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Displaying results 31981 - 32010 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development Division Technical Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Michelle Melvin, Louisiana State University and A&M College; Boz Bowles, Louisiana State University; Adrienne Steele, Louisiana State University and A&M College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD)
stress environment. Studentsimmediately reflected on the experience and shared profound learnings that they intended toimplement beyond the event.The event itself did not appear to alter the way students self-identify as team players, but manydid admit that they needed to work on their own communication and planning skills to be moreeffective team players.References[1] Stress Tolerance. Job requiring accepting criticism and dealing calmly with high-stress situations. ONET. Available:[2] D. S. F. Chong, W. V. Eerde, K. H. Chai and C. G. Rutte, "A Double-Edged Sword: The Effects of Challenge and Hindrance Time Pressure on New Product Development Teams," in IEEE
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering: Demos and Interactives
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brendan Smith, Loyola Marymount University
*,” 1996.[2] I. Uyanik and B. Catalbas, “A low-cost feedback control systems laboratory setup via Arduino–Simulink interface,” Computer Applications in Engineering Education, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 718–726, May 2018, doi: 10.1002/cae.21917.[3] G. C. Goodwin, A. M. Medioli, W. Sher, L. B. Vlacic, and J. S. Welsh, “Emulation-based virtual laboratories: A low-cost alternative to physical experiments in control engineering education,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 48–55, Feb. 2011, doi: 10.1109/TE.2010.2043434.[4] N. Nise et al., Control Systems Engineering 7th Edition, vol. 7th. 2014.[5] K. Ogata and J. W. Brewer, “Modern Control Engineering,” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and
Conference Session
NEE Technical Session - Innovative Teaching Strategies II
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ariful Bhuiyan; Jana Willis; Roberto Dugnani; Felipe Trujillo-Wheeler, University of Houston - Clear Lake
integration of ICT in education: Results from a worldwide educational assessment,” Computers & Education, (2001), 163-178, 37Perkins, Katherine; Adams, Wendy; Dubson, Michael; Finkelstein, Noah; Finkelstein, Noah ; Reid, Sam; Wieman, Carl ; LeMaster, Ron , “PhET: Interactive Simulations for Teaching and Learning Physics,” The Physics Teacher, (2006), 18-23, 44(1)Pratt, Clara C ; McGuigan, William M ; Katzev, Aphra R ,“Measuring program outcomes: using retrospective pretest methodology,” The American Journal of Evaluation, (2000), 341- 349, 21(3)Rockwell, S. Kay , Kohn, Harriet , “Post-Then-Pre Evaluation,” Journal of Extension, (1989), 19-21, 27(2)Samia Khan, Samia, “New Pedagogies on Teaching Science with
Conference Session
ETD - A Technology Potpourri II
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Corinne Mowrey, University of Dayton; Raymond Smith, East Carolina University; Henry Lester, University of Dayton; Khalid Zouhri, University of Dayton; Jacob Cress, University of Dayton; Carson Running, University of Dayton; Kayla Nulph, University of Dayton
how different question types influenced both time to complete an examand exam performance by classifying each problem on every exam according to the followingfive question types.• Calculation – questions that require the student to calculate a value as the solution to the problem.• Multiple Choice & True/False – questions that offer the student the ability to select the correct answer(s) from a defined list.• Short Answer – questions that require the student to explain a concept, describe a scenario, or set up a problem without solving it.• Software – questions that require the student to solve a problem using software taught as part of the course. For this analysis, the software used in exams was Microsoft Excel.• Drawing
2004 GSW
Shunmugham R. Pandian
101: Where Robots Go ... Students Follow”, ASEEJ. Engineering Education, Jan. 2003, pp. 85 – 89.13. F. Martin, 2001, Robotic Explorations: A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering, Prentice-Hall.14. D.S. Bernstein, 2003, “Setting Up and Running a Control Research Laboratory”, IEEE Control SystemsMagazine, 23, pp. 14 – 19.15. J. Duffy, E. Tsang, and S. Lord, 2000, “Service Learning in Engineering: What, Why, and How”, Proc.ASEE Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC.16. Special Report, 2000, “The State of Technical Literacy: The fight to improve math and scienceeducation in U.S. schools”, IEEE Spectrum, June 2000, pp. 18 – 33.17. K. Hashimoto, M.K. Dery, R. Victor, and S.R. Pandian, 2002, "Internet-based Teleoperation of anUnderwater Robot", Proc
2004 GSW
Alison Reed; Kenneth Van Treuren
still involves the capturing of images for data analysis.Based upon the results of these alternate experiments, an experimental heat transfercoefficient could be solved for and then placed alongside the results from the transientliquid crystal technique to either verify the occurrence of a natural force or blatantly pointout a wrong calculation.Based upon data from the Hydra Logger temperature values, the buoyant forces can bedisregarded as an extra source of energy for this flow rate. Buoyancy is not viable in theexperiment because the flow in the test section is moving in the 2 m/s range. Also, theupstream and downstream temperatures, as measured by the thermocouples and HydraLogger, are within a tenth of a degree of one another. When the
2022 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
David C. Jensen; James A. Davis Jr.
