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Displaying results 34771 - 34800 of 35543 in total
Conference Session
Innovations in Laboratory Studies
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ali Al-Bahi, King Abdulaziz University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
. Different types of experiments suitable forengineering students and their fundamental learning objectives are identified. A simple approachto design, introduce, assess, and evaluate these experiments is outlined. Several assessmentrubrics are presented as well as a survey to evaluate the lab experience and prepare a correctiveaction plan, if applicable.Bibliography1. Feisel L.D. and Rosa, R.J., “The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate Engineering Education,” Int. Journal of Engineering Education, January 2005.2. [Last visited 2008-01-17].3. Etkina, E., Murthy, S., and Zou, X., “Using introductory
Conference Session
Case Studies & Engineering Education Around the Globe
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adnan Zahed; Abdullah Bafail; Reda Abdulaal; Ali Al-Bahi
Tagged Divisions
/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. Boston, USA (2002).5. Tonkay, G., Sause, R., Martin-Vega, L., and Stenger, H., Integrating Design into Freshman Engineering: A Lehigh Experience, Proc. ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. Pittsburgh, PA, USA (1997).6. Sheppard, S. and Jenison, R., Thoughts on Freshman Engineering Design Experiences. Proc. Frontiers in Education Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (1996)7. Christopher J.R. and Anita M.J., Module-Based Freshman Engineering Course Development, Proc. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference (2004).8. Olwi, I., "An Active Learning Fluid Mechanics Course Based on Outcomes Assessment," Accepted for presentation in the 2006 American
Conference Session
Graduate Education in Engineering Technology
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Mainoo, Bowling Green State University; Sri Kolla, Bowling Green State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, B., Reichgeelt, H., & Zhang, A. (2002).13. Peterson’s Guide to Graduate Study. (2005), Retrieved November 2005, from Price, B., Reichgelt, H., & Zhang, A. (2002). “Designing an Information Technology Curriculum: The GeorgiaSouthern University Experience”. Journal of Information Technology, 17(1), 1-6.15. Stokes, M. E., Davis, C. S., Koch, G. G. (2000). Categorical Data Analysis Using the Sas System. Cary, NC:SAS Publishing.16. United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (2006). Occupational Outlook Handbook. Retrieved June 5, 2006, from United States Department of Labor (2004). Career Guide to Industries. Retrieved June 5, 2006, from
Conference Session
Curricular Innovations
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Manuel Jimenez, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez; Ana Nieves, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez; Cristina Pomales-Garcia, University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez; Nayda Santiago Santiago, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez; José Vega, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez; Vilma Lopez, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
statement.Students strongly disagreed about the idea of using the calculators (70%), MP3’s (80%), or cellphones (79%) to disconnect when the professor or the class is boring, or when they do notunderstand the class.There was a high variability in the times students reported spent in activities like internet,messenger, playing games, or talking in the phone or cell phone. On average students said theyused a laptop to navigate through the internet for approximately 4.2 (SD 2.6) hours daily. Theyuse a messenger system for 3.7 (SD 3.4) hours daily, talk on the phone and cell phone 1.7 (SD Page and 2.3 (SD 2.2) hours daily, respectively. In general, a
Conference Session
Student Teams and Project-Based Learning
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Huyck, Illinois Institute of Technology; Daniel Ferguson, Illinois Institute of Technology; Rachel Wasserman, Illinois Institute of Technology IPRO Program
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
), and conducting a facilitateddiscussion with the team about constructing an action plan to deal with the perceived problem(s).This intervention was designed to provide relatively rapid feedback about team functioning, andto help team members understand more fully how individuals can influence the behaviors of theirteammates. However, over a three-semester assessment of this intervention, the conclusion wasthat the teams receiving this brief facilitated reflection-planning intervention did not functionmore effectively overall than those who did not receive this intervention.17 Page 12.266.5 We were (and are still) interested in improving
Conference Session
An International Perspective
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carmen Maldonado, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez; Tatiana Ramirez, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez; Idalis Vazques, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez; Alexandra Medina-Borja, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
:// National Bureau of Economic Research.24. S. Tobias, "Women in Science - Women and Science", JCST, March 1992, pp. 276-278.25. Society of Women Engineers Web site. URL. swe-061406.htm, assessed January 5, 2007.26. Seymour, E., and N.M. Hewitt, Talking About Leaving. Factors Contributing To High Attrition Rates Among Science, Mathematics, & Engineering Undergraduate Majors: Final Report To The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation On An Ethnographic Inquiry At Seven Institutions, Bureau of Sociological Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1994, p. 1.27. Ref. 2328. NSERC/Nortel Joint Chair for Women in Science and Engineering in Ontario Web Site:
