gatheringinformation typically considered “experience”. Such experience is typically associated with thehigher level cognitive tasks, synthesis and evaluation, as defined by Bloom and Krathwohl(1984). When used with many practitioners, the technique can yield a database of diverseexperiences that can be incorporated into course instruction and assignments. Some examples ofdata for which the critical incident technique is well suited to obtain include the following:• The criteria designers use to evaluate competing design options.• The most important factors that designers consider in making a decision about which material(s) to use.In contrast, eliciting knowledge about low- to mid-level cognitive tasks such as comprehension,application, or analysis (Bloom
premature to draw any conclusions.The usage of the program from fall, 2005 may be summarized as in Table 2 below. A total of 33tutoring sessions took place during fall, 2005, with the average tutoring session having a durationof approximately one hour. Page 11.265.7 Table 2. Summary of tutoring program usage from fall, 2005 Student Discipline Gender Year Visits Hours Subject(s) Excel, matrix methods, C pro- 1 EE F Jr 21 19.25 gramming, physics (mechanics) 2 ME M
kurtosis and coefficient of variance (CV) were chosen to characterize howwell uniformity has been achieved. The coefficient of variance is the industry standard formeasuring two-dimensional lighting uniformity. It is defined as s CV = 100 (1) Page 11.201.7 Xwhere s is the standard deviation and X is the mean, and measures the distance from the mean toeach data point relative to the mean. For biological illumination uniformity, UVP has adopted avalue of 7% as acceptable for quantitative work. Kurtosis is based on the size of the distributiontails of a set of data; the smaller the distribution tails, the lower
:// Blum, W., "ICMI Study 14: Applications and Modeling in Mathematics Education – Discussion Document", Educational Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 51, 2002, pp. 149-171.4. Crowther, K., Thomson, D., and Cullingford, C., "Engineering Degree Students Deficient in Mathematical Expertise – Why?", International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, Vol. 28, 1997, pp. 785-792.5. Gravemeijer, K., and Doorman, M. "Context Problems in Realistic Mathematics Education: A Calculus Course as an Example", Educational Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 39, 1999, pp. 111-129.6. Verner, I., and Maor, S., "Integrating Design Problems in Mathematics Curriculum: An Architecture
. Gilbert, H., 1999, Architect – engineer relationships: overlappings and interactions, Architectural Science Review, 42, 107-110.3. Unwin, S., 1997, Analyzing Architecture (London: Routledge).4. Burt, M. (1996). The Periodic Table of The Polyhedral Universe. Haifa: Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.5. Luhur, S., 1999, "Math, logic, and symmetry: construction, architecture and mathematics". Available online at: (accessed 19 December 2005).6. Williams, K., 1998, "Relationships between Architecture and Mathematics". Available online at: http://www.leonet.It/culture/nexus/98/KimWilliamsintro.html (accessed 19 December 2005).7. Gravemeijer, K. and Doormen, M., 1999, "Context Problems in
15 students for each professor. Let S = number of students and P = Page 11.156.7number of professors. As a mathematical expression this statement is Responses (percent) (count)1. S = 15P 72.73% 82. P = 15S 27.27% 33. S*P = 15 0% 0 Totals 100% 113.) Q2. Consider a function f = 2(x^3)y. The partial derivative of f with respect to x is
, we present the following research results todepict a bigger picture, with most data from the U. S. National Science Foundation 7-8: (1) China has placed a much greater emphasis on educating science and technology workers – China now graduates nearly four times as many engineers as the United States, with a stunning number of 219,500 Bachelor of Engineering degrees awarded each year. It ranks number one in the world while the United States ranks only sixth. Page 11.626.8 (2) China sharpens its focus on science and technology development – China sees a 354% increase in academic journal publications from 4,600 articles
Inductance and Mutual Inductance Ideal and Practical Transformer 6. Energy Conversion Principles of DC MachinesSimilar to the situation encountered at most other U. S. universities offering a similar course, thelecture did not provide clear interconnection between the course content and applications in Page 11.731.3different majors. The lack of connectivity is only worsened when there is no laboratorycomponent to provide the students with hands-on experience. 2III. Proposed Approach to the Coordination of ECE3183 and ME37013.1 ME3701 Experimental
and high school girls will provide a greater indicationof the project’s potential.Bibliography1. US Department of Labor website,,last updated: March 2003.2. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) website,, last updated: September 2005.3. Jayaram, U., “Increasing Participation of Women in the Engineering Curriculum,” ASEE/IEEEFrontiers in Engineering Conference, 1997.4. Springer, L., Stanne, M., and Donovan, S., “Effects of small-group learning on undergraduates inscience, mathematics, engineering, and technology: A meta-analysis,” The College Mathematics Journal1999.5. Terenzini, P. T., Cabreta, A. F., Colbeck, C. L., Parente, J. M., and Bjorklund, S
