Paper ID #33586Biologically Inspired Design For Engineering Education: Online TeacherProfessional Learning (Evaluation)Dr. Meltem Alemdar, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Meltem Alemdar is s Associate Director and Principal Research Scientist at Georgia Institute of Tech- nology’s Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics and Computing (CEISMC). Her research focuses on improving K-12 STEM education through research on curriculum development, teacher pro- fessional development, and student learning in integrated STEM environments. Dr. Alemdar is currently co-PI for research on various NSF funded projects
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environment as it relates to active learning in a remote instructiondelivery classroom. Kolb’ s experiential learning theory was used to guide this study. The qualitative datagathered were analyzed thematically. Analysis from the data showed that remote learning impactedstudents’ ability to support each other in project-based learning processes. The effect of remote learningalso impacted students' access to peer group resources, materials, and tools needed for effective project-based learning. Results showed that some students preferred working with other students cooperativelyon project-based activities while other students preferred working individually on project-basedactivities. The findings show that team building in high school students
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Director of Pre-collegiate Outreach Programs at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Meadows works with K-12 S STEM outreach programs during the summer and academic year. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Building and Evaluating a Multi-tiered Mentor Program to Introduce Research to High School Women (Evaluation)AbstractWorcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) has developed the Women’s Research and MentoringProgram (WRAMP) with the goal of encouraging more women to consider advanced degrees inscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). A multi-tiered mentor program hasevolved to place two local high school students in a graduate student mentor’s research lab
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,university faculty, and industry professionals can work together to offer the bestlearning experience to students. The five core components with the interventions and outcomes are explained in moredetail in Table 1. Table 1. Summary of critical areas, interventions, and objectives Critical Areas Interventions [with High Objectives School and University Partner(s)] Academic Proactive advising Increased interaction engagement Awareness/training/career between universities and seminars high schools Peer mentor
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