important problems at the interface between chemistry, physics, engi- neering, and biology preparing the trainees for careers in academe, national laboratories, and industry. In addition to research, she devotes significant time developing and implementing effective pedagogical approaches in her teaching of undergraduate courses to train engineers who are critical thinkers, problem solvers, and able to understand the societal contexts in which they are working to addressing the grand challenges of the 21st century. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Peer Review and Reflection in Engineering Labs: Writing to Learn and Learning to WriteAbstractClear
Paper ID #243602018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Enhancing Engineering Lab Report Writing Using Peer Review AssessmentDr. Rocio Alba-Flores, Georgia Southern University Rocio Alba-Flores received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Tulane University. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Southern University. Her main areas of interest include control systems, robotics, embedded systems, signal and image processing, and engineering education. c American Society for Engineering
on a Google sheet that the instructor manages.Tasks include grading daily quizzes, running critique workshops of three to six students, gradingmajor assignments, and special assignments, such as creating a format template in MicrosoftWord for the proposal.Background: Rather than having students bring drafts to class for on-the-spot critiquing,the course runs more formal critiquing based on the Iowa Writers Workshop One feature that distinguishes the course is the course’s peer critiquing, which follows theIowa Writers’ Workshop for creative writing [11]. In this approach, the students submit theirassignment excerpts at least two days before the workshop so that the peers and often a mentorhave the chance to read, reflect, edit, and
Paper ID #22589Comparing Peer-to-Peer Written Comments and Teamwork Peer Evalua-tions.Dr. Catherine E. Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants Catherine E. Brawner is President of Research Triangle Educational Consultants. She received her Educational Research and Policy Analysis from NC State University in 1996. She also has an MBA from Indiana University (Bloomington) and a bachelor’s degree from Duke University. She specializes in evaluation and research in engineering education, computer science education, teacher education, and technology education. Dr. Brawner is a founding member and former
Paper ID #23486A Multiplayer Peer-to-Peer Cyber Attack and Defense InfrastructureMr. Wesley Allen Hotalen Jr., ECU Department of Technology Systems Mr. Wesley Hotalen is an Undergraduate student studying Computer Science at East Carolina Univer- sity. His research interests include programming languages and web application graphical user interfaces (GUI’s). Mr. Hotalen is a student web developer for the Department of Engineering and Technology at East Carolina University.Dr. Te-Shun Chou, East Carolina University Dr. Te-Shun Chou is an Associate Professor in the Department of Technology Systems at ECU. He received his
Paper ID #23533Work in Progress: The Use of Scaffolding and Peer Reviews to Improve Ef-fective Writing Skills in Biomedical EngineersDr. C. LaShan Simpson, Mississippi State University Dr. Simpson received her B.S. in Biochemistry from Clemson University. Her doctoral research focused on developing cell therapy treatments for vascular calcification. Her research interests were in targeted therapies and she strengthened her polymer expertise during her postdoctoral training at Rice University. Her postdoctoral work focused on injectable gene therapy for bone grafting. As an independent researcher, her work is focused on
Writing through the Writing Studio ModelAbstractThis paper presents the results of a pilot collaboration between the University Writing Centerand a senior-level Electrical Engineering course. To address the growing need forengineering students to improve their written communications skills, the professor added aresearch project to their class. Students then participated in a required writing studio, awriting group of five to seven students who provide feedback to one another on their writingprocesses throughout the semester. The writing studios are facilitated by the UniversityWriting Center undergraduate peer tutors, some of whom are also engineering students.Research in writing studies show that simply assigning
is a matter of quite specific genres rather than of general skills and broad academic ordisciplinary styles; and iii) writing is a way to understand and remember technical material andengage in critical thinking (writing-to-learn) rather than just a means of communication. Theseprinciples can be integrated into technical courses using a variety of evidence-based bestpractices.The writing process can be modeled by using scaffolded assignments [22]–[27] and byemploying effective response systems for providing feedback and guiding revision [28]–[30],including peer evaluation [31], [32]. Effective response strategies foster dialogue with studentwriters, providing them with a small number of high-priority, focused points and highlightingspecific
