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Displaying results 61 - 85 of 85 in total
Conference Session
Software Engineering Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stefan Christov, Quinnipiac University; Mark Hoffman, Quinnipiac University
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
feasibility of distributing large softwareengineering projects across the academic curriculum, Tvedt et al. [12] propose that students fromdifferent courses collaborate by taking different roles in a simulated software factory, and Walkerand Slotterbeck [13] explore the teaching of large scale teamwork in a small college environmentby using multi-semester, multi-course projects that require students to work together in teams.The objectives of Fenwick et al.’s, Tvedt et al.’s, and Walker and Slotterbeck’s work are broad andrelated to bringing an entire curriculum closer to real-world software engineering practiceswhereas the objectives of the work reported in this paper are focused on knowledge and skillsparticular to software project management.3
Conference Session
Pedagogical Approaches for Software Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Martinez, University of Costa Rica; Marcelo Jenkins, University of Costa Rica
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
freedom to include only what we wanted.Student 10 Somewhat It seems to me it is a good tool for expressing doubts about suitable the subject, but I don’t see necessary to make comment s on the studied material.Student 11 Somewhat In my case as a student I didn’t really find it useful. I be- unsuitable lieve that learning can be measured through quizzes and that a learning journal does not say much about what I learned in the course.Student 12 Very Actually I didn’t find any enrichment value. It often de- unsuitable manded much
Conference Session
Software Engineering Outreach: Industry, K-12
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
Paper ID #6809Challenges and Benefits of Programming Competitions as Outreach to HighSchool StudentsDr. Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University Sushil Acharya, D.Eng., Associate Professor of Software Engineering joined Robert Morris University in spring of 2005 after serving 15 years in the Software Industry. With US Airways Acharya was re- sponsible for creating a Data Warehouse conceptual design and using advance Data Mining Tools for performance improvement. With i2 Technologies he worked on i2’s Data Mining product ”Knowledge Discover Framework” and at CEERD (Thailand) he was the product manager of three energy
Conference Session
Software Engineering Course Content
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Sebern, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Henry Welch, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
, “Preliminary design of JML: a behavioral interface specification language for Java”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, May 2006. Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2008, American Society for Engineering Education14. Y. Ledru, “Identifying pre-conditions with the Z/EVES theorem prover”, Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'98), October 1998.15. M. Saaltink. “The Z/EVES system”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Z Formal Method (ZUM), volume 1212 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, April 1997.16. S. Skevoulis and V. Makarov
Conference Session
SE Curriculum and Course Management
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Clifton, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
-sized open source community focused on building better tools for collaborative software development, Available at[6] S. Wu, E. Myers, U. Manber, and W. Miller, “An O(NP) Sequence Comparison Algorithm”, Information Processing Letters 35, 6 (1990), 317-323. Page 13.105.11
Conference Session
Software Engineering Curriculum Support
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jayathi Raghavan, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Massood Towhidnejad, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
Mergerstat Free Reports: M&A Activity U.S. and U.S. Cross-Border Transactions, Harrison, J.V., Enhancing Software Development Project Courses Via Industry Participation, Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, 1997, 192-204.7. Kornecki, A.J., Hirmanpour, I.Towhidnejad, M., Strengthening Software Engineering Education through Academic Industry Collaboration, Proceeding of the 10th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, 1997, 204-209.8. Kornecki, A. J. Khajenoori, S., Gluch, D., and Karneli, N., On a partnership between Software Industry and Academia, Proceedings of 16th Conference on Software Engineering
