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ASEE 2021 Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference
Randy Hugh Brooks, Texas A&M University
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improvedstudent performance. In addition, the widely available digital course will prove most beneficialto the underserved populations with previously limited access to much of the knowledge andskills incorporated into this pre-college course.Included in this paper is a framework of concepts to be addressed in the course. ContentStudent skill and knowledge deficiencies are often observed in both academic preparedness andcollegiate life readiness through instructor observations and student self-reflections. As such,items in these areas need to be part of a college prep program to ensure that students are readiedon all fronts.Radcliffe and Bos re-inforce that “key dimensions for building college readiness
2021 First-Year Engineering Experience
Benjamin Daniel Chambers, Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education
is primarilyutilized for team projects in the second semester. Access to and inclusion of maker spaces infirst-year programs has been shown to help students develop engineering skills [1-3], and todevelop confidence in their abilities [4].In order to give students more opportunities for creative hands-on work, a self-selected creativedesign project was developed and administered in several first-semester class sections overseveral years. This design project was conducted in several stages: ideation, planning, creation,demonstration, and reflection. Of particular importance was a planning assignment, in whichstudents developed their ability to create plans and estimate project needs, and also estimate timecommitment in order to keep the
Conference Session
Governance, Diplomacy, and International Comparisons in Engineering Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Daniel B. Oerther, Missouri University of Science and Technology
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
are introduced to and invited to reflect on the 13 dimensions ofForeign Service Officers as described by the U.S. Department of State( These dimensionsinclude: cultural adaptability (i.e., “to work and communicate effectively andharmoniously with persons of other cultures, value systems, political beliefs, andeconomic circumstances; to recognize and respect differences in new and differentcultural environments”); oral communication (i.e., “by speaking fluently in a concise,grammatically correct, organized, precise, and persuasive manner; to convey nuances ofmeaning accurately; to use appropriate styles of communication to fit the audience andpurpose”); working with others
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stephanie M. Gillespie, University of New Haven
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Project-Based ClassesThe second topic introduced into the first-year engineering program was a single 50-minute classperiod active-learning lesson which introduces various topics related to market research. Theclass started off by asking students to identify the single-most important product that they hadpurchased or received as a gift. This reflection led them to identify that most engineeringdisciplines contribute to product development at some level. In order to have a successfulproduct design, engineers should consider both the users and the competing market during thedesign phase. Students and faculty then discuss tools such as competitive market research,stakeholder identification, and user scenarios through examples, with constant breaks
Conference Session
MASS: Mastery, Assessment and Success of Students
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brad Gregory Davis, United States Military Academy; Kevin Francis McMullen, United States Military Academy; J. Adam Pegues, United States Military Academy at West Point
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engineering (FE) exam. Thestudy presented in this paper details the approach taken to replace in-class quizzes with regularout-of-class homework assignments in an introductory engineering mechanics course. Theobjectives of the study were to: 1) provide students with a variety of problems to apply both newand previous knowledge; 2) encourage engagement with the course material outside of in-personlessons; and 3) teach students to reflect and self-assess their own learning. Eighteen homeworkassignments were added throughout the thirty-lesson course. Each assignment consisted of twoparts; practice problems from previous lessons and conceptual responses based on preparation forthe next lesson. At the beginning of each class, students were given the
Conference Session
Architectural Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Keith E. Hedges, Drury University
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Architectural Engineering
. A greater reliance upon online instruction requires a commensurateincrease in collaborative interaction. Palloff and Pratt recognize that an effective online model,“includes deliberate attempts to build community as a means of promoting collaborativelearning” [16]. Collaborative learning promotes a social presence and promotes independentlearning. “The instructor in an online class is responsible for facilitating and making room for thepersonal and social aspects of an online community so social presence can emerge and make theclass a successful learning experience” [16].Teachers can apply several techniques to build community. The online activities are moreeffective when treated as collaborative information seeking behaviors and reflective
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Design in the First Year
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emine Celik Foust, York College of Pennsylvania
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First-Year Programs