Conference Session
IE Program Design I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Manuel Morales, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez; Alexandra Medina-Borja, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
the selection process is made by the students.Like we saw in our results, the students’ motivators tend to change throughout the years, thismainly because of how they get to know their field, through enrolling specialized courses in theirmayor, and levels of maturity. All of these factors can and will be tabulated to get a betterunderstanding of how the students tend to think, when it comes to selecting a mayor.V. References 1. Kierkegaard, S. (1962). The Point of View for My Work as an Author: A Report to History. New York: Harper Torchbooks. 2. Gonzales-Barreto, D., Gonzales-Quevedo, A., Applicant’s Profile Study for Improving Undergraduate
Conference Session
Teaching Methods for the 21st Century: Part 2
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Savage, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
, pp. 917-924.7. Muryanto, S., “Concept Mapping: An Interesting and Useful Learning Tool forChemical Engineering Laboratories,” Int. J. Engng. Ed., Vol. 22, No. 5, 2006, pp. 979-985.8. Evans, D. L., McNeill, B. W. and Beakley, G. C., “Design in Engineering Education:Past views and future directions,” Engineering Education, July/August, 1990, pp. 517-522.9. Dym, C. L., Engineering Design: A Synthesis of Views, Cambridge University Press,New York, 1994.10. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook I: Cognitive Domain, Longman, NewYork, 1956.11. Safoutin, M. J., Atman, C. J., Adams, R., Rutar, T., Kramlich, J. C. and Fridley, J. L.,“A Design Attribute Framework for Course Planning and Learning Assessment,” IEEETransactions on Education, Vol
Conference Session
ChE Poster Session
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Krantz, National University of Singapore
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
focus area. This should lead to the problem(s) that will be addressed inthe presentation. The specific objectives of the work usually are stated in the Introduction.Remember to define any special terminology such as acronyms that will be used.3e. Review of Prior Studies SectionNearly all technical presentations build upon prior studies. Prior studies can be summarized as achronological review of relevant papers, theses, patents, etc., or presented in a table summarizingthe principal contributions. Alternatively, papers can be cited via footnotes, which are helpfulwhen space is limited. Provide a critique at the end of the review of prior studies in which youcritically assess the state-of-the-art. An effective critique should provide strong
Conference Session
Experiential and Service Learning
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jim Chamberlain, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
, OR, June 2005.[9] Al-Khafaji, K., “Learning Sustainable Design through Service.” International Journal for ServiceLearning in Engineering. 1, no. 1 (2006): 1-10.[10] Grzelkowski, Kathryn P. “Merging the Theoretical and the Practical: A Community Action LearningModel.” Teaching Sociology. 14, no. 2 (1986): 110-118.[11] Kvam, Paul H. “The Effect of Active Learning Methods on Student Retention in EngineeringStatistics.” The American Statistician. 54, no. 2 (2000): 136-140.[12] Helle, L. et al., “Project-Based Learning in Post-Secondary Education – Theory, Practice and RubberSling Shots.” Higher Education. 51 (2006): 287-314.[13] Jahanian S. and J. M. Matthews. “Multidisciplinary Project: A Tool for Learning the Subject.”Journal of Engineering
Conference Session
FPD8 - Early Intervention & Retention
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mukul Shirvaikar, University of Texas at Tyler; David Beams, University of Texas at Tyler; Sagun Shrestha, University of Texas at Tyler
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
spring 2007 semesters is shown in the tablesbelow. The color coding indicates which tutor had responsibility for which subject(s). Thetutors designated "SI" held joint appointments with B2B and with Supplementary Instruction (SI)programs operating in Physics I, Chemistry I, and Calculus II.Table 1 Typical results demonstrating the effectiveness of tutoring supplemented by mentoring for Physics I in the spring semester. Spring 2006 Comparison of Tutored and Other Engineering Students (SI Class) Course: PHYS 2325 Tutored Group Other Group Total
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Research
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Reisel, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
School.” 2007 ASEE Annual Conference AC2007-617. Honolulu, HI. (2007).3. C. Ramseyer, “An Experiment in Undergraduate Research,” 2007 ASEE Annual Conference AC2007-1832. Honolulu, HI. (2007).4. C. Bott, “Undergraduate Research Experiences that Promote Recruitment into the Field of Environmental Engineering.” 2007 ASEE Annual Conference AC2007-485. Honolulu, HI. (2007).5. D. Lopatto (2004), “Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE): First Findings.” Cell Bio. Educ., Page 13.1278.14 3, 270-277.6. E. Seymour, A.-B. Hunter, S. Laursen, and T. DeAntoni (2004). “Establishing the Benefits of Research Experiences for
Conference Session
Design: Content and Context
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Melnyk, United States Military Academy; Daisie Boettner, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
