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external permission is needed.Positions for three faculty (two tenure-track, one lecturer) were approved and in 2011 a tenuretrack and lecturer were hired. The search for the second tenure track is ongoing. Merging thedepartments also allowed CEE faculty to become part of a program that is involved inundergraduate teaching. Often funding of public institutions is based heavily on UG enrollmentand not having a UG program put CEE in a difficult position given the resource challenged Page 25.1077.11atmosphere. The EE/S track will be accepting students in 2012. 10 Table 5
Frontiers in Education Conference. Saratoga Springs, NY,2008.Hart, S., J. Klosky, J. Hanus, K. Meyer, J. Toth, and M. Reese. "An Introduction to Infrastructurefor All Disciplines." Conference Proceedings, 118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.ASEE, 2011.Kanter, M. J. "The Relevance of Liberal Arts to a Prosperous Democracy." Annapolis GroupConference. Annapolis: MD, 2010.Kasarda, Mary. "Paper or Plastic?" Prism, October 2004: Last Word.Krupczak, J., and K. Disney. "An online resource for developing technological literacy courses."Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, 2011. ASEE, 2011. Page 25.1122.11Krupczak, John, and
and adoption rates in U.S. engineering departments Journal of Engineering Education, 2010. 99(3): p. 185-207.12. Prince, M. and R.M. Felder, Inductive teaching and learning methods: Definitions, comparisons, and research bases. Journal of Engineering Education, 2006. 95(2).13. Wieman, C., K. Perkins, and S. Gilbert, Transforming science education at large research universities: A case study in progress. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 2010. March- April.14. University System of Maryland, Change and sustainability in higher education: Final report. 2010.15. Borrego, M. and B. Olds, Analysis of trends in United States National Science Foundation funding of engineering education: 1990-2010, in
(CAREERaward SES-0846758 and a Graduate Research Fellowship). The authors are also grateful of theefforts of numerous Georgia Tech students who contributed to the camp: Ana Eisenman, JohnPatrick O’Har, Dwayne Henclewood, Alexandre Khelifa, and Greg Macfarlane. Page 25.1138.11Bibliography[1] Luken, B., Hotle, S., Alemdar, M., and Garrow, L.A., “A Case Study: Educating Transportation Engineers with Simulation,” American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2011. Page 25.1138.12
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, Nelson, J and Estes, AC “Interdisciplinary Design – The Saga Continues” ASEE Annual Conferenceand Exposition Proceedings, ASEE, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 26-29, 2011.7 MacNamara, S “Trans-Disciplinary Design Teaching for Civil Engineers and Architects Lessons Learned andFuture Plans” Paper 2011-1802, 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings.8 Saliklis, E, Arens, R and Hanus, J “Teaching Architects and Engineers: Up and Down the Taxonomy” Paper 2009-2, 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings. Page 25.1181.13
contrast to the peers that did not become involved.1 Kim, J., Kim, T., Li, J., Shaw, E., and Wyner, S. (2010). Discerning Affect in Student Discussions. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2010.4 Cole, M., and Engeström, Y. (1993). A cultural-historical approach to distributed cognition. In G. Salomon (Ed.), Distributed cognitions: Psychological and educational considerations. New York: Cambridge University Press.4 Engeström, Y. (1987). Learning by Expanding: An Activity Theoretical Approach to Developmental Research. Helsinki: Orienta-Konsultit Oy.4 Lave, J. (1996) Teaching as Learning, in
letters for a comprehensive program proposal that was submitted by the authors to theU. S Department of Education. Currently, the authors are working to develop a long-termcollaborative relationship with a fourth Brazilian university (PUC-Rio). For this purpose, bothauthors will lead a workshop on “Methods and Strategies for Engineering Education, CurriculumDesign, and Program Assessment” which will be held at PUC-Rio during April 18-20, 2012.Forty participants from this and other universities are expected to attend this workshop. Theobjectives of the workshop are to: (i) Introduce methods and strategies related to first-yearengineering education, technology in the classroom, curriculum design, and academic programassessment, (ii) Present
Teaching and Learning, v11 n2 p76-90 Apr 201117. Khalid, A., Nuhfer-Halten, B., Vandenbussche, J., Colebeck, D., Atiqullah, M., Toson, S., Chin, C., ‘Effective multidisciplinary active learning techniques for freshmen polytechnic students,’ Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conference, Atlanta, GA., October 13-15, 2011 Page 25.1229.13
. Assessment criteria can include: (a) Whether the problem was accurately defined (the Problem as State & Problem as Understood)? (b) Did the solution(s) solve the problem? (c) Did the student engage in critical thinking? (d) How is the solution going to be implemented? (identify concerns). (e) During student presentations: evaluate the use visuals, and presentation preparation & skills. (f) During group/team presentations: evaluate the quality of collaboration and initiatives undertaken by individual team members.(3) Student input should be part of the assessment process: Use class discussions to evaluate/critique PBL assignments/activities. Select
Page 25.1253.12and analyzed, therefore enabling the students to have a broader understanding of the differentkinds of network attacks’ behavior.Bibliography1. J. P. Anderson, Computer Security Threat Monitoring and Surveillance, Technical Report, James P. Anderson Co., Fort Washington, PA, April 1980.2. E. Denning, “An Intrusion-Detection Model,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Volume 13, Number 2, pp. 222-232, 1987.3. S. E. Smaha, “Haystack: An Intrusion Detection System,” Fourth Aerospace Computer Security Applications Conference, pp. 37-44, Austin, Texas, 1988.4. J. D. Howard, An Analysis of Security Incidents on the Internet 1989 – 1995, Dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
, Proceedings of the 2007 American Society of Engineering Educators Annual Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, HI 6. The Disappearing Associates Degree Program in Electronics Technology, by Louis E. Frenzal Jr. , Proceedings of the 2003 American Society of Engineering Educators Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN 7. 8. Department of Transportation website: 9. Special Issue on Cyber-Physical Systems, by Radha Poovendran, Krishna Sampigethaya, Sandeep Kumar S. Gupta, Insup Lee, K.Venkatesh Prasad, David Corman, and Jamers L. Paunicka, Proceedings of the IEEE, January 2012, Vol. 100, No. 1, pp 7-14 10.
