, we plan to add howengineering jobs can have a good work-life balance to our engineering careers overview.References[1] M. Yilmaz, J. Ren, S. Custer, and J. Coleman, "Hands-on summer camp to attract K–12 students to engineering fields," IEEE transactions on education, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 144- 151, 2009.[2] F. Ozis, A. O. Pektas, M. Akca, and D. l. A. DeVoss, "How to shape attitudes toward STEM careers: The search for the most impactful extracurricular clubs," Journal of Pre- College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), vol. 8, no. 1, p. 3, 2018.[3] F. Cima et al., "Enhancing Preservice Teachers' Intention to Integrate Engineering Through a Multi-Disciplinary Partnership (Evaluation)," presented at
, 2022, and 2023. A total of 78 students and 3 teachers participated in the program during thistime period.Each team of students submits a project report at the end of the spring semester as part of the programrequirements.3.3 Data Collection Instrument(s)For this study, a total of 10 reports were randomly selected from the participants' submissions. Thesereports were analyzed using Open ChatGPT to explore the students' experiences in the Dual-CreditEngineering program.Open ChatGPT was utilized to conduct a thematic analysis of the reports. Each report was inputted intoOpen ChatGPT, which generated codes based on its content. These codes were then combined to formoverall themes across all 10 reports.The procedure for thematic analysis with Open
pandemic also disrupted the traditional way of teaching science and presentedteachers with new instructional tools. Another term for a disruption that has a positive effectis “disruptive innovation”. One 4th grade teacher added her own thoughts at the end of herinterview about the trajectory of STEAM education in her classroom and COVID-19’s“disruptive innovation”. As teaching and learning return to “normal”, she hopes that teachersreflect on what really worked during remote learning and incorporate those effective practicesback into in-person instruction: “I'm impressed with educators and what we've been able to do in such a short amount of time, and I think that we should not walk away from what we learned when we were remote
knowledge of the content presented during the course.4.2 Student Attitudes Toward STEM (S-STEM) SurveyThe Student Attitudes Toward STEM (S-STEM) Survey was used to answer the project's second researchquestion. This survey was developed at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation – College ofEducation North Carolina University [18] to collect and interpret information about students’ attitudestoward science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects, postsecondary pathways, andcareer interests. This instrument is free to access and modify for educational use and can be adapted tolocal conditions as long as the source is cited.Given that the audience of the course is Spanish-speaking, the project used, translated, and adapted aversion
-engineering-and-the-gender-gap (accessed Feb. 06, 2023).[7] “Common Core State Standards |.” https://learning.ccsso.org/common-core-state-standards- initiative (accessed Feb. 06, 2023).[8] T. Kettler and J. S. Puryear, “Research Experiences for High School Students: A Curriculum for Expertise and Authentic Practice,” in Modern Curriculum for Gifted and Advanced Academic Students, Routledge, 2016.[9] “AP Research – AP Students | College Board.” https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-research (accessed Feb. 06, 2023).[10] M. Abdullah, R. A. Majid, B. Bais, N. S. Bahri, and M. F. Asillam, “Fostering research aptitude among high school students through space weather competition,” Adv. Space Res., vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 478–486
inclusive and diverse STEM community.7. References[1] M. Riojas, S. Lysecky, and J. Rozenblit, “Educational Technologies for Precollege Engineering Education,” IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 20–37, 2012, doi: 10.1109/TLT.2011.16.[2] N. Kerimbayev, N. Beisov, А. Kovtun, N. Nurym, and A. Akramova, “Robotics in the international educational space: Integration and the experience,” Educ Inf Technol (Dordr), vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 5835–5851, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1007/s10639-020-10257-6.[3] S. Anwar, N. A. Bascou, M. Menekse, and A. Kardgar, “A systematic review of studies on educational robotics,” Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, vol. 9, no. 2. Purdue University Press
-developed by two graduate students and aprofessor/researcher in science education and in the Neag School of EducationCorsi-Rosenthal Box Learning Modules © 2023 by Aaron Richardson, Jannatul Anika, Todd Campbell is licensedunder CC BY-NC 4.0 Grade 5 Unit PlanUnit Author(s): Aaron Richardson, Jannatul Anika, Todd CampbellUnit Title: Corsi-Rosenthal Air Filtration BoxScience Area Focus: Engineering, Earth and Life Sciences STAGE 1: PLANNING FOR ENGAGEMENT WITH IMPORTANT SCIENCE IDEASPART A: Unpack the Standards. This is completed by reviewing the Framework for K-12Science Education to identify the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI), DCI Progressions, andPerformance