project.Many of the ideas presented by the students had strong potential for future development due tobeing effective solutions to challenges in many vital fields. By producing the first prototypes,students had an opportunity to understand the engineering challenges they may have to overcometo have fully functional prototypes if they decided to take their idea further.Building the prototype is a crucial first step to convince investors, customers and peers tointroduce, design and iterate products before being released to the markets. Having severaliterations is vital to get customers’ feedback and analyze strengths and weaknesses of the design.The collaboration between the writing course and EEP enabled the students to have a quickintroduction into
women to engagesocially, evidence suggests that women are more likely to have negative experiences with groupwork [5]. Negative experiences in team settings may cause women to feel less valued, different,and or emphasize the fact that they don’t belong, all factors that can lead to women leavingengineering [5]. Furthermore, women often “report feeling that they must work harder than theirmale peer to get teams to acknowledge the work they’ve done” [5]. In fact, men tend tounderestimate their women peers’ competence and knowledge in the classroom [6] and are likelyto dismiss what they view as female-typical speech acts [5]. Other research suggests that incollege courses, writing specifically is undervalued or invisible when compared to
Paper ID #22319Social Network Analysis: Peer Support and Peer Management in Multidisci-plinary, Vertically Integrated TeamsJ. Sonnenberg-Klein, Georgia Institute of Technology Assistant Director, Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program, Georgia Institute of Technology; Doc- toral student in Education at Georgia State University, with a concentration in Research, Measurement and Statistics; Master of Education in Education Organization and Leadership, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign.Dr. Randal T. Abler, Georgia Institute
research.After they have been accepted, we ask them to write a short statement of research interest, inparticular identifying which of the current PEER working groups they are interested in and why(or proposing a new working group). These initial statements, combined with our experiences ofprevious years, help us to plan for workshops that we think will be needed by the current cohort.For example, in 2017, we had many more new participants joining us with diverse interests thanin previous years, so we placed a stronger emphasis on forming working groups at the beginning.In addition, these statements induct participants into the communicative guiding principle.While we do plan a schedule based on these initial interactions with participants, the
Paper ID #242512018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and ComputingDiversity Conference: Crystal City, Virginia Apr 29A Review of Bias in Peer AssessmentJacklin Hope Stonewall, Iowa State University Jacklin Stonewall is a Ph.D. student in the Departments of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engi- neering and Human Computer Interaction at Iowa State University. Her research interests include: gender HCI, decision support systems, sustainability, and the creation of equitable cities and classrooms.Prof. Michael Dorneich, Iowa State University Dr. Michael C. Dorneich is an Associate Professor at Iowa State
project includes an annotated bibliography and a document design analysis paper.Tabs were created for the two group assignments: ● Formal research report. Working in a small group, students establish a research question, devise a method discover and collect the data. Individually, students write a research report that presents and analyzes the data collected as a group. The resources included in the research guide for the group assignment are definitions and differences between a) research articles, b) peer-reviewed (or refereed) articles, c) review articles, d) technical reports, e) conference papers, and f) trade publications. Also included in the research guide are links to science databases such as Compendex
Paper ID #22876Panel: Embedding Technical Writing with Experiential Learning Compo-nents into Engineering CurriculaDr. Lindsay Corneal, Grand Valley State University Lindsay Corneal is an Associate Professor in the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing at Grand Valley State University. She received her B.A.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Windsor, a M.B.A. from Lawrence Technological University, and a Ph.D. from Michigan State University in Materials Science and Engineering.Ms. Debbie Morrow, Grand Valley State University Debbie Morrow currently serves as Liaison Librarian to the School of
