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Displaying results 91 - 120 of 217 in total
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian Ieta, Murray State University; Thomas Doyle, McMaster University; Arthur Pallone
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New Engineering Educators
’ performance; this feedback is alwayswelcome as instructors can reflect on the students’ perceptions and attempt to improvetheir teaching methods. Education institutions use student evaluations of teaching (SET)to establish the quality of instructors’ work as well as for tenure, promotions, retention,and salary raise purposes. SET and their interpretations therefore have significantimportance and have been widely treated in the literature. There are various opinionsregarding the validity of SET as a measure of the instructors’ work quality. Gillmore [1]shows that adequate instructor reliability rating is achieved when aggregating acrossabout seven classes and that it becomes especially strong when aggregating across 15 ormore classes under specific
Conference Session
Getting Started: Objectives, Rubrics, Evaluations, and Assessment
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Walter Schilling, MSOE
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New Engineering Educators
weighted accordingpredefined relationships, and final course grades are handed out. With this model ofdevelopment, all that is required is for the faculty member to store final assignmentgrades in the grade book.This, however, does not allow faculty members to compile student performance metricson a sub-assignment level. For example, the net final score would not reflect if half ofthe students are having extreme difficulty expressing the problems they encounteredwhile performing a laboratory experiment. Simply recording grades also does not allowone to readily factor in other aspects of grading, such as improvement with time in areasof difficulty. However, by converting the grade book into an electronic rubric book,multiple aspects of a student’s
Conference Session
Been There, Done That: Advice for NEEs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ralph Ocon, Purdue University, Calumet
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New Engineering Educators
/training activities, he has beenasked to serve on university committees that are related to his expertise. Table 3 lists selecteduniversity committees the author has served on that reflect his expertise.Table 3: Selected university committees the author has served on related to his expertise(2004-2008) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Committee Advisory Committee on Equity Task Force on Classroom CivilityIdeas for Engineering/Technology Faculty:Ideas on how consulting/training can be used to promote service- faculty can useconsulting/training to: ≠ Investigate opportunities to provide service to university and community groups/committees that can utilize their expertise ≠ Investigate membership
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerry Samples, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
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New Engineering Educators
efficiency of time to add perspective.The “Effective Time” may include items such as: teaching, grant and proposal writing, journaland paper writing, discussions with peers, discussions with graduate students, basic research, Page 14.835.3meetings with research teams and research colleagues, and service requirements. Any of thesecan turn into “Wasted Time” without agendas or clear goals and time limits on topics ofdiscussion. “Effective Time” can include time to de-stress, time for reflection, personal time,preparation of lists and agenda items, time to respond to questions about teaching or research,preparation of presentations, networking, and
Conference Session
Tips and Tricks for Actively Engaging Students
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daria Gerasimova, George Mason University; Margret Hjalmarson, George Mason University; Jill K. Nelson, George Mason University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
learning from their peers. One member who learned a teaching strategy fromanother member reflected, “That’s something I don’t think I would have ever been exposed to ifI hadn’t met in a group like this.” Learning from their peers was also valuable because itprovided opportunities to learn from first-hand experience (i.e., strategies that were already triedby others in the group). In addition to peer learning, participants were also learning from thebooks and articles they read as part of their group participation. While some of the learned ideas were not useful to participants (e.g., not applicable totheir classes), other ideas interested them as something they could try in the future in theirclasses. An interest in those ideas led some
Conference Session
Tips and Tricks for Assessing Student Performance
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward F. Gehringer, North Carolina State University
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New Engineering Educators
contribution of this paper is to summarize research on self-assessment overtime, including where it has and has not proved successful, as well as to survey severalapproaches and software applications for incorporating self-assessment into a course.Keywords: self-assessment, peer assessment, evaluation rubric1. IntroductionSelf-assessment is a powerful mechanism for enhancing learning. It encourages studentsto reflect on how their own work meets the goals set for learning concepts and skills. Itpromotes metacognition about what is being learned, and effective practices for learning.It encourages students to think about how a particular assignment or course fits into thecontext of their education. It imparts reflective skills that will be useful on the
Conference Session
Tips and Tricks for Assessing Student Performance
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Edward Schmidt, University of Pittsburgh; David V.P. Sanchez, University of Pittsburgh; Samuel J. Dickerson, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