Forum.[2] Powell, A., Nielsen, N., Butler, M., Buxton, C., Johnson, O., Ketterlin-Geller, L., Stiles, J., McCulloch, C. (2018). The Use of Theory in Research on Broadening Participation in PreK– 12 STEM Education: Information and guidance for prospective DRK–12 grantees. Waltham, MA: Education Development Center, Inc. Retrieved from https://www.edc.org/use-theory- research-broadening-participation-prek%E2%80%9312-stem-education[3] Brown, S. E., Santiago, D., & Lopez, E. (2003). Latinos In Higher Education: Today and Tomorrow. Change The Magazine of Higher Learning, 35(2), 40-47. Retrieved from http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_Se archValue_0=EJ671686&
C. Cunningham, “Draw An Engineer: Development Of A Tool To Investigate Students’ Ideas About Engineers And Engineering,” in 2004 Annual Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, Utah: ASEE Conferences, Jun. 2004, p. 9.482.1-9.482.11. doi: 10.18260/1-2--12831.[6] A. Sullivan and M. Umashi Bers, “Girls, Boys, and Bots: Gender Differences in Young Children’s Performance on Robotics and Programming Tasks,” JITE:IIP, vol. 15, pp. 145–165, 2016, doi: 10.28945/3547.[7] S. Edward and H. M. Golecki, “Gelatin Soft Actuators: Benefits and Opportunities,” Actuators, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 63, Jan. 2023, doi: 10.3390/act12020063.[8] L. Garcia et al., “The Role of Soft Robotic Micromachines in the Future of Medical
’ Perceptions of the Long-Term Impact of Attending a ‘CSI Science Camp,’” J Sci Educ Technol, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 916–928, Dec. 2016, doi: 10.1007/s10956-016-9635-3.[11] G. Hein, “Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits,” Museums & Social Issues, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 113–124, Apr. 2009, doi: 10.1179/msi.2009.4.1.113.[12] Committee on Successful Out-of-School STEM Learning; Board on Science Education; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; National Research Council, Identifying and Supporting Productive STEM Programs in Out-of-School Settings. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2015. doi: 10.17226/21740.[13] I. of D. at S. Plattner Hasso, “An Introduction to
local library toprovide STEM activities to families by integrating at-home STEM activities with a libraries'summer reading program. We sought to partner with the local library for multiple reasons: 1)libraries reach a broad and diverse community, particularly those not typically represented inSTEM fields; 2) libraries can provide free and inclusive access to making; 3) pairing books withSTEM activities increases background knowledge and vocabulary in context; and 4) families areincreasingly engaging in STEM activities offered at libraries to support and foster theirchild(ren)’s learning. Below, we discuss four primary lessons learned as part of the pilot SummerFamily STEM Reading Challenge. First, we did not quite reach as diverse an audience
-Scientist Test (DAST), Science Communication, 29 (1), 35-64. 64. Chodkowski, K. (2014). “Inspire Her Mind,” An Initiative from Verizon Wireless, Stony Brook University Women in Leadership, Sept. 23, 2014.5. Duffy, J. J., Barrington, L., and Munoz, M. (2011). Attitudes of Engineering Students from Underrepresented Groups toward Service Learning, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings.6. DeWaters, J., Powers, S., and Graham, M. E. (2006). Partners in Engineering: Outreach Efforts Provide Holistic Engineering Education for Middle School Girls, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings.7. Weisgram, E. and Bigler, R. (2006). Girls and Science Careers
interactions with faculty.The experience gained from this program will help us to be more prepared and creative inorganizing a similar program this year. We believe these experiences would also benefit othereducators and researchers with the common goal of increasing the number of professionals in theSTEM fields.References:[1] Anwar, S., Bascou, N. A., Menekse, M., & Kardgar, A. “A Systematic Review of Studies on Educational Robotics”. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 9(2), Article 2. 2019.[2] Nugent, G., Bruker, B., Grandgenett, N. and Welch, G., "Robotics camps, clubs, and competitions: Results from a US robotics project". Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 75, Part B, pp. 686-691, January 2016.[3