Conference Session
Software Engineering Curriculum Support
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Clifton, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
. and Tomayko, J. Applying the Personal Software Process in CS1: An Experiment. The Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (1998), 322-325.[7] Nagappan, N., Williams, L., Ferzli, M., Wiebe, E., Yang, K., Miller, C., and Balik, S. Improving the CS1 Experience with Pair Programming. The Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (2003), 359-362. Page 11.1137.10[8] Werner, L., Hanks, B., McDowell, C., Bullock, H. and Fernald, J. Want to Increase Retention of Your Female Students? Computing Research News, Volume 17, Number 4, March
Conference Session
Software Engineering Teaching Methods and Practice
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bruce Maxim, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
. Maxim, B. R. Game design: games for and the World Wide Web. In The Internet Encyclopedia, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2004.8. Maxim, B. R., Software Requirements Analysis and Design, NIIT, Atlanta, GA 2004.9. Overmars, M. Teaching computer science through game design. Computer 37 5 (April 2004), 81-83.10. Parberry, I., Roden, T., and Kazenzadeh, M. Experience with an industry-driven capstone course on game programming, an extended abstract. In Proceedings of 36th SIGCSE Technical Symposium (St. Louis, MO, February, 2005), ACM Press, New York, NY, 2005, 91-96.11. Pleva, G. Game programming and the myth of child’s play. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 20 2 (December 2004), 125-136.12. Rabin, S. Introduction to Game Development
Conference Session
Software Engineering Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Massood Towhidnejad, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Alexandria Spradlin, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Thomas Rogers Bassa, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
deliverable schedule, therefore we did not want to interrupt their activities on other projects with continuous interruption of the interns for every little obstacle. In addition to project personnel discussed above, there were number of products and other resources that was available to the students to complete their project. The following are some of resources that was used for the project. • LulzBot TAZ 5 3D printer, and SOLIDWORKS D CAD software • Two RC vehicle chassis, including wheels and Lithium polymer (LiPo) batteries and charger • Three Raspberry Pi B+'s • A Ubiquiti Rocket M2 • LS20031 GPS Receiver • Electronics (PCB boards, wire of various gauges, a soldering iron, and miscellaneous electrical
Conference Session
Software Engineering Constituent Committee Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Barbara Victoria Bernal, Kennesaw State University, Marietta; Jeffrey Chastine, Southern Polytechnic State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
translation and communication wereexperienced with the interesting solution expressed as Spanglish Software Engineering. We offerthe information as contribution to the body of knowledge on international faculty exchanges.There were lessons learned, results of a survey, and discussions on the feedback. We lookforward to more conversations, data and progress in this arena.References 1. Alkhairy, A., et al, Developing Globally-Competitive Engineering Education Programs Through Multi- National Collaboration. 7th Annual ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, October 19-23, 2008, Cape Town, South Africa. 2. Crawley, E., Malmqvist, J., Ostlund, S. and D. Brodeur, Rethinking Engineering Education: The CDIO Approach
Conference Session
Software Engineering Constituent Committee Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suhas Xavier, Arizona State University; Christian Murphy, Arizona State University; Kevin A Gary, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
, Number 4, July 2008, pp. 705-716.9. Gary, K., “The Software Enterprise: Preparing Industry-ready Software Engineers” Software Engineering: Effective Teaching and Learning Approaches, Ellis, H., Demurjian, S., and Naveda, J.F., (eds.), Idea Group Publishing. October 2008.10. Waldenberg, A. Gitinspector (website). Last accessed March 21, 2016.
