Paper ID #43201Formula for Success for Interdisciplinary InitiativesDr. Paul Cameron Hungler P.Eng., Dr. Paul Hungler is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Ingenuity Labs at Queenˆa C™s University. Prior to starting his current position, Major (Retired) Hungler served in the Royal Canadian Airforce. His research is now focDr. Kimia Moozeh, Queen’s University Kimia Moozeh is a research associate at Queen’s university in Engineering Education. Her PhD dissertation at University of Toronto explored improving the learning outcomes of undergraduate laboratories. Her research interests are lab
deployed a bomb finding robot named the LynchBot to Iraq late in 2004 and then again in 2006 deployed about a dozen more improved LynchBots to Iraq. His team also assisted in the deployment of 84 TACMAV systems in 2005. Around that time he volunteered as a science advisor and worked at the Rapid Equipping Force during the summer of 2005 where he was exposed to a number of unmanned systems technologies. His initial group composed of about 6 S&T grew to nearly 30 between 2003 and 2010 as he transitioned from a Branch head to an acting Division Chief. In 2010-2012 he again was selected to teach Mathematics at the United States Military Academy West Point. Upon returning to ARL’s Vehicle Technology Directorate from West
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that will be used in real-world deployment ([5] Nagasawa S. et al., 2021).2) Mobility mechanism: Implementing a movement mechanism for tabletop navigation and orientation towards children. As the robot will frequently move around and orientate itself towards the student, efficient power management is crucial for making the overall platform cost effective - even with a CRI system based on the use of smartphones, which typically weigh no more than 200 grams.3) Expression Presentation Function: In interactions between children and robots, the robot's expression is also crucial. Proposing a method to add expressions onto a 3D face-shaped display using a small optical projector, enhancing emotional communication
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% significantly lower than Hispanic transfer students' 79% retention rate.Beyond the graduation and retention rates, there is concern regarding students’ entry into theworkforce. Surveys revealed that only 14% of students reported employment secured at the timeof graduation. Considering that most SOE students decide to pursue a career in industry post-baccalaureate, this statistic needs to be better understood and addressed to increase studentsuccess and diversification of the workforce.The Strengthening Student Motivation and Resilience through (S-SMART) research project wasinitiated in late 2021 under the NSF HSI IUSE grant to respond to the existing trends andopportunities for improvement at the school of engineering. The project has three central
were developed through the Engineering and Computing EducationProgram, held in the COEIT, allowing multidisciplinary enrollment. CIRTL curriculum and otherin house pedagogy were utilized and redesigned to be digestible for undergraduate students.In this work-in-progress paper, class discussion of teaching philosophy, mid semester ‘bullet list’development and full teaching philosophy statements generated by the teaching fellows wereexamined for successful outcome achievement. The data collected will be used to help assess theeffectiveness and further develop the seminar class.Relevant Literature Since the late 1990’s, Undergraduate Teaching Assistants were utilized in, for example,psychology departments as an answer for deficiencies in
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Continuous ImprovementContinuous improvement should be a part of every program and course and having the benefit ofdesigning the program with a clean sheet gave us the opportunity to integrate continuousimprovement from the start, beginning with our courses. To assist, we created a slide format tosummarize what we learned and that we also use to discuss our new insights with our DataScience Advisory Council. For example, Figure 1, below, is an example for the course forstudents not ready for Calculus I. Our faculty completes them every year for their course, andwe use the feedback to improve the course and the student experience. DASC 1011 – Success in Data Science Studies Instructor(s): Ms. Lee Shoultz, Dr. Karl Schubert What
… something to present. And it felt like we hadn't really… even started on it. So like I think and for the sake of like having more time, I think … it would have been more helpful if we'd started earlier on projectsInterestingly, even though most felt anxious about completing the projects in the time allotted,when interviewed at the end of the program, most of the participants felt that 9 weeks wasenough time for the SSEF. The most common feedback from the students was to move theproject and group selection earlier in the program so that expert talks could be arranged thatdirectly apply to their selected topic area(s) and/or to provide them more time for their projects. P4: “Definitely, not. like did not have enough time for
an issue or a project that would benefit from a technological solution.Considering the divergence between the code of ethics and the design justice principles, it isprobably necessary to re-consider and revise the code of ethics to be more expansive and includethe design justice concepts. Inclusion of the design justice principles and their practice will be aworthwhile effort for NSPE and ABET to undertake and will be an important step on the path tomaking the engineering education system more diverse, equitable and inclusive.References 1. 2. 3. Das, M., Ostrowski, A.K., Ben-David, S., Roeder, G.J., Kimura, K., D'Ignazio, C., Breazeal, C., & Verma, A
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Mechatronicsand Robotics Education,” 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, 2020.[2] D. Bradley, “Mechatronics – More questions than answers”, Mechatronics, vol. 20 (8), pp.827-841, 2010.[3] J. A. Mynderse, N. Lotfi, N. Bajaj, V. Vikas, and M. A. Gennert, “WIP: Mechatronics andRobotics Engineering Definitions Among Students, Educators, and Industry Professionals” 2020ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, 2020.[4] K. S. McFall, K. Huang, H. B. Gilbert, M. K. Jouaneh, H. Bai, and D. M. Auslander,“Mechatronics and Robotics Education: Standardizing Foundational Key Concepts,” 2020 ASEEVirtual Annual Conference, 2020.[5] S. Nilsson, “Enhancing Individual Employability: The Perspective of EngineeringGraduates,” Education + Training, vol. 52, no. 6/7, pp. 540-551, 2010