even share based on the team size. For each major assignment a correspondingnumber of points was associated with the peer review. Each team member could receive more orless than this point value based on the results of the review. For example, on a team with four students each member should contribute 25% of theworkload. If one team member only contributes 20% of the workload, then that student wouldreceive 80% of the peer review points associated with the assignment. Since this method is azero-sum proposition, other team member(s) on this team would receive more than the allottedpoints because they would have contributed more than their theoretical share of the work. Thiswas a way to provide limited extra credit to those team members who
Conference Session
Teams and Teamwork in Design I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith Sheppard, Stevens Institute of Technology; Peter Dominick, Stevens Institute of Technology; Edward Blicharz, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
. Page 13.399.1117. Whetten, D.A. & Cameron, K.S., Developing Management Skills, 7th edition, (2007), Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson Prentice Hall. p. 58.18. Latham, G.P., & Frayne, C.A., “Self-management training for increasing job attendance: A follow-up and a replication”, Journal of Applied Psychology, (1989) Vol 74(3), Jun. pp. 411-416.19. Bandura, A.. Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory, (1986), Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.20. Dweck, C. S., “Motivational processes affecting learning”, American Psychologist, (1986), 41(10), pp. 1040- 1048. Page 13.399.12Appendix 1
Conference Session
Teams and Teamwork in Design II / Design for Special Services
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Conry, Clarkson University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
, and tactics can readily be adapted to other engineeringdisciplines as well.Bibliography1. 2006-07 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission,Baltimore, MD.2. P. Goodyear, “Pedagogical frameworks and action research in open and distance learning”, European Journal ofOpen, Distance, and E-Learning, 1999, R. E. Mayer, “Should there be a three-strikes rule against pure discovery learning? The case for guided methodsof instructions,: American Psychologist, Volume 59, Number 1, 2004, pp. 14-19. Page 12.622.134. W. S
Conference Session
ChE: Assessment
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald Terry, Brigham Young University; W. Vincent Wilding, Brigham Young University; Randy Lewis, Brigham Young University; Danny Olsen, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
Brigham Young University. His research interests include thermophysical properties, phase equilibria, and environmental engineering. He received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University in 1981 and his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Rice University in 1985.Randy Lewis, Brigham Young University Randy S. Lewis is Professor of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University and an Adjunct Professor of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He received his BS and PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, respectively. His research interests include biomaterials development and the
Conference Session
Recruitment and Retention Topics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Lord, University of San Diego; Michelle Camacho, University of San Diego
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
by Stacey Lane Tice, Nicolas Jackson, Leo M. Lambert, and Peter Englot; Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 2005, p.89.8 Riley, Robin L. and D. Lyden Murphy, “The multidisciplinary possibilities of feminist pedagogy,” in University teaching : a reference guide for graduate students and faculty, edited by Stacey Lane Tice, Nicolas Jackson, Leo M. Lambert, and Peter Englot; Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 2005, p. 91.9 Webb, L. M., K. L. Walker, and T. S. Bollis, “Feminist pedagogy in the teaching of research methods,” International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 7 (5), 2004, pp. 415-428.10 A Better Tomorrow: Transforming the Classroom through Feminist Pedagogy, a video available from Division
Conference Session
Women, Minorities and the New Engineering Educator
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Allendoerfer, University of Washington; Sharon Jones, Lafayette College; Jaime Hernandez, Texas State University-San Marcos; Rebecca Bates, Minnesota State University-Mankato; Robin Adams, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
, DC: The National Academies Press. [3] Banks, J. (1982). Teaching for social justice, diversity, and citizenship in a global world. Education Forum,vol. 68(4), pp. 296-305. [4] Grant, C. and Sleeter, C. (1986). Race, class and gender in education research: An argument for integrativeanalysis. Review of Educational Research, vol. 56(2), pp. 195-211. [5] Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American EducationalResearch Journal, vol. 32(3), pp. 464-491. [6] Malveaux, J. (2005). Dimensions of diversity. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, vol. 22(19), pp. 31. [7] Jones, S., Bhandari, A., Clapp, L., Fennell, D., LaPara, T . and Tull, K. (2006). Diversity in environmentalengineering: The good and bad
Conference Session
Effective Learning Innovations in Civil Engineering Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Ledlie Klosky; Decker Hains; Timothy Johnson, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, USMA; Jakob Bruhl, US Military Academy, Dept of Civil & Mechanical Engineering; Jared B. Erickson, U.S. Military Academy; John Richards, D/CME, USMA