3. lty ts s 8. d er 7. tim e 11 b-i te sin ee d t 5. ina tatu Ai 9 . um en ou
Year Engineers to discuss resumes withan upper-class MENTOR? (N = 107) X Yes (49.5%) X Somewhat (39.3%) X No, not at all (11.2%)Analysis: This represents an opportunity for improvement.Question 5: Do you believe it is helpful for First Year Engineers to discuss degree plans(including interesting courses, instructor choices, opportunities like co-op, etc.) with aMENTOR? (N = 103) X Yes (68.9%) X Somewhat (26.2%) X No, not at all (4.9%)Analysis: These results demonstrate the mentors’ opinion on the importance of degreeplanning.Question 6: Did you discuss anything else with your mentee(s) other than their resumeand/or degree plan? (N = 110) X Yes (50.0%) X No (50.0%)Analysis: Is the cup half full or half empty? Clearly, 50% of
specialcategories will be pointed out to the employment concerned students.The goal of this study is to motivate and lure interested students to enroll in engineering andtechnology majors in order to avoid technical labor shortage crisis that the nation demands anddeserves.IntroductionThe problem of reduced enrollment and the consequent drop of the B. S. degrees since 1985points to a potential shortage of engineers and technologists in the near future causing harm andstagnation to the industry. It is also established that the monumental growth and sweepingchanges in engineering and technology will keep on shaping our society throughout the 21stcentury as we have already entered into economic globalization1. It is the concern of the
very tedious and time consuming). Also, thestudents acquire enhanced problem-solving skills, as they are engaged in, not just using theMathcad software, but also in writing the programming code. Page 11.1234.9Bibliography 1. Das, N.K., “Use of Mathcad in Computing Beam Deflection by Conjugate Beam Method,” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt lake City, Utah 2. Navaee, S., “Utilization of EXCEL in Solving Structural Analysis Problems,” Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville
providing objective analysisand effective solutions that address the challenges facing the public and private sectors aroundthe world,” issued a report in the 1970’s expressing the same concern. Clearly, the chemical industry was aware of the potential impact of terror on plant safetyfor several decades. The next question to be addressed is whether the industry has in placepractices and policies which effectively address the threat. The thesis was proposed that chemicalplants in the United States already follow policies which would minimize the impact of anyattack, and those procedures are a result of environmental concerns; previous accidents; previouslaws and regulations; and inherently safe design principles.18 These assertions were
System Lecture Hall Places for Teaching/ Learning on - Campus Augmented Teaching/Learning t Ta Bla On Liv Mu Mu On Ub ... lk s ckb lin eB ltip ltim lin iqu eP r o
case-based reasoning in the middle-school science classroom: Putting a Learning-by-Designcurriculum into practice. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 12(4), 495-548.7. Martin, M. O., Mullis, I. V. S., Beaton, A. E., Gonzalez, E. J., Smith, T. A., & Kelly, D. L. (1997). Scienceachievement in the primary school years: IEA’s third international mathematics and science study. Chestnut Hill,MA: Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy, Boston College.8. Martin, M. O., Mullis, I. V. S., Gonzalez, E. J., Gregory, K. D., Smith, T. A., Chrostowski, S. J., et al. (2000).TIMSS 1999 international science report: Findings from IEA’s repeat of the third international mathematics andscience study at the eighth grade. Chestnut
early 1970’s, state budget cuts forced the elimination of funding for instructionalequipment and laboratories. Rapid changes in technology, particularly the growing application ofcomputing, presented challenges to maintain quality in the instructional laboratories in theCollege of Engineering. A funding program in the 1980’s helped to revitalize some of the engineering lab facilities;however, many objectives were unfulfilled. The realization of the importance of computertechnologies by industry prompted significant contributions by technology companies. TheIllinois Society of Professional Engineers promoted the establishment of the Illinois EngineeringEquipment Grant Program for the purchase of lab equipment and other resources. The need
com pleted form to: Experiential E ducation Program s Cooperative Education Texas A&M University TAM U 1476 College Station, TX 77843-1476Nam e: Classification: Major:W ork Term Num ber: 1 2 3 4 5 Com pleted during: Fall Spring Sum m er 20Em ployer: Location:SK ILL (Please check appropriate Exceeds Meets N eeds S om e