. Shiel and D. Murchan, “Understanding and Applying Assessment in Education,” Apr. 2017. Accessed: Jan. 07, 2024. [Online].[12] D. Wiliam and P. Black, “Meanings and Consequences: a basis for distinguishing formative and summative functions of assessment?,” Br. Educ. Res. J., vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 537–548, Dec. 1996, doi: 10.1080/0141192960220502.[13] R. L. Linn, E. L. Baker, and S. B. Dunbar, “Complex, Performance-Based Assessment: Expectations and Validation Criteria,” Educ. Res., vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 15–21, Nov. 1991, doi: 10.3102/0013189X020008015.[14] A.- Umam, F. P. Mauludi, and M. K. Wardana, “STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF PERFOMANCE-BASED ASSESSMENT APPLICATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION,” J. Engl. Lang. Learn., vol. 5, no. 2
reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. K. G. Wolfinbarger, R. L. Shehab, D. A. Trytten, and S. E. Walden, "The influence of engineering competition team participation on students' leadership identity development," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 110, no. 4, pp. 925-948, 2021.2. A. B. Hargadon, "Brokering knowledge: Linking learning and innovation," Research in Organizational Behavior, vol. 24, pp. 41-85, 2002. [Online]. Available: A. B. Hargadon, "Firms as knowledge brokers: Lessons in pursuing continuous innovation," California Management Review, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 209-227, 1998. [Online]. Available: J. Saldaña, The
integration of engineering with humanities topics is a natural choice.Some integration is done in an on-campus course [3] with multiple case studies [4], using amodule in a first-year course [5], with virtual interactions with another institution [6], or during asemester-long course with an attached faculty-led component [7].As a supplemental pedagogy, faculty-led trips are especially impactful when students areimmersed in another culture for several weeks, under the guidance of familiar faculty member(s)from their main campus (see [8][9]). During the faculty-led trips, the students will encounter,with first-hand experiences, the differences in how things run, which often spark inquiries onwhat factors have contributed to those phenomena, and these
their project rankings in hindsight to determine how the experience changed their expectations.• Is there a relationship between project source and perceived project difficulty?• Do the students’ post-graduation plans impact their choice of sponsor source?The authors look forward to collaborating with courses who also use multiple types of projectsources to compare results and determine potential improvements for ensuring students haveoptimized learning experiences.References1. P. Brackin, D. Knudson, B. Nassersharif, and D. O'bannon. "Pedagogical implications of project selection in capstone design courses." International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 27, no. 6, 2011.2. S. Howe and J. Goldberg, “Engineering capstone design
] N. Duval-Couetil, A. Shartrand, and T. Reed, “The Role of Entrepreneurship ProgramModels and Experiential Activities on Engineering Student Outcomes.,” Advances inEngineering Education, vol. 5, no. 1, 2016, Accessed: Feb. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available:[9] Perkins, David N., and Gavriel Salomon. "Transfer of learning." International encyclopediaof education 2,6452-6457,1992.[10] S. Hidi and K. A. Renninger, “The four-phase model of Interest Development,” EducationalPsychologist, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 111–127, Jun. 2006. doi:10.1207/s15326985ep4102_4[11] P. Schober, C. Boer, and L. A. Schwarte, “Correlation Coefficients: Appropriate Use andInterpretation,” Anesthesia & Analgesia, vol. 126, no. 5, pp. 1763
the first semester, the instructors encouraged students to use “DesignThinking” to guide their efforts in defining the elements in the exhibit (which correspond tostudent projects). The Design Thinking steps are: empathizing with the customer (i.e., theparticipant, in the case of the exhibit), defining the elements in the exhibit, ideating about how torealize the elements, and next to make and test low fidelity prototypes (that is, prototypes madewith a relatively small investment in time and energy and just good enough to be able to tell ifthe current approach is good). Design Thinking was developed in the late 1950’s through acollaboration of faculty from the departments of Mechanical Engineering and Art andArchitecture at Stanford
back the first cohort, COVID moved both introductory courses online in their firstiterations. Cohorts of students taking introduction to data science, for example, were learningonline in a pandemic, and although we didn’t study COVID-19's impact expressly, it would beeasy to see how outcomes and experiences of students would be much different in on campuslearning environments. Additionally, we struggled to recruit students into the data science micro-credential, and although we have a number of plans to address this difficulty, the effects of thepandemic on students’ willingness to adopt new lines of study is assumed.Recruitment of Students & Finding Room in CurriculumDue to COVID-19, student recruitment was through virtual informational
Champaign 2019 - presentUniversity of Denver Engineering (General) BS 1997- 2007 (Discontinued?)Loyola University Maryland Engineering Science(s) BS 1989 - 2010 Engineering BSE 2011 - presentLoyola University Chicago Engineering Science BS 2018 - 2021 Engineering BS, 2021 - presentSouthern Utah University Integrated Engineering BS 2003 - 2011 Engineering BS 2011 - presentA new movement is emerging around the name Integrated Engineering with sessions held at theAmerican Society for Engineering Education and Frontiers in Education conferences [20], [21].Southern Utah University offered an Integrated Engineering degree [22], [23] from 2003