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Displaying results 33031 - 33060 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Closing Manufacturing Competency Gaps I
2002 Annual Conference
Karen Harris; Sunday Faseyitan; Robert Myers; Pearley Cunningham; Winston Erevelles
Competency Gaps Among Newly Hired Engineering Graduates”, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 19975. SME Manufacturing Education Plan: 1999 Critical Competency Gaps “Industry Updates Competency Gaps Among Newly Hired Engineering Graduates”, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 19996. Manufacturing Programs Accredited by the ABET, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, World Wide Web Site - “EAC Accredited Programs for 1999”, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, World Wide Web Site - Michie Joan S. and Frechtling Joy, User Friendly Project Evaluation, National Science FoundationWINSTON F. EREVELLESWinston Erevelles is the Associate Dean of the School of Engineering
Conference Session
Web Systems and Web Services
2002 Annual Conference
Ralph Buchal
associates; Higher Education in an era of Digital Competition , Attwood Publishing, 2000, p.60 6 Lang, S.; Dickinson, J., Buchal, R., An Overview of Cognitive Factors in Distributed Design, Proceedings of the 6 th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design , London, Ontario, July 12-14, 2001, pp.190-197. 7 Curtis, David D.; Lawson, Michael J.; Exploring Collaborative Online Learning, Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, Vol.5, No.1, February 2001, pp.21-34. 8 Chin, George Jr.; Carroll, John M.; Articulating Collaboration in a Learning Community, Behaviour and Information Technology, Vol.19, No.4, 2000, pp.233-245. 9 BSCW, OrbiTeam Software GmbH
Conference Session
Improving Statics and Dynamics Classes
2002 Annual Conference
Mandeep Thukral; Kurt Gramoll
. Page 7.1308.10 Fig. 11. TA Privilege(s) Customization Screen Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright Ó 2002, American Society for Engineering EducationV. Communication Between the Instructor and StudentsResearch has shown that for the success of an online course, interaction between the instructorand students is necessary [4]. The system has two main built-in features for communicationsbetween different students and between the instructor and students. The web-board (Fig. 12)provides a discussion forum so that questions can be posted and drawing-board (Fig. 13) allowsstudents and the instructor to interactively draw
Conference Session
International Engineering Education
2002 Annual Conference
Webert Lovencin; Adnan Javed; Fazil Najafi
(Social Science 2210 Technical Writing Sciences) TERM 3 TERM 4 Course Course Title Credits Course Course Title Credits MAC 2313 Analytical Geom. & 4.0 MAP 2302/ Differential Equations or Intro to 3.0 Calculus 3 EGM 3311 Engineering Analysis PHY 2049 Physics with Calculus 2 3.0 EGM 2511 Statics 2.0 PHY Physics Lab 1.0 Gen. Ed. Humanities or Social Science 3.0 2049L (Hum/S) Gen. Ed
Conference Session
Use of Labs to Introduce Students to Engr.
2002 Annual Conference
Nathaniel Allen; Mike Klein; Matthew Cunnington; Levi Westra; Ronald Smelser; Edwin Odom
active interest in the ME Machine Shop as a key element in design education sincejoining the University of Idaho eleven years ago. Dr. Odom maintains an avid interest in the literature of creativityand management and is especially well versed on the subjects of team dynamics and leadership styles. He wasrecognized for his role in development of the Idaho Engineering Works by a university teaching award in 1998.DR. RONALD E. SMELSERDr. Ronald E. Smelser is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Idaho. He holds degrees fromthe University of Cincinnati, MIT, and Carnegie Mellon University. Prior to joining the University of Idaho, heworked for fourteen years at U. S. Steel, Alcoa, and Concurrent Technology Corporation. He
Conference Session
Instructional Technology--What Works
2002 Annual Conference
Keith Adolphson; Rujin Cheng; Kurt Gramoll
determine if auser has visited the web page. This helps determine which aspects of the EMET instruction arebeing used, which are more effective or, conversely, which are ineffective. This feature permitsdevelopers to determine of the overall effectiveness of the respective learning strategies. Withthis information patterns indicating the preferred learning style(s) can be identified and used tomake adjustments to the program. This mechanism is similar to methods used by commercialweb sites. For example, e-commerce sites also examine the behavior pattern of users at theirwebsite. Using this information, these sites can evaluate, re-distribute and improve developmentefforts more effectively
2001 Annual Conference
William Keat; James Hedrick; Christine LaPlante; Richard Wilk; Cherrice Traver; Frank Wicks
