- Conference Session
- Two-year College STEM Programs Meeting the Needs of Industry
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Yvette E. Pearson P.E., Rice University; Canek Moises Luna Phillips, Rice University; Margaret E. Beier, Rice University; Jacqueline Gilberto; Stephen P. Mattingly, University of Texas, Arlington; Ann Saterbak, Duke University; Yuting Sheng, Rice University; Anila K. Shethia, Rice University; Rui (Roy) Sun, Rice University
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Two-Year College
moreclearly addressed the targeted student population(s) in their project summaries. By contrast, theydid not improve in their abilities to align evidence-based strategies with institutional/programneeds and to present research questions that showed potential for knowledge generation or toidentify multiple areas of far-reaching, plausible, and measurable broader impacts, includingthose related to STEM workforce development and graduate school placement.One of the limitations of our analysis is that the post-workshop summaries were collectedimmediately following the workshop, and thus are not necessarily reflective of the summariesthat were actually submitted with the proposal. We believe after participants returned to theirinstitutions and used the
- Conference Session
- Engineering/Engineering Technolgy Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
- Collection
- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Susan P. Gentry, University of California, Davis; Colleen Elizabeth Bronner, University of California, Davis; Jennifer H Choi, University of California, Davis; Jason White, University of California, Davis
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Two-Year College
havelimited documented evidence of their effectiveness. To better address their needs and provide afoundation for future efforts to support transfer student success at four-year institutions such asUC Davis, it is necessary to obtain relevant knowledge regarding barriers to facing thesestudents.The objective of this paper is to present identified barriers to UC Davis College of Engineeringtransfer student success and to document perceptions and experiences of these transfer students.Data was obtained through an analysis of survey data from upper division engineering studentsand three focus groups of transfer students. Current transfer students both confirmed previouslyreported barriers and identified new barriers, reflecting their struggle with a
- Conference Session
- Two-Year College Division Poster Session
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Lea K. Marlor, University of California, Berkeley; Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech
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Two-Year College
, the CC faculty attended 4 research seminars throughout the summer that focusedon the research being conducted by faculty on UCB campus in various areas. The CC facultyalso attended sessions by the leaders of the research topics (alternative energy, cyber security,wearable medical devices, green and sustainable manufacturing, and nanotechnology) that gavethem an overall view of current research goals and progress. The goal of hosting these seminarsis to describe real world problems being worked on, as well as providing access to leading-edgeresearch outside of their own primary laboratory.Beyond these seminars and workshops, CC faculty were asked to complete weekly homeworkassignments that asked them to reflect on their research progress and
- Conference Session
- Two-year College STEM Programs Meeting the Needs of Industry
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
David I. Spang, Rowan College at Burlington County; Eric Constans, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Edem G. Tetteh, Rowan College at Burlington County
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Two-Year College
well as those who may already hold a college degree andseek training aligned with this viable career path. To prepare the targeted population to fulfillthese needs, the program will focus on applying theories and hands-on skills in the developmentof marketable products, efficient processes, and designs that reflect an awareness of howtechnology meets the needs of society today and in the future. Further, the AAS.MET programwill provide extensive classroom study along with laboratory explorations. The degree is beingdeveloped based on the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of theAccreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET) accreditation standards. Oneof the long term goals of the program is to obtain ABET
- Conference Session
- Two-year College Potpourri
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Nicholas Langhoff, Skyline College; Jenny Ngoc Le, Skyline College
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Two-Year College
, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, or some EnvironmentalSciences. If we consider attrition from subsequent courses in these sequences, only about 33% ofstudents who enter the CHEM I and II sequence complete it, and only 40 of every 100 do so inthe Physics sequence.These attrition points reflect the reality that the vast majority of Skyline College students,including many interested in pursuing STEM-related careers, are not ready for college-levelmath when they get to the college. On the math placement test administered to students enrollingfor the first time in Fall 2014, only 16% of students placed in Transfer-Level Math(Trigonometry). Far fewer Latinos (5.4%), African Americans (7.1%), or Pacific Islanders(11.1%) did so. In fact, 60% of the
- Conference Session
- Two-year College STEM Programs Meeting the Needs of Industry
- Collection
- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Randy Libros, Community College of Philadelphia; Tammy Wooten; Mozhgan Bahadory
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Two-Year College
address some ofthese concerns. The program is intended to be a support to new instructors to ensure they areintroduced to the College on-line systems and to support their pedagogy as well. It has made fora more positive experience for both instructors and their students alike.ConclusionSystematic planning that considerers all aspects of the program as a single system, has allowedus to gain success in student recruitment, retention and job placement. Industry involvement inthe program has helped to create a program with content and structure that fulfills industry needsand supports student success. Student success in the program is reflected in the high level of jobplacement we have seen.This material is based upon work supported by the National
- Conference Session
- Engineering/Engineering Technolgy Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
- Collection
- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Samuel Paul Merriweather, Texas A&M University; Karen L. Butler-Purry, Texas A&M University; Shannon Walton, Texas A&M University; Judy Kelley
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Two-Year College
diversity efforts with ETSscholarships and matriculation activities. The targeted transfer institutions and communitycolleges had high student enrollments of African American and Hispanic American students, twohistorically underrepresented groups in STEM fields in the US. Twenty-two (22) of the thirty-five (35) ETS participants were underrepresented minority (URM) students. Almost half (17/35)of ETS participants transferred to TAMU as electrical and computer engineering (ECE) (13) orcomputer science (4) majors. Ultimately, 29 of the 35 (about 83%) ETS participantscompleted bachelor degrees after transferring to TAMU. This paper discusses activities,successes, and challenges during the project implementation and reflections on importantfindings
- Conference Session
- Two-year College Potpourri
- Collection
- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Ali Zilouchian, Florida Atlantic University; Nancy Romance, Florida Atlantic University; Dana Hamadeh, Palm Beach State College; Annie Laurie Myers, Broward College; Michael Vitale, East Carolina University
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Two-Year College
theadvantage of one of the largest and most diverse populations of learners in the state of Florida. TheBC and PBSC student populations reflect the socioeconomic and ethnic diversity of the SouthFlorida area, with a majority of the enrolled students hailing from minority backgrounds.The articulation program has intended to build a sustainable and growing pipeline of studentsenrolling in Computer Engineering and Computer Science majors. The implementation of theprogram has centered on student success. As we prepared the program, we asked, “What dostudents need to successfully decide/get into college?” In addition to the reducing the worryabout how they would pay for College, we recognized that students need support in terms ofmentoring and advising
- Conference Session
- Engineering/Engineering Technolgy Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
- Collection
- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Amelito G. Enriquez, Cañada College; Nicholas Langhoff, Skyline College; Erik N Dunmire, College of Marin; Thomas Rebold, Monterey Peninsula College; Wenshen Pong P.E., San Francisco State University
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Two-Year College
necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation or the US Department of Education.REFERENCES1. NSF, Division of Science Resources Statistics. 2017. Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering. Available at https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/2017/nsf17310/.2. National Center for Education Statistics, Digest for Education Statistics, Available at https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d16/tables/dt16_219.70.asp.3. Joint Venture Silicon Valley (2012). The 2012 Index of Silicon Valley p. 36, Available at http://www.jointventure.org/images/stories/pdf/2012index-r2.pdf.4. NSF, Division of Science Resources Statistics. 2017. Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering