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Displaying results 331 - 360 of 480 in total
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 5: Assessment
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bahar Memarian, University of Toronto; Susan McCahan, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
learning, evidence of improved feedback practicescontinues to be missing [19]. For instance, a lack of alignment between formative andsummative assessment has been noted [20]. Performance based assessment has been extensivelystudied, in particular, the use of formative assessment tools such as rubrics to provide feedbackon student work [21]. However, rubrics are more commonly used on writing assignments, oropen-ended projects, such as design reports. Courses that emphasize content (i.e. facts, and theapplication of physical and mathematical concepts) are common in engineering curricula. Inmany engineering courses students are asked to solve closed-ended problems to demonstratetheir mastery of the material in these types of “fact and principle
Conference Session
PSW Section Meeting Papers - Disregard start and end time - for online paper access only
2019 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
Yongping Zhang P.E., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Ghada M. Gad, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona ; Wen Cheng P.E.; Ahmed Elaksher P.E., Cal Poly State ; Xudong Jia, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Tagged Topics
Pacific Southwest Section Meeting Paper Submissions
students to study transportation engineering and equip themwith the knowledge and capability to come up with creative, systematic, and sustainable solutions. It isintended to provide conclusions to inform other peers in engineering education in the U.S. and othercountries. The program included 40 high school students recruited from 30 schools across SouthernCalifornia, and was designed to include a multi-modal inter-disciplinary curriculum. With detaileddescription of the pedagogical approach, assessment methods, and learning outcomes, this paper aims tosystematically review the successful implementation of the NSTI program at CPP and the lessons learned.In general, the program was very well received by all parties: high school students, parents
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Harvey Abramowitz EngScD, Purdue University Northwest, Hammond; Roy L. Hamilton, Purdue University Northwest
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
problem of retaining students in a program of study in engineering has long beena problem for engineering educators…Roughly fifty percent of the students who begin inengineering leave the field before receiving their engineering degree [1].” According toAnderson-Rowland [2], the enrollment of minority freshman in engineering had increased morethan six fold during the 1980s and 1990s. However the attrition rate for freshman engineeringminorities was still high. Moreover, after five years of study, the graduation rate for minoritystudents (African American, Hispanic American, and Native American), is much lower than thatof non-minorities. Peter Schmidt [3], writing in The Chronicle of Higher Education, noted thatinadequate preparation for college
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 7: Learning and Research in Makerspaces
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Colin Dixon, Concord Consortium; Lee Michael Martin, University of California, Davis
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Paper ID #27504The Social and Conceptual Function of Uncertainty in Open-Ended Project-Based LearningColin Dixon, Concord Consortium Colin Dixon holds a Ph.D. in Learning & Mind Sciences from the University of California, Davis. He researches the development of STEM practices and agency among young people creating things to use and share with the world. He writes about equity and identity in making and engineering, the role of community in science learning, and how youth leverage interests and experiences within STEM education.Prof. Lee Michael Martin, University of California, Davis Lee Martin studies people’s efforts
Conference Session
Informal Engineering Education with Secondary Students
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marcelo Caplan, Columbia College, Chicago; Evelyn Oropeza, Columbia College, Chicago
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
) [1] states that the education system of 50 years ago,was designed to support the mastery of the "Three Rs” (reading, writing, and arithmetic). In ourcontemporaneous world, these skills are not enough to prepare students to be competitive in thisglobal society. Students must also be proficient communicators, creators, critical thinkers, andcollaborators (the "Four Cs").[2]The preparation and presentation at the conference allow the inclusion and development of theFour Cs in their informal learning process. Although the “Four Cs” skills are inter-connected,communication competencies such as clearly articulating ideas through effective presentations;correct usage of the language, spoken and written; and usage of media technologies are
Conference Session
Improved Pathways to Graduate Studies
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carol S. Gattis, University of Arkansas; Manuel D. Rossetti P.E., University of Arkansas; Kim LaScola Needy P.E., University of Arkansas; Edgar C. Clausen, University of Arkansas; Wenjuo Lo, University of Arkansas
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
2015 23 13 9 Total 45 22 (49%) 19 (42%)A major feature of the SIIRE program is student enrichment through the participation inprofessional development programs [3, 4]. SIIRE students are encouraged to participate inresearch and co-op or internship opportunities throughout their academic tenure to better preparefor graduate school or employment. Faculty, local engineers from industry and peers havevolunteered to serve as formal or informal mentors for SIIRE students, either individually or insmall groups.Professional development workshops are regularly hosted for the SIIRE students on a variety oftopics, including [3]: • Resume Writing and Job Search
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert J. Kerestes, University of Pittsburgh; Paul A. Dolloff PE, University of Kentucky; Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh
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Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
assignments are detailed below: 1. Develop a single-phase impedance model 2. Develop the primitive impedance matrix for an overhead line 3. Modify code written in 2. to output the phase impedance matrix and calculate the shunt admittance matrix 4. Develop a single-phase transformer model 5. Develop a single-phase autotransformer model 6. Develop a voltage source (ideal substation) modelUsing 1-6 students were asked to write a professional report based on their simulator. This wasan open-ended assignment in which students had control over how they wanted to presenttheir simulator to an investor. Students were asked to come up with a couple of test casesshowing its functionality and were asked to use as many concepts from the course as
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexa Rihana Abdallah, University of Detroit Mercy; Diane L. Peters, Kettering University; Gloria Guohua Ma, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Stephanie G. Wettstein, Montana State University; Maryam Darbeheshti, University of Colorado, Denver; Karinna M. Vernaza, Gannon University; Christina Keenan Remucal, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
majorconsiderations for student persistence. Additionally, several studies have found that students aremore reluctant to leave an institution after joining a campus organization [7]. Social connectionsallow students to “bond with other students to achieve a common goal,” such as completing theirdegree program [8].Additionally, non-academic factors like social support (level of social support a student feels theinstitution provides) and social involvement (extent to which a student feels connected to thecollege environment, peers, faculty, and others in college, and degree to which a student isinvolved in campus activities) positively affect student retention [9]. Therefore, it is importantthat students have a variety of opportunities to engage with peers
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian G. Belu, Southern University and A&M College
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
theory in power convertersand switching power supplies and to promote the application of theoretical concepts.4. To provide students with the ability to find solutions to the problems and to enhance theircritical reasoning needed to choose the appropriate solution in accordance with specific criteria.5. To enhance other competencies within the engineering, such as: the ability to write goodtechnical reports and to make presentations, project management and economics, and team-work.Having defined the course objectives, goals and outcomes, based on the available educationalresources and support, the instructor have to select the most suitable methods to obtain thesegoals and outcomes. First, the PBL method was chosen because it prompts the
Conference Session
Making an Impact: Building Support with Data and Design
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiaoju "Julie" Chen, Carnegie Mellon University; Jessica Benner, Carnegie Mellon University; Sarah Young, Carnegie Mellon University; Matthew R. Marsteller, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
paper once it is complete andlisting which journals or conferences appear most often in the works cited. This seems like a veryclever way to identify the fit for a particular paper or set of results.In terms of the types of publications, some researchers have a preference for professional societypublications over for-profit publishers. Those researchers who are conducting more traditionalcivil and environmental engineering research preferred peer reviewed journals exclusively,publishing only abstracts in conferences for networking and feedback purposes, while thoseconducting research overlapping with computer science, where conferences are often the finaldestination for research, described publishing in both conferences and journals. For
Conference Session
Engineering Professional Development using Robotics Activities
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sai Prasanth Krishnamoorthy, NYU Tandon School of Engineering; Sheila Borges Rajguru, NYU Tandon School of Engineering; Vikram Kapila, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
accelerometer functions.  Measure the mass of the car by using a weighing scale.  Apply a force to push the car and measure the distance it travels. (CCC: Cause and effect)  Investigate the relationship between the force applied and the distance travelled. (Unspecified SEP: Analyzing and interpreting data) Explain  Write Newton’s second law and Hooke’s law.  Analyze the effect of acceleration on the displacements of the spring and car. (DCI: Force and motion)  Provide formal definitions for relevant terms such as spring constant, force, acceleration, mass, vector, etc., and their relevance in this experiment
Conference Session
Computational Thinking in Pre-College Engineering
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily M. Haluschak, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kristina Maruyama Tank, Iowa State University; Tamara J. Moore, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Amanda Clara Emberley, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
exactly sometimes but similar. [...] make a model of your exercise trail for Perri and then explain to her how to use it. And the way we explain it is by writing an algorithm. [...] We need to know how to write and give directions. In this year two example, Miriam is seen not only introducing students to a definition foralgorithm but also helping students to see why this is important for the students to know and howthat word applies to the bigger engineering design challenge. In addition to explicitly using theCT vocabulary in their classrooms, the teachers in year two were also seen more intentionallymaking connections to bigger CT ideas like sequencing, efficiency