intheir fields of study.IntroductionHomework is essential to undergraduate student development. Out-of-class learning activitiesreinforce topics presented in lecture and serve to expand student comprehension. Thedevelopment of educational techniques to improve upon the efficacy of homework is an activeresearch area [1-4]. While educators agree upon the positive impact of homework, the form-factor and delivery method continues to be a topic of discussion [5-7]. Additionally, studentattitudes towards homework are also changing to reflect access to digital online modalities.While students often prefer an online presentation of homework, a recent study has shown thatperforming homework online does not significantly impact final grade performance as
Conference Session
Women, Minorities and the New Engineering Educator
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Annette Mallory Donawa; Clifton Martin, Morgan State University; Carl White, Morgan State University
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New Engineering Educators
Deductions Inferences Interpretations Assumptions Figure 1: Bloom’s Taxonomy and Watson-Glaser critical thinking categories. Page 12.1221.9 Page 8The critical thinking definitions that were discussed and used as class debates are listedbelow. 1. Robert Ennis a. Critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do. 2. Richard Paul Critical thinking is that mode of thinking about any subject
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert A. Chin, East Carolina University; I. Richmond Nettey, Kent State University; Edem G. Tetteh; Philip Weinsier, Bowling Green State University, Firelands
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
, the funds should support travel to present the research findings and page fees for disseminating the findings. Funding is also part of the validation process.• Know when to talk about your accomplishments and when not. Keep in mind, your accomplishments are a reflection and reflect upon the department, college, and institution.• FolioWeb and like portals for managing online electronic portfolios—the future—vs paper portfolios.DiscussionThe topic of tenure and promotion continues to elicit interest and appears to be of value to ASEEAnnual Conference audience members, authors, and presenters. The intent of this paper was toshare the findings of a tenure and promotion panel discussion and forum that was offered duringa
Conference Session
Mentoring and Development of New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jay Wierer, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Roger Frankowski, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Cory Prust, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Steven Reyer, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
by the department chair and numerical results aretabulated. The CAO is made aware of anyone not using the forms. The answers reflect aconcern for the details of the documentation required. The CAO and Senior Faculty responsestended to be at this level of detail as well.The answers to questions 1, 2 and 3 are more interesting. Here is demonstrated most clearly thedifference in how the evaluator and the person being evaluated view the Process. Those beingevaluated see it more as a method for ensuring that faculty members “measure up,” whereas theevaluators additionally see it as a process that assists in growth and improvement. Those beingevaluated are taking a pragmatic approach – in order to safely navigate the Process, they take itseriously
Conference Session
Educating Students for Professional Success
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David F. Ollis, North Carolina State University
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Graduate Studies, New Engineering Educators, Student
. For our earlier, one semester proposition course (1), students rate as mostvaluable the “writing the rough draft, comments received on the rough draft, and givinga practice talk.” Rated as generally helpful were “doing a literature review; writing theproposal outline (with references); preparing the technical presentation, and classquestions after the practice talk.” These qualitative reflections indicate that continual,formative feedback for every phase of proposal construction is important. The formaldeliverables are the final paper and presentation and defense, but the greatest learning Page 22.1495.6appears to have been in the exercises and
Conference Session
Launching Successful Academic Careers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Chin, East Carolina University; Nancy Study, Virginia State University
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New Engineering Educators
and table titles, notes, andrules; figures and figure captions; spell checking; and the cover letter.Author responsibilitiesPrior to manuscript submission, authors need to thoroughly proofread their manuscript and makeall changes and corrections. Correct spelling and punctuation, accurate quotations, complete andaccurate references, relevant content, coherent organization, proper format, legible appearanceand the like reflect upon the author’s due diligence and help shape the attitude of reviewers andeditors. Authors are responsible for concealing their identities if the manuscript is to be blindreviewed. If a checklist is available, use it. Ensure a complete cover letter, including contactinformation, accompanies the manuscript.Online
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert M. Brooks, Temple University; Jyothsna Kavuturu; Mehmet Cetin, Temple University
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New Engineering Educators
consisted of thenew educators’ self evaluations of their effectiveness as teachers as shown in Table 1. Thesurveys were administered before and after use of the pedagogical instrument. The secondconfidential survey asked students to evaluate the new educators’ teaching effectiveness asshown in Table 2. Table 3 contains several examples of critical thinking questions used in theactivities showing the core components of critical thinking.ObservationAttention plays an important part in observation. Students are encouraged to look at detailsbecause this is an important skill in all professions. Observation equips us with the materialnecessary for thought, reflection and judgment. Observation is influenced by experience,knowledge and emotion.Students
Conference Session
Assessing Students and Programs
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christa Moll Weisbrook, University of Missouri; William Schonberg, Missouri University of Science & Technology
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New Engineering Educators
inappropriate, toss them out.Step 5. Large Group Session: Review and Refine Themes.Reconvene the entire team. Each small group then reports its findings and lists the themes theydetermined in their session. The entire team should discuss the commonalities and differences inthe lists of group themes and combines, modifies, and refines them to determine a final list ofunique themes to reflect the distinct professional skills, competencies, and accomplishmentsexpected of program graduates after three to five years of employment. Most programs will findthat they will have four to eight final themes.Step 6. Small Group Session II: Draft Objectives Statements.Divide the team into three to five groups. Distribute the themes among these smaller groups witheach
Conference Session
NEE - 3: Improving Homework and Problem-solving Performance
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Derek Breid, Saint Vincent College
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New Engineering Educators
gradeis based off of two criteria: a) students identifying mistakes in their original submission andmaking corrections, and b) a metacognitive response to each problem where students outlinetheir solution process, identify points of misconception and think critically about their ownunderstanding of the material. As long as a student engages honestly and critically in themetacognitive response, they again receive full credit for their resubmission.At no point on either submission are students graded based on the correctness of their answers,removing one of the main incentives for turning to solution manuals. Instead, the student isrewarded for timely effort (initial submission) and for reflecting on what they learned from eachexercise
Conference Session
Size, Civility, and the Classroom Culture: Setting Class Tone with a Student-centered Perspective
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Allendoerfer, University of Washington; Denise Wilson, University of Washington; Melani Plett, Seattle Pacific University; Rebecca A Bates, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Tamara Floyd Smith P.E., Tuskegee University; Nanette M Veilleux, Simmons College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
, and was predominantly Caucasian (55%) or Asian (24%), with ethnicdistribution varying across schools. Participants were predominantly African American at theHBCU, predominantly Caucasian and Asian at the Research institution, and mostly Caucasian atthe three remaining schools. The mean age of the sample varied between 19.7 and 22.1 yearsamong the five schools.After completing the survey, respondents were recruited to participate in follow-up focus groups.A total of 175 students participated in focus groups across the five campuses. Focus groupparticipant demographics closely reflected the survey participant pool at each institution. Focusgroup participants were recruited in the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 terms, after surveys werecompleted. The
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald P. Visco Jr., University of Akron; Dirk Schaefer, University of Bath
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New Engineering Educators
navigate a course to geta good grade and look towards finding a position after graduation or move to graduate school.They have opted into the system that exists to graduate with an engineering degree.If put into a broader context, there are a number of additional reasons to reflect on the currentwidespread lack of professional pedagogical preparation of engineering faculty in the US and itspotential long-term ramifications if no corrective action is taken.It stands to reason that the prosperity and well-being of a nation can be linked to the education Page 26.1596.3and qualification of its population2,3. Therefore, parents as key stakeholders of
Conference Session
Effective & Efficient Teaching Skills
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexis Powe, Mississippi State University; Jane Moorhead, Mississippi State University
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New Engineering Educators
point values changing to reflect the focus of each lab. Topicsdiscussed include an overview of analytic versus holistic grading and the rationale behind theauthors’ grading approach, previous ECE-TCP collaborations, the combined rubric-set penaltiesgrading system for ECE 3714 with sample grading materials provided, quantitative andqualitative assessments of the newly implemented grading approach, and potential pitfalls of theauthors’ grading approach.Keywords: analytic grading, collaboration, ECE, holistic grading, inter-rater reliability, technicalwritingI. IntroductionEngineering educators are under increasing pressure from administrations, Writing across theCurriculum (WAC) programs, writing educators, and industry to incorporate more
Conference Session
Classroom Management
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ralph Ocon, Purdue University Calumet
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New Engineering Educators
Opportunities for Success Employees 3. Take Personal Interest in Each 3. Deal with Employee Performance Employee Problems Immediately 4. Establish a Climate of Open 4. Coach Employees for Peak Communication with Employees PerformanceConsiderationa. As applied to leadership, the Ohio State model describes Consideration as thedimension that reflects a leader’s interpersonal relationship with subordinates.Consideration is characterized by mutual trust, respect for his/her employees, andconsideration of their feelings.b. As applied to teaching, the author describes Consideration as the dimension thatreflects a teacher’s interpersonal relationship with students
Conference Session
Faculty Development: Creating successful NEEs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Abul Azad, Northern Illinois University; Osman Tokhi, University of Sheffield, UK.