design studio experiences,and even sitting in on each others lectures to be better prepared to present the material. Ifthis approach is used with a group of cooperative faculty, the benefits of the exposure todifferent teaching styles and understanding of other disciplines can be extremely positiveand rewarding and will ultimately benefit the students.Bibliography1. Ercolano, V., “Designing Freshmen,” ASEE Prism, April (1996).2. Ambrose, S. A. and Amon, C.H., “Systematic Design of a First-Year Mechanical Engineering Course at Carnegie Mellon University,” Journal of Engineering Education, V 86, n 2, 1997, p.173-181.3. Barr, R.E., Schmidt, P.S., Krueger, T.J. and Twu, C.Y., “An Introduction to Engineering Through an Integrated Reverse
2001 Annual Conference
Ed McCombs; Camille F. DeYong
there was aquantitative method available to estimate the mean and the variance even if they had nohistorical data. We believe that this assignment was worthwhile and will continue to useit in future undergraduate classes.Bibliography1. Case, Kenneth E., 2001, Regents Professor Industrial Engineering and Management, Oklahoma StateUniversity, Discussions on minimal data set size necessary to estimate an underlying distribution, 8January.2.Greer, Wilis J., Jr., 1970, “Capital Budgeting Analysis with the Timing of Events Uncertain,” TheAccounting Review, January, 103-114.3. Park, Chan S., and Sharpe-Bette, Gunter P., 1990, Advanced Engineering Economics, John Wiley andSons, New York.4. White, John A., Case, Kenneth E., Pratt, David B., and Agee
2001 Annual Conference
Nakeya Norman; Janelle Meyer; Charu Dugar; Jason Keith
(2000). 3. Batill, S. AME 470 Senior Design Project, 4. Brockman, J. and Fuja, T. EG111/112 Introduction to Engineering Systems, M. KEITHJason Keith is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Michigan Technological University, and is theinstructor for the course titled CM4900 Interdisciplinary Design 1. He received his PhD from the University ofNotre Dame in August 2000. While at Notre Dame Jason was active in the development of a new freshmanengineering sequence EG111/EG112 Introduction to Engineering Systems, serving as a graduate instructor in thiscourse during the 1999-2000 academic year. Jason also holds a B.S.ChE degree in Chemical Engineering from
2001 Annual Conference
Amir Karimi
#982940, Vol. XIX, August 2000, Number 5, p. 64. Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2001, American Society for Engineering Education3. Karimi, A.; Arroyo, G. A., Passos, A., and Shih, C. S., “Re-Evaluation of Engineering Curriculum Foundation,” presented at of the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Gulf-Southwest Section of ASEE, March 25-27, 1998, New Orleans, Louisiana.4. URL: http:/; Core Curriculum in Texas: Introduction and Background.5. URL: http:/; Report of the Advisory Committee on Core Curriculum
2001 Annual Conference
Christopher Jorden; Farouk Attia
software. This type of systemallows quick modifications to adapt to the constantly changing needs of the customer.Bibliography1. Applehans, W., Globe, A., and Laugero, G., Managing Knowledge-A Practical Web-Based Approach: Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1999.2. Grinberg, I.Y. and Stratton, J.A., “A Systems Engineering Approach to Engineering Design Methodology.” The Journal of Engineering Technology. Vol.13, no.2 (Fall 1996): pp8-13.3. Simpson, G.S., Lamb, F.E., and Dinnie, N.C., “Applying Probabilistic and Qualitative Methods to Asset- Management Decision Making.” The Journal of Petroleum Technology. Vol.52, no.12 (Dec 2000): pp49-50.4. Kalpakjian, S., Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials. 3rd ed. Menlo Park, CA
2001 Annual Conference
Martin Trethewey; John Gardner; Thomas Litzinger
remainder of the semester, each team set about redesigning and reconstructing cars for therace. The race had three events: flat course speed, hill-climb, and obstacle course. The speedevent was timed with a start at zero velocity with the distance reached in the allowed timemeasured for three heats. In the incline event the vehicle had to carry another vehicle up theincline, and the incline was increased incrementally until the vehicle could no longer climb. Theobstacle had three segments: equally spaced bumps, randomly spaced ½” PVC pipe, and an “S”style obstacle course. All three courses were available prior to race day for testing and practice.Each team was permitted to modify two cars for the races, so that they had to make trade-offs intheir
2001 Annual Conference
Barrie Jackson
Hands-on work is the best way to start, With help face to face with experienced T.A.’s I can get the kind of education that really pays At last, something exciting and new, QUFYAS is a challenge that I can relate to Shirking labs isn’t my goal, Believe me sincere, It’s QUFYAS that would make me a true engineer!” “Initially I was a little hesitant as to whether or not I should sign up for the QUFYAS Project. There were many obstacles that stood between my decision to apply for this course. I find chemistry and physics labs easy and straightforward. Therefore it seems foolish to sacrifice these marks. What if the projects are too difficult? What if I don’t get along with my group
2001 Annual Conference
Arnoldo Muyshondt; Ing-Chang Jong