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Azar Eslam Panah, Pennsylvania State University, Berks; Heidi Reuter
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Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
,temperature, pressure, buoyancy, etc.). There were two additional lectures on basicphotographic techniques: Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO, White Balance. This was primarily forthe benefit of all students, many of whom had little or no science or photography experience.Emphasis was placed on the quantitative aspects of optics and the interrelationship of spatial andtemporal resolution in the measurement of fluid flows.Six major topics were selected and for each topic a set of four class times was considered. Eachset of four classes was structured as 1) a lecture on the science and visualization techniques of atopic (Tuesday), 2) a photography session (Thursday), 3) edit/submit session to edit the imagesin Photoshop and write a report (Tuesday), 3
Conference Session
Continuous Improvement in Engineering Leadership Development Programs
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University; Christopher McComb, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Julie Rojewski, Michigan State University; Astri Briliyanti, Michigan State University; Dirk Joel-Luchini Colbry, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development
Paper ID #27288Engineering Futures: Updating a Successful Professional Development Pro-gram to Address New ChallengesDr. Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University Katy Luchini-Colbry is the Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Services at the College of Engineering at Michigan State University, where she completed degrees in political theory and computer science. A recipient of a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, she earned Ph.D. and M.S.E. in computer science and engineering from the University of Michigan. She has published more than two dozen peer-reviewed works related to her interests in educational technology and
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ramiro Jordan P.E., University of New Mexico; Indira Nair, Carnegie Mellon University; Kamil Agi, SensorComm Technologies Inc.; Donna M. Koechner, eNova Solutions, LLC
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
reviewer in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program. Dr. Agi received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. He received his MBA from the Berkeley-Columbia Executive MBA Program.Donna M. Koechner, eNova Solutions, LLC Donna Koechner earned her BS in Electrical Engineering at Kansas State University and her MS in Elec- trical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico. She has worked in academia, research and industry on products and projects including image segmentation and pattern recognition, software design, software specification, development and testing, product engineering, technical writing, course
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Greg Rulifson P.E., Colorado School of Mines; Nathan E. Canney, CYS Structural Engineers Inc.
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Tagged Divisions
Military and Veterans
viewsocial responsibilities related to the engineering profession and perceive negative feelings fromtheir peers related to the ethics of military service? (3) How do engineering students with ahistory of military service view social responsibilities related to the engineering profession andperceive negative feelings from others related to the ethics of military service? The first RQ wasexamined using the results from two large surveys of engineering students attending 17institutions with about 3300 respondents, including 222 students attending one of the U.S.military academies. The professional connectedness element of social responsibility wasmeasured using 19 Likert-type items with a 7-point response scale. It was found that the
Conference Session
FOCUS ON EXHIBITS: Welcome Reception & NEW THIS YEAR! 2018 Best Division Paper Nominee Poster Session Sponsored by Engineering Unleashed
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Reeping, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
ASEE Headquarters
reflections. The cycle was augmented by Greenaway’s Active Reviewing Cycle,a model which provides a different way to examine experiential learning [19]. The keywordsfrom this cycle are shown within parentheses in Figure 1. FIGURE 1. KOLB EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING CYCLE WITH GREENWAY’S KEYWORDSThe concrete experience stage is used to engage students in performing some sort of activitywhere they apply their ideas and skills. Experiences from activities generate facts – the events,moments, and details associated with the activity. Next, the reflective observation stageencourages students to reflect on their experiences through mechanisms such as self-evaluation,peer discussion, and instructor feedback. Reflections generate feelings, an
Conference Session
The Best of First Year Programs: Best Paper Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joshua L. Hertz, Northeastern University; Noah Daviero, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
required, 4 credit-hour, first-yearengineering course at a medium-sized, private university. Course learning outcomes includedtopics in design and intellectual property, among a range of other foundational areas.Coursework included a major team-based, design-and-build project. This project had a slightlycompetitive aspect in that bonus points were awarded to the team that built the best project.Three years ago, one of the authors conceived and implemented a “class patent” system wherebyteams could write and submit an application to patent a project idea. By patenting an idea, a teamcould hope to gain competitive advantage in achieving the best project. As a pedagogical study, we sought to determine the effects of the class patent system
