‘selection’ (shown in yellow)or ‘non-selection’ (shown in pink) of renewable energy were described in a box. Figure 7. Group 1’s (girls) decision-making Figure 8. Group 2’s (girls) decision-making process in the first discussion
the importance of resiliency and sustainably in civil engineering. Thisincrease in vocabulary is also evident in the sample responses in Table 3. Student Responses to "What is Civil Engineering?" 12 10 Frequency 8 6 4 2 Pre 0 Post re ct s s
to create presentations to other 4.26 4.67 0.24 teachers/professionals at meetings about your summer learning(s)*p ≤ 0.05** p ≤ 0.01*** Bonferroni adjusted p=0.05/12 ≤ 0.004Effect size: .1 to .29 small, .3 to .49 medium, and larger than .5 large [27] The 2019 survey included questions about participants’ comfort level in performing thetasks listed in Table 3. The overall increase in teachers’ comfort in performing tasks related tocurriculum development and inclusion of engineering and scientific research in their classactivities, suggests that the program had a positive impact with some statistically significant gains.“Creating problems with multiple solutions” (p ≤ 0.01), “Presenting
?" Paper presented at the 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). Erie, PA.Dick, T. P., & Rallis, S. F. (1991). Factors and influences on high school students’ career choices. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 22(4), 281 - 292.Garriott, P. O., Raque-Bogdan, T. L., Zoma, L., Mackie-Hernandez, D., & Lavin, K. (2016). Social cognitive predictors of Mexican American high school students’ math/science career goals. Journal of Career Development, 44, 77-90. doi:10.1177/0894845316633860Gillen, A. L., Kinoshita, T., Knight, D., Grohs, J., Carrico, C., Matusovich, H. M., … Bradburn, I. (2017). WIP: Gatekeepers to broadening participation in engineering: Investigating variation across high
group as a senior engineer, and later brought his real-world expertise back into the classroom at Purdue University Calumet. He is currently a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago where he enjoys success in teaching and education research.Prof. Jeremiah Abiade c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Execution Details and Assessment Results of a Summer Bridge Program for First-year Engineering StudentsAbstractThis paper reports the execution details and the summary assessment of a Summer Bridge Program(SBP) that is a part of an ongoing National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarships in Science,Technology, Engineering, and Math (S-STEM
three caregivers enacted over the course of a five-month engineering program conducted in an out-of-school context. Our research question was asfollows: What roles do caregivers enact with/for their child during a family-based engineeringdesign project? Subsequently, we considered the contextual factors of the program that seemedto influence and shape caregivers’ role enactment. Results of our work provide further evidenceof the impact of caregiver inclusion in the process of learning engineering, not only on thestudent(s) involved, but also on caregivers. Findings support the benefit of incorporating familiaradults into the engineering learning process, while providing distinct avenues by whichcaregivers might acknowledge and value their own
education must continue. Our work adds to the conversation by providing directevidence of school, district, and state administrators’ perspectives. We will continue to engage inmultiple reflections and discussions with administrators across the nation in the coming years asthe e4usa scales up to create district-level partnerships. The study has implications for how schooland district partnerships may be developed to allow for reciprocal support as pre-collegeengineering education continues to grow.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work primarily supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF)under NSF Award Number EEC-1849430. Any opinions, findings and conclusions, orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s
(the website will be included in thefinal paper. This website also contains details information about the project and theimplementation methodology).Data were collected to answer the following research questions:(a) To what extent does the pedagogical approach impact the attitudes of students towardsSTEM?(b) To what extent does the pedagogical approach improve the content knowledge of thestudents?(c) To what extent are teachers accepting and comfortable with the pedagogical approach?The Science/Math Teachers Efficacy Belief Instrument (S/MTEBI) [24] was used to measure theattitudes of the participant teachers. This 25-item instrument measures the Teacher EfficacyBelief (13 items) and Teaching Outcome Expectancy (12 items) dimensions on a 5
, skills, and practices ofstudents while creating bridges to engineering and classroom experiences. It is alsocomprehensive because the goal is to improve academic achievement while helping studentsmaintain their identity, connect to their communities, develop a sense of shared responsibility,share their “sensibilities,” and develop critical consciousness. Through a rasquache approach,students will see themselves and their communities in a curriculum that is empowering,transformative, and liberating. The goal would be to replace individualistic perspectives withmore cooperative and active roles from the students and teachers.References[1] J. S. Passel, D. V. Cohn, and M. H. Lopez, "Hispanics account for more than half of nation’s growth in