Documents 1 Lisa A. Miller – Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of MinnesotaDaniel Emery – Assistant Director, Writing Across the Curriculum, University of Minnesota1. INTRODUCTIONThe collaborative nature of the engineering discipline is often translated to the classroom viagroup project work. The positive impact of project-based learning (PBL) has been welldocumented in the research literature and in previous ASEE proceedings, including successfulapplications as described in Yousaf et. al, 2010, and Figges and Vogt, 2017. Peer response tostudent writing and team-based learning are well established, evidence based practices thatimprove student learning (Cho and
–72).8. Lauw, H. W., Lim, E. P., & Wang, K. (2007). Summarizing review scores of “unequal” reviewers. In SIAMInternational Conference on Data Mining.9. Cho, K., & Schunn, C. D. (2007). Scaffolded writing and rewriting in the discipline: A web-based reciprocal peerreview system. Computers & Education, 48(3), 409–426.10. De Alfaro, L., & Shavlovsky, M. (2014, March). CrowdGrader: A tool for crowdsourcing the evaluation ofhomework assignments. In Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education (pp.415-420). ACM.11. Chiou, Y., & Shih, T. K. (2015). Auto grouping and peer grading system in massive open online course(MOOC). International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET), 13(3), 25
Paper ID #23310Supporting Student Learning Through Peer-led Course Support InitiativesJenai Kelley Brown, Clemson University Jenai Kelley Brown has a background in college life coaching as well as career counseling. Before com- ing to Clemson University, she was a Senior College Life Coach at Florida State University working primarily with first generation college students. Jenai is currently the Assistant Coordinator for Tutor- ing in Clemson’s Academic Success Center where she trains and manages approximately 60 tutors each semester. While her roles in Higher Education have changed, her primary goal has remained to help
individual and group-based activities that aredesigned to prepare the students for the upcoming summative assessments. The first-half of thesemester focuses on technical writing and how to represent complex engineering ideas withvisuals and written descriptions. The second half of the course focuses on down selecting fromall the creative concepts in the individually-generated Idea Notebooks to one that will bepresented as part of the Rocket Pitch. Then the students are given three weeks to work withinthe discussion section on their provisional patent applications.3.0 Research Design The project entails data collection at multiple levels that attend to the course design, pedagogy,and classroom environment that affect the students
Paper ID #23278Successes and Challenges in Supporting Undergraduate Peer Educators toNotice and Respond to Equity Considerations within Design TeamsDr. Chandra Anne Turpen, University of Maryland, College Park Chandra Turpen is a Research Assistant Professor in the Physics Education Research Group at the Uni- versity of Maryland, College Park’s Department of Physics. She completed her PhD in Physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder specializing in Physics Education Research. Chandra’s work involves designing and researching contexts for learning within higher education. In her research, Chandra draws from the
Neurophysiology from the Aerospace Medical Research Unit (AMRU) at McGill University and is part of the research support staff in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Centre for Intelligent Machines (CIM) at McGill ´Mr. F´elix Langevin Harnois, Ecole de Technologie Sup´erieure ´ Librarian at Ecole de technologie sup´erieure, an engineering school in Montreal, he works on developing information literacy skills for undergraduate and graduate doctoral students. He also works, in collabo- ration with 3 professors and a researcher, on the SARA service which uses peer-support to help graduate students who have to write a thesis, a journal article or who want to develop their scientific
. Although the conventionalapproach is still important, lifelong and project-oriented learning for engineers is considered afundamental education in recent times5-7. Providing engineer training to meet this goal is quitechallenging. The degree to which the students develop skills depends on how they solveproblems, write reports, function in teams, self-assess and do peer-review, learn new knowledgeand adapt to changing professional expectations8-11. Recent research shows that engineer trainingand development of critical design skills can be facilitated by providing practice through severalmechanisms that would allow for critical thinking. Instructors should not only simplydemonstrate the problem solving, but also coach students to develop similar
Paper ID #21934Writing as a Method to Build Better Engineers: Examining Faculty Percep-tions of Writing’s ImportanceElizabeth Kovalchuk, Montana State University Elizabeth Kovalchuk received her BS in Industrial and Management Systems Engineering from Montana State University in 2017 while serving as a writing tutor and peer coordinator at the campus writing center. She currently works for Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Keyport, WA as an Industrial Engineer. Her research interests include engineering education, engineering management, and narrative training.Dr. William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University
