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Displaying all 29 results
Conference Session
Approaches to Assessment and Student Reflection
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Susan Bobbitt Nolen, University of Washington; Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods, Ocean and Marine
students 71.4% 50.8% NA 46.5% 57.0%Classes with 50 or more students 12.5% 20.1% NA 1.5% 0.0%4-year graduation rate 40% 32% 3% 85% n/a6-year graduation rate 76% 64% 37% 90% n/aAcknowledgementsThe authors acknowledge the support provided by the National Science Foundation throughgrant NSF 1820888 and 1821439. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.ReferencesCheville, RA., 2019, “Pipeline
Conference Session
Best Paper, Best Diversity Paper
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Maija A Benitz, Roger Williams University
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
, reflection papers, peerevaluations, and course surveys. More specifically, the aim of this work is to explore the efficacyof the project in meeting a variety of learning outcomes, including enhancing 21st century skillsin audiovisual communication, and deepening the students’ knowledge of ocean engineeringconcepts. Finally, this paper shares lessons learned and provides recommendations for futureimplementations of this course project.IntroductionExperiential learning has gained ample traction in engineering education for its efficacy inmotivating students [1], increasing understanding of content [2], strengthening innovativethinking [3] and boosting self-efficacy [4], among other benefits. A wide range of pedagogiesfall under the umbrella of
Conference Session
Ocean, Marine, and Coastal Engineering Topics
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Waters, U.S. Naval Academy; Randy Broussard, U.S. Naval Academy; Jenelle Piepmeier, U.S. Naval Academy
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
variability of illumination. Precisely located control points were used tocalibrate the stereo camera system. Contour plots are generated, but wave properties arenot computed.A review of optical ocean wind wave imaging was done by Jähne et al1. Jähne (focusingon short wind waves) concludes that optical imaging of the water surface is a difficultexperimental task that has not yet met with good results. Jähne concludes that techniquesusing reflection are best for deriving wave-slope statistics and refraction techniques arebest for wave slope imaging. The authors also point out the correspondence problem (tobe discussed later) restricts stereo photography to rough seas with many small-scalewaves.Most optical imaging has been limited to small surface
Conference Session
Hurricane Katrina
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Qin Chen, University of South Alabama
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
Coasts. In fact, from the Florida Panhandle to theLouisiana-Texas boarder, there are no graduate programs in coastal engineering on the centralGulf Coast. The inadequate coastal engineering research and education in the Gulf Coast regionare reflected in the failures of civil engineering infrastructure and buildings seen in the HurricaneKatrina’s aftermath. We use the collapse of coastal bridges during Hurricane Katrina as anexample to demonstrate the need for and importance of coastal engineering research andeducation in hurricane-prone areas. An examination of the engineering practice in thetransportation engineering community has indicated transportation engineers often rely oncoastal engineers to assist their design and construction of
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mysore Narayanan, Miami University
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
accomplished by creating interesting research assignments that are short, yet appropriate to the topic under discussion.Reflection : Feedback helps towards thoughtful evaluation of the changes implemented. Only reflection can provide a tool for continuous improvement. Feedback must be scrutinized and summarized and used as part of continuous quality improvement. Most instructors do conduct an evaluation of the course at the end of the semester. Additional questions should be included to find out how the students react and reflect to the course delivery methodology.Nurture
Conference Session
Ocean, Marine, and Coastal Engineering Topics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Barb Howe, FishSafe B.C.; Gina Johansen, Fish Safe
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
is the person or group of persons whowould have to act differently if the future state of affairs were to be realized. The owner of aprescriptive need is not the person or persons who would be required to change attitudes orbehaviours. A motivational need is when the owner of the discrepancy perceives the need. Forexample, a TC mandatory safety course is a prescriptive need, whereas a voluntary course onvessel stability reflects a motivational need. The success of a program is exponential when thereis total agreement between prescriptive and motivational needs, or when a program is drivenentirely by motivational needs.Learning OutcomesThe next step, following the program planning model was to determine the learning outcome.The FSSEP learning
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yoonjeong Lee, Texas A&M University, Galveston; Baukje Bee Kothuis, Delft University of Technology; Antonia Sebastian, Texas A&M University, Galveston; Sam Brody
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