Pandemic,” J. Chem. Educ., vol. 97, no. 9, pp. 2768–2772, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00785.[7] S. Asgari, J. Trajkovic, M. Rahmani, W. Zhang, R. C. Lo, and A. Sciortino, “An observational study of engineering online education during the COVID-19 pandemic,” PLOS ONE, vol. 16, no. 4, p. e0250041, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250041.David C. Jensen, PhDDr. Jensen is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Arkansas.His teaches courses in the design of engineered systems and products as well as dynamics andsystem modeling. His research focus is on tools and methods to support the design of resilientand adaptive manufacturing systems and engineering education.James A. Davis, Jr., PhDDr. Davis is
2022 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Kathleen M. Hill, Pennsylvania State University; Somayeh Asadi, Penn State ; Matthew M Johnson, Pennsylvania State University; Tiffany M. Lewis
14, 2022).[2] A. Wiek, L. Withycombe, and C.L. Redman, “Key competencies in sustainability: A reference framework for academic program development,” Sustainability Science, vol. 6, pp. 203-218, 2011.[3] J. Lönngren and M. Svanström, “Systems thinking for dealing with wicked sustainability problems: Beyond functionalist approaches,” in New Developments in Engineering Education for Sustainable Development, W. L. Filho and S. Nesbit, Eds. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 151-160.[4] National Research Council (NRC), Next generation science standards: For states, by states. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2013.[5] C.M. Cunningham and G.J
2022 ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference
Jeffrey Phillips, Hanover College
instructor with recommended breakouttimes.17 Farrell, J.J., R.S. Moog, and J.N. Spencer, “A guided-inquiry, general chemistry course”, Journal of ChemicalEducation, 76(4), 570-574, 1999.18 Simonson, S.R. and S. Shadle, “Implementing process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) in undergraduatebiomechanics”, Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 14(1), 56-63, 2013. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 2022 ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference Proceedings | Paper ID35745 POGIL vs Non-POGIL Grade Distributions 60.0% % of Students in Each Grade
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Devang Jayachandran, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg; Pranit Shrikrishna Maldikar, Pennsylvania State University; Jeremy Joseph Blum, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg
(6624), 1092-1097.7 Daniël Heres and Jurriaan Hage. 2017. A Quantitative Comparison of Program Plagiarism Detection Tools. In Proceedings of the 6th Computer Science Education Research Conference (CSERC '17). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 73–82. Saul Schleimer, Daniel S. Wilkerson, and Alex Aiken. 2003. Winnowing: local algorithms for document fingerprinting. In Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data (SIGMOD '03). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 76–85. K. W. Bowyer and L. O. Hall, "Experience using "MOSS" to detect cheating on
2022 ASEE - North Central Section Conference
Joaquin Rodriguez, University of Pittsburgh; April Dukes, University of Pittsburgh; John Andrew Keith, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Tagged Topics
? Diversity constructs as separation,variety, or disparity in organizations” The Academy of Management Review, 32 (4), Heather A. (1995). “Structural Contexts of Opportunities. Peter M. Blau”. AmericanJournal of Sociology, 101, 1, July 1995, J. J., & Parker, R. S. (2011, June), “Evaluation and Results for an IntegratedCurriculum in Chemical Engineering” Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference &Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--17931Simpson, E.H. (1949) “Measurement of diversity”. Nature, 163:688Trytten, Deborah A; Pan, Rui; Foor, Cindy E.; Shehab, Randa l.; Walden, Susan E. (2015). 122ndASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. #1763, June 14
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Coradino Naples Colasurd, Ohio Northern University; Ahmed Oun, Ohio Northern University