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Engineering Current Status: Needs Design Comparison of Desired End State: Analysi s Alternatives What is? What should be? Value System Decision Design Implementation
Conference Session
Mathematics in Transition
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne McClain, University of Alabama-Birmingham; Dale Feldman, University of Alabama-Birmingham; Lee Meadows, University of Alabama Birmingham
Tagged Divisions
of this task has been a stepin the right direction toward engaging students in mathematics used to help solve criticalproblems in applications of interest. Additional tasks are currently under development.For additional information on the Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership, please visit: additional information on the Mathematics Education Collaborative (MEC), please visit:[1] Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership, Five-Year Strategic Plan. July 2006.[2] Blue, C. E., Blevins, L. G., Carriere, P., Gabriele, G., Kemnitzer, S. (Group Leader), Rao, V., and Ulsoy, G., “The Engineering Workforce: Current State, Issues, and Recommendations”. Final Report to the
Conference Session
Introducing Active and Inductive Learning and Improving the Learning Curve in ME
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Olga Pierrakos, Virginia Tech; John Charonko, Virginia Tech; Alicia Williams, Virginia Tech; Satyaprakash Karri, Virginia Tech; Kelley Stewart, Virginia Tech; Pavlos Vlachos, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
of engineering students at the varying academic levels. The five main questions guiding this effort were: 1) What are the learning outcomes for these students during this experience? 2) Did this intervention aid in recruiting and retaining engineering students? 3) Did this intervention influence the engineering students to apply and get involved in undergraduate research? 4) Has this intervention influenced the career path of the students (i.e. graduate school or other research position)? 5) Is the intervention more effective at specific academic level(s)? In this effort, we have placed particular emphasis on transferring research to groups under-represented in
Conference Session
Assessment of K-12 Engineering Programs and Issues
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelly Hutchinson, Purdue University; Shawn Stevens, University of Michigan; Namsoo Shin Hong, University of Michigan; Molly Yunker, University of Michigan; Cesar Delgado, University of Michigan; George Bodner, Purdue University; William Fornes, Purdue University; Nick Giordano, Purdue University; Joseph Krajcik, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
depending on the category. Bothpositive and negative student comments were given if both sets of comments existed in thecategory. Some student comments were found to fall into more than one category. If thisoccurred, the comment was coded in both categories.Table 2. Descriptions and examples of categories Category Description Example Statement(s) • [Kind-of interested in the Easy-Stir because] “I’m an artist and I know it had to do with paint and stuff, so…something that I do outside of Chemistry class, Items are
Conference Session
New trends in ECE education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Agnieszka Miguel, Seattle University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
. The department covered theprinting cost of the posters. The posters are currently on display in one of our labs.The final report was an opportunity for the students to document what they have learnedabout their particular topic, describe the details of the algorithm(s) that they haveimplemented, comment on their performance and results, and give conclusions andrecommendations for future work. Students were asked to convey their findings in a clearand concise manner and were given guidelines about the technical report format tofollow.The final project was a very successful aspect of the class. The author tried to expose thestudents to real-world digital image processing applications by asking them to applytheory learned in class to solve
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Bowen, Rice University; Marcia O'Malley, William Marsh Rice University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Systems (HAPTICS’03), 2003.[9] P. Dalep, “LV as a Standard” Email posted to on September 1993, archived on[10] G.B. King, R.D. Evans, D.P. DeWitt, and P.H. Meckl, “Curriculum-wide Systems Programming Environment for Mechanical Engineering Instructional Labs,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, pp. 233-236, 1994.[11] B. Kauler, “Dataflow and visual programming: The way ahead for engineers,” Education Conference, New Zealand, 1993.[12] O.A.A. Zeid and M.M. Tanyel, “Innovation in teaching mechanical engineering applications,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, pp. 82-86, 1994.[13] J.M. Weaver and S. Das, “Overhaul of an
Conference Session
Gender and Accessibility Issues in K-12 Engineering Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Uchechukwu Abanulo; Ananth Iyer; John Helferty, College of Engineering, Temple University; Joseph Fischgrund, The Pennsylvania School for the Deaf
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
American Secondary Schools”, Educational Researcher, 28, 26-37. 1999.14. Harry G. Lang, M. S. Stinson, F. Kavanagh, Y. Liu, and M. Basile, “Learning Styles of Deaf College Students and Instructors’ Teaching Emphases”, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 4, 16-27. 1999.15. A. F. Grasha, “Teaching with style: A practical guide to enhancing leaning by understanding teaching and learning styles. Pittsburgh: Alliance Publishers. 1996. Page 12.659.14
Conference Session
What's New in Dynamics?
