and professional development of engineering undergraduate students.Dr. Sandra G Luca, Loyola Marymount University Sandra Luca is the Director of Student Engagement for the Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering. She earned her Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from the University of Arizona in Tucson.Prof. Jeremy S Pal, Loyola Marymount UniversityDr. jose A saez Page 26.897.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Impacts of Service-Learning Projects on the Technical and Professional Engineering Confidence of First Year Engineering
Paper ID #12373A Robotics-Based 3D Modeling Curriculum for K-12 EducationMaria Alessandra Montironi, UC Davis Maria Alessandra Montironi is a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California Davis. Since 2013 she has been involved with the UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education (C-STEM). Within the Center, she is involved in developing new strategies for improving K-12 STEM Education through integration of computing, 3D modeling and robotics.Mr. Daniel S Eliahu, UC Davis C-STEM Center Danny Eliahu is an undergraduate mechanical engineering student at the University of California
Paper ID #13037Mechatronics Experential Learning for Broadening Participation in Engi-neeringMr. Ashley Guy, University of Texas at Arlington Ashley Guy is a doctoral student with the Robotics, Biomechanics, and Dynamic Systems Laboratory at the University of Texas at Arlington. He holds B.S. degrees in both Biology and Mechanical Engineering and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. with Dr. Alan Bowling. His research includes micro- and nano-scale dynamics.Prof. Alan Bowling, University of Texas at ArlingtonProf. Panayiotis S. Shiakolas, University of Texas, Arlington
- ing practices in design education, the effects of differing design pedagogies on retention and motivation, the dynamics of cross-disciplinary collaboration in both academic and industry design environments, and gender and identity in engineering.Ms. Courtney S Smith, Virginia Tech Courtney S. Smith is a PhD candidate in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. Her research interests span the mentoring experiences of African American women in engineering, campus climate and best practices for diversity and inclusion in the STEM classroom. Page 26.1425.1 c American Society for
. Amanda S. Parker, University of Colorado, Boulder Amanda S. Parker is the Director of Access and Recruiting at the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. She holds a B.S. in chemical engineering and is a graduate student in the Engineering Management Program at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her interests are in broadening participation in engineering.Beth A Myers, University of Colorado Boulder Beth A. Myers is the engineering assessment specialist for the Integrated Teaching and Learning Program at the University of Colorado Boulder. She holds a BA in biochemistry, ME in engineering management and is currently a PhD candidate studying engineering education at the
Psychology (minor in International Studies) from The Ohio State University. His research interests lie at the intersection of three primary topics: (a) diverse student populations, (b) educational environments and (c) the social-psychological impact of college on students.Trevion S Henderson, The Ohio State University Trevion Henderson is a master’s student in the Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) program at The Ohio State University and a Graduate Research Associate for the Center for Higher Education Enterprise (CHEE). He most recently served as an Undergraduate Research Assistant for Dr. Terrell L. Strayhorn in the Ohio State College of Education and Human Ecology’s Center for Inclusion, Diversity, and
. Daniel A Kaczmarek, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Daniel Kaczmarek is a junior at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, pursuing a dual degree in Mechanical Engineering and Design, Innovation and Society. Daniel is interested in showing young students the career opportunities in the STEM fields, especially those in advanced manufacturing.Ms. Elizabeth S. Herkenham, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Ms. Herkenham is the K-13 Education Outreach Director of the School of Engineering (SoE) at Rensse- laer Polytechnic Institute. Her responsibilities includes managing the Pre-College educational programs for the NSF funded Smart Lighting Engineering Research Center (ERC), CURENT ERC, and faculty- driven Broader Impact
assessment that measures ”legitimate peripheral participation” or learning-by-doing, which is the theoretical foundation to an apprenticeship model of learning.Prof. Michael S. Isaacson, University of California - Santa Cruz Michael Isaacson is the Narinder Singh Kapany Professor emeritus, professor of electrical engineering, Director of the Center for Sustainable Energy and Power Systems (CenSEPS) and a member of the Sus- tainable Engineering and Ecological Design Program at UCSC. He is recipient of numerous awards including a Sloan Foundation Faculty Fellowship, the Burton Medal from the Microscopy Society of America, an Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, the Rank Prize in Optoelectronics and the
- ally circulated journals related to materials science and mechanical engineering. He has also served on several NSF panels as a reviewer. He is currently teaching fundamental courses in materials science and mechatronics engineering at MTSU.Dr. Ahad S. Nasab, Middle Tennessee State University Dr. Ahad Nasab received his PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1987. He then worked as a research scientist at the Center for Laser Applications of Physics Research Group of University of Tennessee Space Institute. In 1991 he joined the faculty of Middle Tennessee State University where he is currently the coordinator of the Mechatronics Engineering degree program.Dr. Walter W. Boles, Middle Tennessee State University
her BSArc from the University of S˜ao Paulo (USP), both in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Prior to her current position she worked in design coordination in construction and real estate development companies in Brazil. Her research interests include team work in construction, effective communication in spatial problem solving, and design - field team interaction.Dr. Marisa Exter, Purdue University, West Lafayette Marisa Exter is an Assistant Professor of Learning Design and Technology in the College of Education at Purdue University. Dr. Exter’s research aims to provide recommendations to improve or enhance university-level design and technology programs (such as Instructional Design, Computer Science, and Engineering). Some
, electronic packaging, and bio-medical engineering. He has supervised to completion 26 MSME students and 5 PhD students. Publications include 1 book chapter, 32 journal publications, 47 refereed conference proceedings, 29 non-refereed publications, and 27 non-refereed presentations. He is respon- sible for funds as PI or Co-PI from 52 separate proposals totaling almost $6,500,000. Courses taught include undergraduate finite elements, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and engineering economics and ethics, and graduate finite elements, numerical methods, thermodynamics, statistical me- chanics, plasma fundamentals and gas dynamics.Bradley S. Davidson, University of Denver Dr. Bradley Davidson is an Assistant
. Brummel, The University of Tulsa Dr. Brummel is an Associate Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology at The University of Tulsa. He received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.He conducts research on training and development and individual differences in the workplace. He also investigates the use of role play simulations for teaching ethics.Dr. Jeremy S. Daily P.E., The University of Tulsa Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Using the Engineering and Science Issues Test (ESIT) for Ethics InstructionThe purpose of this paper is to describe an innovative approach of ethics instruction forengineers. This
Engineering Program and Department of Mechanical Engineering at OSU and served as a facilitator for both the University Center for the Advancement of Teaching (UCAT) and Young Scholars Program (YSP) at OSU. Furthermore, he has worked in industry at Toyota through participation in INROADS and he has a high record of service with organizations such as the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) and National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). To contact Dr. Long, email: S Henderson, University of Michigan Trevion Henderson is a doctoral student in the Center for Higher and Postsecondary Education (CSHPE) at the University of Michigan. He recently earned his master’s degree in Higher
Paper ID #23055Understanding the Investment of Underrepresented Minorities in DoctoralEngineering ProgramsMs. Mayra S. Artiles , Virginia Tech Mayra S. Artiles is a Ph.D. Candidate in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. She has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez and an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University with a focus on nanotechnology. Before her joining the Ph.D. pro- gram, she worked at Ford Motor Company as an Electrified Vehicles Thermal Engineer for four years. As a doctoral student, Mayra has collaborated in research projects on diversity in
Paper ID #23490Work in Progress: Developing a Model for Student-led Peer Mentorship Pro-gramsDr. Krystal S. Corbett, Louisiana Tech University Dr. Krystal Corbett is a lecturer for the Mechanical Engineering Department at Louisiana Tech Univer- sity. She teaches in their prestigious Living with the Lab first year program as well as other mechanical engineering related courses. She received her B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2008/2010), M.S. in Mathematics (2012), and Ph.D. in Engineering Education (2012) at Louisiana Tech University. Formerly, she was the Director of Curricula at the Cyber Innovation Center (CIC