. In the first scenario, the goal is to acquire the most points (α = 0.5, β = 0.35, γ =0.15), so the UGV is unused because bricks moved by UAVs are more points. In scenario two, thegoal was to prioritize the cost (α = 0.35, β = 0.15, γ = 0.50). Both scenarios took about 120s tocomplete3. The third scenario was fully focused on minimizing the cost (s α = 0, β = 0, γ = 1), andit took about 160s to complete3. The authors added a third UAV to the robotic team for thisscenario, so the multi-robot system could complete a more complex task. They used the samecriteria as scenario two (α = 0.35, β = 0.15, γ = 0.5) for this simulation. Since the mission wasmore complex, the time it took for the simulation to run was around 220s. The results in
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ming Li, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Tagged Divisions
: recent trends and their historical background,” European Journal of Education, no. 32, pp.111-128, 1997.[12] C. Campbell and C. Rozsnyai, “Quality assurance and the development of course programmes,” Papers on Higher Education Regional University Network, UNESCO, pp. 133, 2002.[13] J. Ben, E. Jurgen, S. Carlo, “Higher education and its communities: interconnections, 12 interdependencies and a research agenda,”Higher Education, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 303-324, 2008.[14] A. Jackson, M. Johnson, D. Horton, “Integrating internal and external stakeholders into a successful ABET accreditation team,” Proceedings of the 2006 American Society for
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
John Tingerthal P.E., Northern Arizona University; Nicholas Tymvios, Bucknell University; Rachel Mosier P.E., Oklahoma State University; Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University
Tagged Divisions
Architectural Engineering, Construction Engineering
., Bao, B., Brown, E., Burr, A., Cahalan, S., Craig, M., Jesus, Y. De, Dupré, B., Facciola, T., … Yoon, J. (2021). Tracking Coronavirus Cases at U.S. Colleges and Universities. New York Times., N. (2020, May 27). The Physically Distanced Classroom: A Day in the Life. Inside Higher Ed. physically-distanced-classroom-opinionElias, J., Troop, D., & Wescott, D. (2020). Here’s Our List of Colleges’ Reopening Models., J., Troop, D., & Wescott, D. (2021). Tracking
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Experiences: Teaching in a Pandemic
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Abigail E. Heinz, Rowan University; Matthew Strauss; Kaitlin Mallouk, Rowan University; Mary Staehle, Rowan University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
students and their needsduring uncertain times.Both of the activities from Cohort A and Cohort B have distinct benefits to promote continuity inthe classroom, no matter the format. These activities can be scaled to properly fit the size ornumber of students enrolled in the course as well as the available time during the class session.Even implementing a modified version of one of these activities could potentially have a hugeimpact on the classroom dynamic.Works Cited[1] Parkhurst, R., & Moskal, B., & Downey, G., & Lucena, J., & Bigley, T., & Ruff, S. (2006, June), A Comparative Analysis Of Online And In Class Versions Of Engineering Cultures. Paper presented at 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago
Conference Session
Ethics, Mindfulness, and Reform During the COVID-19 Pandemic
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Thomas A. De Pree, University of New Mexico; Sarah Appelhans, University at Albany-SUNY; Alan Cheville, Bucknell University; Atsushi Akera, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Melissa Shuey, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
an Ecology of Knowledge: On Discipline, Context, and History,”No Other Gods. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979.[14] S. Star (ed.), Ecologies of Knowledge: Work and Politics in Science and Technology.Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995.[15] A. Akera, Calculating a Natural World: Scientists, Engineers, and Computers during theRise of the U.S. Cold War Research. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007.[16] J. Hagen, An Entangled Bank: The Origins of Ecosystem Ecology. New Brunswick, NJ:Rutgers University Press,1992.[17] A. Slaton and A. Pawley, “The Power and Politics of Engineering Education ResearchDesign: Saving the ‘Small N’,” Engineering Studies, 10:2-3, 133-157, 2018.[18] T. Boellstorff, B. Nardi, C. Pearce, T.L. Taylor