are required to present their research workthree times while they are in the Netherlands: 5-minute research plan; 10-minute research progress;and 15-minute final presentation. By preparing these presentations, students learn how to collect data,interview stakeholders, lead/participate in brain-storming discussions, and adjust/improve theirresearch products. Students also learn how to interact with people from different disciplines and look atthe issues from diverse perspectives. 1This article describes the design process of the Program, from initial development throughimplementation. Reflections and lessons learned from the first three years of the Program are shared.IntroductionAs
Conference Session
Best Paper, Best Diversity Paper
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jeroen Pruyn, Delft University of Technology; Edwin van Hassel, University of Antwerp
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
over the past decade. It has proven to be a highly appreciated andeffective way to teach students of both fields.The paper discusses the course design and history, demonstrates its success based on evaluationsand continued expansion of the user base, and explains the success of the design by linking it toeducational theories such as the use of scaffolding, direct instruction, assessment for learning, therole of feedback and the importance of context.The final discussion/reflection focuses on the impact of online and distant learning on achievingthe learning goals, based on five courses at five different institutions given in the periodSeptember 2020-January 2021.IntroductionThe importance of multi-disciplinarity in education is not new
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert H. Mayer Jr., U.S. Naval Academy; Angela Schedel, U.S. Naval Academy
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
, Buoyancy Engineer, Foundation Engineer, Thermal Engineer, Project Manager or, inthe case of six-person teams, that of Assistant Project Manager. Once team member assignmentsare determined, each is provided their respective skill primer. Rather than a ‘guide book’, the‘primer’ is intended to reflect knowledge gained from many years of experience in the skilldiscipline. (As an example, a copy of the Project Manager’s primer is provided as an attachmentto this paper.) Since each primer is meant to represent undocumented knowledge, theinformation provided is to be revealed only through open discussion with other team members.Each team is then presented a site map of the approximate 3750 ft2 of marine space; the space isrepresented as a composite of
Conference Session
Ocean, Marine, and Coastal Engineering Topics
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Walid Elshorbagy, United Arab Emirates University; Mir Azam, Chuden_Cti; Kouichi Taguchi, Chuden-Cti; Tetsuya Ichikawa, Chuden_Cti; tomohiko terasawa, Chuden_Cti
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
side of the basin then reflects back from thenorthwestern boundary hitting the eastern side of the Qatar Peninsula. Higherdiurnal tide ranges appear in some parts of the northern end of the Gulf and theeastern side of Qatar. The diurnal tides develop as a result of the combined tidewaves entering from the eastern boundary and the one reflected back from thenorthwestern end. Snap shots of simulated water level and velocity field wereproduced for summer conditions at three-hour intervals [18] covering one day(June 9th, 2002). The plots explain how the tidal propagation affects the flowdirection in different areas of the Gulf.A Harmonic Analysis was conducted to show the distribution of amplitudes andphases of the four tidal constituents. Similar
Conference Session
Microsoft Teams, Deep Learning, and Classroom Flipping
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Grace Nolan, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo ; Franz J. Kurfess, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Kathirvel A. Gounder; Damon Tan; Casey Daly, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Caroline Skae, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
,‌‌the‌‌model‌‌identifies‌‌two‌‌objects‌‌of‌‌interest,‌‌draws‌‌boxes‌‌around‌‌them‌‌shown‌‌in‌‌  red,‌‌assigns‌‌the‌‌labels‌‌“1”‌‌to‌‌identify‌‌the‌‌first‌‌category‌‌(sharks,‌‌in‌‌our‌‌case),‌‌and‌‌indicates‌‌a ‌‌confidence‌‌factor‌‌for‌‌each‌‌(very‌‌close‌‌to‌‌1.0,‌‌which‌‌means‌‌the‌‌model‌‌is‌‌quite‌‌certain‌‌that‌‌the‌‌ object‌‌belongs‌‌into‌‌the‌‌category‌‌identified).‌‌While‌‌the‌‌results‌‌are‌‌not‌‌always‌‌as‌‌clear‌‌as‌‌in‌‌this‌‌ example,‌‌the‌‌overall‌‌performance‌‌of‌‌the‌‌model‌‌is‌‌very‌‌good,‌‌especially‌‌considering‌‌the‌‌  challenges‌‌of‌‌recognizing‌‌small‌‌objects‌‌in‌‌often‌‌murky‌‌waters,‌‌with‌‌waves,‌‌foam,‌‌reflections,‌‌ and‌‌other‌‌distractions.‌‌   ‌Results‌  ‌For‌‌basic‌‌results
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Grimsley Michaeli P.E., Old Dominion University; Paul Moses; Gene Hou, Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
at home. Recordingsare available as archive lectures through semester.Expanding teaching and research lab capabilities in the Marine Dynamics Lab, Marine Power andEnergy Lab, Fluid Power Systems Lab and Advanced Manufacturing Lab will further enhancestudent learning in marine engineering courses.ASSESSMENTStudent feedback has been very positive, and reflects that faculty are enthusiastic and veryknowledgeable about the subjects; that lectures and in-class examples complement the textbook;and that the course work is challenging.Some of the anonymous student feedback:  The class was interesting as well as the instructor.  The instructor was exceptional! Her knowledge of the material was vast and she did an excellent job in