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Phillip Cornwell, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
integral was introduced by Gottfried Leibniz in 1675. The integral Page 12.806.5symbol he used, " ", was derived from an elongated letter S, standing for summa (Latin for "sum"or "total"). Newton was at times a very nasty man. Following the death of Leibniz, Newton isreported to have declared that he had taken great satisfaction in "breaking Leibniz's heart."Newton seemed to be characterized by a lack of publishing for much of his life. This may havebeen due to the fact that he was very sensitive to criticism. For example, the conflict he had withRobert Hooke over optics resulted in his ceasing all publications until after the death of Hooke
Conference Session
ECE Curriculum Innovations
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia Furse, University of Utah; Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny, University of Utah; Stephanie Richardson, University of Utah; Rohit Verma, University of Utah; April Kedrowicz, University of Utah; Bryan Stenquist, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
contributing to thedevelopment of these projects. Page 11.777.14Bibliography[1][2] C. Furse, L. Griffiths, B. Farhang, G. Pasrija, “Integration of signals/systems and electromagnetics coursesthrough the design of a communication system for a cardiac pacemaker,” IEEE Antennas and PropagationMagazine, Volume 47, Issue 2, April 2005 Page(s):117 – 119[3] C.Furse, R.Woodward, M. Jensen, "Wireless Local Area Network Laboratory for Microwave EngineeringCourses," IEEE Trans. Education,Feb2004, pp.18-25[4] Frank Cassara, personal communication, Polytechnic University, 1999[5] Numerical Electromagnetics website,
Conference Session
Introducing Active Learning into ME Courses
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ali Al-Bahi, King Abdulaziz University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Outcome Assessment,” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 2004.10. King, F.G. and Ilias, S. “Imbedding Assessment and Achievement of Course Learning Objectives with Periodic Reflection,” Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 2003.11. McNeill, Barry W., and Bellamy, Lynn, Introduction to Engineering Design; The Workbook, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc.,199812. Besterfield-Sacre, M., Shuman, L.J., Wolfe, H., Atman, C.J., McGourty, J., Miller, R.L, Olds, B.M. and Rogers, G.M., “Triangulating assessments,” Proceedings of the 2000 ASEE Annual Meeting, American Society for Engineering Education, 2000.13
Conference Session
Knowing Our Students II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Turns, University of Washington; Steve Lappenbusch, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. Page 11.1346.12AcknowledgementsThis work has been supported by the National Science Foundation through grant REC-0238392,Using portfolios to promote knowledge integration in engineering education. The authors wishto thank all members of the Laboratory for User-Centered Engineering Education for theinsightful reviews and comments that helped to shape this paper.References1. Lappenbusch, S., & Turns, J. (2005). Finding their place in TC: using a community of practice model to research emerging TC professionals. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Professional Communication, Limerick, Ireland.2. Guan, Z., Yellin, J.M., Turns, J., and Kumar, V. (2005). User-centered design of course-based portfolios for mechanical engineering
Conference Session
Intersdisciplinary Courses and Environmental Undergraduate Research
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Helene Hilger, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Francis De Los Reyes, North Carolina State University; Warren DiBiase, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Len Holmes, University of North Carolina - Pembroke; Stephanie Luster-Teasley, North Carolina A&T State University; Siva Mandjiny, University of North Carolina - Pembroke; Todd Steck, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Keith Schimmel, North Carolina A&T State University; Chuang Wang, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
(p<0.05) relative to lecture formatfirst PBL unit and with learning overall was generally supported in the student interviews (Table3), although it was also clear that students had difficulty discriminating between student-directedlearning and simply being asked to work in groups. Two of the four students interviewed at the endof the first PBL unit believed the unit was “lecture-based”. Some engineers reported feelingoverwhelmed by the biology course content at the end of the first two units, but it is also possibletheir assessment was colored by a certain temptation to default to the biology student(s) rather thanassume responsibility for the new content. Quiz scores at the end of the second unit did notindicate that the majority of