. K. RAMESHDr. S. K. Ramesh is a Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at California State University, Sacramentoand has been the Department Chair since 1994. His research interests are in the area of Optical CommunicationSystems. He teaches courses in Optical Engineering, Fiber Optic Communications and Analog IC Design. He is aSenior Member of the IEEE and is presently the Central Area Chair of IEEE Region 6. Dr. Ramesh graduated with aB.E. (Honors) degree (’81) in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the University of Madras, India,and received his MSEE (’83) and PhD (’86) degrees from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
fundamentalquestion posed by New Jersey Institute of Technology’s Ronald Rockland.1Indeed, it is very easy to fall prey to teaching students how to simply solve specific problems intheir courses. However, this fatal flaw can be avoided if the approach to problem solving iscentered on a pedagogy of Critical Thinking and Heuristic-based Problem Solving. This is thephilosophy underpinning the Freshman Year Initiative (FYI) at the Irving, TX (Dallas) campus ofthe DeVry Institute of Technology. The goal for the collaborative teaching and cooperativelearning approach is for students to understand and apply a problem-solving heuristic to anysituation s/he may face in their academic, personal and professional lives. To use the biblicalmetaphor, we strive to feed our
Mission Airborne Subsystems Planning Amateur S/W Radio Text Comm Telemetry Comm Airborne Telecommand GPS Data
the most extensive computing backgrounds seem to get more and better joboffers. These messages are not lost on our students. The faculty will eventually have toadjust their thinking, and teaching, to accommodate these new realities.Bibliography1. Carroll, J.M. The Nurnberg Funnel: Designing Minimalist Instruction for PracticalComputer Skill. The MIT Press, 1990.2. Carroll, J.M. The adventure of getting to know a computer. IEEE Computer, 15 (11),49-58, 1982.3. Gottfried, Byron. Spreadsheet Tools for Engineers, Excel 2000 Version. McGraw Hill,2000.4. Faldowski,J., Colledge, T., Sathianathan, D., Ranade, S.,and Meyer, K. ComputerAided Design Using Solid Modeling, Seventh Edition, Schroff Development Corporation2000.5. Larsen, Ronald Introduction
of Engineering Education8. Erlandson, R., F, Noblet, M., J & Phelps, J., A. Impact of Poka-Yoke Device on Job Performance of Individuals with Cognitive Impairments. IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering 6, 269-276 (1998).9. Erlandson, R. F. & Sant, D. Poka-Yoke Process Controller Designed for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments. Assistive Technology 10, p102-112 (1998).10. Powell, K., Hardin, S. & Erlandson, R. F. in Closing the Gap (St. Paul, MN, 1998).11. Access Board. Americans With Disabilities Act Accessibility Requirements (http://www.access-, Washington, D.C., 1999).12. FCC. Access to Telecommunications Service, Telecommunications
2 3 4 5 N/AProcess DiagramsKnowledge of Means of Solving 1 2 3 4 5 N/AMultiple Balance EquationsKnowledge of Safety and 1 2 3 4 5 N/AEnvironmental IssuesAre there any additions or deletions to the Course Learning Objectives that you feel are appropriate forthis course? Please give your reasoning.Are there any techniques which you found to be particularly useful or useless in attaining the CourseLearning Objectives?Please indicate which text(s) were used and comment on their appropriateness
Engineering Programs,, ABET, 1999.4. McGinnes, S., Communication and Collaboration: Skills for the New IT Professional,, University of London, 1995.5. Smith, K. A., Strategies for Developing Engineering Student’s Teamwork and Project Management Skills,Proceedings, 2000 ASEE Annual Conference, Session 1630, ASEE, 2000.6. Swan, B. R., et al. A Preliminary Analysis of Factors Affecting Engineering Design Team Performance,Proceedings, 1994 ASEE Annual Conference, pp. 2572-2589, ASEE, 1994.7. Lingard, R. and Berry, E., Improving Team Performance in Software Engineering, Selected Papers from the 11thInternational Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Chambers, C. (ed
Multimedia Session 2793 Teaching Computing to Engineering Freshmen Through a “High-Tech Tools and Toys Laboratory” S. W. McKnight, W. Cole, G. Tadmor, E. C. Everbach, and M. Ruane Northeastern University / Swarthmore College / Boston UniversityAbstractFreshman engineering courses in computing applications and programming often lackapplications that are sufficiently engaging without being overwhelming. Program outputs andgraphics within the reach of beginning students are often woefully primitive compared tocomputer graphics that are available in commercial gaming software. The students’ lack ofbackground in
setting) B. By figuring out how you are to achieve your goal (the process(es) C. By developing measures of progress (metrics)III. Metrics: how you are doing A. Grading, four key elements: 1. Class determined project(s) 2. Professional portfolio. 3. Attendance 4. Peer evaluation.IV. Responsibilities of the Class A. Formulate the course outline, context, and content. B. Facilitate class activities and discussions. C. Determine evaluation (grading) criteria
generalized interfacecommand set that supports multiple input and output channels, variable sample rates, varioustriggering configurations, and variable frame sizes. The specific commands available aredescribed in the Appendix. The interface was developed using MATLAB 's “mex” facility andMicrosoft Visual C++, and is centered on an object that encapsulates the hardware interfacebetween the host PC and the DSK. The TI application-programming interface (API) furnishedwith the DSK allows operation under Windows 9x/NT. Our interface software requires that theDSK tools be installed on the computer, and that the two files C6X_DAQ.DLL andDAQ_SIMUL.OUT be placed in a MATLAB-accessible directory. At the most basic level, thisinterface allows a novice user to
appropriate complexity for a given situation. Within this class, separation ofvariables, similarity solutions, and other analytical solution techniques were used as a means toverify the validity of numerical models before using the numerical models on situations whereanalytical methods could not be extended. The impetus in developing this class is that thetraditional tools of mathematical analysis need to be extended to analysis tools and techniqueswhich utilize modern means (PCs and spreadsheets) commonly available to engineers. The shiftis similar to the one that occurred when the slide rule was displaced in the 1970’s by the adventof the calculator.Project assignments were used as a means to implement analysis tools in real world situations.The
that was received fromUniversity System of Maryland has helped provide summer support and stipends to the studentsThe students have carried the project and have done a wonderful job and we hope will continueto do so.Bibliography1. MultiSpec© [Available Online]: ERDAS, Inc. , Bhavani, S.K., and Aldridge, M.D., " Teamwork Across Disciplinary Borders: A Bridge between College and the Workplace",Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 89, No: 1, January 2000, pp.13-16.4. Peterson, G.D., " Engineering Criteria 2000: A Bold New Change Agent, ASEE PRISM, September 1997.5. Sarin, S., " Quality Assurance in Engineering Education: A Comparison of EC2000 and ISO-9000", Journal of
: Goal: A statement describing the broad outcome desired. A goal is far reaching and describes the best possible situation. Objective: Statement(s) derived from the goal that define the circumstances by which it will be known if the desired change has occurred. Curriculum Performance Criterion: Specific statement identifying the performance required to meet the objective. The performance must be confirmable through evidence.Our Goals are categorized in three major divisions: I. Broad Based Technical Expertise, II. Professional Advancement and Communications, III. Worldview and Personal Development.An example from each division is given in
. (1995). An integratedfreshman engineering curriculum, why you need it and how to design it. Proceedings of 1995 Frontiers in EducationConference (IEEE), p. 3c1.7-3c1.10.3. Cooley, W. and Prucz, M. (1997). “Live and learn” program for recruitment/retention. Proceedings of the 1997Frontiers in Education Conference (IEEE), p. 80-82.4. Alexander, B.B., Penberthy, D.L., McIntosh, I.B., and Denton, D. (1996). Effects of a learning communityprogram on the first-year experience of engineering majors. Proceedings of the 1996 Frontiers in EducationConference (IEEE), p. 377-380.5. Manuel-Dupont, S. (1996). Writing-across-the-curriculum in an engineering program. Journal of EngineeringEducation, January, p. 35-40.6. Waitz, I.A. and Barrett, E. (1997
.;Robert Bernhard, President of the investment firm Bernhard Associates and Chairman ofCooper Union's Board of Trustees; Mark Kaufman, venture capitalist; John S. Oler,JSBO Realty and Capital; and Dr. Judith Lyczko, then senior development officer,Cooper Union.EARLY PROBLEMS Page 6.1130.4Proceedings of the 2001 American Society For Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2001, American Society for Engineering EducationTwo significant problems developed during the first offering, 1) the sophistication of theJiffy Lube case series from the Timmin’s casebook created significant teachingdifficulties as the