Proceedings.7. Alam, J., and Rencis, J. J., “Use of Internet in Information Content Creation and Delivery for Promoting Active Cooperating Learning,” Session 2220, 1997 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings.8. Herrmann, E., Teach Yourself CGI Programming with PERL in a Week, Sams Net, 1996.9. Brenner, S., and Aoki, E., Introduction to CGI/Perl: Getting Started with Web Scripts, IDG Books, 1995. (This book covers CGI scripting and Lemay, L., Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML 4 in 14 Days, Second Professional Reference Edition, Sams Net Publishing, 1997.ARNOLDO MUYSHONDTArnoldo Muyshondt is currently a Principal Member of Technical Staff at the Sandia National Laboratories. He re-ceived a BSME in 1986 and an MSME in 1988
2001 Annual Conference
Tony Rogers; David Miller; Bruce Barna
Design Data, AIChE, (1983 - updated in 1986).Skjold-Jorgensen, S., B. Kolbe, J. Gmehling, and P. Rasmussen, "Vapor-Liquid Equilibria by UNIFAC Group Contribution. Revision and Extension," Ind. Eng. Chem., Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 714-722, 1979.Tiegs, D. and J. Gmehling, "Vapor-Liquid Equilibria by UNIFAC Group Contribution. 4. Revision and Extension," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 159-161, 1987.Wilson, G.M. and C.H. Deal, "Activity Coefficients and Molecular Structure," Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 20- 23, 1962.DAVID C. MILLERDavid C. Miller is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Michigan Technological University. He
Conference Session
"Green" Topics in Architectural Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Ann Frank, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
schedule of lamp replacement so that students learn the practical meaning of ‘ratedlamp life’. To support Habitat’s sustainability goals, luminaire maintenance is achievable by thehomeowner without assistance of an electrical contractor.Recycling options for fluorescent lamps are also addressed in consumer education. Studentresearch of LEED requirements indicates that this educational component contributes to theLEED prerequisite for ‘Guidance on occupant activities and choices, including….lightingselection’13. This is part of the documentation included in an operations and maintenance manualprovided to the homeowner(s) satisfying the LEED Education of the Homeowner or Tenant
Conference Session
Hardware Applications
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven F. Barrett, University of Wyoming; Amos L. Purdy; Cameron H. G. Wright P.E., University of Wyoming
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Department at the University of Wyoming wascontacted by one of our alumnus in the Spring of 2008 concerning development of an industrialcontrols course. The alumni had graduated in the early 1980’s developed a highly successfulindustrial control company that provided service to the chemical, mining, oil, petrochemical, gas,and automotive industries [1]. The alumnus was interested in supporting the development of acourse that emphasized the design of programmable logic controller (PLC) based systems vital toa wide range of industries and to support the ongoing demand for engineers educated inindustrial control concepts and applications. Further, the alumnus pledged financial support todevelop a physical laboratory and the required instrumentation to
Conference Session
Engaging Families and Exciting Girls with Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan M. Caley Opsal, Illinois Valley Community College; Dorene M. Perez, Illinois Valley Community College; James A. Gibson, Illinois Valley Community College; Rose Marie Lynch, Illinois Valley Community College
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Illinois School Report Card. Lincoln Junior High School. http: // Junior High Report Card.pdf.16. Center for Nanoscale Chemical-Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing Systems. http://www.nano- National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity Education Foundation. Stereotypes turn girls off to math and science. Clason, D. L. and Dormody, T.J. Analyzing data measured by individual likert-type items. Journal of Agricultural Education. 35:4. 1994. pp. 31-35. Jamison. S. Likert scales: How to (ab)use them. Medical Education: Blackwell
Conference Session
First-Year Activities and Peer Review Strategies in Civil Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine Kuder, Seattle University; Nirmala Gnanapragasam, Seattle University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
of:_______________ Reviewer:_____________ Item Check CommentsStyle/Grammar/StyleSentences are complete _____ ________________________________No repetition within abstract & LOT _____ ________________________________ASTM # included in methodology _____ ________________________________Sentences don’t begin with #s/symbols _____ ________________________________Numbers < 10 written in words ____ ________________________________0 placed before decimal _____ ________________________________Professional language (not colloquial
Conference Session
Active and Project-Based Learning
