– those thatdiscussed fostering critical thinking at the level of a single class (or at most as aninterplay between two classes) – two distinct themes emerged: improving criticalthinking through writing for reflection, and improving critical thinking through problem-based learning.WRITING FOR REFLECTIONWriting for reflection promotes critical thinking by challenging students to make andarticulate value judgments about data, problems, and possible solutions. Furthermore, thewriting process, approached systematically, can be used to support and develop problem-solving skills.Hierarchical Classification Of Critical and Reflective ThinkingOne theme that emerged from the recent literature was assessing student writing aboutopen-ended problems using a
Page 13.745.2Source Web Design (www.oswd.org)3 as a starting point for their work. By customizing an openThe views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Military Academyor the United States Army.source design and integrating their own content, our students produce truly amazing web portalsin a reasonable amount of time.Another central issue that we address in the introductory module is intellectual property rights incyberspace. Before our students begin work on their web portals, they participate in a lessonwith an adjunct professor who is a lawyer specializing in electronic media copyrights and theconcept of Fair Use.4 Then, throughout the process of
name that gives so little insight into its character or potential—and thatcarries negative connotations and limitations that may undermine its chances for continuingsuccess. Although Technically Speaking and many other publications concerned withtechnological literacy reveal well-formed intentions and sophisticated reasoning, it appears thatthe name was selected with little deliberation or reflection on its implications. This paper willargue that we need to stop now to rename the enterprise and to reflect on the numerousconstituencies we will need to engage and system of heterogeneous elements we will need tobring together if we are to have an effective and productive interface between technical expertsand those without technical expertise
, science and engineering; 2) learning a specific subject intechnology, for example, basic concepts in control systems; and 3) experiencing theprocess of designing, constructing and improving a technological system, for example,robotics. Students’ performance in the course and their very positive reflections on thisexperience indicate that individuals having a background in exact sciences are frequentlyinterested in learning technological concepts and are capable of handling relativelychallenging technological tasks in a short time. Based on our experience, it is suggestedto adapt the following guidelines in designing programs aimed at fostering technologicalliteracy: linking what is learned in the class to participants’ daily lives or
were identified:The Technology Survey Course, The Technology Focus orTopics Course, The Technology Creation Course (Design Course), The Technology Critique,Assess, Reflect, or Connect Course. The technology survey courses offer a broad overview of anumber of areas of engineering and technology. The technology or topics or focus course isnarrower in scope and develops one well-defined area. The engineering design course, ortechnology creation, places an emphasis on the engineering design process to developtechnological solutions to problems. The last model to emerge is concerned with assessingtechnological impacts, connecting technological developments to other areas of society, historyand culture, or reflecting on engineering in a broader
disciplines, fourcandidate standard models were identified: 1. The Technology Survey Course. 2. The Technology Focus or Topics Course. 3. The Technology Creation Course (Design Course). 4. The Technology Critique, Assess, Reflect, or Connect Course.The technology survey courses offer a broad overview of a number of areas of engineering andtechnology. The technology or topics or focus course is narrower in scope and develops onewell-defined area. The engineering design course, or technology creation, places an emphasis onthe engineering design process to develop technological solutions to problems. The last model toemerge is concerned with assessing technological impacts, connecting technologicaldevelopments to other areas of society
maintains a lesson diary of the course.Assessment of the course is continually monitored through directed discussion of thecourse with students, review of work produced by the students, and written reflection ofthe course by the students. The written reflections are discussed within the class andshow that the students are gaining a deep understanding of the engineering designconcepts and are actively engaged in the course. Students connect to this course of studythrough the use of active learning methods, including hands-on activities, inductive anddeductive reasoning opportunities, and multimodal experiences. Further, group work isenhanced by considering ways to group students based upon personality types and otherteam-formation strategies rather
SA % A% D% SD % NE % Using such features as an electronic journal, my students engage 20.7 34.5 6.9 1.7 36.2 in self-reflection (which may aid them in learning self- management skills). Using paired, small group, or whole class input, my students have 20.7 31 1.7 1.7 44.8 participated in giving and/or responding to peer feedback on their work. Using an electronic portfolio approach, I am able to assess a wider 13.8 41.4 3.5 1.7 39.7 range of learning artifacts from my students (for example, not just a final product but also materials from the various stages of development
Energy Sub function Materials InformationFigure 2: Illustration of a Hypothetical Device Subfunction Structure. Page 14.905.9Figure 3: Functional Analysis Description of a Hair DryerBenefits of Functional ThinkingIn using functional analysis, or functional thinking, as a framework or method to describe howthings work from an engineering perspective, a number of benefits are realized. These can besummarized as: 1. The method reflects an approach or method of understanding technology that is characteristic of
,social or religious goals. I suspect that these student assumptions reflect the dualismprevalent in modern thought that separates the material world from the world of ideas;technology is about “stuff” and “stuff” is dealt with by markets and business whilepolitics, society, and religion are the realm of beliefs, ideas, and abstractions, all of whichare ethereal and not affected by material considerations. Given that students tend to find it easy to think about technological and economicchange and are less familiar with the interplay of technology and political power orreligious beliefs, the examples offered here focus on themes relating first to religion andthen politics. While there are other ways that people use technology to shape