Item 4 5a. The teacher provides opportunities for from multiple STEM Cognitive Engagement in The teacher requires students to integrate content students to learn S/T/E/M concepts. disciplines to complete an from multiple disciplines. STEM activity. 5b. The teacher integrates content from
some period of time, until the protégés are capable of making expertise-relatedchoices autonomously.There are many cases where the duration of the mentoring relationship is just a few hours,typically at an outreach, i.e., recruiting-type event, with contact between mentor and protégé ofshort duration, often less than eight hours [9]. In many cases, the mentor vis-à-vis role model andprotégé(s) will most likely never meet again, so first impressions often become ONLYimpressions. The member volunteers who interact during these “one and done” events withstudents and the adults who accompany them are defined as “role models” for this study.Overview of studySince 2010, in collaboration with Exxon Mobil, Design Squad, and the Girl Scouts of the
like engineers.AcknowledgementsSupport for this work is provided by the National Science Foundation under Award No. EEC1664228. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] National Science Board. (2016). Science and engineering indicators 2016. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation (NSB-2016-1).[2] Tai, R. T., Liu, C. Q., Maltese, A. V., & Fan, X. T. (2006). Planning early for careers in science. Science, 312, 1143-1144.[3] Aschbacher, P. R., Li, E., & Roth, E. J. (2010). Is science me? High school students’ identities, participation, and aspirations in science
. 17 References[1] S. J. Poole , and J. F. Sullivan. "Assessing K-12 pre-engineering outreachprograms," Frontiers in Education Conference, vol. 1, pp. 11B5-15, 1999.[2] J. J. Kuenzi, "Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education:Background, federal policy, and legislative action." 2008.[3] S.Y .Yoon, M. Dyehouse, A. M. Lucietto, H. A.. Diefes‐Dux, and B. M. Capobianco, "Theeffects of integrated science, technology, and engineering education on elementary students'knowledge and identity development," School Science and Mathematics, 114, no. 8, pp.380-391,2014.[4] T. J. Moore, and K. M. Tank,"Nature-‐Inspired Design: A PictureSTEM Curriculum forElementary STEM Learning," 2014.[5] T
addition of engineeringcontent and practices to NGSS does not add additional requirements to the science standardsalready being taught. Although NGSS is not adopted in Oklahoma, the new OklahomaAcademic Science Standards, OAS-S, mirror NGSS. Further, many participants stated that eventhough they did not receive any resources for teaching engineering, they were satisfied with thisbecause they did not teach engineering anyway. This reveals that teachers do not understand thescience standards they are required to teach as part of OAS-S, which require them to beengineering teachers. Some participants’ responses indicated that teachers held misconceptions about thedifficulty or nature of engineering. For example, a few participants mentioned
teachers. These teachers will expand ontheir previous research and assist other teachers with their own curricular development to preparefor final publication to www.teachengineering.org. We will document at least twenty curricularpieces.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1609089. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.This work has also been supported by the Institute for Critical Technology andApplied Science (ICTAS) at Virginia Tech.References [1] V. Lohani and T. Younos, “Implementation and assessment of an interdisciplinary
and explore challenges related to the transportation infrastructure.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the U. S. Department of Transportation, FederalHighway Administration’s National Summer Transportation Institute. Portions of the workreported here, related to assessing student interest in- and awareness of- transportationengineering is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1744539. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department ofTransportation and the National Science Foundation.ReferencesAmerican Society of Civil Engineers-ASCE. (2021). 2021 Report
not necessarily reflect theviews of the National Science FoundationReferences[1] "Progress Report on the Federal Implementation of the STEM Education Strategic Plan," Office of Science and Technology Policy, Washington, DC, 2019.[2] N. S. B. National Science Foundation, "Science & Engineering Indicators 2018. NSB-2018-1," National Science Foundation, 2018.[3] "Survey: Teen Girls’ Interest in STEM Careers." Junior Achievement USA. https://jausa.ja.org/news/press-releases/survey-teen-girls-interest-in-stem-careers- decline (accessed February 1, 2021, 2021).[4] E. Cevik et al., "Assessing the effects of authentic experiential learning activities on teacher confidence with engineering concepts," presented at
in a chronological order so a comparison and tracking thegrowth of CT practice might be possible. Nevertheless, this study contributes to the teaching andintegration of CT in K-12 science and engineering education. From the perspectives of researchas well as practice, learning environments are important for fostering student CT practice asresults show that specific CT practices seem to relate to specific design and redesign tasks(Yang, Swanson, et al., 2018). Therefore, the design of a suitable environment is critical for theintegration and fostering CT in students. ReferencesAn, S. & Lee, Y. (2014). Development of pre-service teacher education program for computational thinking. In M