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David H. Jonassen, University of Missouri, Columbia; Sanjeev K. Khanna, University of Missouri
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
the material? The paradigm illustrated in Figure 2 will help in considering the origin of the properties. 4. a. Identify class of materials that should meet those properties b. Select 5-10 candidate materials from a database or other sources 5. Select equation(s) and calculate changes to material performance for each alternative 6. Does material need to be processed to achieve the desired properties? 6a. If yes, develop material processing necessary to meet the desired/required material properties. 7. Examine candidate materials in greater detail 8. Determine pros and cons for candidate materials 9. Develop argument in favor of final choice
Conference Session
Best Zone Paper Competition
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca A Bates, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Andrew Petersen, University of Toronto Mississauga
Tagged Topics
Council of Sections
. Page 22.822.106 Treisman, U. 1992. Studying Students Studying Calculus: A Look at the Lives of Minority Mathematics Students inCollege. College Mathematics Journal 23(5), pp. 362-372.7 Wilson, D. 2008. Does it Matter? Psychological Sense of Community & Belonging in Engineering Education.Frontiers in Education 2008.8 Johnson, D.W., Johnson, D.T. & Smith, K.A. 1998. Active Learning: Cooperation in the College Classroom, 2ndEd. Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company.9 Hausfather, S. J. 1996. Vygotsky and schooling: Creating a social context for learning. Action in TeacherEducation. (18) 1-10.10 Jones, D.W. 1996. Empowering teams in the classroom can work. Journal for Quality and Participation, 19(1),80-86.11 Schmidt, L., Schmidt, J
Conference Session
Engineering Design in Pedagogy
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ibrahim F. Zeid, Northeastern University; Sagar V. Kamarthi, Northeastern University; Claire Duggan, Northeastern University; Jessica Chin, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education, K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. American Association of University Women. 2000. Tech-Savvy: Educating Girls in the New Computer Age. Washington, DC. AAUW Educational Foundation.11. CIO Insight: Strategies for IT Business Leaders, Women in IT: Where Girls Aren’t, April 2007. Available on-line at,1540,2110749,00.asp12. Daley, W. Speech of U.S. Commerce Secretary. Delivered at 1998 National Information Technology Workforce Convocation, Berkeley, California, January 12, 1998.13. Dym, C.L., Agogino, A.M., Eris, O., Frey, D.D., and Leifer, L.J., “Engineering Design Thinking, Teaching, and Learning”, J. Engineering Education, pp. 103 – 120, January 2005.14. Conley, C. H., Ressler, S. J., Lenox, T. A., and Samples, J. W., “Teaching
Conference Session
Teams and Teamwork in Design
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter J. Shull, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona; Carla Firetto, The Pennyslvania State University; L.J. Passmore, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
each of thefollowing questions. a. ______________________ b. ______________________ c. ______________________Rate the members of your team (including yourself) for each of the following statements. You do not need to write theindividual names for each question, but make sure the letter for each individual corresponds to the letter for the individualidentified above (keep the same order). 1) Followed all of the agreed upon rules. (1 to 5: 1 strongly disagree –– 5 strongly agree) a. _______ b. _______ c. _______ 2) Attended lab(s) for this assignment. (Yes or No) If no, indicate how much notice was given to team members. a. _______ ________How much notice
Conference Session
Student Entrepreneurial Skills and Mindset II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregory W. Davis, Kettering University; Craig J. Hoff, Kettering University; William J. Riffe, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
value can bemade. Page 22.845.10References1 Carlson, C., and Wilmot, W. “Innovation: The Five Disciplines for Creating What Customers Want,” CrownBusiness, ISBN 13:978-0-307-33669-9, 2006.2 Thursby, M., Fuller, A., and Thursby, J., “An Integrated Approach to Educating Professionals for Careers inInnovation,” Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol. 8, No. 3, 389–405, 2009.3 Sager, B., Fernandez, M., and Thursby, M., “Implications of a Multidisciplinary Educational and ResearchEnvironment,” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 18, pp. 57-69, 2006.4 Kingon, A. I., Thomas, R., Markham, S. K., Aiman-Smith, L., Debo, R.. “An
Conference Session
Curricular Innovations in College-Industry Partnerships
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles E. Baukal, John Zink Co. LLC; Geoffrey L. Price, University of Tulsa; John E. Matsson, Oral Roberts University; Wes Bussman, John Zink Co. LLC.; Sarah M. Olson, Northern Oklahoma College