Conference Session
Architectural Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
John J. Phillips, Oklahoma State University; Tom Elliott Spector; Khaled Mansy, Oklahoma State University; Jeanne M. Homer, Oklahoma State University; William Crawford
Tagged Divisions
Architectural Engineering
BIM model came in the window openings of the façade. Tally would not simply assumethat the openings contained steel reinforcement at the headers of each opening, so it had to beretroactively modeled in Revit so that it could be calculated by Tally. On the other extreme, Athena hadlittle to no integration with the BIM model. What was modeled in Revit became only a reference point fornumerical data inputs in Athena. This meant that a less developed model could be input into Athena, butthis also could easily reduce the accuracy of its results. Athena could have been utilized with a non-BIM3D model such as one made in SketchUp or Rhino. EC3’s reliance on material quantities from BIM fellsomewhere in the middle. It needed precise material
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eric G. Barnfather Jr., Purdue University at West Lafayette ; Kelly A. McFall, Purdue University at West Lafayette ; Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue University at West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
://[19] S. Maravilhas, J. Martins, “Strategic knowledge management in a digital environment: Tacit and explicit knowledge in Fab Labs,” Journal of Business Research, Volume 94, 2019, Pages 353-359, ISSN 0148-2963,[20] K. Sunder Raj, "Knowledge Management in Managing/Optimizing Performance of Power Generating Assets." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Power Conference Joint With ICOPE-17 collocated with the ASME 2017 11th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, the ASME 2017 15th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2017 Nuclear Forum. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. June 26–30
Conference Session
Machine Design Related
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Dennis O'Connor, California State University, Chico
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
; Moline, D. (2003, June), Learning To Write:Experiences With Technical Writing Pedagogy Within A Mechanical EngineeringCurriculum Paper presented at 2003 Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee. 10.18260/1-2-11457[9] Smith, S., & Watt, A., & Carvill, C., & Williams, J. (2002, June), Integrating Writing IntoTechnical Courses Paper presented at 2002 Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada. 10.18260/1-2-10296
Conference Session
Developing Teamwork, Student Attitudes, and Hardware Solutions for Laboratory Courses: Experimentation and Laboratory-oriented Studies Division
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Natasha Smith P.E., University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
schedule.References[1] ABET, “General criterion 3. student outcomes,” Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2019-2020.[2] University of Virginia, “Return to grounds guide,”[3] P. University, “Catme smarter teamwork,”[4] K. Ramsey-Idem, S. Pardue, and K. Craven, “Engineering a future at tennessee tech university,” 2005 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 2005,[5] B. Oakley, R. Felder, R. Brent, and I. Elhajj, “Turning student groups into effective teams,” Journal of Student Centered Learning, 2004.[6] N. Smith, “Guided peer review of technical writing for large laboratory course,” 2019 ASEE Annual Conference, June 2019
Conference Session
Hybrid and Online Learning
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tiffany A Mathews, Penn State University; Kirstin Purdy Drew, Pennsylvania State University; Kristin Ann Dreyer, Center for Nanoscale Science (an NSF funded MRSEC)
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Education vol. 6, 297–306, Winter 2007.[2] T.S. Ritchie, M. T. Perez Cardenas, and S. Ganapati, “Establishment and Implementation of aPeer-Supported Professional-Development Initiative by Doctoral Students, for DoctoralStudents.” J. Chem. Educ., vol. 95, pp 1947−1953, 2018.[3] Kendricks et al, “Aligning Best Practices in Student Success and Career Preparedness: AnExploratory Study to Establish Pathways to STEM Careers for Undergraduate MinorityStudents”, Journal of Research in Tech Careers, vol 3, No. 1, p 27, 2019.[4] Advance CTE. “Science, technology, engineering and mathematics career cluster knowledgeand skill statements.” 2008. Retrieved from (Accessed October 2020