students in developing certain design qualities. Sheppard andJenison [2] outlined these qualities as communication skills, effective teamwork, reflection,problem-solving skills, being resourceful, and considering various aspects of a problemincluding socioeconomics and environment. Depending on the institution, different approacheshave been taken to achieve these qualities such as weekly labs, class demonstrations, smallprojects, and multi-week large-scale projects. Examples of these projects include a mousetrapvehicle project, a balsa bridge project, building airplane out of a soda can, an egg dropcompetition, a cantilever beam competition, a tennis ball launcher, and building catapults andtrebuchets [3].In fall 2013, the Engineering Practice and
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Dimitrios Bolkas, Pennsylvania State University; Mojgan A. Jadidi, York University; Jeffrey Chiampi, Pennsylvania State University; Muhammad Usman, York University
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative and Experiential Education
learning studentsdevelop technical skills and learn about surveying techniques and methods. In addition, throughreview and reflection of their surveys, students are able to reinforce concepts learned in lectures.Outdoor labs have several challenges such as being affected by weather leading to cancellationsthat disrupt the educational process. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced newchallenges and forced virtualization of outdoor labs. Development of virtual and immersivetechnologies in the past decade have sparked applications in engineering education, offeringviable alternatives, and enhancing traditional instructional approaches. Indeed, virtual reality andgamification technologies offer different learning approaches while various
Conference Session
Supporting the Capstone Experience
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Leslie R. Brunell, Stevens Institute of Technology; Alex Dubro, Stevens Institute of Technology; Viraj Vasudev Rokade, Stevens Institute of Technology
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Civil Engineering
; Leadership – Students collaborate and self-reflect on strengths and weaknesses as leaders and teammates while understanding how sustainability influences decision-making. 4. Deliverables (Written & Oral Reports) – Students write about and present their research, designs, and sustainability analysis (e.g. meaningfully, concisely, scientifically).Although the SIS was originally developed for the SM capstone project requirement, it wasapplied, modified and updated to the Sustainability Components Assessment (SCA) to focus onsustainability research and analysis and communication of sustainability findings. The SCA wasrecently used as a case study within a civil engineering Senior Design capstone course at StevensInstitute of
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Zachary Riggins Del Rosario, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Riya Aggarwal, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Caitlin Anna Coffey, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Arwen Sadler, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Stephanos Matsumoto, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Alison Wood , Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Paul Ruvolo, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; C. Jason Woodard, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
. Her teaching at Olin continues to inspire her to realize the potential for education in the twenty-first century.Prof. Paul Ruvolo, Franklin W. Olin College of EngineeringDr. C. Jason Woodard, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering Jason Woodard is an associate professor and associate dean at Olin College. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Work in Progress: Crafting a Virtual Studio: Some Models and ImplementationsAbstractStudio is an active form of pedagogy that can help train collaborative, reflective engineers.However, traditional studio pedagogy is predicated on a shared physical space---it is not clearhow to translate the benefits of the studio to
Conference Session
Program Support Initiatives
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Charles Riley P.E., Oregon Institute of Technology; Jesse M. Kinder, Oregon Institute of Technology; Ben S. Bunting Jr, Oregon Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
more useableand useful to instructors. Of equal importance, though, was that through the process ofgenerating the list, it became clear to us that some of the ITM’s best practices were written insuch a way that the three of us working on the document did not even agree on what they meant.This discovery helped us make a final set of revisions to the wording of the ITM’s best practicesthat both better aligned with the Model-Antithesis-Exemplar table and better reflected ouroriginal intentions for an ITM. The ITM we designed as a result of the process described here ispresented in Figure 3. Figure 3. The Institutional Teaching Model as presented to participants of the 2020 Teaching Workshop and promoted to faculty.In the summer of 2019, as
Conference Session
Design Teams 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ada Hurst, University of Waterloo; Christine Duong, University of Waterloo; Meagan Flus, University of Waterloo; Gregory Litster, University of Waterloo; Jordan Nickel, University of Waterloo; Aaron Dai, University of Waterloo
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
crits are common across many disciplines, including architecturaldesign, graphic design, and industrial design, providing a platform from which instructors canassess the work and design ability of their students [6]. In the field of architecture, studentscommunicate regularly with their peers and instructors, to reflect upon their design work [7].Interactions between students and their instructors and peers can range from informal discussionsthat focus on constructive feedback, or more formal discussions that are evaluative in nature [8].In the context of engineering education, the primary pedagogical tool are design reviewmeetings, which function similarly to design crits. They serve as a learning space where studentspresent the progress of
Conference Session