Conference Session
Oceans & Marine Technical Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ziqian Liu, State University of New York, Maritime College
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
that our newly developed laboratory made contributions in enhancingstudent intelligent control design skills on the soft side, which is highly demanded for a 21stcentury and future engineer.I. IntroductionControl course is a classic but also a difficult course in engineering education. With the energysaving revolution in progress, it is playing a more important role in engineering curriculum.Since a control course mainly focuses on theoretical and abstract subjects, it is very challengingfor an instructor to attract and keep our students’ interest when teaching it. Active learning is aneffective pedagogy to support student learning. It involves providing opportunities for studentsto meaningfully talk and listen, write, read, and reflect on the
Conference Session
Microsoft Teams, Deep Learning, and Classroom Flipping
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Paul M. Kump, SUNY Maritime College
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
to completing the exam. The remaining 25 minutes of exam periods werereserved for students to reflect and complete a survey about the flipped course format. The surveyresponses were anonymous and collected in an envelope handled by the students.Prior to flipping the course in 2019, ENGR 383 was taught in the traditional lecture-based format forwhich students were expected (but not required) to come to class and take notes. In this format,students were graded on weekly homework assignments and a single group project, as well as threehigh-stakes exams, the last of which was a long comprehensive final exam. Student participation,which was not graded, was limited to responding to the instructor’s timely questions, sometimesvolunteering with a
Conference Session
Microsoft Teams, Deep Learning, and Classroom Flipping
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Robert Kidd, State University of New York Maritime College
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
suggests that the groups are able to prepare for oradjust to the last two and a half weeks of remote instruction department-wide.With the expected performance defined, the Fall 2020 data can be analyzed. The data is shown inTable 4 and reflect significantly better results across all performance indicators. Performance Indicator Poor Adequate Good Excellent 5.a) Leadership 2% 7% 37% 55% 5.b) Collaborative Environment 1% 5% 31% 63% 5.c) Inclusive Environment 3% 3% 26% 69% 5.d) Establish Team Goals 3% 14% 41% 42% 5.e) Plan Team Tasks 2% 8
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Villalobos; Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Madhumi Mitra Ph.D., University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Abbas H. Diab, University Of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Xavier Shastri Domnique Henry, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
meetings during the summer exchangeprogram in 2013 and 2014. He also attended some of the weekly team meetings in the fall, butgiven that UMCP is approximately a 3 hour drive from UMES, such visits were infrequent duringthe regular semester. However, the faculty leaders have encouraged his continued involvementwith some of the students who are working in synergistic projects at UMES. Figure 7: Student Survey Instrument and Assessment DataUndergraduate students working in the AIRSPACES project reported here are required to present Page 26.334.9their progress, share and reflect on their experiences, and get feedback to troubleshoot
Conference Session
Hurricane Katrina
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
W. Robert Story, Virginia Tech; Brian LeCroy, Virginia Tech; Christina Pace, Virginia Tech; Michael Palmer, Virginia Tech; Leigh McCue, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
information regarding the ship, neither the shippingcompany nor the classification society were prepared to discuss the naval architecture of thevessel, so approximations were formed. Based on the classification numbers and pictures of theship, an approximation of the hull was created in Fastship, a hull modeling software packagecreated by Proteus Engineering. A basic tanker hull was utilized as a starting point thenmodified using the parametric subprogram Fastgen.32 Using this application, a hull was createdthat very accurately models both the ship particulars and hull shape of the Sinar Andalas, as seenin the graphic below. The hull created reflects the displacement of the ship though neglects theparticular structures on deck, including the
Conference Session
Best Paper, Best Diversity Paper
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
James Buchholz, University of Iowa; Jae-Eun Russell, University of Iowa; Venanzio Cichella, University of Iowa; Casey Harwood, University of Iowa; Shaoping Xiao, University of Iowa; Pablo M. Carrica, University of Iowa
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
under-represented minorities in the sample is too small to draw strongconclusions.When survey results were filtered according to students’ academic year of study, third yearstudents reported the most interest in the certificate program. 48% of third year students wereinterested in the certificate program. Fourth year students, on the other hand, reported the leastinterest across academic year. This is a likely a reflection of the fact that fourth-year studentswho have not already begun to complete the certificate will not have an opportunity to do sowithout delaying graduation. Although there was no difference regarding interest in the programfor males, females on average were less likely to be interested (23%). Additionally, first-generation
