilynne Gaskin, Maui Economic Development Board Ms. Gaskin joined the MEDB Women in Technology Project in November 2003 as a program manager for student outreach. Since 2004, she serves as the manager and logistical coordinator for the Excite Camp program. She holds a baccalaureate degree in Business and
other students with similar backgrounds and interests Page 12.1451.13Bibliographic Information1. National Science Foundation. (2004). Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering. Retrieved September 15, 2006, from Davis, S., Jenkins, G., & Rameck, H. (2002). The Pact. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group. .3. Grose, T. K. (2006). Trouble on the horizon. PRISM, 16(2), 26-31.4. U.S. Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics (2007). Bachelor's degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, by racial/ethnic group and
. Page 12.713.9National Science Board (2006), “Science and Engineering Indicator 2006,” NSB 06-01, Arlington, Virginia: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics.Office of Institutional Research and Analysis, North Dakota State University. Factbook index; Accessed on December 6, 2005.Padmanabhan, G., W. Lin, R. Pieri, F. Patterson, S. Cobb, and C. Davis, (2004) “A University-Tribal Colleges-High Schools Partnership to Increase Native American College Graduates in Mathematics, Science and Engineering,” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City.U.S