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farzam S. Maleki P.E., Massachusetts Maritime Academy; Gail M Stephens P.E., Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
is based on student's formal project report and the employer’s evaluationsurvey. The minor co-op employer evaluates the students’ performance based on the followingcriteria:1- Evaluation of Student Performance Expectations ● Specialized Knowledge ○ Basic knowledge and understanding of the theoretical aspects ○ Basic knowledge & understanding of the technical aspects ● Broad and Integrative Learning ○ Ability to explore concepts and questions that bridge different areas of learning ○ Ability to write effectively ○ Ability to communicate effectively ○ Ability to critically and creatively
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 15: Perspectives on Engineering Careers and Workplaces
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Stephen Barner, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University; Sean Lyle Gestson, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, textbooks, and peers [2, 4, 6]. Situatedcognition theory offers a theoretical framework for studying this education-practice gap inengineering. Situated cognition theory proposes that the social and material contexts whereinknowledge is learned and applied influences our ability to apply similar knowledge in newcontexts [7]. Engineering education often focuses on transmitting conceptual knowledge tostudents in abstract formats with the intent of providing students a fundamental understanding ofconcepts so that they can apply these concepts to unique situations in their future coursework orengineering careers [5, 8]. Situated cognition challenges this ubiquitous notion of concepts andour ability to apply conceptual knowledge within novel
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Madeleine Jennings, Arizona State University; Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
leaders of relevant organizations, providing students withengineering faculty as mentors, and finally, introducing them to the design process, working inteams, technical writing, and oral presentation.More specifically, cognitive stimulation was supplied by introducing the concept of engineeringdesign to the students early in their academic career. In some sections of the experimental US1100classes, a design project was completed after design theory was taught. Introducing students todesign early on in their academic careers has been shown to help students develop crucial skillsthat they would need throughout the remainder of their education and well into their career, suchas critical thinking, working effectively in teams, and technical
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Merredith D. Portsmore, Tufts University; Adam V. Maltese, Indiana University; Karen Miel, Tufts University; Kelli Paul, Indiana University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
themselves as engineers, including elements related to gender and physicalcharacteristics (e.g., skin color, hair color and style), all of which students can customize using avariety of LEGO and craft material options.In the activity, we prompt students to imagine themselves as an engineer and doing engineering.Student write or sketch or write notes, then use a curated collection of LEGO bricks to build ascene of themselves doing engineering. Initially, student created themselves using LEGO mini-figurines and their scene with LEGO bricks; in future iterations, students will create themselveswith craft materials and their scene with LEGO bricks. At the end of the activity, studentsreflect on what they have created by verbally sharing their creation
Conference Session
Special Topics: Safe Zone Session 1 - Moved from Tuesday at 1:30 pm
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University; Robyn Sandekian, University of Colorado, Boulder; Donna M. Riley, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Christopher Alexander Carr, National Society of Black Engineers
Tagged Topics
Special Topic: Safe Zone
(see page 6) • Ask for the pronouns a person uses in situations where you have just met a person or are otherwise unsure of their pronouns (see page 5) • Include your pronouns in your email signature • Use gender-neutral/inclusive language whenever a gendered term can be replaced, both in speech and in writing (see page 5) • Know where to seek support as an ally and for LGBTQ+ students on campus • Thank and validate individuals who share their identity with you • Ask (don’t tell) individuals who seek allyship from you how you can best support themSafe Zone Participant Booklet — Level 1 Workshop (Updated 2/19) 2Level 1 Glossary of TermsAsexual
Conference Session
PSW Section Meeting Papers - Disregard start and end time - for online paper access only
2019 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
Zhen Yu, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Ha Thu Le, California State Polytechnic University Pomona
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Pacific Southwest Section Meeting Paper Submissions
joined the faculty at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona as an Assistant Professor in 2014. She has expertise in the areas of Nanotechnology with application in nanomaterial synthesis, electronics devices fabrication and characterization, low cost and robust manufacturing processes, 3D printing of energy storage device for UAVs and water contamination treatment. Her research has resulted in patent applications, peer- reviewed journal papers and book chapters, and has been sponsored by California State University (CSU) Agricultural Research Institute (ARI), NASA CPP Startup, and other industry and government grants. She is also active in her
Conference Session
ET Curriculum & Programs