experimentation in problem solving (Standard 8, 9, 10).2Mathematics Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to— build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving; solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts; apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems; monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving (Standard 6).3Modeling The second commonality among the three areas is modeling. The science standards statethat all science subject matters focus on facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models. Thatmeans, science subjects, such as physical science, life
terms, such as systems, constraints, and trade-offs. Is familiar with the nature and limitations of the engineering design process. Knows some of the ways technology shapes human history and people shape technology. Knows that all technologies entail risk, some that can be anticipated and some that cannot. Appreciates that the development and use of technology involve trade-offs and a balance of costs and benefits. Understands that technology reflects the values and culture of society. Ways of Thinking and Acting Asks pertinent questions, of self and others, regarding the benefits and risks of
ofinformation. Each discipline has specialized methods and techniques that are applied to specifichardware components that carry out well-characterized subfunctions. Functional analysis orfunctional thinking is then recognized as one of the characteristics of the engineering habit ofmind or modes of engineering thinking. This technique is well-suited to explaining engineeringto a non-engineering audience. The method reflects the type of thinking used by engineers. Aprerequisite background knowledge or use of extensive mathematics is not required. The systemsperspective is inherent in the technique, underlying scientific principles used in specificcomponents can be incorporated, and there is an evident connection to the engineering designprocess. The
also reflects the dynamic selectionof the material covered in the course. The students respond to technical and historical scenarios bywriting a sequence of five page essays supporting their conclusions. They must build a case thatstrongly supports and backs their decisions by finding, evaluating, incorporating and stating factsby citing resources using APA Formatting. The students are given two weeks to complete eachessay. A typical four-project sequence is presented below.The first project requires the determination of the most important technology, innovation, orinvention for civilization as a whole and then for society today. They are asked to carefullyconsider all of the alternatives and respond to the following two questions. (1) What
for a course on technologicalliteracy; instead, four standard course models were proposed and slated for development as partof the follow-on NSF/NAE Technological Literacy for Undergraduates Workshop, which washeld in March 2007 [1,2]. The four standard course models were: (1) Technology SurveyCourse, (2) Technology Focus Course, (3) Technology Design Course, and (4) TechnologyCritique, Assess, Reflect, or Connect Course. The proposed framework was created to serve notonly as a guide for developing these standard course models but also as a method for evaluatingand benchmarking existing technological literacy courses.Description of the Proposed FrameworkThe proposed framework was developed by a team at the 2007 NSF/NAE Workshop
Page 13.1190.3actually achieving the broad goals for TL articulated by NAE.Some of the outcomes we list below also indicate the presence of “ways of thinking and acting.”The statements in bold come from Technically Speaking. The material in the bullet points thatappear after the numbered items was developed by our group. 1. Recognizes the pervasiveness of technology in everyday life. • Analyzes the social dimensions of a particular sociotechnical system (that is, recognizes that technology is more than just artifacts) and articulates the specific ways in which that system reflects choices. • Describes the various sociotechnical systems in which his/her life is embedded. 2. Understands
. They became engaged andinvolved in the learning process as active constituents rather than passive participants. This was Page 14.759.11even reflected in the positive course and faculty evaluations completed by the students after theend of the academic term.The presentation and discussions of past technologies enhanced their level of technologicalliteracy in many ways. They had a better understanding of the concepts, characteristics, andrelationships between people and technologies. They had a grasp of the social, political,economic, and cultural aspects of technology. They had an appreciation for the problem solvingprocess along with the
technological/engineering concepts and terms, such as systems, constraints, and trade-offs. ≠ To be familiar with the nature and limitations of the design process in a technological system. ≠ To know some of the ways technology shapes human history and people shape technology. ≠ To know that all technologies entail risks, some that can be anticipated and some that cannot. ≠ To appreciate that the development and use of technology involve trade-offs and a balance of costs and benefits. Page 14.1286.3 ≠ To understand that technology reflects the values and culture of society
theirbackgrounds it is possible to satisfy their particular curiosities while informing them of the Page 14.684.5relevance of technology in not only their own field but society in general. One way to identifyinterest and track responses is to have students submit material and ideas and then share it withthe class. This type of input tends to evolve the more they learn about a particular subject, whichallows the class to chart and follow student ideas. In addition to providing information on theirown interests, students need to reflect and share their critiques of the covered subjects. This canbe achieved by using commonly available software, with
are new to the program and stepping in as manager/mentors of the high-schoolstudents. The capstone design students are still involved directly with the high-school students, butare given additional responsibilities associated with the new mentors and subteam tasks assignedunder them. All levels of mentors are supported by the faculty who meet with these studentsregularly for guidance including lectures on professional leadership topics, and to help them sortout details of their experiences during oral reflections. In addition, faculty are always available forimpromptu consultations so that while students are challenged by new situations, they also knowthat they are fully supported for working through issues when needed.Technological literacy