Design Teams 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Swapneel Thite P.E., University of New South Wales; Jayashri Ravishankar, University of New South Wales; Araceli Martinez Ortiz, NASA Headquarters; Eliathamby Ambikairajah, University of New South Wales
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
leadershipskills as learning outcomes. 1. IntroductionEmployability of graduates is a trivial question that has been focused upon in the field ofengineering education for decades. There exists a gap between the skills possessed by graduatesand the industrial requirement. This is often reflected in the form of lack of professional skillswhich involves teamwork and leadership skills [1].The future of the industrial sector, represented by Industry 4.0 has specific requirements liketeamwork and leadership (T&L) skills, self-regulated learning, and critical thinking, which needsto be satisfied by Education 4.0 [2]. T&L skills are highly rated and required skills in theindustry [3]. The competencies defined in Engineers Australia stage 1 [4], consist
2009 GSW
James (“Jim”) R. Morgan; Luciana R. Barroso
require a paradigm shift in re-conceptualizing their role as a teacher. Due to this difficulty, tapping both individual andcollective capacity are best within the context of professional learning communities (PLCs),which are characterized by shared norms and values, reflective dialogue, de-privatization ofpractice, collective focus on student learning, and collaboration. These PLCs set the foundation,so teachers can begin inquiry into their practice in a new way for increased student learning.The integration of Professional Learning Communities and Project-Based Learning serve toaddress the issues discussed above. Currently, the North Texas STEM (Science, Technology,Engineering and Math) Center is collaborating with the Waco Independent School
Conference Session
Making in Design Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Matthew Wettergreen, Rice University; Joshua Brandel
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Table 1. The course is intended toadvance student proficiency level beyond their starting state; because students come to theclass with a variety of starting skill levels, each assignment has been written to accommodatefor this. To provide context for how different proficiency levels are accommodated in thehomework, an example homework assignment utilizing the laser cutter has been included inAppendix C. Apprenticeship is again mirrored in the grading schema, which is proficiency-based. Thismeans that grades reflect the overall knowledge gained by students throughout course activitiesrather than points earned for correct answers [8]. Each assignment is rubric is mapped to athree-tiered proficiency scale. Key characteristics of work
Conference Session
Research on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Dina Verdin, Arizona State University
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Educational Research and Methods
have toldme in the past that it is hard for them to listen to a woman because ... ‘it’s like ... in my mind it’sstill set that I know what I’m doing because I’m the guy ...’” [10, p. 281]. While she successfullygraduated with a mechanical engineering degree, Sandra reflected, “I can understand where theyare coming from ‘cause maybe that’s the culture in his family and where he’s from” [10, p. 281].Put simply, Sandra’s friend had deeply held beliefs that women were less knowledgeable thanmen; nevertheless, her male friend’s beliefs were his issues alone and not a reflection of her orwomen as engineers. The idea that to belong in engineering is to be male is embedded in the fielddue to the historical traditions of being a masculine-oriented
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ella L. Ingram, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Rachel McCord Ellestad, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Cory Hixson, Colorado Christian University; Julia M. Williams, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
of failure, we relied on interviews and surveys from variedstakeholders (e.g., graduate students, their mentors, graduate program directors, representativesfrom grant-giving organizations, and faculty on hiring committees) to identify these barriers. Wealso shared our personal reflections on the challenges associated with this effort. We examinedthese barriers using the Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram to determine root causes of the challengesassociated with scaling an immersive professional development experience.We found that barriers to participation included time spent away from support systems, potentialdelays in graduation, lack of understanding of the value of professional development, andfunding for participating in these opportunities
Conference Session
Best in DEED
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Clay Swackhamer, University of California, Davis; Jennifer Mullin, University of California, Davis
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Design in Engineering Education
process, to support team collaboration, to aid in theconstruction and testing of functional prototypes and, ultimately, to host an online final designshowcase for the 45 teams. Other top challenges involved pivoting the teaching and learning ofphysical computing technologies (i.e., Arduino, circuits and coding) through interactivesynchronous studio sessions in lieu of hands-on, in-person studio sessions. Elements of coursere-design efforts presented in this paper illustrate the course transition from in-person toemergency remote format. Mixed-method data collection included pre/post Engineering DesignSelf-Efficacy (EDSE) student survey (Carberry et al., 2010), mid-quarter anonymous studentfeedback and an end of quarter student reflection. Mid
Conference Session
Design in Multidisciplinary Learning Environment
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Hoo Kim P.E., LeTourneau University; Paul R. Leiffer P.E., LeTourneau University; Laura Kathryn Neal, LeTourneau University; Kathleen Mays, LeTourneau University; Joon Wan Kim, LeTourneau University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