Conference Session
Software Engineering Topics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheryl Duggins, Southern Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
.[11] Tripp, L. & Frailey, D. J. (Feb. 2, 1999) IEEE Computer Society and ACM Software Engineering Page 12.990.8 Coordinating Committee (SWECC) Overview.[12] Duggins, S. (March 2001) "Curriculum Impact of the Maturing Software Engineering Profession" in Proceedings in the 2001 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference.[13] ACM Council “A Summary of the ACM Position on Software Engineering as a Licensed Engineering Profession” (July 17, 2000)[14] Notkin, D., Gorlick, M., & Shaw, M. (May 2000) An Assessment of Software
Conference Session
Tools and Support for Software Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiacun Wang, Monmouth University; Daniel Ghiringhelli, Monmouth University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
can be seen that Task 2 will always pre-empt Task 1,at any given time. Thus at time t=0, t=3, t=6 (since Task 2’s period = 3), Task 2 is immediatelyscheduled. Consider the time t=6. At this moment, Task 1 has executed for 2 seconds andrequires just 1 additional second to complete execution before it’s deadline at t=8. Conversely,Task 2 has yet to execute (for the new instance) and its deadline is at t=9. It is important to notethat in this scenario, the DM scheduler will cause Task 1 to miss its deadline, while it wouldhave been possible for both tasks to complete before their deadline. Figure 4 DM schedule of tasks (0, 9, 3 8) and (0, 3, 2, 4).Earliest Deadline First (EDF)The EDF scheduler was designed to address some of
Conference Session
Software Engineering Constituent Committee Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vignesh Subbian, University of Cincinnati; Carla C. Purdy, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 12-29. ACM, May 2006.3. “SWEBOK: Guide to the software engineering Body of Knowledge” IEEE Computer Society, 2004.4. V. Subbian, C. Purdy, “UnLecture: Bridging the gap between computing education and software engineering practice,” in ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 2014 (accepted).5. K. Beck, “Embracing change with extreme programming,” Computer, vol. 32, pp. 70-77, 1999.6. M. Fowler, UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2004.7. K. M. Slaten, M. Droujkova, S. B. Berenson, L. Williams and L. Layman, “Undergraduate student perceptions of pair programming and agile software
Conference Session
Software Engineering Projects
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James N. Long, Oregon Institute of Technology; Linda Sue Young, Oregon Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
AC 2011-705: MULTIPLAYER ON-LINE ROLE PLAYING GAME STYLEGRADING IN A PROJECT BASED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING TECH-NOLOGY CAPSTONE COURSEJames N. Long, Oregon Institute of Technology James Long is an associate professor in software engineering technology. Courses and interest are Soft- ware Engineering Project Course, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Embedded Systems and ap- plications. James is the program director for the Embedded Systems Engineering Technology program.Linda Sue Young, Oregon Institute of Technology Professor Linda S. Young has taught at the Oregon Institute of Technology since 1983. She earned her Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition from the University of Washington in 1997, and has a master’s degree
Conference Session
Software Engineering Topics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Marcelo Jenkins, University of Costa Rica
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
12.711.11 Downloaded from the Web January 5, 2007.[6] M.L. Jaccheri, P. Lago, “Applying software process modeling and improvement in academic setting”, 10thConference on Software Engineering Education & Training (CSEET´97), 1997, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp:13-27.[7] B. Gannod, H. Koehnemann, K. Gary. “The Software Enterprise: Facilitating the Industry Preparedness ofSoftware Engineers”. Proceedings ASEE 2006, 2006.[8] B. Meyer, “Software engineering in the academy”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 34, Issue 5, May 2001, pp. 28-35.[9] Retrieved from the Web January 10, 2007.[10] B. S. Bloom, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Pearson
Conference Session
SE Curriculum and Course Management
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Francis Lutz, Monmouth University; James McDonald, Monmouth University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
. Thiswould free up the selection choices of interns and eliminate possible duplication of material.The academic leaders of the Software Engineering Masters’ degree program(s), which theorganization will use in the future for its software engineering interns, should be invited to abriefing with the organization’s management and a small cross section of employees so they canbetter understand the daily functions of the organization. A short panel session withorganizational management followed by an open Q&A session and, perhaps, one-on-onediscussions with a cross section of individual employees could substantially increase theunderstanding faculty would have of the interns’ academic needs.There is a very diverse range of continuing professional
Conference Session
Software Engineering Curriculum Support
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
James McDonald, Monmouth University
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