and science education standards and with connections to mathematics standards. 3. Pilot and assess the model in diverse classroom/laboratory environments. 4. Disseminate resources with professional development support.To write each unit, a strict process was followed that reflected the Understanding byDesign(UbD) approach created by Wiggins and McTighe1. This process has three main steps includingidentify desired results, determine acceptable evidence, and then design learning experiences.This process is important to follow to ensure that educational standards are clearly uncoveredand appropriate assessments are developed prior to the learning experiences.Unit DevelopmentThe writers met as a team to discuss the unit development
a result, they derived more fromthe course than was possible prior to the integration of actual artifacts, graphics, pictures, andvideos. Incorporating a visual and hands-on component to the lectures fostered very interactiveresults in terms of questions and more in-depth discussions. Although not totally unexpected orunanticipated, it was still encouraging to realize this outcome. This aspect of the project, byitself, has made it a worthwhile and rewarding experience. By using a variety of differentpresentation styles, more students were able to relate directly to the material and learn from it.This was also reflected in the course and faculty student evaluations completed during the lastclass session of the term. Their comments were
anticipated and some that cannot. Appreciates that the development and use of technology involve trade-offs and a balance of costs and benefits. Understands that technology reflects the values and culture of society. Ways of Thinking and Acting Asks pertinent questions, of self and others, regarding the benefits and risks of technologies. Seeks information about new technologies. Participates, when appropriate, in decisions about the development and use of Page 15.1193.4 technology. Capabilities Has a range of hands-on skills, such as using a computer for word processing and
Focus or Topics Course, The Technology Creation Course (Design Course), TheTechnology Critique, Assess, Reflect, or Connect Course.”1ASET 101 has elements in common with the Technology Focus category in that the courseincorporates scientific principles focused on a limited range of technological applications. ASET101 also shares elements of The Technology Critique, Assess, Reflect, or Connect Course,helping students see the connections between technology and public policy questions.Technological literacy has been defined as “an understanding of the nature and history oftechnology, a basic-hands-on capability related to technology, and an ability to think criticallyabout technological development.”2 Providing an explanation and developing an
minor.This position reflects the perspective of ABET accreditation. It was noted that minor programsare not accredited and, while specifying outcomes might be valuable criteria, it is not necessaryfor a minor. The analogy mentioned was with a minor in art: it is not generally expected that astudent who earns a minor in art be an artist. Similarly with engineering: a minor in engineeringdoes not identify a student as an engineer. It was concluded that a minor demonstrated a Page 15.32.5student’s interest in a subject area but did not necessarily indicate that a skill was developed.In addition, several bureaucratic difficulties were encountered. One
assessment: did student learningresult in achievement of the desired outcomes? Four sample student learning objectivesare provided at a level of detail suitable for assessment and evaluation. These aresummarized below. While some commonality exists, the diversity of student learningobjectives is appreciable, reflecting lack of an accepted definition for “TechnologicalLiteracy.” It is expected that recent NAE and ITEA technological literacy standards maypromote convergence on this issue. Page 11.1239.11Student Learning Objectives (four examples) 1. Technology and the Human Built Environment (K. Vedula) Students will develop: ‚ an
system work. The story includesmany examples where engineers, operating under constraints, identify and solve problems.October Sky tells an autobiographical story of a group of young men who, after a long learningcurve with many failures, develops the technology to make very successful small rockets. Whilethis is a story about high school students, it reflects the perspective of an author who went on toan engineering career with NASA, and the story is a useful study for technological projects atany level. Moving to fiction and a setting in the distant future, Forbidden Planet tells a story ofthe enticing benefits of new technological marvels. It also explores the risks of unintended andunanticipated consequences. While these movies illustrate
practice and refrigeration. Air-conditioning has altered ourarchitecture. Refrigeration has influenced our military practices easing the burden of desertwarfare. Our modern society could not function without refrigeration, yet few people eitherunderstand the technology behind refrigeration or examine its long-term sustainability. Ingeneral, few people discuss the additional amount of electricity that would have to be generatedto simply provide this technology to the four billion people in the world who currently have noaccess to it or what resources would be used to provide this extra power. Few people reflect onthe production and management issues of modern-day man-made refrigerants; a massive globalexpansion of devices containing toxic
discussion on the rationale for each alternative. 8.0 Discussion of Not organized in a Rationale for final Rationale for final Rationale for final design is Results useful manner design is present, design is logical, but logical, accommodates all the but lacking a logical does not accommodate pertinent variables. basis all variables. 9.0 Reflections and Absent Haphazard Discussion explained Clear understanding
device evolution in the larger cultural and socialcontexts of the time. The format of our Tech Lit course is important: each lab device and associatedtechnical lecture (“engineering solution”) is preceded by an historical survey lecturewhich provides not only prior examples of “engineering solutions” to the same or similartechnical challenges, but also reflects upon the societal and technical settings of the time.While such a lecture pair was first created in order to show the evolution of thetechnology itself over time, it also naturally reveals the “global and societal contexts”within which each version of the device (engineering solution) was created, grew infrequency of application, and ultimately, perished or was replaced with a yet