Conference Session
Capstone Design
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stacie I. Ringleb, Old Dominion University; Pilar Pazos, Old Dominion University; Julia Noginova, Old Dominion University; Francisco Cima, Old Dominion University; Orlando M Ayala, Old Dominion University; Krishnanand Kaipa, Old Dominion University; Jennifer Jill Kidd, Old Dominion University; Kristie Gutierrez, Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
taught during the course of the project(Carrico et al., 2020). Conversely, in a service learning project involving both engineering andeducation students implemented in an after-school STEM club, communication and leadershipskills in engineering students increased (Keshwani and Adams, 2017), It is possible that thepressure to prepare for an audience of school children forced the college students to put morefocus on communicating to their intended audience. Thus, interprofessional service learningsuccesses may be dependent on the end user(s) of the service learning project (the elementarystudents of the STEM club vs. developing a tool for a speech-language pathologist to use whenthe patient being helped by the product is not part of the process
Conference Session
Workforce Preparation at the Two-year College
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rajendra K. Raj, Rochester Institute of Technology (GCCIS); Cara Tang, Portland Community College; David Gibson, United States Air Force Academy; Lawrence G. Jones, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology; Casey W. O'Brien, National CyberWatch Center
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
influenced the guidelines include the CAE-CDE 2-Year Knowledge Units [2] and the NICECybersecurity Workforce Framework [6]. The scope of Cyber2yr2020 includes both transfer andcareer-oriented Associate’s degree programs in Cybersecurity.The Cyber2yr2020 curriculum framework contains 58 competencies across eight security domainsplus cross-cutting concepts. The focus on competencies over knowledge is a relatively new devel-opment in ACM curriculum guidelines. A competency integrates knowledge, skills, and disposi-tions in context, where dispositions are ”attitudinal, behavioral, and socio-emotional qualities ofhow disposed people are to apply knowledge and skills to solve problems” [18].The Cyber2yr2020 framework [10] maintains CSEC2017’s division of
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sanjeev Adhikari, Kennesaw State University; Caroline Murrie Clevenger P.E.; Rui Zhang, University of Colorado Denver
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering
). Starting on the road to sustainability: Environmentally sustainable buildings: challenges and policies. Building Research & Information, 32(3), 264-268.[5] Hassanpour, B., Alpar Atun, R., & Ghaderi, S. (2017). From words to action: Incorporation of sustainability in architectural education. Sustainability, 9(10), 1790.[6] World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO). (2006). “WFEO mission.” (Nov. 12 2006).[7] Iyer-Raniga, U., Arcari, P., & Wong, J. P. (2010, September). Education for sustainability in the built environment: what are students telling us? In 26th Annual ARCOM conference (pp. 1447- 1456).[8] Yüksek, ˙I. The Evaluation of
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Faye R. Jones, Florida State University; Marcia A. Mardis, Florida A&M University - Florida State University; Priyanka Prajapati, LPL Financial; Pallavi Ramakanth Kowligi, Florida State University
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
students to manufacturing: Best practices guide and resources. [Online] Available: Committee/2018--Manufacturing-Guidelines.pdf[9] (2019). Advanced Manufacturing Toolkit - ManufacturingToolkit.pdf. [Online] Available:[10] (2017). America's next manufacturing workforce: Promising practices in education and skills building. [Online] Available: ?sequence=1&isAllowed=y[11] S. Killi, W. Kempton, and A. Morrison, "Developing an experiential learning model for Additive
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 10
