Paper ID #44407Lighting a Pathway to Energy Transitions: Collecting, Interpreting and SharingEngineering Designs and Research Data Across a School-based AgrivoltaicsCitizen Science Network (Pre-College Resource/Curriculum Exchange)Dr. Michelle Jordan, Arizona State University Michelle Jordan is as associate professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. She also serves as the Education Director for the QESST Engineering Research Center. Michelleˆa C™s program of research focuses on social interactMs. Katie Spreitzer, Arizona State UniversitySarah Bendok ©American Society for
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Paper ID #39397Energizing the Engineering Pipeline through Agrivoltaics CitizenScience: Curriculum ShareDr. Michelle Jordan, Arizona State University Michelle Jordan is as associate professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. She also serves as the Education Director for the QESST Engineering Research Center. Michelleˆa C™s program of research focuses on social interactJanet M. AnkrumMelany CoatesCheryl CarswellAndrew CentanniMs. Mia Delarosa Mia DeLaRosa received her BA in in Elementary Education from Arizona State University in 2004. She went on to receive her Masters in Educational
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displayed images.Four different examples are presented on how to engage students in such a lesson. The studentworksheets for the lessons are found here: example of the lesson is scenario #1, as follows:A company in Castledale, Utah, buys cocoa beans from Columbia and sugar from Hawaii tomake chocolate candy bars. They make the bars in a manufacturing plant and ship them to storesall across the United States. People love them so much and have bought enough candy bars thatsoon the company will start selling in Canada and Mexico, too.Identify the:Input(s)___________________________________________________Process(es) _______________________________________________Output(s
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design solution; “What do you need to know in order to solve theproblem?” We examined 150 middle-school student engineering notebooks to determine: 1. Dostudents correctly anticipate the presence of each type of STEM connection in the unit (science,technology, engineering, mathematics)? 2. Do students correctly anticipate the nature of theSTEM connections in the unit? In answering these questions, we can discover if studentsdetermine that they must learn the very same STEM concept(s) for which the curriculum wasdesigned. If students anticipate the correct connections, we have reason to believe this supportsstudents’ feelings of autonomy, competence, and motivation. The answer to our questionsprovides the impetus for further investigation into
focuses on how students can consistently develop their talent throughout their educational experiences and how parents, school, and community support students, s ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Caregivers’ Roles in Supporting Children’s Engagement in Engineering Activities at Home (Fundamental)AbstractWe began this project with three goals: (1) engage families in engineering activities, (2) increasethe awareness of kids and caregivers as to what engineering is, and (3) increase children’ interestin engineering. We focused on caregivers and home environments because of the important rolethat at-home experiences with STEM play in triggering interest for many
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periods are the focus of this work. A visualization of thismodel is presented below in Figure 1. Figure 1: Conrad et al.’s (2006, p. 257) Model of Undergraduate SocializationStrayhorn [23] argues that feelings of belonging are a fundamental human need that are alsosufficient to drive behavior. Individuals that feel cared for, supported, and that they matter tothose around them in a given environment subsequently feel that they belong in thatenvironment. Belonging takes on heightened importance during uncertain or stressful periods oftime, and in contexts where an individual feels like an outsider. For most traditional prospectivestudents, the college application process is stressful and takes place during late adolescence: acritical period
program was grant-funded and provided busing to and from AMSA’s campus fromstudents’ homes for student populations that identified this need, as well as to and from bothinstitutions the second week for all participants. The overall cost of the program broke down to$708 per pupil. The S-STEM survey [14] was used as a pre- and post-intervention measure, aswell as an additional exit survey. The S-STEM survey indicated no statistically significantchanges in interest in or attitudes towards STEM. Program coordinators felt this was probablynot the correct program metric instrument considering the population involved and the brevity ofthe program. The additional exit survey in comparison to the entrance survey saw no differencein students planning to
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Develop possible solution(s) solution(s) Select the best Test and evaluate possible the solution(s) solution(s) Construct a prototype Figure 1. Illustration of the engineering design process model adapted from the Massachusetts DoE [13]Teaching and learning with the engineering design processIdentifying a design process model to use
theory model by usingTable 1: Summary of the studies selected to answer the RQs Works based on the conceptual framework of Perna’s model Implications for Author(s) / Year Purpose Population / Contexts Constructs / Methods practice or research Registrations information
give rise to the observed phenomenon (p. 175).In summary, Russ et al.’s (2008) framework foregrounds the distinct elements of a mechanisticaccount - what learners say about the phenomenon’s entities and their characteristics and actions,and Krist et al.’s (2019) framework foregrounds scalar levels - how learners describe what ishappening at a scale other than the observed phenomenon. Previously, we conducted a study ofthe mechanistic reasoning expressed spontaneously in elementary students’ discourse whilebuilding and testing prototypes (Authors, in Preperation). In that study, we found that a subset ofRuss et al.’s seven levels and a subset of Krist et al.’s three heuristics fully described the waysthat students used mechanistic reasoning as
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improving theirinterest in engineering and STEM.VII. Study Limitations and Next StepsThe generalizability of the results of this study is limited by study context and participants. Thestudy took place at one private high school with one teacher and seventeen students to date, all ofwhich were advanced learners. Thus, the ability to infer potential impacts on high school scienceteachers and students is limited. The other two lessons developed during the teacher professionaldevelopment workshop will be conducted to increase the sample size of this study. Additionally,performing these lessons in schools with greater representative student diversity would alsoenhance our ability to generalize impact.VIII. References[1] S. L. Robinson and J. A. Mangold
similar to the one discussed in this paper. Acknowledgment of Support & Disclaimer This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2215770. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. References [1] NGSS Lead States. Next generation science standards: For states, by states. Washington, DC: The National Academies
and the ToyotaUSA Education Foundation to the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity. The programdescribed in this paper was funded by the National Science Foundation. Early collaborators andcontributors to variations of the rubric include Tegwin Pulley, Audrey Selden, Mimi Lufkin, JuliaThompson, and Michelle Brown. Special thanks to our CISTEME365 participants for theirsupport in realizing the potential of this resource.References 1. Gazibara, S. (2013). “Head, Heart and Hands Learning”-A challenge for contemporary education. The Journal of Education, Culture, and Society, 4(1), 71-82. 2. Piaget, J. (1964). Cognitive Development in Children Development and Learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2, 176-186
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learners to participate in an inclusive, productive, and engaging classroomenvironment is for instructors to embed a Culturally Responsive-Sustaining (CR-S) framework. TheCulturally Responsive framework proposes creating student-centered learning environments that affirmcultural identities; foster positive academic outcomes; develop students’ abilities to connect across lines ofdifference; elevate historically marginalized voices; empower students as agents of social change; andcontribute to individual student engagement, learning, growth, and achievement through the cultivation ofcritical thinking [18]. Ladson-Billings introduced the term culturally relevant pedagogy over two decadesago based on her research on effective teachers of African