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Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katie Estridge Schneider, Colorado School of Mines; Amy Charlotte Martin P.E., Colorado School of Mines; Terri S. Hogue, Colorado School of Mines
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Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
Paper ID #21873Evaluation of Research Experience or Teachers (RET) Program Effectivenessas STEM Professional DevelopmentMrs. Katie Estridge Schneider, Colorado School of Mines Katie Schneider is graduate student studying hydrology at Colorado School of Mines (CSM). Prior to grad school, Katie taught high school science and math in the North Carolina public school system. As she works towards a master’s degree in hydrology, she also serves as the Education Outreach Assistant for the Center for a Sustainable WE2ST, at CSM.Amy Charlotte Martin P.E., Colorado School of MinesDr. Terri S. Hogue, Colorado School of Mines
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Heywood, Trinity College Dublin
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Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
stereotypes among liberal arts students reported by Beardslee, D. Cand D. D. O’Dowd (1964). The career has its shadow. On Sanford, N (ed). College and Character. A brieferversion of The American College. Wiley, New York. The complete version of the paper is in Sanford, N(editor) (1962). The American College. Wiley, New York.By the 1970’s, aided by changes in the structure of technical education the professionalinstitutions were working toward an all-graduate profession. In so doing the amount ofscience and mathematics required was increased. This meant that they began to close theirdoors to those who pursued Chartered Engineer (C. Eng) status from the technical colleges.The technical colleges were to produce technicians at two levels. Possession of a
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Soheil Fatehiboroujeni, University of California, Merced
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Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
-based practice in stem education,” in 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, (Indianapolis, Indiana), ASEE Conferences, June 2014. [6] D. M. Riley, “Aiding and abeting: The bankruptcy of outcomes-based education as a change strategy,” in 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, (San Antonio, Texas), ASEE Conferences, June 2012. [7] A. D. de Figueiredo and A. P. Afonso, Context and Learning: A Philosophical Framework. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2006. [8] I. Scheffler, Reason and Teaching. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973. [9] G. Domenico and M. B. Burkins, Holistic engineering education: beyond technology. New York: Springer, 2010.[10] H. Morgan and S
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ulan Dakeev, Texas A&M University, Kingsville; Reg Recayi Pecen, Sam Houston State University; Faruk Yildiz, Sam Houston State University; Shah Alam P.E., Texas A&M University, Kingsville
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Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
Dissertation Award (2005), LSU PUBLICATIONS (Dr. Alam has published over 20 refereed journal papers/conference proceedings.) List of Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications: 1. M.S. Alam, M.A. Wahab and C.H. Jenkins, ”Mechanics in Naturally Compliant Structures,” Journal of Mechanics of Material, 39, pp.145-160, 2007. 2. M.A. Wahab, M.S. Alam, Su-Seng Pang and Jerry Pack, ”Stress analysis of non-conventional composite pipes” Journal of Composite Structures, 79(1), 2006, pp. 125-132. 3. M.A. Wahab, M. S. Alam, M.J Painter and P.E. Stafford, ”Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Restraining Forces in Gas Metal Arc Welded Joint,” American Welding Journal (Research Supplement) 85(2), February, 2006. 4. M.S. Alam and M.A
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyson Grace Eggleston, The Citadel; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel
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Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
different audiences of both non-experts and professionals. Future engineeringprofessionals must develop stronger technical communication skills. By integrating asophomore-level, project-based, technical communications course, and reinforcing theknowledge and skills throughout the engineering curriculum, faculty can work toward the goal ofproducing engineers who are prepared to meet current challenges in their disciplines, and whocan communicate effectively to a variety of audiences.References[1] J. Donald, S. Lachapelle, T. Sasso, G. Gonzales-Morales, K. Augusto, and J. McIsaac, “On the place of the humanitiesand social sciences in the engineering curriculum: A Canadian perspective,” Glob. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 6–18,2017.[2] R
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Wayne Freeman P.E., U.S. Coast Guard Academy; J. Alex Birdwell, Northwestern University; Emma Tevaarwerk, Northwestern University; Ken Gentry, Northwestern University; Ordel Brown, Northwestern University
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Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
demonstration of the prototype to an audience thatincludes the client, users, faculty, staff, students and community at the Fall or Winter DesignExpo. These Expos are part of the Design Institute’s Fall and Winter Expos that showcase thework of students in multiple Graduate and Undergraduate design courses and clubs. The DTC2presentation involves a demonstration of the prototype to a smaller audience including theclient, user(s) and other teams that are working on the same project. Unlike DTC1, DTC2projects are distributed to one team per section and across two to four sections. In both DTC1and 2 presenting is an opportunity for students to develop an appreciation for how much theirtechnological and engineering literacy on a specific topic has changed
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Neelam Prabhu Gaunkar, Iowa State University; Mani Mina, Iowa State University
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Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
” 2015. Published by Technological and Engineering Literacy andPhilosophy of Engineering (TELPhE), Division of American society of Engineering Education.[11]. Mina, Mani, John Cowan, and John Heywood. "Case for Reflection in EngineeringEducation- and an Alternative." 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 10 2015.doi:10.1109/fie.2015.7344252.[12]. Adams, Robin S., Jennifer Turns, and Cynthia J. Atman. "Educating effective engineeringdesigners: The role of reflective practice." Design studies 24, no. 3 (2003): 275-294.[13]. Prabhu Gaunkar, Neelam, Melissa Rands, and Mani Mina. "Variations in Student Learningin an Inquiry-based Freshmen Electrical Engineering Course." 2017 IEEE Frontiers inEducation Conference (FIE), 10 2017. doi
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Neelam Prabhu Gaunkar, Iowa State University; Mani Mina, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
research work.References[1]. Stickel, Micah. “ Teaching Electromagnetism with the Inverted Classroom Approach:Student Perceptions and Lessons Learned”, 24.1160.1-24.1160.15, 2014 ​ASEE AnnualConference & Exposition Proceedings[2]. Dori, Yehudit Judy, and John Belcher. "How does technology-enabled active learning affectundergraduate students' understanding of electromagnetism concepts?." ​The journal of thelearning sciences​ 14, no. 2 (2005): 243-279.[3]. Mukhopadhyay, S. C. "Teaching electromagnetics at the undergraduate level: acomprehensive approach." ​European journal of physics​ 27, no. 4 (2006): 727.[4]. Mandyam, Shreekanth and Robert Krchnavek, “Real electromagnetism for real engineersReally!”, 2153-5965, 6.832. 1 - 6.832.5, 2001 ​ASEE
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joakim Sigurd Wren, Linköping University, Sweden
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Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
essays., M. Holquist, Ed. Austin : University of Texas Press., 1981.[21] E. Roberts and K. Sayer, “Introducing ”the matrix classroom” university course design that facilitates active and situated learning though creating two temporary communities of practice.” International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 293 – 299, 2017.[22] A. L. Brown and A. S. Palincsar, Guided, cooperative learning and individual knowledge acquisition, ser. Technical report: no. 372. Champaign, Ill. : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ; Cambridge, Mass.: Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., 1986.[23] E. K. T¨ornqvist, Bland grynnor och blindsk¨ar : kommunikation, l¨arande och teknik i