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lihwa Lin, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
sheltered by the island.NUMERICAL MODELS The USACE Coastal Modeling System (CMS) numerical models (Demirbilek andRosati, 2011) were implemented in the present modeling study. The CMS is a suite ofnumerical wave, current, salinity, and sediment transport models consisting of CMS-Wave and CMS-Flow. CMS-Wave is a finite-difference, two-dimensional steady-statewave spectral transformation model that calculates wave propagation, generation,refraction, diffraction, reflection, transmission, run-up, and wave-current interaction (Linet al. 2008, 2011). CMS-Flow is a finite-difference, time-dependent three-dimensionalcirculation model which also calculates sediment transport, morphology change, salinity,and temperature fields (Buttolph et al. 2006
Conference Session
OMCED Topics
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Manhar Dhanak, Florida Atlantic University; Ronald Yeung, University of California, Berkeley; Spyros Kinnas, University of Texas, Austin
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
respectively directed at performance of single and multiple hulls and at the development of improved propulsion systems. • FAU/UT/UCB Faculty / CISD personnel campus visits and seminar programsSpecific emphasis of the program has evolved to reflect the thrust at CISD. For example, for2004 – 06, ship systems specific to development of the Seabasing concept and associatedtechnologies were considered. The Seabase is envisioned as a collection of mobile Navy ships atsea conducting operations that enable forces to mobilize ashore without a large logisticsfootprint. A Seabase has strategic advantages that include unconstrained maneuvering andreconfiguration, scalability to match operations, rapid deployment, reduced vulnerability toattack, local
Conference Session
OMCED Topics
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Simpson, United States Coast Guard Academy
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
the fact that it is a groupproject and that the grade may only reflect the efforts on one or two members of a three or fourmember team.ConclusionThe sheet metal barge project has added a dimension of realism and practical experience in theShip Structures course at the Coast Guard Academy. It gives the students a challenging butachievable design, analysis, and construction task that requires integration of hull design,structural design, and construction planning. It gives direct correlation between theory andpractice. The students learn from firsthand experience the need for care in metal shipconstruction. They experience the ease with which single curvature can be used in metalconstruction and how difficult it is to use double curvature. In
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan John Washuta P.E., The Citadel; Jason Howison, The Citadel; Billy L. Clark, The Citadel; Robert Hudson Imhoff IV; Luiz Dos Reis
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
their engineering analysis as well ascharacterized the water tunnel for future experiments. In doing this, these students learned aboutstate of the art optical measurement techniques like PIV and PTV, giving them access toknowledge and training of methods used in industry through experiences not typically availableto undergraduate students in their coursework. These experiences are reflective of StudentOutcome (k), an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice.Each semester of the course culminates in the students formulating design documentation as wellas presenting their final designs and prototypes to a large group of students and faculty,addressing Student Outcome (g), an ability to
Conference Session
Oceans & Marine Technical Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mario Miranda II, Florida Atlantic University
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
a system; however,they do not teach the tools that are needed to know how to integrate these concepts togetherduring the system development process. The downfall reflects in the student when theycannot develop a successful senior design project.As a solution, a state-of-the-art education is being presented as a project-based learningexperience. This type of educational method has been designed to push motivated studentsinto a fast pace, learn as you “build” environment in which students need to integrateeducational theory with applications. While not being a requirement by the university, adirected independent study was performed by a junior level student in the summer of 2010.The objective of the study was to apply compartmentalized
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carlos Efrén Mora, La Laguna University; Jorge Martin-Gutierrez, Universidad de La Laguna; Beatriz Añorbe-Diaz, Universidad de La Laguna; REYES CARRAU MELLADO, Universidad La Laguna; Antonio González Marrero, University of La Laguna
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