. Students also learn to program the micro:bit to display air quality statususing LED lights on the air quality board. Finally, the learning unit concludes by presenting airquality conditions in their neighborhood in collaboration with their CBOs.References[1] L. Chatzidiakou et al., “Schools’ air quality monitoring for health and education: Methodsand protocols of the SAMHE initiative and project,” Developments in the Built Environment, vol.16, 2023, 100266, ISSN 2666-1659, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dibe.2023.100266.[2] S. Miao, M. Gangolells, and B. Tejedor, “Data-driven model for predicting indoor air qualityand thermal comfort levels in naturally ventilated educational buildings using easily accessibledata for schools,” Journal of Building
learning alongside their children.If a family is interested is developing a project in more detail like they would for a science fair,they can sign up to run a booth at STEAM Night.Limitations to the study include the small sample size of STEAM Night participants whoresponded to the survey. Also, no study was done to determine actual effectiveness of STEAMNight on learning or promoting interest in science, technology, engineering, art, or math. Despiteits limitations, this study provides an example of how to successfully hold a STEAM Night at anelementary school, engaging parents, teachers, and community members, while also showingevidence of the challenges that come with change, such as overall family preferences.References[1] F. Grinnell, S
,” International Data Corporation, 2023.[2] Y. Tadjdeh, “Semiconductor shortage shines light on weak supply chain,” National Defense, vol. 105, no. 811, June 2021.[3] United States Government, “CHIPS and Science Act”, 2022.[4] United States Department of Defense, “Microelectronics Vision”, 2022.[5] Semiconductor Industry Association and Oxford Economics, “Chipping Away: Assessing and Addressing the Labor Market Gap Facing the U.S. Semiconductor Industry”, 2023.[6] S. Pennisi, “Pandemic, Shortages, and Electronic Engineering,” in IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 41–49, thirdquarter 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/MCAS.2022.3189891.[7] R. W. Lent, S. D. Brown, & G. Hackett, “Social cognitive career theory,” Career Choice and
youth. In 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.18260/1-2--3547016. Foad Hamidi, Thomas S. Young, Josh Sideris, Ramtin Ardeshiri, Jacob Leung, Pouya Rezai, and Barbara Whitmer. 2017. Using robotics and 3D printing to introduce youth to computer science and electromechanical engineering. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. https://doi.org/10.1145/3027063.305334617. Erin Higgins, Jennifer Posada, Quinlan Kimble-Brown, Susanna Abler, Andrew Coy, and Foad Hamidi. 2023. Investigating an Equity-based Participatory Approach to Technology- rich Learning in Community Recreation Centers. In Proceedings of the
Said Bazzi, Texas A&M University at Qatar Dr. Hassan S. Bazzi is the senior associate dean for research and advancement and professor of chemistry at Texas A&M University at Qatar, a branch campus of Texas A&M University. Dr. Bazzi is also professor of materials science & engineering at Texas A&M University. Dr. Bazzi received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemistry and organic chemistry, respectively, from the American University of Beirut (1996 and 1998), and his Ph.D. in polymer chemistry with Dean’s Honor List from McGill University (2003). He worked briefly with the United Nations as a chemical weapons inspector in Iraq before doing a postdoctoral research fellowship at Universit´e
data is verifiedby a second reviewer [16]. Those variables include whether the grade level of study participants isspecified and, if so, which grade levels are included. There are over 1,200 articles in the resourcecenter that were published between 2013 and 2022 (inclusive), 771 of which were researchstudies (i.e., not experience reports or position papers).Of those, 472 specified the grade level(s) of study participants, and 231 of those included highschool students (grades 9 through 12, roughly ages 14 through 18). Figure 1 shows the count ofresearch articles that included high school students each year as a percentage of the articles wherethe grade level of student participants was specified. We analyzed this set of 231 articles in orderto
situations, thisprogram helped me a lot in becoming a better person”. A majority of these apprentices are nowlooking into more engineering and science courses or programs that they can be a part of in thefuture.AppendixPre-Survey Questions and AnswersPost-Survey Questions and AnswersReferences [1] Ortiz, S. (2021, June 30). Stem Academy builds career stream program to bring positive change in STEM Workforce. ONE AFRL / TWO SERVICES. Retrieved December 8, 2022, from https://www.afrl.af.mil/News/Article/2675735/stem-academy-builds-career-stream-progra m-to-bring-positive-change-in-stem-work/
that intuitively allows ideas to become three dimensional models according toDesign/Engineering [8]) Another outcome from this session was that multiple students in theclass expressed interest in engineering as a possible career to pursue. This positive anecdotalrecord prompted a more deliberate educational use of the Esque Box kits with older students. The other setting where the Esque Box has been used and tested was in a SummerAcademy sponsored by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. (An organization that“prescribe[s] academic standards of higher education, determine functions and courses of studyat state colleges and universities, grant degrees, and approve each public college's anduniversity's allocations, as well as