and Engineering Program at BSU and served as the first chair. From 2011 to 2017, she wasDean of the College of Engineering. Her research interests include engineering education and microelectronic packaging, particularly 3-D integration and ceramic MEMS devices.Dr. JoAnn S. Lighty, Boise State University c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Work-in-Progress: Flexibility and Professional Preparation via a Multidisciplinary Engineering CurriculumThis paper reports on one institution’s work-in-progress to build innovation and creativity into aflexible, ABET accredited undergraduate Engineering B.S. degree that provides a variety ofchoices to undergraduate engineering
Paper ID #29222Implementation of a ”Near-Peer” Mentoring Program between a High SchoolTechnology Class and a University Senior Design Engineering ClassProf. James S. Mokri P.E., San Jose State University Mr. Mokri is an adjunct professor in the SJSU Mechanical Engineering Department, 2007 to present, and has taught Senior Design Project, Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Fundamentals, Solar Energy Engineer- ing, Thermal Engineering Lab, and advises post graduate students. He has consulted in these areas and encourages the students to appreciate the hands-on aspects of the engineering education. Mr. Mokri is applying knowledge gained
Paper ID #43984A Case Study of Student-Community Interaction through an Education-FirstAssistive Device Design ClassProf. Hannah S. Stuart, University of California, Berkeley Hannah Stuart (Senior Member, IEEE, 2023) received the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA in 2018. She is the Don M. Cunningham Assistant Professor in mechanical engineering with the University of California at Berkeley, where she founded the Embodied Dexterity Group. Her research interests include design for human assistance, autonomous robots, haptics, and bioinspiration. Dr. Stuart is a recipient of the
novel imaging techniques to quantifying adaptation of muscle architecture in humans. She also desires to implement innovative teaching, mentoring, and hands-on problem solving to develop students’ deep understanding of engineering principles and to inspire them to tackle real-world problems which can aid human health.Dr. Naji S Husseini, North Carolina State University Naji Husseini is an associate teaching professor and associate director of undergraduate studies in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University.Dr. Lianne Cartee, North Carolina State University Lianne Cartee is Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Joint
Paper ID #41070Board 221: CAREER: Disrupting the Status Quo Regarding Who Gets to bean Engineer - Exploring the Intent-to-Impact Gap for Rectifying InequityDr. Jeremi S London, Vanderbilt University Dr. Jeremi London is an Assistant Provost for Academic Opportunities and Belonging, and an Associate Professor of Practice of Mechanical Engineering at Vanderbilt University. London is a mixed methods researcher with interests in research impact and organizational change that promotes equity.Dr. Brianna Benedict McIntyre, National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering Dr. Brianna Benedict McIntyre recently joined the
-level promotion of engineering education and a National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2023 to advance his work that centers engineering identities of Black men in engineering.Dr. Sherri S Frizell, Prairie View A&M University Sherri S. Frizell is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at Prairie View A&M University. She holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Jackson State University and a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Software Engineering from Auburn University. Her research interests include responsible computing, STEM education, and the persistence of minorities and women in engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Research in the Formation of
Paper ID #44337Team Dynamics in Student Engineering Design Teams: Correlations to WomenRetention and Careers in Mechanical and Motorsport ProfessionsBrigid McCormack, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Brigid McCormack, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Brigid McCormack is an undergraduate student studying Mechanical Engineering at the University at Buffalo.Dr. Jessica E S Swenson, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Jessica Swenson is an Assistant Professor at the University at Buffalo. She was awarded her doctorate and masters from Tufts University in mechanical
