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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 72 in total
Conference Session
Two Year Colleges
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Theodore Branoff, North Carolina State University; Duane Akroyd, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
after reflecting about what I see in classes, how students relate to me and to each other, and about how difficult this class is for me, I am more of a believer in the need for learning in community. The challenge for online education is to build that sense of community. • Self-directed learning to a large extent is the theory that is used in my classes. While andragogy is also used, the students must learn to rely on themselves to completely understand the material. • Since starting this program, I have learned more about learners and how they relate to different teaching styles. I hope to use this knowledge to provide instructional strategies that work for my classroom…. It has been worthwhile for me
Conference Session
Two-year Institutions Help Fill the STEM Pipeline
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farzin Heidari, Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
local industries. South Texas College (STC) in McAllen is the onlytechnical college in South Texas offering Computer Aided Design / Computer AidedManufacturing, Drafting for Special Occupations, and Machine Drafting9. The STC degree plananalysis clearly demonstrates an evolutionary attempt to meet industry demands towardadvanced manufacturing training.Technology coursework amongst all six South Texas Technical College degree plans reflects astrong emphasis in manual machine tool training. Texas State Technical College, South TexasCollege, Del Mar College, Texas South-most College, and Coastal Bend College offer 24 credithours, 11 credit hours, 42 credit hours, 24 credit hours, and 23 credit hours respectively inmanual machine tool training9
Conference Session
Rethinking Traditional Pedagogical Strategies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Frankie Santos Laanan, Iowa State University; Dimitra Jackson, Iowa State University; Soko Starobin, Iowa State University; Mary Darrow, Iowa State University
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Two Year College Division
increase participation amongfemale students in STEM fields entitled, Pathway to a STEM Baccalaureate Degree: ResearchTrends, Exemplary Practices, and Successful Strategies, funded by the National ScienceFoundation (Award #0507882). Having reviewed numerous support programs that are currentlyfunded by NSF to increase numbers of traditionally underrepresented student population inSTEM fields, the authors examine exemplary transfer programs that are specifically aimed toincrease participations among female students in STEM fields. The purposes of this study are:1) to understand how gender influenced learning experiences among female students in pre-engineering program at a community college; 2) to provide students the opportunity to reflect onand
Conference Session
An Examination of Methods to Enhance Transfer Student Enrollment, Retenion, Persistence, and Outcomes
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shen Liu, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
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Two Year College Division
results during the conference presentation.ConclusionThe encouraging survey results have reflected a strong agreement with the main goals ofincorporation of the PBL into traditional lecture-based courses. Projects have served as bridgesto connect classroom learning and real-life applications. The implementation of hand-on projectshave made the learning of science and engineering principles more enjoyable. Through project-based learning, students are not only more confident with their understandings of the materialspresented in a course, but they are also better prepared for the upper-level engineering design andlaboratory courses.References 1. Blumenfeld, P., Soloway, E., Marx, R., Krajcik, J., Guzdial, M., & Palincsar, A. (1991
Conference Session
Two Year-to-Four Year Transfer Topics Part I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael T. Gibbons, American Society for Engineering Education; Elizabeth T. Cady, National Academy of Engineering; Catherine Didion, National Academy of Engineering; Norman L. Fortenberry, National Academy of Engineering (Washington)
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Two Year College Division
. Opinionsexpressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of the NationalScience Foundation. Bibliography1. Wellman, J. (2002). State Policy and Community College - Baccalaureate Transfer. (National Center Report #02-6), San Jose, CA: National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education & The Institute for Higher Education Policy.2. California Post Secondary Education Commission. (2010). Executive Summary: Ready or Not Here They Come: Projections for Public Higher Education, 2009-2010. (Report D10-01), Sacramento, CA:3. National Center for Education Statistics. (2009). Table 270. Associate's Degrees and Other Subbaccalaureate Awards
Conference Session
Two-Year College Potpourri
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Farzin Heidari, Texas A&M University, Kingsville
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Two Year College Division
conventional shop machinist and maintenance machinist for localindustries. South Texas College (STC) in Mc Allen is the only technical college in South Texas offeringComputer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing, Drafting for Special Occupations, andMachine Drafting. The STC degree plan analysis clearly demonstrates an evolutionary attempt to meetindustry demands toward advance manufacturing training.Technology coursework amongst all six South Texas Technical College degree plans reflect a strongemphasis in manual machine tool training. Texas State Technical College, South Texas College, Del MarCollege, South Texas-most College, and Coastal Bend College offer 24 credit hours, 11 credit hours, 42credit hours, 24 credit hours, and 23 credit hours
Conference Session
Female Faculty, Learning, NSF, and ABET Issues at Two-Year Colleges
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan G. Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Jerry O'Connor, San Antonio College
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Two Year College Division
stations reported on the projectvery favorably in their daily news coverage. The project concluded with final team reportsthat examined the entire design process, including the conclusions derived from prototypetesting as well as their personal reflections on the activity.The grades students received for this project were based on the team reports demonstratingachievement of learning objectives and the validity of conclusions drawn from the testresults. Every student also received a score based on the CATME report that reflectedstudent’s contribution to the team as evaluated by the team members, (Team activities andinteractions related to all course projects were evaluated by the Comprehensive Assessmentfor Team-Member Effectiveness (CATME) 3
Conference Session
An Examination of Methods to Enhance Transfer Student Enrollment, Retenion, Persistence, and Outcomes
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David B. Knight, Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education; Inger M. Bergom, University of Michigan; Brian A. Burt, University of Michigan; Lisa R. Lattuca, University of Michigan
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Two Year College Division
student success is parental education levels, which appear to affectstudents’ likelihoods of majoring in science and engineering26 as well as their probabilities ofearning a bachelor’s degree in any field27.Academic preparation as reflected in high school GPA, high school class rank, and standardizedtest scores is also a significant predictor of college academic performance28,29. One early studyof more than 36,000 college students found that a student’s high school records and SAT scoreswere positively related to academic performance in college18. Similarly, data on over 1,000freshmen engineers at Penn State indicated that high school GPA and grades in calculus andphysics were the best predictors of persistence in engineering in the first two
Conference Session
Reporting Out: Dissemination of Several NSF Projects of Interest to Two-Year Colleges
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan G. Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Jerry O'Connor, San Antonio College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
next program iterations includedIntroduction to Computing and then Introductory Physics as substitutes, along with self-pacedcomputer-based math enrichment programs such as Plato. The substitute courses did not providetransferable credits (for STEM degrees) however, and as enrollments remained flat we continuedto seek new program innovations. One of the annual modifications that turned out to be verypopular was a robotics project. This element has become a permanent fixture of the program.During this period a multitude of engineering summer bridge programs were introduced inalmost every school across the country and in our area 8,9,10, 11. The students had multiple choicesto spend their summers and enrollment reflected these competing
Conference Session
Addressing Diversity Issues in Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tressa Kay Mikel, University of California, Berkeley; Frank Hoang, University of California, Berkeley; Pedro S. H. Kim, UC Berkeley; Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, University of New Haven; Shannon Ciston, University of California, Berkeley
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Two Year College Division
 personality, experiences, skills and values.​  This frame can provide insight into the ways that adult engineering students build their sense of professional identity through multiple modes.   Successful development of an engineering identity is reflected by professional persistence. Work by Lichtenstein et al found that a minority percentage (42%) of seniors definitively planned on  12​pursuing an engineering related career following graduation.​  Undergraduate engineering programs must try to do better to foster engineering identity development so that professional persistence is improved and the workforce is provided a steady stream of capable degreed engineers from a variety of
Conference Session
Two-year Institutions Help Fill the STEM Pipeline
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elaine P. Scott, Seattle Pacific University; Hannah F. Azevedo, Seattle Pacific University
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Two Year College Division
addressing the student’s professionalism and character; • Motivation, based on the personal reflection statement, addressing the applicant’s motive and commitment to obtain a degree in engineering and join the engineering workforce or continue in graduate studies.Students apply for the scholarship according to university-established timelines. Applicants arefirst screened by the University’s Student Financial Services to determine financial eligibility.The ECASE Selection committee reviews financially eligible applicants using the criteriaoutlined above. Students are be ranked according to their potential for academic success(according to grade point averages; courses completed; and reference letters), professionalism(based on
Conference Session
Enhancing Success/Peristence at Two-Year Colleges
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan G. Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Jerry O'Connor, San Antonio College
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Two Year College Division
Algebra. The next program iterations includedIntroduction to Computing and then Introductory Physics as substitutes, along with self-pacedcomputer-based math enrichment programs such as Plato. The substitute courses did not providetransferable credits (for STEM degrees) however, and as enrollments remained flat we continuedto seek new program innovations. One of the annual modifications that turned out to be verypopular was a robotics project. This element has become a permanent fixture of the program.During this period a multitude of engineering summer bridge programs were introduced inalmost every school across the country and in our area 8,9,10, 11. The students had multiple choicesto spend their summers and enrollment reflected these
Conference Session
Female Faculty, Learning, NSF, and ABET Issues at Two-Year Colleges
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David A. Koonce, Ohio University; Cynthia D. Anderson, Ohio University; Valerie Martin Conley, Ohio University; Christine Mattley, Ohio University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
than four-year institutions in the state of Ohio. Of the115 public institutions in Ohio, 36 are two-year institutions. We excluded all regional and branchcampuses affiliated with the major state universities, leaving 27 community and technicalcolleges. Next, we used IPEDS’ location variables to break down institutions by degree ofurbanization: urban (city large, city midsize, city small), suburban (suburban large suburbanmidsize, suburban small), and rural (town fringe, town distant, town remote, rural fringe, ruraldistant, rural remote) containing 8, 10, and 9 potential institutions, respectively. From this list weselected nine institutions that reflect different student and faculty demographics as well asgeographic region of the state.Once
Conference Session
Gainful Employment: Preparing Technicians to Satisfy the Needs of Industry
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary J. Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College
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Two Year College Division
serves. ABET presently lists14 twenty-three specific criteria for programs that have beenrecognized as viable technology disciplines. Even though ABET provides language to accountfor subtle name differences (e.g. Bioengineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs)the specific program criteria are very prescriptive in the definition of program graduates skillsets. ABET is constantly revising and updating the particular criteria to reflect changes withinthe technology. However, the twenty-three program criteria effectively form technology siloswith very little cross-over from one technology to another and to some extent discourage inter-disciplinary programs. Furthermore, the two-year college graduates of these programs typicallydeal with the
Conference Session
Two-Year College Division Transfer Topics Part I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erin Shealy, Clemson University; Catherine E. Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants; Catherine Mobley, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Clemson University; Richard A. Layton, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
general engineering (which is the required major for new transfers at one school until the students have successfully completed certain prerequisite courses).For survey participants contacted during the 2012-13 academic year (N=66), questions wereadded about the parents’ highest level of educational attainment and whether the student attendedschool on a full-time or part-time basis. Some responses were adjusted to reflect factors knownto the researchers but improperly reported by the respondents, such as whether a particularcommunity college had a formal 2+2 program with the MIDFIELD institution.Data on students’ most recent sending institutions were classified according to in- or out-of-statestatus (compared to the state in which the
Conference Session
Enhancing Student Success in Two-Year Colleges
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas P Langhoff, Skyline College; Eva Schiorring; Erik N Dunmire, College of Marin; Thomas Rebold, Monterey Peninsula College; Tracy Huang, Canada College
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Two Year College Division
reading or video assignments that prompted students to thinkabout concepts and strategies for success in what they read or watched, reflect on newknowledge they gained, and how these strategies applied to their own journey throughengineering education.The second hour of the lecture meeting was generally used to explore engineering careersand conceptual background and applications for the lab activities and design projects.Topics included measurements and error analysis, computational methods and analysiswith MATLAB, mechanical properties of materials, trusses and structures, fundamentalelectronics, sensors and signal conditioning, Arduino programming, and robotics andsimple control scenarios.All of the lab activities and design projects listed in
Conference Session
Two-Year College Division Transfer Topics Part I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine Mobley, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Clemson University; Catherine E. Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References1 Rice, T. J. (2008). Riding out the waves: Community college transfers graduating with bachelor's degrees.Dissertation, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, ID.2 Dougherty, K. J. (1987). The effects of community colleges: Aid or hindrance to socioeconomic attainment?Sociology of Education, 60, 86-103.3 Smith, P. (2010). You can’t get there from here: Five ways to clear roadblocks for college transfer students.Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.4 Laanan, F. S. (2001). Transfer student adjustment. In New Directions for Community Colleges, 114, 5–13. San
Conference Session
Retention and Two-year to Four-year Transfer
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Krudysz, City College of the City University of New York; Ardie D. Walser, City College of the City University of New York; Annita Alting, City College of the City University of New York
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Two Year College Division
could use to transfer into the engineering (and computer science)program/s at the 4-year institution. These core courses are selected so as to reflect the first twoyears of a four- year engineering program. While this model is certainly reasonable, it does havesome major weaknesses. Many engineering schools have engineering programs in classic areassuch as civil, chemical, electrical and mechanical engineering with a number of courses, inmathematics and science, in common. However, the first two years of an engineering programcan have subtle but significant differences in course requirements that are specific to that major.If the new transfer student stays on track with their initial choice for a major, there is no problem.But, should the
Conference Session
Two-Year College Special Topics Potpourri
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary J. Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
the components of these early systemswere accessible, when a system failure occurred, the electrical technician or engineer was calledupon to troubleshoot the system to the part level and effect the repair. As indicated by Figure 1,the electronic components were at the center of this technologic paradigm. The educationprovided to the technician of this era reflected the technology of the day and was therefore –component or parts centric. As an example of this type of pedagogy, electronic oscillators wereintroduced as an application of vacuum tubes not as an integral sub-system of a communicationssystem.The first real technology revolution to occur in the ET/EET field was driven by the invention of
Conference Session
Two-Year/Four-Year: From Articulation to Matriculation
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Surendra Gupta, Rochester Institute of Technology; Abi Aghayere, Rochester Institute of Technology; Vincent Amuso, Rochester Institute of Technology; Michael Eastman, Rochester Institute of Technology; Daniel Johnson, Rochester Institute of Technology
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Two Year College Division
) reflecting tuition and cost of living increases in the last 5 years. The NSFscholarship of a total of $8,000/student requested was in addition to other grants and aid awardedby our university.Program-Specific Transfer Credits: EET programs at our university have articulation agreementswith twenty 2-year schools. The articulation agreements are designed to transfer in credit tobring each student at or close to 3rd year level at our university. These articulations areperiodically discussed and refined at the annual conferences of our state’s EngineeringTechnology Association and the Two Year Engineering Science Association.To allow students greater curricular flexibility, including the opportunity to earn a minor inanother discipline, we completed a
Conference Session
Innovative Partnerships
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Theodore Branoff, North Carolina State University; Pooneh Lari, North Carolina State University; Michelle Hsiang, Research Triangle Institute
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
instructors typically connected from either home or work (Figure 5) using ahigh bandwidth connection (Figure 6). Figures 7 and 8 illustrate that participants felt that theywould use Centra again and that it met their expectations. Page 11.1029.8 Figure 5. Location From Which Students Connected. Figure 6. Bandwidth of Student’s Connection. Page 11.1029.9Figure 7. “I Would Be Interested in Using Centra Again”. Figure 8. “Centra Met My Expectations”.Reflections and ConclusionsAlthough the first cohort has not finished the fifth course, preliminary data give some indicationof the effectiveness of the program. Comments here
Conference Session
Engineering Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David I. Spang, Rowan College at Burlington County; Eric Constans, Rowan University; Edem G Tetteh, Rowan College at Burlington County
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authorsand do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.The authors also wish to acknowledge RCBC and RU personnel who have contributed to thecurrent effort and have helped to create and maintain a culture of innovation and excellence.Special thanks are given to RCBC’s President, Mr. Paul Drayton, and to the RCBC Board ofTrustees, as well as to RU’s President, Dr. Ali Houshmand, for their support of innovativeeducational endeavors. Additional thanks go to RCBC’s Workforce Development Institute, underthe leadership of Vice President Anna Payanzo Cotton, for their work in creating meaningfulemployment
Conference Session
Two-year College Potpourri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Burton Dorsey, Washington MESA; Elizabeth Apple Meza, University of Washington; Phyllis G. Harvey-Buschel, Washington MESA
Tagged Topics
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Two Year College Division
progress through theSTEM pipeline also depends on the types of opportunities, experiences, and support studentsreceive while in college (Chang, Eagan, Lin, & Hurtado, 2011; Espinosa, 2011). “Theeducational experience and the culture of the discipline (as reflected in the attitudes and practicesof faculty) make a much greater contribution to [STEM] attrition than the individualinadequacies of students or the appeal of other majors” (Chang, Sharkness, Hurtado, & Newman,2014). In addition to the academic and social supports deemed essential for studentpersistence and transfer, there appear to be some specific recommendations that encourageSTEM students in particular to persist, transfer, and ultimately complete a STEM degree
Conference Session
Focus on the Classroom: Novel Approaches to Course Delivery
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher John Akelian, Cuesta College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
solar monitoring and motor control applications  Program a PLC to collect data for a SCADA system using both Analog and Discrete sensors  Identify various software packages needed to communicate in a SCADA system  Configure and test communications in a SCADA system Page 26.943.5  Create a Human Machine Interface (HMI) that reflects the operation of equipment  Troubleshoot problems that occur while integrating a SCADA systemStudent activities and modules developedIntroducing the SCADA curriculum for the first semester was an extreme challenge since the labmodules were untested and it wasn’t clear how much of
Conference Session
Two-year College Division: Authors Address Transfer Matters-Part I
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl Whitesel, Mesa Community College; Adam R. Carberry, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
considering inorder to be self-efficacious. Prior knowledge provides familiarity with the task and the actionsrequired to perform that task10.Self-efficacy includes confidence as well as one’s perceived capabilities to organize andimplement actions necessary to attain desired performance7. Thus, self-efficacy is a reflection ofone’s confidence to succeed at a task in the context of a domain12. Confidence can be a measureof self-efficacy, as the more confident one is in a domain, the more certain they are in theirresponses to questions about that domain5.Conceptual KnowledgeConceptual knowledge has been extensively studied, particularly in the field of PhysicsEducation13. Concepts are the organizers that sort our prior knowledge so we have an idea
Conference Session
Focus on the Classroom: Innovative Pedagogies
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kapil Chalil Chalil Madathil, Clemson University; Kristin Kelly Frady, Clemson University; Anand K. Gramopadhye, Clemson University; Jeff Bertrand; Rebecca S Hartley, Clemson University Center for Workforce Development
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Two Year College Division
anddisciplines.Acknowledgments:This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1104181. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Pantelidis, V. S. Virtual reality in the classroom. Educ. Technol. Res. Dev. (1993). at 2. Rizzo, A. A. et al. The Virtual Classroom: A Virtual Reality Environment for the Assessment and Rehabilitation of Attention Deficits. Cyberpsychol. Behav. 3, 483–499 (2000).3. Auld, L. W. S. & Pantelidis, V. S. Exploring virtual reality for classroom use. Tech Trends 39, 29– 31 (1994).4. Youngblut, C. Educational Uses of Virtual Reality Technology
Conference Session
Two Year College Tech Session III
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Jerry O'Connor, San Antonio College
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Two Year College Division
learning community, and also aided in the management of the supervised study sessions. Thefaculty members met daily with Study Leaders to coordinate course assignments with afternoonactivities. Page 13.1227.3Enrollment AnalysisAn overview of the application and enrollment history of the EDGE Program is presented inTable 1. The trend in student participation reflects an evolving focus on the composition of thecurriculum and the readiness of our target population. More detailed analysis by gender andethnicity the 2007 program is given in Table 2. There are no apparent trends in the applicationdata. Gender and ethnicity distributions have remained
Conference Session
Two year Colleges
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College; Ellen Hause, AACC; Benjamin Taylor, Seminole Community College
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Two Year College Division
, 2006for a day and-a-half meeting prior to the start of the annual ATE conference. As before, thementors met separately before the rest of the project cohort joined the meeting. This shortmeeting focused on sharing the successes and challenges experienced by the mentoring team andthe sharing of ideas about how to overcome some of the problems encountered in the mentoringprocess. The rest of the first day’s meeting consisted of mentee/mentor progress reports,roundtable discussions about topics pertinent to technology education initiatives, andmentee/mentor meetings about the mentee’s action plans for year two. Aside from severalgeneral presentations about evaluation and STEM education, the next day’s activities weremostly reflective in nature
Conference Session
Two-Year College Potpourri
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jana Fattic, Western Kentucky University; Andrew Ernest, Western Kentucky University; Christal Wade, Western Kentucky University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
sector as an environmental consultant prior to being employed by the Center in 2004. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0903286. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).Andrew Ernest, Western Kentucky University Dr. Ernest earned a B.S. and M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Southwestern Louisiana in 1985 and in 1986 respectively, and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1991. He has over 18 years of professional experience in
Conference Session
Rethinking Traditional Pedagogical Strategies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jumoke Ladeji-Osias, Morgan State University; Richard Cerkovnik, Anne Arundel Community College; Wesley Lawson, University of Maryland; Lan Xiang, Montgomery College
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Two Year College Division
to tackle a national problem related to making an efficient coupling toa very dynamic and blurry interface between two-year and four-year Electrical Engineering (EE)and Computer Engineering (CE) programs. The field of electrical engineering is evolving at arate better measured in months than in years or decades, and the institutions of higher learning alladjust their curricula to reflect these changes on their own schedules, related to their uniquecollection of needs and abilities. The shift to an outcomes-based transfer degree is a potentiallyvery innovative step.Bibliography 1. Mathis, M. C. and J. Sislin, Enhancing the Community College Pathway to Careers. Washington, DC.: National Academies Press, 2005. 2. National Academy