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Olushola V. Emiola-Owolabi, Morgan State University ; Medha Dalal, Arizona State University; Adam R. Carberry, Arizona State University; Jumoke 'Kemi' Ladeji-Osias, Morgan State University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
environment as it relates to active learning in a remote instructiondelivery classroom. Kolb’ s experiential learning theory was used to guide this study. The qualitative datagathered were analyzed thematically. Analysis from the data showed that remote learning impactedstudents’ ability to support each other in project-based learning processes. The effect of remote learningalso impacted students' access to peer group resources, materials, and tools needed for effective project-based learning. Results showed that some students preferred working with other students cooperativelyon project-based activities while other students preferred working individually on project-basedactivities. The findings show that team building in high school students
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Douglas E. Melton, Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network; Heather Dillon, University of Washington Tacoma; Mark L. Nagurka, Marquette University; Mary Murphy
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
] L. Bosman and S. Fernhaber, Teaching the entrepreneurial mindset to engineers. Springer International Publishing, 2017.[2] H. E. Dillon, L. Hamilton Mayled, M. L. Nagurka, M. I. Carnasciali, and D. E. Melton, “Intercollegiate Coaching in a Faculty Professional Development Program that Integrates Pedagogical Best Practices and the Entrepreneurial Mindset Intercollegiate Coaching in a Faculty Professional Development Program that Integrates Pedagogical Best Pract,” 2020.[3] C. Vest, “Open Content and the Emerging Global Meta-University,” EDUCAUSE Review, 2006.[4] W. J. Frey, H. D. Sánchez, and J. Cruz-Cruz, “Ethics Across The Curriculum: An Effective Response To Abet 2000,” in 2002 Annual Conference
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 1: Mechanical and CAD Track
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Leah Hope Sirkis, University of Pittsburgh; Tony Lee Kerzmann, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
/ [Accessed: Feb. 18, 2021].[10] S. A. McLeod, “Kolb - learning styles and experiential learning cycle.,” Simply Psychology, 2017 [Online]. Available: kolb.html [Accessed: Feb. 25, 2021].[11] C. Madan, B. Teitge, “The Benefits of Undergraduate Research: The Student's Perspective,” The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal, vol. 15, 2013 [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Feb. 25, 2021].
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mudasser Fraz Wyne, National University; Shakil Akhtar, Clayton State University; Muhammad Asadur Rahman, Clayton State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology
- online-digital-learning/, Retrieved April 11th, 2021.2. Adedoyin, O., and Soykan, E., “Covid-19 pandemic and online learning: the challenges and opportunities”, The Journal of Interactive Learning Environments, pp. 1 – 13, 2020.3. Tabatabai, S., “Simulations and Virtual Learning Supporting Clinical Education During the COVID 19 Pandemic”, Advances in Medical Education and Practice, Vol. 11, pp. 513 - 516, 2020.4. Domokos, C., et al., “Being a student at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in COVID-19 Pandemic times - A moment in life”, Timişoara Physical Education and Rehabilitation Journal, Vol. 13(24), pp. 45 - 50, 2020.5. Borupa, J. and Stimsonb, R., “Responsibilities of Online Teachers and On-Site Facilitators in Online
Conference Session
Improving the BME Classroom on the Ground and Virtually
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jeffery Ethan Joll II, Vanderbilt University; W. David Merryman, Vanderbilt University
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
: traditional vs. blended approaches,” Eur. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 473–483, Oct. 2011, doi: 10.1080/03043797.2011.619647.[8] S. Kimmel, “Grading Rubric for Programming Problems,” [Online]. Available: Supplemental Materialsa. Module completion statistics and survey response rateb. Blended course module contents Module 1: Pseudocode Review resources Codecademy: What is Pseudocode And How Do You Use It? (VIDEO) Cornell University CS341: Pseudocode University of North Florida COP2221: Pseudocode Examples Practice problem Write pseudocode for a program that reads in