evidence. By applying story, youcan support both your engineer’s logical thinking and their need for empathetic and socialengagement with the team… Stories unfold logically: beginning, middle, and end; cause andeffect. Stories will help your engineers focus on the connections between information. So,sharing a short story that reflects those patterns serves to reinforce logical, patterned thinking.”[5]“As Neil Postman describes a concept first introduced by Northrup Frye, a story is able to comealive in a listener or culture when it achieves resonance, which is the right combination ofcontext and connection so as to ‘acquire a universal significance.’ In other words, regardless ofthe setting, the listener of a story with resonance is able to hear
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jonathan Aurand P.E., Dunwoody College of Technology; David Andrew Adolfson, Dunwoody College of Technology
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
importance of engineering communication within the design project.Our students author several reports of varying lengths and formality. Examples of these includethe engineer interview report, field trip reports, guest speaker reflections, and the formal designreport for the project. There is also a fair bit of oral communication. We have discussed thecompany presentations, but there are also presentations associated with the project and animpromptu speech occurs occasionally. Some of the assignments also include graphicalcommunication with 3D modeling or hand sketches to show how various components or partswork together to accomplish a process.Lesson 10: Encourage metacognition and reflectionAs stated above, one of the primary goals of the course is
Conference Session
Hybrid and Online Learning
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tiffany A Mathews, Penn State University; Kirstin Purdy Drew, Pennsylvania State University; Kristin Ann Dreyer, Center for Nanoscale Science (an NSF funded MRSEC)
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communication) to the audience that their project was targeting, and 3)reflecting upon their experience.Students had a month to work on their outreach project individually or in small groups afterselecting an option and submitting an initial rationale and plan, which was supported throughscheduled program check-in time. During these scheduled times, students working on similarprojects (or student teams) shared ideas in Zoom breakout rooms, discussed, planned, anddefined tasks to move their project forward. At the end of the summer, individuals and teamspresented brief overviews of their project, shared plans for implementation, and submitted awritten reflection on its impact on their personal growth.When we asked the students to articulate the
Conference Session
Innovative and Impactful Engineering Leadership Pedagogy
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Meg Handley, Pennsylvania State University; Mihee Park, Pennsylvania State University; Ashley N. Patterson, Pennsylvania State University; John Jongho Park, Pennsylvania State University
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Engineering Leadership Development
and program evaluator at University of Michigan. Also he taught an ”individual learning skills” as an assistant instructor in the University of Texas at Austin for five years. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Inclusive Leadership in an Engineering Leadership CourseBackground Engineering educators have seen significant changes in the Accreditation Board forEngineering and Technology (ABET) criteria starting in the early 2000. Pre-empted byworkforce demands, these modifications seek to address changing workplace dynamics andglobalization. One change reflects the evolution of teamwork in ABET’s Criteria 3, studentoutcomes, which now states
Conference Session
Industry and Practice Topics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kristen L. Sanford P.E., Lafayette College; Philip J. Parker P.E., University of Wisconsin - Platteville; Matthew W. Roberts, Southern Utah University; Claudia Mara Dias Wilson, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; Michael R. Penn, University of Wisconsin - Platteville; Rodolfo Valdes-Vasquez, Colorado State University; Frederick Paige, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Civil Engineering
influence that CIT-Ehas had on him. But we were still left with unanswered questions related to the demographics ofCIT-E and its impact. For example: 1. Who makes up the CIT-E CoP, and how does it reflect the demographics of CEE faculty? 2. To what extent is the model course being used, and by whom? Why? Which lessons are being accessed the most? 3. What skills have faculty members gained from their association with CIT-E, and has it made a meaningful impact on faculty professional networks? 4. What else do faculty members want out of CIT-E, and what are the next steps for CIT-E as a CoP? 5. Which aspects of the CIT-E CoP reflect the characteristics of a CoP as found in the literature?Finding answers to these questions
Conference Session
Faculty Development Lightning Talk Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Timothy A. Wilson, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Olivia Elizabeth Roa, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division
work has chosen to adopt Scrum at an operational level. Theintent is that Scrum Teams will be formed within the department that will be focused ondeveloping products that can enhance the quality of the student experience, quality of education,and the success of the faculty. Some of these products can include changes to the curriculum,modifications to instruction, and recruitment, and professional development.A prevalent change strategy in STEM education [19], identifies the use of dissemination,reflection, policy, and shared vision tactics to support a balanced approach to institutional change[19]. Each of the key features of Scrum promote align with these tactics [20]. Scrum can promotedissemination through the transparent approach which can
Conference Session
Engineering Communication II: Curricular Practices, Integrations, and Collaborations