pre-college students will help meet the growingdemand for engineers.References[1] Project Lead the Way, “About Us.” [Online]. Available: https://www.pltw.org/about-us. [Accessed: 20-Jan-2019].[2] I. Miaoulis, “K-12 Engineering: The Missing Core Discipline,” in Engineering in Pre- College Settings, S. Purzer, J. Strobel, and M. Cardella, Eds. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2014, pp. 21–33.[3] R. L. Carr, L. D. Bennett IV, and J. Strobel, “Engineering in the K-12 STEM Standards of the 50 U.S. States : An Analysis of Presence and Extent,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 539–564, 2012.[4] T. J. Moore, K. M. Tank, A. W. Glancy, J. A. Kersten, and F. D. Ntow, “The Status of Engineering
, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. ReferencesBarr, V., & Stephenson, C. (2011). Bringing computational thinking to K-12: what is Involved and what is the role of the computer science education community? ACM Inroads, 2(1), 48-54.Brennan, K., & Resnick, M. (2012). New frameworks for studying and assessing the development of computational thinking. In Proceedings of the 2012 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA), & International Society for Technology in
," in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition (ASEE), Atlanta, GA, 2013.[12] L. J. Bottomley, E. A. Parry, L. T. Coley, L. Deam, E. Goodson, J. Kidwell, J. Linck and B. Robinson, "Lessons learned from the implementation of a GK-12 grant outreach program.," in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition (ASEE), Albuquerque, NM, 2001[13] S. K. Horowitz and I. B. Horowitz, "The effects of team diversity on team outcomes: A meta- analytic review of team demography," Journal of Management, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 987-1015, 2007.[14] S. E. Jackson and A. Joshi, "Work team diversity," in APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 1, S
science practices? 3. To what extent do you think it is possible to enact engineering practices in the grade(s) you teach? 4. What are some of the difficulties you envision with enacting engineering practices in your classroom? 5. How are some of the instructional practices you currently use similar to and/or different from those you might need to enact engineering design in your classroom? Engineering design process documents. Teacher teams produced a variety of documentsas they completed each design challenge; these included tradeoff matrices, sketches ofprototypes during brainstorming sessions, benchmarking research, convergent design generation(i.e., final design drawings), and design critique
prestige.Learning Experiences Influence Outcome Expectations Related to Engineering Careers In high school 271, both 271T1 and T2 talked about influences of courses or programs ontheir students’ postsecondary outcome expectations. T1 mentioned that “taking these classes 8[basic drawing classes] in high school is good because it's helping them narrow their focus andsee if it's something that they are interested in and if they're good at it,” implying that classesthat students take can influence their postsecondary outcome expectations, particularly on theirinterest in certain fields. This is further supported by a T1’s example:“she's [one of her
obtain a pool of respondents and facilitate interview selection in a largerphenomenographic study. This paper presents the results from the survey, and focuses ondeveloping a better understanding of mentoring in K-12 STEM outreach programs through theresearch question, Do K-12 STEM outreach program characteristics differ between programsthat are and are not believed to foster mentoring relationships between university and K-12students? The survey yielded useful responses from 61 program coordinators representing 131K-12 STEM outreach programs. Tests for association between individual program characteristicsand program coordinators’ beliefs about mentoring in their program(s) and a binomial logisticregression model were carried out using IBM SPSS
was particularly challenging to think of an activity that would not Incorporating Challenges in only be about the topic but would also ensure that the specific SEP three dimensions NGSS-plus-5E was being met. I also had to research the concepts at a much greater of NGSS implementation detail than I had initially anticipated.” “I was a little afraid of [Facilitator 4]’s lesson plan. It was so detailed How to and wordy. I don’t think I would have the stamina or the attention incorporate 5E’s
varysubstantially.Date: Lesson: Observer: Time Notes Code(s)Camera(s) & Audio Recorder(s): School/Grade/Teacher:Figure 2. Field note template for LiveScribe equipment For the case study phase, field notes were collected using an Apple Pencil and iPad Prothrough the Notability application. Key information about how to collect field notes moreeffectively for the project was divided into six main categories: Case Study (CS) Attendance. For the CS Attendance column, write each student’s initials to clarify who is in the classroom. Teacher ID. For the Teacher ID column, please do not use the teacher’s name. Rather, please use their
additional recommendation was to make thecourse available “to students specializing in math and science across all education majors” andtailoring the coding assignments “from simplistic to intricate based on age/grade levels.”The two students were asked to reflect at the end of their course on their main takeaways fromthe course. The freshman student stated: “Although we may be ending our course work withprogramming here, we have a newfound interest in the subject that we will bring with us the restof our academic careers and beyond!” and the sophomore replied: “We both concluded thatalthough we may be more focused on the S and M in STEM, we now want to incorporate ourknowledge into the classroom. By having a ‘Tech Corner’ of sorts and having