Paper ID #14352International STEM Classrooms: The Experiences of Students Around theWorld Using Physical Remote Laboratory KitsMs. S. Zahra Atiq, Purdue University, West Lafayette S. Zahra Atiq is a first year PhD student at the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University and an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore - Pakistan. Her research interests include: computer science education specifically on teach- ing computer programming to undergraduates and how to improve their learning experiences. She is also interested in looking at studying student
Paper ID #40672Lessons Learned from Development of an Elective Undergraduate Course onDEI in STEMDr. Leigh S McCue, George Mason University Leigh McCue is Chair of George Mason University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering.Dr. Christopher Alexander Carr, George Mason University Christopher Carr is a leadership and policy wonk in the areas of diversity, higher education, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). His unwavering support in the work of intersec- tional justice has allowed him to trek a path in the difficult areas of retention in institutions of higher learning, teamwork and
management. Her work is primarily in manufacturing and healthcare delivery operations. She worked in sheet metal manufacturing and pipe fabrication industry as a process engineer for several years. She obtained her Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering and M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Binghamton University (SUNY); and her Bachelor’s is in Computer Engineering from Bogazici University.Dr. Ronald S Harichandran P.E., University of New Haven Ron Harichandran is Dean of the Tagliatela College of Engineering and leads several curricular and student support efforts in the college including the mentorship programs described in this paper.Dr. Stephanie M Gillespie, University of New Haven Stephanie Gillespie is the
integrate their technical and professional skills to positively impact society and she is excited to contribute to the educational journey of engineering students.Dr. Isgard S. Hueck, University of California, San Diego Dr. Isgard Hueck (Ph.D. in Higher Ed/ Leadership & Policy; M.Sc. in Bioengineering; M. Phil. in Education) Affiliations: UCSD - Dept of Bioengineering, Whitaker Institute of Biomedical Engineering & UCSD School of Medicine; Moores Cancer Center. Born and raised in Germany, Isgard Hueck studied Biology at the Wilhelms- University in Munster and received her license as Cyto-Pathologist in Cologne, Germany, in 1987. After years of clinical work in hematology, cancer diagnosis and therapy, Isgard
Purdue University. He also holds a courtesy faculty appointment in the School of Engineering Education. His research focuses on assessment development and the professional formation of students.Dr. Jennifer S. Linvill, Purdue University Dr. Jennifer S. Linvill is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Technology Leadership & Innovation at Purdue University. Her research examines organizational challenges related to future work and learning, specifically within the context of workforce development. Her research portfolio focuses on workforce development through the lens of the changing nature of work and is strategically designed to address organizational challenges by providing novel solutions through an
Paper ID #23616The Sensor Signal and Information Processing REU SiteProf. Andreas S Spanias, Arizona State University Andreas Spanias is a professor in the School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University. He is also the founder and director of the SenSIP industry consortium. His research interests are in the areas of adaptive signal processing, speech processing, and audio sensing. He and his student team developed the computer simulation software Java-DSP (J-DSP - ISBN 0-9724984-0-0). He is author of two text books: Audio Processing and Coding by Wiley and DSP; An Interactive Approach
Industrial Engineering and Co-PI of the MERIT project. Her research interests include Sustainable Energy, Green Manufacturing, Quality Control, and Multi Objective Decision Making and Optimization as well as Engineering Education. She has served as PI and Co-PI in several NSF, NIST, DoEd, NASA, USDA and industry sponsored projects.Dr. Jaya S. Goswami, Texas A&M University-Kingsville American c Society for Engineering Education, 2022 1 Session XXXX Improving Minority Students’ Career Readiness Through Enhanced Capstone
Paper ID #35615Bridging Internationalization and Equity Initiatives in EngineeringEducationDr. Robert S Emmett, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Dr. Emmett serves as Assistant Director for Global Engagement in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech and focuses on intercultural skills, connecting classroom learning with sustainable community de- velopment, and online engineering education. He is the author of Cultivating Environmental Justice: A Literary History of US Garden Writing (University of Massachusetts Press, 2016) and with David E. Nye, Environmental Humanities: A Critical Introduction