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tunnel for either atour or for actual usage. With the exception of 2012’s program, the wind tunnel’s testsection was large enough to place a cycle with an athlete into the tunnel. The girls wereallowed to stand inside the tunnel as well as observe a variety of flow visualization andaudio (they could hear when the drag was reduced) techniques used to determineaerodynamic drag.The athlete stationed in the wind tunnel on a cycle tested a baseline (unmodified helmet)and each student team’s modified helmet. In 2012, a wind tunnel with a smaller testsection was used. Each helmet was tested on a Styrofoam wig head holder. Figure 2 a) Tuft Test and b) Modified HelmetsBiomechanics - Motion Capture and Analysis (Lecture, Hands-on
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cm Green di 0.19 cm 160 Settling Velocity [cm/s] 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
-.&4$,!%*'-&!12!,#&!<==!-1/.%&:! e:! =S"J?!'34!,#&!;3%,$,/,$13'0!a&7$&B!N1'.4!>;aN?!,1!-134/-,!)1.&!.18/%,!4','!-100&-,$13! 21.!2/.,#&.!%-#10'.0(!&E*01.',$13:!!!C5&2@18;5&'!"#&!-1/.%&!#'%!.&-&$7&4!*1%$,$7&!2&&48'-C!2.1)!%,/4&3,%!'2,&.!$,%!2$.%,!(&'.!12!$)*0&)&3,',$13:!g1,'80(6!,B1!%,/4&3,%!'.&!,'C$35!,#&$.!S7/@'*!*.1G&-,!$3,1!N$1)&4$-'0!<35$3&&.$35!=&3$1.!K&%$536!B#$0&!'31,#&.!%,/4&3,!-1)*0&,&4!'3!$3,&.3%#$*!',!/X'8!17&.!,#&!%/))&.:!Y44$,$13'00(6!%,/4&3,!&7'0/',$13%!4$4!31,!$34$-',&!'3(!3&5',$7&!2&&48'-C6!'34!&35$3&
orientation. Traditional gyroscopes typicallyconsist of a spinning wheel that resists alterations in its angular momentum vector relative toinertial space as it is demonstrated in a simple sketch in Figure 3. In modern times, gyroscopesmeasure angular velocity vector (rad/s). The angular rotation rate, obtained from all threegyroscopes, represents the body frame's angular velocity relative to an inertial frame, expressed inthe body frame. As shown by Fuchs [9], gyroscope data is crucial as it supplements theaccelerometer data, which has a delayed signal due to averaging. Despite their significance,gyroscopes do have some drawbacks. The existence of moving parts causes friction leading todrift, which is a primary disadvantage. Additionally, noise is
temperature inside and outside the tank is 8.77oC. Ambient Relative humidity is62%, annual maximum frequency wind speed is 2.4 m/s with SE direction. The tank is inunsheltered single storied condition and open country ground roughness. Cloud cover is 50%with stability class of E. There is no inversion height. The fractured/punctured hole is located at1.5 m above the ground with 0.05 m circular hole diameter. The total release/issue time is 28min. 3Methodology: Once baseline study [2] is conducted, similar techniques are used to find temperatureeffects on propylene leak. Table-1 shows the site, tank, and environmental parameters used forPropylene chemical spill simulations. It is also horizontal
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studies. Then, wewill delve into the discussion section, where we will interpret the results within the context ofexisting literature and theory. This section will also explore the practical implications of ourfindings for educational institutions. Finally, we will conclude by offering a reflective summaryof the significance of the study and its contributions to entrepreneurial education research.MethodologySurveyA Cronbach's Alpha of 0.890 was attained during the survey validation process for theEntrepreneurial Competencies dimension and 0.876 for the Entrepreneurial Intention dimension.Table 1 shows the corresponding Cronbach´s Alpha reliability analysis by dimensions.Descriptive statistics were used in sample characterization for data analysis
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Statics course course course course s course Before Before After Before After Before After Before After change After change change change change change change change change (n=122 change (n=197 (n=107 (n=178 (n=103 (n=227 (n=147 (n=252 (n=183 ) (n=44) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )% Summer Yr 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2% Fall Yr 1 69 86 40 53 3 34 56 81 43 77% Winter Yr 1 25 12 43 34 87 55