experiences to every other subject would encourage even more this competences profile, although it will require a greater involvement from the academic institution, as well as the teaching staff. The actual assessment of the curriculum with few coordination between subjects greatly complicates those learning models focused on the student. Concretely, problem-based learning needs support from previous courses, which caused an additional issue for many students who had not applied any of these required knowledge ever before. This was reflected in the answers to open questions belonging to students who had less experience in the practical application of knowledge. Besides, many universities, inside their management structures
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Engineering Division: Best Paper Technical Session
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Laura K. Alford, University of Michigan; James A. Coller, University of Michigan; Robin Fowler, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
demonstration; come to a consensus on their interpretations of the concepts; orcomplete a quick example of each concept. A key component of the interactive lecture is that no“solution” slides are provided. The teams must work through the calculations or reflections togain a complete set of slides. This forces all students to engage in the lecture. Answers are sharedout in the larger group and the instructor guides the discussion of the answers so as to ensure acommon understanding of the concepts.Our initial assessment shows a marked improvement in student understanding of the relevanthydrodynamics concepts necessary to designing an underwater vehicle. Students are able toconverse more knowledgeably on hydrodynamics, and the ROV designs are more
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Tech Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian G Belu, Drexel University (Tech.); Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University (Tech.)
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
oftenlacking in many engineering courses, using traditional teaching approaches. Furthermore, thedesign experience motivates student learning and develops skills required in industry.The development and implementation of a project solar energy harvesting in our senior projectdesign course is described here. The project is used to allow students to apply fundamentalengineering concepts as well as principles of engineering design. The societal impact of theproject, Solar Energy Scavenging, also makes students more aware of what engineering can do toaddress current energy issues worldwide. Presently we are modifying the content of the projectto address the main concern that many students expressed in their reflection papers, i.e. the levelof complexity
Conference Session
Special Session Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the MATE International ROV Competition
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas E. Oppliger, Michigan Technological University; Valorie Troesch, Michigan Technological University; Jean Kampe, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
projects because the heart of the school year is whenmost project work is in full swing. To counter this issue, the TCROV team has, under thesupervision of adults, experimented with using their ROVs under the ice. Figure 10 shows aspecially designed (to be small and maneuverable) ROV being launched through an auguredopening.Figure 10: ROVs exploring under the ice, note the plant material under the ice roof. Also note the Page 22.1577.15excellent real-world physics demonstration of internal reflection of light off the water’s surface.The team has now developed safe protocols for using ROVs under the ice and has captured somefascinating video. These
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian G Belu, Drexel University (Tech.); Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University (Tech.)
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
monitoring. The societal impact of the project, energy scavenging methods, alsomakes students more aware of what engineering can do to address current energy issuesworldwide and how to provide long lasting power supply for environmental monitoring systems.Presently we are modifying the content of the project to address the main concern that thestudents of the project team expressed in their reflection papers, i.e. the level of complexity andthe amount of time needed to complete the project. The project presented above, together withother projects proposed by the authors in the areas of renewable energy, energy harvesting andwireless sensor networks have been used to draw student’s interest in the field of renewableenergy sources, advanced and
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ismael Pagán-Trinidad, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Ricardo R Lopez P.E., University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; Ernesto Luis Diaz MEM, Puerto Rico Climate Change Council
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
Puerto Rico and the U.S. VirginIslands reflect an increase in sea level of about 0.08 inches (2.0 mm) per year for the period 1962–2017 for Puerto Rico and for 1975–2017 for the U.S. Virgin Islands. The bottom panels show acloser look at more recent trends from 2000 to 2017 that measure a rise in sea level of about 0.24inches (6.0 mm) per year. Projections of sea level rise are shown under three different scenarios ofIntermediate-Low (1–2 feet), Intermediate (3–4 feet), and Extreme (9–11 feet) sea level rise. Thescenarios depict the range of future sea level rise based on factors such as global greenhouse gasemissions and the loss of glaciers and ice sheets. Sources: NOAA NCEI and CICS-NC.There are significant multi hazard challenges to the