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
social welfare benefits aregetting stricter, but in case of an unemployment situation, still one can rely on this. Tofacilitate all these benefits, the income tax rate is relatively higher than in the US. In contrast, the US has an economy of capitalist at its best. Relatively, there arevery little social welfare benefits for the poor and under achievers. One needs to managehis/her health care provision and higher education expenses. People at the lower earningband need to work long hours to manage their livelihood. On the other hand, the US is stillin the growing phase, and one can have success with hard work and smart thinking. As itappears, the US is still considered as the land of opportunity and that also reflects throughthe current
Conference Session
NEE 2 - Strategies to Improve Teaching Effectiveness
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dustyn Roberts P.E., Temple University; Joshua A. Enszer, University of Delaware; Allen A. Jayne P.E., University of Delaware; Sarah Ilkhanipour Rooney, University of Delaware; Amy Trauth, University of Delaware; Andrew Novocin, University of Delaware; James Atlas, University of Delaware
Tagged Topics
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New Engineering Educators
. Prior to asking a question of the class that you were already going to ask, tell students you are about to ask them that question and give them 1-2 minutes to reflect on the question, writing down their Participation answer in their notes. Then follow up by call on a few students at Preparation 2-5 min random. Ask a question and give students a minute to write down some thoughts ("think"), then another minute or two to discuss their Think-Pair-Sh thoughts with a neighbor ("pair"), then follow up by calling on pairs are 3-5 min at random to
Conference Session
Faculty Development: Tenure & Promotion
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Hodges, Virginia Military Institute; Jon-Michael Hardin, Virginia Military Institute
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New Engineering Educators
members within a department or between thedepartment and the Tenure and Promotions Committees of both LRUs and STCs can alsostrongly influence tenure or promotion decisions. As the department head of one STCnoted, he felt that the requirements for tenure and promotion at his institution seemed tobe shifting towards more emphasis on research than teaching. He added that he harboredconcerns about the effects of that shift on teaching effectiveness and wasn’t sure if thewritten requirements had been modified to reflect this shift. Such ambiguity clearlyeffects tenure and promotion decisions. Page 11.1244.5The lack of specific written targets or goals might
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Beverly Jaeger, Northeastern University; Corey Balint, Northeastern University; Christopher Wishon, Northeastern University; Colleen Fritze, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
self and peer assessmentmethods.5 In an article entitled “Assessment for Learning and Skill Development: The Case ofLarge Classes”, Wanous et al illustrate a new goal of involving students as far as possible inteaching, learning, and assessment activities in their Professional Studies.10 They include a quotefrom Ronald Dearing that states, “students will increasingly need to develop new capabilities andto manage their own development and learning throughout life … it is important that students areprovided with opportunities for independent self reflective learning to prepare them for theworkplace upon graduation…this is why giving students more responsibility for their learningand development is so vital.” 10 ATLAS provides that opportunity to
Conference Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Melodie A. Selby PE, Walla Walla University
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New Engineering Educators
” and “Homework questions on the Avengers made the homeworksomething cool to research of [sic] figure out rather than just get through and done with.”The students also submitted reflections on the class as part of their final. In 2013, the studentswere unanimously positive about the class. Their comments included statements like “All myfriends in other classes are jealous” and “It helped me see that engineering doesn’t have to beseparate from my real life.” Their level of enthusiasm for the class was certainly higher thanstudents in previous years. For the first time since I have taught the class, people who were notin the class have come to me, sometimes months later, to talk about the ideas we discussed in theclass. The students have been
Conference Session
Mentoring and Development of New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Cady, National Academy of Engineering; Norman Fortenberry, National Academy of Engineering
