, and motivation.Prof. Michael Wolf, Rice University Michael Wolf is Milton B. Porter Professor in Mathematics at Rice University as well as Faculty Director of the Rice Emerging Scholars Program, an initiative he co-founded in 2012. The Rice Emerging Scholars program is a comprehensive 2-4 year program that begins the summer before matriculation for a group of matriculating Rice students whose preparation for STEM is weaker than those of their peers. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021Differential Effects of Bridge Program Participation on Perceived Belongingand Peer Support for STEM Degree Seekers During The COVID-19PandemicAbstractThis NSF S-STEM
we share some of the quotes we heard from the students: “I am still very cognizant of my accent. I always fear that I make grammatical mistakes as I talk. Like very often I make the mistake of using a plural verb for a singular noun. It’s hard. It doesn’t come naturally to me. I know it might be a small mistake, but I have that in my mind all the time. When I talk, I constantly remind myself to check my verbs - did I use that little ‘s’ at the end of the verb or not?. I fear what if I don’t get it correct during the presentations. Are reviewers going to doubt my capabilities? I am more confident in front of my advisor or others who believe I know my work and I am good at it. But when it comes
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asystematic review of literature on the impact(s) of involving undergraduates in engineeringoutreach with a particular focus on studies that report on the impact on the undergraduatestudents. Supporting this effort is the NSF EArly-concept Grant for Exploratory Research(EAGER) program.Introduction In response to the need to increase interest and persistence in STEM careers, manyuniversities have created organized outreach initiatives. Engineering outreach by undergraduatestudents takes different forms but can include leading summer camps, teaching afterschoolprograms, conducting classroom presentations, and hosting engineering fairs and competitionson colleges campuses. The focus of evaluation efforts for K-12 outreach programs is typically
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significant differences in perceivedabilities at either the course outset or end of the course across the control and experimentalsections. In experimental sections, the majority of team tasks were broken down and assigned,whereas in the control sections this was left up to the team. It is possible that students in controlsections were more aware of each other’s work because task assignments required ongoingnegotiation throughout the quarter. Alternatively, control teams who divided tasks throughout thequarter according to teammates’ perceived strengths may have felt able to assess teammates’contributions by referencing the perceived quality of the deliverable(s) for which each teammatewas primarily responsible.To gain additional insight, we isolated
of depoliticization and meritocracyhinder engineers' ability to think about social injustices. In J. Lucena (Ed.), Engineering education forsocial justice. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC). (n.d.). Joint Statement ofPrinciples, Retrieved from https://c4disc.org/principles/.Coley, B., Simmons, D. & Lord, S. (2021). Dissolving the Margins: LEANING INto an Antiracist ReviewProcess (guest editorial). Journal of Engineering Education (in press).Hampton, C. & Reeping, D. (2019). Positionality: The Stories of Self that Impact Others. Proceedings ofthe 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, FL, June 16-19, 2019.Law, M. (2020). Why we capitalize ‘Black
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Figure 1: This is a caption for the first figure 2018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Spring Conference, April 6-7, 2018 – University of the District of ColumbiaConclusions and Future WorkWe believe that online programming practice tools have a positive impact on student’s learning.We also believe based on our preliminary data that it helps them in their exam grades, as theyhave more opportunities to practice and get immediate feedback. Also they can easily review theproblems where they struggle and reinforce those skills. We plan to expand this work bystudying the effect in multiple sections of the course, as well as including data from otherprogramming courses.References1. Bergin, S. & Reilly, R. The influence of motivation and comfort-level on
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mentors,● The introductory CS courses had many students with although they are much more advanced academically. programming experience, and thus were not true beginner Most of the PINC mentors had no prior mentoring classes; (imposter syndrome) experience. In order to train these peer and near-peer mentors effectively and efficiently, we implemented a● They were the only one (or one of a few) women and/or series of monthly workshops facilitated by a PINC faculty URM student(s) in the room; (stereotype threat) member. The overall number of mentors was small (i.e
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number of students in Spring 2016 class. The Spring 2015 class had total of 20 studentswhere 2 students did not continue the class after the first Midterm. Spring 2016 class had 18students and 2 students did not continue after the first midterm. Furthermore, the same amount ofcourse material was covered in both the classes.ResultsSpring 2015 and Spring 2016 grading criteria is shown in Table 1. For comparison, Spring2016’s midterms total points are converted to the equivalent of Spring 2015 total midterm pointsof 50%. Figure 1 shows the total points students received in both the semesters at the end of allthe Midterms. Average Midterm exam score and standard deviation of Spring 2015 was 32 (totalscore of 50) and 7.06 respectively. Midterm exam
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product of ongoing team meetings between the VirginiaTech, Purdue, and NSBE teams. Through these meetings, the Virginia Tech, Purdue, and NSBEteam members have become better aware of the components necessary to both hold SEEK campsand assess the impact of these camps.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation EngineeringEducation and Centers under Grant Number DRL-1614710. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesNtiri, D. W. (2001). Access to higher education for nontraditional students and minorities in a technology-focused society
. Thispaper has presented a pilot effort to increase the supply of mentors to existing Youth ServingOrganizations. The paper presented levels for mentor commitment and intensity. Furthermore, itdefined a progression we all experience when individuals begin something new and laid out thesimple steps it takes to go from being a basic STEM volunteer making a small, but importantimpact on a child to becoming a mentor that is highly committed to high intensity mentoring andmaking a deep and lasting impact on a child.References[1] D. Chubin, K. Donaldson, B. Olds, and L. Fleming, "Educating Generation Net—Can US Engineering Woo and Win the Competition for Talent?," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, pp. 245-257, 2008.[2] S. M. Takaghaj, C
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