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sheila Anne Gobes-Ryan, University of South Florida; Kingsley A. Reeves Jr., University of South Florida
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
literature in Engineering and other disciplines on team teaching to betterunderstand this andragogical approach. We determined that Davis’ [1] interdisciplinary teamteaching frame and criteria for teaching evaluation provided a collective lens for examining howwe were working together and how that affects our students’ learning outcomes for all of thematerial we include as part of the course. With this lens in mind, we share the story of ourcourse’s evolution as we reflect on our personal experiences.Stories of teaching experiences provide an important resource for other faculty; simultaneously,stories provide a format for examining ongoing teaching practices for the authors. This paperoverlays stories of our current practices onto Davis’ degrees of
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stephen Andrew Wilkerson P.E., York College of Pennsylvania; Inci Ruzybayev, York College of Pennsylvania; Ashley J. Earle, York College of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
developing pedagogy that encourages students in reflective learning and personal self reflection in engineering classes in addition to her passion for engineering ethics and conceptual learning. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Work in Progress: Leveraging Curriculum to Mitigate Engineering Killer Courses Historically Engineering curriculums dropout rates have hovered around 50% over thepast 60 years despite attempts to mediate the losses. Most students don’t enjoy Calculus,Differential Equations, or Physics. Moreover, given the heavy course load at typicallyengineering schools it is very difficult for some students to
Conference Session
Assessment in Laboratory and Project-based Courses: Experimentation and Laboratory-oriented Studies Division
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nebojsa I. Jaksic, Colorado State University, Pueblo
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Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
, the Mixed Circuits LogicControls Lab is using the latest modeling hardware and software, the NI Elvis II workstations withMultisim electrical simulation environment. However, these workstations are prohibitivelyexpensive for home use by students.The course student learning outcomes (SLOs) with their connections to ABET Student Outcomes,as well as grading policies and metrics, are described in [22 and 23]. Students start labs by workingin pairs. When done, students write lab reports consisting of two parts, design descriptions (writtenas a pair) and self-reflections (written individually).Digital Logic Controller Lab Design Problem and Laboratory Environment Changes The Digital Logic Controller Lab consists of two design problems. The
Conference Session
Engineering Design Graphics Division Technical Session 2: VR, AR, and CAD
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ashayla Williams; Magesh Chandramouli, Purdue University Northwest
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
of autism, and reflect on their care practices (Doğa, 2020). Over adecade's research has shown that computer-assisted technology can be used as an educationaland therapeutic tool in this population (Ploog, 2012). The design of the augmented and mixedreality environments in this study has been done to facilitate a simple learning experience.Another critical aspect that is closely interrelated to design is ‘cueing’. The role and importanceof visual, auditory, and tactile cueing in designing augmented environments has been highlightedby many notable works (Angelopoulos, 2018; Janssen, Steveninck, Salim, Bloem, Heida, &Wezel, 2020; Miller, Cooper, & Szoboszlay, 2019; Pangilinan, Lukas, & Mohan, 2019). Visual,auditory, and tactile
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Focus on Student Success 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Genaro Zavala, Tecnologico de Monterrey; Universidad Andres Bello; Esmeralda Campos, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico; Carlos Eduardo Martinez-Torteya, Tecnologico de Monterrey
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
highlighted areas to improve to save students time inimplemented activities. The latter could be due to the course's implementation during theCOVID-19 pandemic, i.e., through synchronous distance education. Finally, the course alsohelped students reflect on their degree choices by making them solve problems they would nothave faced if they did not take the course.Keywords: challenge-based learning, higher education, educational innovation, competency-based education, integrated course.IntroductionAn integrated globalized world, new competencies demanded by the job market, new educationalmodels, and technological advances challenge universities to reflect on the social concerns aboutthe effectiveness of traditional higher education. Our institution, a
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
David G. Novick, University of Texas at El Paso; Nicholas A. Ramirez, University of Texas at El Paso; Melanie Anne Realyvasquez, University of Texas at El Paso
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Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
lower-division engineering students, of whom 11 were enrolled in an engineeringmajor with a significant emphasis on entrepreneurship and 25 were enrolled in other engineeringmajors. Structured interviews of covered the participants’ family background, their motivations forenrolling in their major, their expectations with respect to career (including startups), their attitudestoward risk, and reflection on the interview. In the course of the interviews, participants were askedto rate their risk tolerance and their interest in pursuing a startup. Analysis of the interviews suggeststhat the principal indicator of entrepreneurial intent was interest in a startup, that most students’perceptions of the desirability of startups are negative, and that