, we demonstrate how thevarious experiments are integrated with a variety of writing assignments. In addition to traditionallaboratory or design reports, these include more compact forms of writing such as business letters,executive reports, and short essays. A key aspect to the course design is the combined lecture + lab-oratory format with small class sizes. This allows significant class time to be devoted to instructionon writing, developing drafts, peer review, and refinement.The course was designed to meet multiple ABET outcomes in addition to technical writing re-quirements from the university-level. Both indirect and direct metrics have indicated success inmeeting these outcomes, at least in the short term. The impact of the course on
California, Davis, Davis, CAAbstractA team of experienced Ph.D. candidates developed and facilitated discussion in a semester-longweekly workshop that outlined basic research skills for a small cohort of first year doctoralstudents in Chemical Engineering. Session topics included professionalism, analyzing researcharticles, scientific writing mechanics, and designing presentation slides, among others. The peer-led approach provided an informal classroom setting, which fostered interactivity and stimulatedstudents’ willingness to participate in discussions. Incorporating such a workshop in otherdepartments or universities could greatly benefit all fledgling researchers and their principalinvestigators by boosting the students’ productivity and
articial intelligence, information processing, and engineering education. He is the author of numerous research and pedagogical articles in his areas of expertise.Dr. Xiangyan Zeng, Fort Valley State University Xiangyan Zeng received her Ph.D. in computer science from University of the Ryukyus, Japan. She is currently a professor of computer science at Fort Valley State University. Her research interests include image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning.Dr. Chunhua Dong, Fort Valley State University c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Enhancing Computer Science Program through Revising Curriculum, Peer Tutoring/Mentoring, and Engaging Students in Undergraduate
replied “I feel the student instruction left me wanting formore guidance towards more specific lab goals.” When asked what they will carry with theminto other classes or other aspects of life, responses were almost all positive and included“writing good procedures”, “how to measure a signal”, “it was useful to learn how to effectivelyteach someone how to conduct an experiment”, “signal processing capabilities, experience, andconfidence”, and “how to work with and teach peers.” While many of the responses supportedthe objective of this technique, some showed a student-perceived dependence on the instructor.The end of semester institutional course evaluations (n=35 out of 47 students) had two textresponse questions. The first asked for comments and
Paper ID #241792018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and ComputingDiversity Conference: Crystal City, Virginia Apr 29Black Engineering and Computing Doctoral Students’ Peer Interaction thatFoster Racial IsolationDr. Monica L. Ridgeway, Vanderbilt University Monica L. Ridgeway is a first year Post-Doctoral Research Fellow apart of the Academic Pathways Pro- gram at Vanderbilt University. She has joined the Explorations in Diversifying Engineering Faculty Ini- tiative (EDEFI) research team lead by Drs. Ebony McGee and William H. Robinson. Monica has recently received her Ph.D. in Science Education from the
their ideas informally with their peers--rather than just asking a few students toshare examples in class--each student had the opportunity to develop ideas before submitting amore formalized version to me. This additional writing option provided students with practicecommunicating their ideas and resulted in clearer, more complete memos.In transforming a face-to-face course to a hybrid course, the central challenge is determiningwhich activities are better suited for the LMS vs. the classroom. In the hybrid version of my[Prof. Livingston] course the graded course projects remained the same, but many of theactivities that would take place during class time were moved to the LMS and a portion of thegrade allocated for successful completion of
Paper ID #22176Promoting Good Scientific Communication Habits by Leveraging the Com-munity of Practice within a Single Research Group ´Mr. F´elix Langevin Harnois, Ecole de Technologie Sup´erieure ´ Librarian at Ecole de technologie sup´erieure, an engineering school in Montreal, he works on developing information literacy skills for undergraduate and graduate doctoral students. He also works, in collabora- tion with 3 professors and a researcher, on a service that uses peer-support to help graduate students who have to write a thesis, a journal article or who want to develop