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey L. Newcomer, Western Washington University; Nikki Larson, Western Washington University; Todd D. Morton, Western Washington University; Derek M. Yip-Hoi, Western Washington University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
under the any of the EAC program areas, so that program only had to meet the generalEAC curricular requirements.The general and program-specific EAC requirements set minimums for the size of the math andscience foundation and specified the inclusion of a small set of topics or courses, which still leftus quite a bit of flexibility for determining the content of each program, especially at the upperdivision. To make sure that we were not going far afield, we took the time to research otherprograms. Because EE is a very large field, we started with a list of 93 programs at similar uni-versities and then eventually narrowed that list to a set of six programs that we considered to beaspirational peers. MFGE, however, is a relatively small field
Conference Session
Transfer and Transitions
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bruk T. Berhane, University of Maryland, College Park; Shannon Hayes Buenaflor, University of Maryland, College Park; Danielle Melvin Koonce, University of Maryland; Christin Jacquelyne Salley, University of Maryland, College Park; Sharon Fries-Britt, University of Maryland, College Park; Darryll J. Pines, University of Maryland, College Park
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Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
a fellow engineering Terp. She has been accepted to Johns Hopkins University to begin her studies towards a PhD in Civil Engineering this fall.Dr. Sharon Fries-Britt, University of Maryland, College Park Sharon Fries-Britt is a Professor of Higher Education at the University of Maryland, College Park in the Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education (CHSE). Her research examines the experiences of high achieving Blacks in higher education and underrepresented minorities (URMs) in STEM fields. Dr. Fries-Britt has published widely within peer-reviewed journals and she has served on c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019
Conference Session
Embedded Systems & Cybersecurity for ECE
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
B. Lorena Villarreal, DigiPen Institute of Technology; Jeremy N. Thomas, DigiPen Institute of Technology; Christian Hassard, Digipen Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Engineering in collaboration with the University of Oxford and Isis Enterprise. She has authored many peer-reviewed publications and has taught different courses in advanced robotics, mechatronics, signal analysis, computer environment, embedded systems, digital and electric circuits, and control systems. B. Lorena Villarreal’s research interests include both mobile robotics and artificial intelligence systems. Because technology is constantly changing, she always advocates for research in the use of new technolo- gies. She believes that professors should be able to evolve as well, providing students with up-to-date theoretical background, experience, and practical knowledge, all of which will help them to develop an
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John W. Blake P.E., Austin Peay State University
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
the problem. This focus is appropriate for the specific material ofthe course, but it misses how and why one gets to the point where the course material is needed.It also misses more general aspects of engineering and technology. Courses with project workmove beyond this to some degree, but are unlikely to succeed in covering some facets oftechnological and engineering literacy (TEL).Many approaches have been documented for teaching technological and engineering literacy [4,5]. A search for technological and engineering literacy in the ASEE PEER database in February,2019, resulted in a list of 60 papers from technical sessions of the Technological and EngineeringLiteracy/Philosophy of Engineering (TELPhE) Division alone; 163 are listed for
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emad W. Jassim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Blake Everett Johnson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Manufacturability course (ME 350)was moved to the sophomore year and renumbered as ME 270 to have a required hands-ondesign experience in all four years of the curriculum. Because of the longitudinal nature of thetask, the team also decided to address other identified opportunities in the curriculum, such asimproving technical writing instruction and team skills.As a result, students began to see common graphics for the design process for each course in thesequence. The team began their development of the curriculum by formulating a unified designprocess flowchart for use in all courses. While students in the formative courses may not beexpected to memorize the design process flowchart, by the time they have reached their capstonecourse, they will have
Conference Session
Engineering Professional Development using Robotics Activities
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hye Sun You, NYU Tandon School of Engineering; Sonia Mary Chacko, NYU Tandon School of Engineering; Sheila Borges Rajguru, NYU Tandon School of Engineering; Vikram Kapila, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
phenomena. For each lesson, they select the SEPs that are key to the lesson. 3. Write a learning performance—Teachers write a single statement of a learning performance describing the objective of the lesson while considering the three dimensions together. A learning performance statement has a similar format and structure as a PE. However, unlike a performance expectation, a learning performance focuses only on a portion of a PE, usually a single step in the instructional sequence. 4. Ask the right questions—When writing learning performance statements, the following questions recommended by the NSTA may be helpful for consideration. What prior knowledge is needed to understand the DCIs and what are the