. 72(1), pp. 187–206, 2001.[3] H. McNeill & D. Polly, “Exploring Primary Grades Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Students’Mathematics Self-Efficacy and How They Differentiate Instruction,” Early Childhood EducationJournal, vol. 51(1), pp. 79–88, 2023[4] S.O. Bada & S. Olusegun, “Constructivism learning theory: A paradigm for teaching andlearning,” Journal of Research & Method in Education, vol. 5(6), pp. 66-70, 2015.[5] H. Hedges, J. Cullen, & B. Jordan, “Early years curriculum: funds of knowledge as aconceptual framework for children’s interests,” Journal of Curriculum Studies, vol. 43(2), pp.185–205, 2011.[6] N. McCaughtry, M. Fahlman, J.J Martin, & B. Shen, “Influences of constructivist-orientednutrition education on urban
Paper ID #43886STEAM Outreach Incorporating K-12 Teachers and Youth Robotics WorkshopsMr. Norman Henry Philipp P.E., Ed.S., Pittsburg State University Norman’s professional work experience includes consulting and lecturing on Construction Management, Architecture, Engineering Design, and Project Management. Mr. Philipp recently completed an educational specialist degree (Ed. S.) in continuation of his dual bachelors and dual masters degrees in the fields of Architecture and Engineering (B.Arch., M.Arch., B.S., M.S.). Mr. Philipp currently serves as a full professor in the College of Technology at Pittsburg State
. Tan, and A. Rivet, “Creating hybrid spaces for engaging school science among urban middle school girls,” Am. Educ. Res. J., vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 68–103, Mar. 2008, doi: 10.3102/0002831207308641.[7] A. C. Barton and E. Tan, “Funds of knowledge and discourses and hybrid space,” J. Res. Sci. Teach., vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 50–73, 2009, doi: 10.1002/tea.20269.[8] M. Civil, “Building on community knowledge: An avenue to equity in mathematics education,” in Improving access to mathematics, diversity and equity in the classroom, N. Nasir and P. Coob, Eds. New York: Teachers College Press, 2006.[9] A. Wilson-Lopez, J. A. Mejia, I. M. Hasbún, and G. S. Kasun, “Latina/o Adolescents’ Funds of Knowledge Related to Engineering,” J. Eng. Educ
system ledge to e to communi- g methods, e-based g models learning themselv s problem problem- cating problems and decision and from es as thinkin -solving solving effectively in context designs s prototypes failure engineers g C1 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 3 0 TA1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 7 0 TB2 0 0 1 0 2 0 1
codebook is ‘practical application of engineering’; in this category,Tstudents described specific applications of engineering, such as buildings, cars, wiring, etc., or students described a very physical interpretation of what engineers do, such as building or fixing something. The practical application of engineering aligns with the findings from Capobianco et al.’s study[3]. The second category is ‘innovativeaspects of engineering’; in this category, students described the innovative aspects of engineering that we felt aligned with aspects of the engineering design process. This aligns with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s definition of engineering[2]. Thethird category
provision. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 31(1):117–137, 2021.[13] Taralynn Hartsell, Sherry S Herron, Houbin Fang, and Avinash Rathod. Improving teachers’ self-confidence in learning technology skills and math education through professional development. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), 6(2):47–61, 2010.[14] Peggy A Ertmer and Anne T Ottenbreit-Leftwich. Teacher technology change: How knowledge, confidence, beliefs, and culture intersect. Journal of research on Technology in Education, 42(3):255–284, 2010.[15] Jeremy Roschelle, William Penuel, and Nicole Shechtman. Co-design of innovations with teachers: Definition and dynamics. 2006.[16] J
for the app. Students individually used post-it-notes to identify potential users of theapp. Once completed, the students returned to their groups and identified a primary andsecondary user of the app.After exploring the users, students then went into ideation with an exercise called “How MightWe?” [18]. In this exercise students, using post-it-notes, generate ideas on how might they solvethe problem to meet the user needs identified in “Define”. Students then got the opportunity tomeet with Milwaukee Bucks representatives to ask questions to validate their thoughts on usersand how they might solve the problem.The next step was Sketching. Using the Crazy 8’s [19] method of sketching, students engaged intwo rounds of sketching where they