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New Engineering Educators
) 13 45% Literature review 10 34% Find collaborators 9 31% Research on assessment methods 8 28% Reflection/Review of own work 4 14% Compare to similar programs 3 10% Page 15.1064.6Medium-term Detailed logistical plans/Prototypes/Pilot studies 19 66% Find collaborators 7 24
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Beverly Kristenson Jaeger, Northeastern University; Kerri Liss, Northeastern University; Bea van den Heuvel; Ellen Wilson, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
understand the QM role from the Quality Manager’sperspective and thereby further refine the position. The questions asked were aimed at Page 23.1248.8understanding the degree to which QMs become a “skilled other” in this peer-scaffoldingprogram. Being a Quality Manager is an invitation to be a part of an intricate learning process. Our surveyand analysis of this process depicts the Quality Manager position as one containing four broadstages. These stages include Stage 1) Sign-up and Selection, Stage 2) Orientation andPreparation, Stage 3) Lab/class Time, and Stage 4) After-class Time and Reflection. Thefollowing section is a
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators 2: Success In and Out of the Classroom
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Julie P. Martin, Ohio State University
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New Engineering Educators
, Significance, Futuristic—whether I use their language or use the themes as starting points for describing myself using my own words. Writing prompts: • What are some strengths of yours that other people have commented on, and how have these strengths affected your accomplishments? [16] • Do you feel as though you have a gift or calling? How can you share this gift or best answer the call in a way that will fulfill you? [17] 2. Reflect on your values. My core value is relationships. suggests that you might also ask the people who know you best what they believe you value. 3 Writing prompts
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade II
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Marshall, University of Southern Maine; June Marshall, St. Joseph's College
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New Engineering Educators
students need to be successful in mycourse? Will they need to organize large amounts of information, summarize information,use rote memory techniques, or prepare for essay exams? Page 13.968.7Application of the Theory:Assisting students in developing study strategies which fit the type of testing (or otherforms of assessment) used in the course and which reflect the amount and nature of theinformation that must be learned will go a long way to promoting academic success.Question #7 - Learning Strategies: What types of learning strategies do my studentsneed? Will they need to collaborate with others in small or large groups? Will studentsneed to listen
Conference Session
Getting Started: Objectives, Rubrics, Evaluations, and Assessment
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Zbigniew Prusak, Central Connecticut State University
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New Engineering Educators
, it may be advantageous to have certain courses, such as senior project, taught bypracticing engineers, as reflected on these evaluations. On the other hand, the well documentedfact from student evaluations of adjuncts giving higher final grades than full time faculty remainsunaddressed in that paper. However, the paper also cites a very frightening statistics from theASCE Body of Knowledge report 9 that “98 percent of students switching from engineering toanother major cited poor teaching as a reason for their departure”. Blame one’s failure onteacher; not on one’s performance? Although “poor teaching” is a very loose category, hencenot a specific question, such a uniformity of response among underperforming group cannot beignored.Multiple
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Gehringer, North Carolina State University
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New Engineering Educators
1 Provide you with support and feedback on an ongoing basis. 1 Assess your overall performance and assign an end-of-semester grade.Proceedings of the 2009 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition 8Copyright 1 2009, American Society for Engineering Education Criteria for Grading XXX’s Teaching Assistantship 1 Reliability of performance (how well does XXX fulfill the commitments he makes to me and to the students in the class?) 1 Quality of performance (how thoughtfully does XXX reflect on his experiences in the classroom as a sociology major and an undergraduate TA?) 1 Effectiveness of interventions (to what extent does XXX’s work with individual students