Technology (ABET), we are required to specify educational objectives for theprogram and to measure our graduates’ achievement of those objectives. The objectives that wespecify are intended to be things that our graduates should be able to achieve within the first fewyears after graduation. We are seeking your assistance to insure that the objectives we haveselected are appropriate for your organization and to help us measure our graduates’ progresstowards achievement of those objectives.On the next few pages you will see a series of questions about the objectives and your opinionabout ’s achievement of those objectives. We would appreciate it if you would take afew minutes to review these questions and provide appropriate answers. When you complete
Conference Session
Software Engineering Pedagogical Approaches
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Feras A. Batarseh, University of Central Florida
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
., "Fundamentals of the New Artificial Intelligence: Neural, Evolutionary, Fuzzy and More (Texts in Computer Science)", Second Edition, February 4, ISBN-10: 184628838X, 2008[3] Book: Haupt, R., and Haupt, S. "Practical Genetic Algorithms", Second Edition, Wiley-InterScience, A John Wiley & Sons, INC., Publication, 2004[4] Book: Shah, M., "Fundementals of Computer Vision", Published at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 1992[5] Sommerville, I. “Software Engineering” 8th edition, Chapter 4, published by Addison Wesley, 2007[6] The Merriam Webster Dictionary, Merriam Webster Incorporated 2009, http://www.merriam-[7] Gonzalez, A.J. and Dankel, D. " The Engineering of Knowledge-Based Systems, Theory and Practice
Conference Session
Software Engineering Curricula
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Darling Urban, Texas Tech University; Joseph E Urban, Texas Tech University; Susan A. Mengel, Texas Tech University; William M. Marcy P.E., Texas Tech University; Patrick E. Patterson, Texas Tech University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
systemsand software engineering curriculum for the MSSE program, with a comparison to the GSwERCcurriculum. Program challenges and future refinements are discussed in Section 4, with asummary in Section 5.2. Background:  graduate  software  engineering  reference  curriculum    The first graduate reference curriculum for software engineering was published in the early1990’s by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University9, spawning thedevelopment of numerous software engineering degree programs, some offering degrees insoftware engineering and others offering degrees in computer science with a strong emphasis insoftware engineering. The IEEE Computer Society produced the Software Engineering Body ofKnowledge (SWEBOK)8 in 2004
Conference Session
SE Curriculum and Projects
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Long, Oregon Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
Outsourcing Trends”, Computer Economics, 2006( “Outsourcing Trends to Watch in 2010”, Computer World, December 2009( .5. “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs, Effective for Evaluations During the 2010-2011Accreditation Cycle”. ABET Technology Accreditation Commission. October 2009.( ) Page 15.934.13
Conference Session
Software Engineering Constituent Committee Technical Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Temesghen Kahsai , Carnegie Mellon University; Liam O'Reilly, Swansea University; Markus Roggenbach, Swansea University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
automated testing of Java GUI components and programs. Bloom, B. S., 1994. Bloom's taxonomy: A forty-year retrospective. Yearbook of the National Society for theStudy of Education (Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education) 93 (2).3 Oracle, 1999. Code Conventions for the Java TM Programming Language. The Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula, 2013. Computer Science Curricula 2013. CurriculumGuidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer Science. Association for Computing Machinery(ACM), IEEE Computer Society.5 Deiters, C.; Herrmann, C.; Hildebrandt, R.; Knauss, E.; Kuhrmann, Marco; Rausch, A.; Rumpe, B
Conference Session
Software Engineering Constituent Committee Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan Tappan, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
string. The nine commands for secondary agents are simpler because they have no configuration ar- guments. For example, the following creates catapult agent aid from catapult template tid. CREATE CATAPULT aid FROM tid5.3.3 Structural commandsThe define and create commands are hybrid creational and structural commands for buildingagents. The only dedicated structural commands are to add these agents to the world and prepareit for usage. POPULATE CARRIER aid1 WITH FIGHTER[S] aidn+ Populates carrier agent aid1 with fighter agents aidn. Only fighters created without an initial airborne state may be added. POPULATE WORLD WITH aidn+ Populates the world with fighter, tanker, and carrier agents aidn. COMMIT Locks the membership in the world
Conference Session
Software Engineering Topics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Valentin Razmov, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
students (instead of smaller teams, like many other CS courses have)MC Different teams working on different project ideas (as opposed to working on the same project)MC The project idea that your team developedMC The shared project space of your team (e.g., wiki pages, repositories, etc.)MC The official course website: announcements, course schedule (with slides and videos) resources, milestone submissionsFF Which portion(s) of the course website were most useful to you?MC The class mailing listMC Your team’s mailing list (or other electronic communication medium you used)MC Your team’s project scheduleMC Your team’s project specificationMC Your team’s architecture and design documentsMC Your team’s test
Conference Session
Software Engineering Pedagogical Approaches
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John C. Georgas, Northern Arizona University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee