Page 13.713.2faculty members that universities are working hardest to recruit and retain.In Fall 2005, Boise State University administered a Campus Climate Survey to faculty, staff andstudents. The results from the faculty portion of the survey are allowing the university to beginthe process of cultural transformation. Science and engineering (S&E) faculty at the universityare taking a key leadership role in addressing these issues for S&E faculty from underrepresentedgroups, with the long term goal of incorporating the gains they have made into the university as awhole for faculty, staff, and students. They have forged a coalition of key faculty and staff acrosscampus who exercise responsibility for, and interest in, equity issues
. U n i v e r s i t y K a t e G l e a s o n C o l l e g e o f E
relevance of this for female recruitment and retention towards STEM disciplines will also bediscussed. In addition, practical information regarding the scoping, development, trial and error,and full implementation will be discussed.In addition, this paper will address possibilities for the future of recruitment and retention offemale engineering and science students at Northern Arizona University and the sustainability ofthe existing program.IntroductionDespite two decades of advancement of women in the areas of science, technology, engineeringand math (STEM), women are still sorely underrepresented both in academia and in industrywhen compared to their male counterparts. Women in science and engineering (S & E) haveexperienced some gains in
undergraduate women in engineering approaches the issue interms of persistence or retention, examining factors influencing women‟s choices of major andcareer. Originally this work was driven by alarming data suggesting that women leaveengineering at higher rates than men.1,2 More recent studies suggest that women and men leaveengineering at equal rates during the college years.3,4Factors influencing persistence and attrition are often similar for men and women, but there aresome important differences. For example, Atman5 reported data from the Academic PathwaysStudy in which seniors identified motivating factors in their decisions to study engineering.Intrinsic psychological factors (liking engineering as a subject or field) and intrinsic
):902–18.4. Diekman AB, Brown ER, Johnston AM, Clark EK. Seeking congruity between goals and roles: a new look at why women opt out of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers. Psychol Sci. United States; 2010;21(8):1051–7.5. Cheryan S, Master A, Meltzoff AN. Cultural stereotypes as gatekeepers: increasing girls’ interest in computer science and engineering by diversifying stereotypes. Front Psychol. 2015;6:49.6. Ridgeway CL, Correll SJ. Unpacking the Gender System: A Theoretical Perspective on Gender Beliefs and Social Relations. Gend Soc. 2004;18(4):510–31.7. Charles M, Bradley K. Indulging Our Gendered Selves? Sex Segregation by Field of Study in 44 Countries. Am J Sociol. 2009;114(4
, particularly the 1970‗s and 1980‗s, female participation in higher education inMexico was very low. This phenomenon was associated with socio-cultural stereotypes thatestablished Mexican women as mothers and wives and identified them as emotional andaffective, and therefore not ―fit‖ for schooling; this ultimately has kept them from paid workand formal education. Historically the characteristics of Mexican educational institutions havenot only affected the experiences of female students, but also have stressed traditional roles ofwomen and thus present challenges for women who venture into non-traditional fields1. Despitethis, participation of women in higher education in Mexico has increased substantially in the lastthree decades and has nearly
. Through an analysis of the WiSE Program at USC,we hope to present a model from which others can draw on to tackle the same issues at their owninstitutions.IntroductionIn 2000, the University of Southern California (USC) launched its Women in Science andEngineering (WiSE) Program. Funded by a $20 million gift to the endowment, the goal of theprogram is to increase the number of tenured and tenure-track women faculty in science andengineering (S&E). Spearheaded by an energetic group of tenured faculty, the programs andactivities of the WiSE program have been designed to address a broad range of issues that affectthe representation of women in S&E.Operating from the Office of the Provost, WiSE works with deans and departments in the
increasing, it is not at a rate that is fast enough. This paper looks at the issues that limit engineering women‟s opportunities for faster advancement, and shares information about a course in developing leadership capacity in women engineers, documenting progress based on interviews with alumni. Significant strides are being seen in the women that understand and practice effective leadership, and organizations that can create a supportive climate for their practice.BackgroundIn the U.S., it is no longer surprising or incongruous to see a woman as principal of a public highschool, manager of a corporate department, dean of a university college, or anchor on a localnewscast. Women have breached the barriers to such positions in concert
developed that willcontinue to fuel this growth? Science and engineering (S&E) enrollments have remainedrelatively stagnant for the past 20 years. If this trend continues, what will happen to theeconomy? The authors recognize the need to increase overall enrollments in S&E fields, and theopportunity to increase enrollments by attracting and retaining students from underrepresenteddemographic population groups. Women represent over half the nation’s population and nearlyhalf of the undergraduate enrollment, yet are dramatically underrepresented in the technical andacademic community. Increasing participation of underrepresented groups in S&E will not onlyincrease the available technical workforce, but will also interject ideas and
Learning Engineering Survey(APPLES). Five research questions were posed in the survey design: • Do women express a loss of interest during their program? • Is there a chilly climate for women in the college? • Do women‟s self-efficacy levels change during the program? • Do academic performance levels play a role in women‟s retention in engineering? • Do women have an adequate support structure in the college?The survey generated 116 responses from 2 solicitations, with women students representedfrom every major across all four undergraduate years. An unintended outcome was that thesample largely consists of women with high grade point averages. Thus, this paper offersinsight on top performing women‟s self-efficacy and
environments congruent withtheir traits and that congruency is associated with better outcomes [47], [48]. P-E fit is a multi-level construct encompassing fit between the person and organization (P-O), person and job (P-J), person and workgroup (P-G), and person and supervisor (P-S) in addition to fit betweenperson and vocation (P-V). I located two studies of women leaving the engineering professionthat utilized one P-E fit theory, Theory of Workplace Adjustment (TWA). These studies foundthat women leave the engineering profession due to a mismatch between their needs andworkplace values [1] and confirmed that gender differences exist in their reasons for leaving[19]. Findings from other studies on workplace factors suggest the exploration of fit
students and faculty in a variety ofscience and engineering fields. The paper focuses on engineering at colleges and universitiesbecause of the role which these institutions have in inspiring both women and men to chooseengineering as a field, and their potential to change the composition and size of the futureworkforce. Findings include that for fields dominated by men in the 1960s 1) those fields withthe highest (or lowest) proportions of women students in the 60’s still have the highest (orlowest) proportions of women students today, and 2) the proportion of women students is highlycorrelated with the proportion of women faculty in a field. This may suggest that increasing thenumber of women faculty may be a strategy for more rapidly attracting
. 12, 2018.[2] L. Wimsatt, A. Trice, and D. Langley, “Faculty Perspectives on Academic Work and Administrative Burden: Implications for the Design of Effective Support Services.,” Journal of Research Administration, vol 30, no. 1, pp. 77–89, 2009.[3] K. M. Hannum, S. M. Muhly, P. S. Shockley-Zalabak, and J. S. White, “Women leaders within higher education in the United States: Supports, barriers, and experiences of being a senior leader,” Advancing Women in Leadership, vol. 35, pp. 65–75, 2015.[4] E. Judson, L. Ross, and K. Glassmeyer, “How Research, Teaching, and Leadership Roles are Recommended to Male and Female Engineering Faculty Differently,” Research in Higher Education, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 1025–1047
Science Teaching, 44(8), 1187-1218.Chang, M. J., Sharkness, J., Hurtado, S., & Newman, C. B. (2014). What matters in college for retaining aspiring scientists and engineers from underrepresented racial groups. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(5), 555-580.Collins, D., Bayer, A. E., & Hirschfeld, D. A. (1996). Engineering Education for Women: A Chilly Climate? Women in Engineering ProActive Network.Crenshaw, K. (1990). Mapping the margins: Intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of color. Stan. L. Rev., 43, 1241.Cross, K. J., Clancy, K. B., Mendenhall, R., Imoukhuede, P., & Amos, J. R. (2017, June). The double bind of race and gender: A look into the experiences of
bachelor’s degrees earned by women in the U.S. has remained between 18.1% and20.5% from 2000 to 2015, with women receiving 20.1% of degrees in 2015 [1]. By contrast,women’s representation in the engineering workforce has been steadily increasing since the1990’s, from 8.6% in 1993 to 14.5% in 2015 [1]. However, according to statistics from 2010,within five years of graduation, 36 percent of women who obtained engineering bachelor’sdegrees either left or never entered the field and within fifteen years after graduation, 60 percentof women who earned engineering bachelor’s degrees had left the field [2]. Despite the recentincreases, these numbers indicate that women are still underrepresented in the workforce and thatretention of women engineers in
inengineering specifically [12-15, 28-29, 31-33, 38]. There were cross-cultural differences in the studies’ findings. In the study from UAE[26], women with higher SES were less likely to choose STEM majors and careers (Fig. 1),unlike in the US and UK where studies found higher SES to significantly impact the likelihoodof persisting in and choosing a STEM major, respectively [22, 24]. In Caspi et. al.’s study [16] inIsrael, they found no gender difference in ninth grade students’ choice of a STEM major whereasgender differences were found early on (i.e., prior to intervention) in STEM attitudes in USstudents [13]. Fig. 1 Likelihood of persisting in and choosing a STEM major Importantly, these studies support the
when they are taken up7,13,14.This paper reports a recent study of the careers of all the female graduates in a single engineeringdiscipline from an Australian technical university (ATU), which found that a much higherproportion of them have remained in the engineering profession than the rates frequently cited inthe literature. The study‟s findings on workplace conditions, availability and use of family-friendly practices and intentions to leave the profession are compared with the findings of anational study of Australian female engineers across all engineering disciplines undertaken in2007 to seek potential explanations for the high retention and satisfaction rate of this cohort.Women in the engineering professionIn all western countries
., & Kuh, C. V. (Eds.) (2009), Doctoral education and the faculty of the future.Cornell University Press.Erickson, S. K. (2012), Women Ph. D. students in engineering and a nuanced terrain: Avoidingand revealing gender. The Review of Higher Education, 35(3), 355-374.Ferreira, M. M. (2009). Trends in women's representation in science and engineering. Journal ofWomen and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 15(3).Fox, M. F. (2000),Organizational environments and doctoral degrees awarded to women inscience and engineering departments. Women's Studies Quarterly,28(1/2), 47-61.Gardner, S. K. (2009), Conceptualizing success in doctoral education: Perspectives of faculty inseven disciplines. The Review of Higher Education,32(3), 383-406.Goldsmith
FS v. i v. v. i v. CT CT CT CT u ni un u ni unFig. 2 Ratio of male/female faculty and students in engineering programs(Data from 2010 JSEE survey)Note: MF=male faculty, FF=female faculty, MS=male students, FS= female students,Univ.=universities, CT= colleges of technology Since 2006, MEXT has been granting funds to institutions of higher education inscience and technology (S&T) for their plans to promote the interests of science and Page 22.860.3technology
women to engineering, with specific attention to theofferings at the University of Louisville J.B. Speed School of Engineering.IntroductionWomen and minorities have been underrepresented by alarming proportions ininstitutions of higher education in general and in science and engineering (S&E)programs in particular over the last quarter century. Although more female and minorityhigh school students have at least heard of engineering, relatively few of them have hadthe opportunity to become familiar with engineers and the work they perform. As notedin Figure 1, Bachelor's degrees awarded in S&E and non-S&E fields by sex for the yearsof 1966–2004, nationally, women earn substantially more bachelor's degrees in non-S&Efields than
AC 2007-2055: THE EFFECTS OF GENDER ON ELEMENTARY-AGEDSTUDENTS' INTEREST IN TECHNOLOGY: A PRELIMINARY REPORTCarol Stwalley, Purdue University Dr. Carol S. Stwalley earned her BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University and is a registered professional engineer in Indiana. She performed the described research while the Assistant Director for the Purdue Women in Engineering Program. Currently, she performs assessment for the Purdue Minority Engineering Program. Dr. Stwalley also is the President of Paradocs Enterprises, Inc. which is a consulting engineering firm specializing in renewable energy projects and property transfer issues
rates for both female and male students. TheCalWomenTech Project‟s numbers on the recruitment and retention of technology students—both female and male—have been compiled by an external evaluator.The Project has worked with the CalWomenTech colleges to distribute two surveys to thetargeted female technology students that ask them what recruitment and retention strategies theyhave experienced, which ones they find helpful, and which strategies they would like toexperience more (2009 survey n=60, 2010 repeat survey n=43). The results from these surveyshave allowed the colleges to see what strategies take the fewest resources and yield the highestreturn for their students. Most of the strategies female students indicate have been most helpfulto
13.641.8long run, making universities and engineering schools exciting, creative, adventurous, rigorous,demanding, and empowering milieus is more important than specifying curricular details”.[41, p.162]Bibliography1. Agosto, D. E. (2004). Using gender schema theory to examine gender equity in computing: A preliminary study. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 10(1), 37-37-53.2. American Society for Engineering Education. (1994). Engineering Education for a Changing World., 1994, from Bell, A. E., Spencer, S. J., Iserman, E., & Logel, Christine E. R. (2003). Stereotype threat and women's performance in engineering. Journal of Engineering
academicsettings, was found to be significantly (p<0.05) different for males and females. This isconsistent with the results from Rodriguez & Esparrago [21]’s study which used the intrinsicmotivation inventory to determine that male and female students have significant differences inhow they are motivated by choice. Their study, which used a pretest/posttest design to study theimpacts of a multinational design project on motivation, found that female students did notexperience a reduction in their choice score after the design project. It is possible that the resultsof the current study describe consistency in the female student’s motivational scores alongside adecrease in overall academic motivation for males although this cannot be determined for
Differences and the Differences They Make” Journal of Technology Transfer, 31, 325–333, 2006.[2] C. Corbett, & C. Hill. “Solving the equation: The variables for women’s success in engineering and computing”. Washington, DC: American Association of University Women, 2015.[3] L. Babcock, L., & S. Laschever, “Women don’t ask: The high cost of avoiding negotiation and positive strategies for change”. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 2007.[4] C A. Moss-Racusin, J. F. Dovidio, V. L. Brescoll, M. J. Graham, & J. Handelsman, “Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 109, no. 41, pp. 16474–16479, 2012.[5] S. Cheryan, S. A. Ziegler, A. K. Montoya, and L. Jiang
% chance they would change their majors.The survey respondents were very active in student organizations at San José State University(see Table 5). More than 50% of the women survey respondents were active in disciplinarystudent organizations while 21 out of 60 students were involved in the Society of WomenEngineers (SWE). Fewer female students took advantage of San José State University ’s studentsupport activities such as the Learning Assistance Resource Center (20%) and the XXX WritingCenter (13.3%). Table 5. Student participation in academic activities. Answer Options Response Count Response Percent An engineering society (such as American Society of Mechanical Engineers) 34
GRIT with retention-to-graduation with the correlation of admissions variables to retention-to-graduation. Admissions variables were originally selected because they predict retention; the study will examine whether GRIT is more, less or additionally predictive of student success.Introduction“Let me tell you the secret that has led to my goals. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.”Louis PasteurThe Grit Scale was developed by Dr. Angela Duckworth in 20071 to measure the personalitytraits of perseverance and passion for long-term goals. In Duckworth 20092 The Short Grit Scale(Grit–S) was shown to have internal consistency, validity and improved psychometric properties.Various studies have associated GRIT, as measured by the Grit-S scale, with
research questions, we decided to examine defining characteristics ofindividuals identified by our participants as exemplary engineering leaders. It was at this point Page 26.815.2that we noticed a significant over-representation of men in the pool of highly esteemed leaders.In this paper, we use a factor analysis and Chi-Square Goodness of Fit test to examine onepossible reason for this disparity—a gender difference in engineers’ leadership aspirations. Wethen use a focused literature review to hypothesize two alternative explanations for our finding. T ABLE 1 : S AMPLE C HARACTERISTICS Category Sub-Categories
, MA, 2003.[5] National Science Foundation, “Program for Gender Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: A Brief Retrospective, 1993-2001,” NSF 02-107,, 2002.[6] I. F. Goodman, C. M. Cunningham and C. Lachapelle, “The Women’s Experiences in College Engineering (WECE) Project,” Report published by the Goodman Research Group,, April 2002.[7] E. Seymour and N.M. Hewitt, Talking About Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences, Westview Press, 1997.[8] M. J. Johnson and S. D. Sheppard, “Relationships Between Engineering Student and Faculty Demographics and Stakeholders Working to Affect Change,” ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 139-150, April 2004.[9] J. Teague, “Women in