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
2009-304.8. W. Akili, Integrating practical experience in a geotechnical/foundation engineering class: The role of the adjunct faculty, proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, pp. 8423-8436. Page 22.862.109. S. Nasrazadani and R.A. Mirshams, Teaching heat transfer through industry participation, proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, paper AC 2007-832.10. S.D. Sheppard, K. Macatangay, A. Colby and W.M. Sullivan, Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field, Jossey-Bass, San
Conference Session
Reports from ADVANCE Institutions
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen P. Constant, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
implementing thechosen option(s). Even so, implementing the menu of CT tools that are currently beingdeveloped will require the leadership and time of experienced experts. It is also essential to keepresources and training models up to date based on the needs of the ISU community andcoordinate these efforts with current related research findings.To sustain these three areas of strength and institutionalize ADVANCE successes, three areas oftraining have been identified – some focused on audience (e.g. department chair or searchcommittee training), some on the training topic (systemic unintended bias).DEPARTMENT CHAIR TRAINING:In collaboration with the university level administration, ADVANCE-ISU has provided trainingworkshops for all department chairs
Conference Session
Oceans & Marine Technical Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mario Miranda II, Florida Atlantic University
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
-948, Oct. 2006.[5] A. Gadre, D. Maczka, D. Spinello, B. McCater, D. Stilwell, W. Neu, M. Roan, and J. Hennage, “Cooperativelocalization of an acoustic source using towed hydrophone arrays,” in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, 2008.AUV 2008. IEEE/OES, Oct. 2008, pp. 1-8.[6] E. Marques, J. Pinto, S. Kragelund, P. Dias, L. Madureira, A. Sousa, M. Correia, H. Ferreira, R. Goncalves, R.Martins, D. Horner, A. Healey, G. Goncalves, and J. Sousa, “AUV control and communication using underwateracoustic networks,” in OCEANS 2007-Europe, June 2007, pp. 1-6. Page 22.986.13
Conference Session
Integration of Liberal Education into Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald Arthur Brown, Penn State University ; Mary Lynn Brannon, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
., Cabral, M. T.,Frodeman, R., Hogenhuis, C., Heyd, T., Lemons, J., McKinstry, R., Lutes, M., Meulller, B., Domingos,J., Miguez, G., Munasinghe, M., Muylaert de Araujo, M. S., Nobre, C., Ott, K., Paavola, J., Pires deCampos, C., Pinguelli Rosa, L., Rosales, J., Rose, A., Wells, E., Westra, L., (2006), White Paper on theEthical Dimensions of Climate Change, The Collaborative Program on the Ethical Dimensions of ClimateChange, accessed from the Internet, January 2011.[3] Brown, D., 2002, American Heat, Ethical Problems with the United States Response to GlobalWarming, Roman and Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland Page 22.906.9Appendix ASTS 201 Ethics
Conference Session
Incorporating Innovative Technologies into the Curriculum
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Chen, Iowa State University; Ye Li, Bradley University
Tagged Divisions
methodology.2. Overview of QFDQFD method was documented in Japan in the mid 1970’s and was first introduced to theUnited States in 1983 by Professor Yoji Akao. Since then, remarkable development andimplementation of QFD for curriculum design and improvement have been observedworld-wide 5. QFD method is a technique linking customer demands and productdevelopment. Ranking system in QFD method helps to identify and prioritize customer’svoice clearly.One of the main principles used in QFD is to determine directly from customers whatthey expect in a particular product or service viz., quality of curriculum in the instantcase. This is called Voice of Customer in parlance of QFD. There are different
Conference Session
DEED Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nabila A. Bousaba, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; James M. Conrad, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Claude M. Hargrove, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Valentina Cecchi, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Keys to Success in the IEEE Region 3 Student Hardware CompetitionAbstractSince the 1980’s, IEEE Region 3 has had an annual conference, named SoutheastCon, thatinclude student and professional programs. The student hardware competition is considered thecentral event within the student programs. It continues to maintain its original focus of thedesign and building of Robots that compete by performing a pre-defined task. Earlier names ofthis competition were solar car contest, “seeker” car and design contest. On the average about 49of the 101 member universities participate in the student competition each year. Electricalengineering programs continue to take advantage of this contest