decision.While traditional mechanisms of evaluation (homework sets, quizzes, and exams) are good fortesting a student’s knowledge and skill in the use of formal methodologies, such as discountedcash flow analysis, performing a breakeven analysis, or choosing the minimum cost solutionbetween two mutually exclusive alternatives, they do not necessarily allow for examining otherrelevant steps in decision-making (problem-solving). In the problem-based learning context, thegoal is not relegated to knowing how to apply a methodology (i.e. execute a breakeven analysis).Rather, the goal is that a student understands how to (1) formulate a problem from incompletedata; (2) determine what parameter(s) are critical; (3) identify and execute the correct analysis(i.e
. Page 11.722.7 0.01 0.005 0 2 m/s -0.005 -0.01 -0.015 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 time seconds Figure 5 Data for Assesment Question Answer Distribution Group 2 30 25frequency 20 15 10
digital pinscan be used for various output modulation schemes (e.g. Pulse-Width Modulation, PWM)and as a logic analyzer; in addition to simple control and monitoring applications.Analog InputAt the heart of the analog input system is a 1MS/s, 12-bit analog-to-digital converter. TheADC is multiplexed to 12 channels, seven of which are available to the user via a screwterminal mounted on the board. Channels 3 through 7 are able to read voltages between 0and positive 2.5V. Channels 1 and 2 are enhanced in order to more closely match acommercial oscilloscope’s input capabilities (though any analog channel can be used inoscilloscope mode). The input range is -10V to +10V on these two channels, which isachieved via a digitally-adjustable front end gain
, particularly women andunder-represented minorities, to the engineering profession.References1 Friedman, T. The World is Flat, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2005. Page 11.1327.62 Friedman, T. “Keeping Us In The Race”, New York Times, October 14, 2005.3 Kimberley, W., “European Vehicle Manufacturers Face Recycling Requirements”Automotive Design & Production. Vol.116: 8; 2004, pg. 20-22.4 Rowh, M. “Inside the Sustainable Office”, Office Solutions, Vol.22:3 May/June 2005, pg. 22-25.5 National Academy of Engineering, “The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century”. The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.2004.6 Powers, S. E
naturwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen. , Mai 2002. Bericht der BLK.2. S. Collmer. Frauenfreundliche Studiengänge in den Technikwissenschaften -Wunsch oder Wirklichkeit? Ergebnisse eines internationalen Forschungsprojektes. in: Interuniversitäre Koordinationstelle für Frauenforschung und Frauenstudien Graz (Hg.): Auf den Spuren der Frauen in der Technologischen Zivilisation. Graz, 2000.3. S. Collmer. Wie Gender in die Technik kommt – Computerkompetenz für Frauen (Talk). , März 2001. Vortrag an der Frauenakademie München.4. Confederation of EU Rectors Conferences and the Association of European Universities (CRE). The
education.Radha Balamuralikrishna, Northern Illinois University DR. RADHA BALAMURALIKRISHNA joined the Department of Technology at NIU in August 1997. His undergraduate degree is in Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding from Cochin University, India. Dr. Bala has worked in a shipyard for three years and has taught engineering design graphics and CAD at the University level for over 10 years. He received his M. S. Eng. from Florida Atlantic University and Ph.D. from Iowa State University. Page 11.126.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 A STUDENT PROJECT EMERGING FROM A TRIPARTITE
teams that differ in gender composition. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Session 2630.16. Hirsch, P., Anderson, J., Colgate, J.E., Lake, J., Shwom, B. and Yarnoff, C. (2002). Enriching freshman design through collaboration with professional designers. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Session 1353.17. Design Projects,, viewed on July 6th, 2004.18. Sheppard, S., Jenison, R. (1997). Freshman engineering design experiences: An organization framework. International Journal of Engineering Education, 13(3), p 190-197.19. Amon, C.H., Finger, S., Siewiorek, D.P., and Smailagic, A. (1995). Integration of design education, research, practice at
andWi-Fi systems have to overcome to provide acceptable service, even in more or less benignenvironments.Finally, it is important to note that the I and Q signals can be captured and stored through minormodifications to the LabView VI’s. An instructive exercise is to have the students demodulate areal-world signal using Matlab. For example, suppose an FM signal is captured and stored in aMatlab vector “s” such that the in-phase and quadrature components are represented as the realand imaginary parts. We can extract the signal envelope as “envelope = abs(s)” and theinstantaneous phase as “theta = angle(s)”. Since the FM phase is the integral of the messagesignal, the message signal can be extracted by differentiating the phase using “m = diff
, student feedback appears to be very positive.AcknowledgementThis work is supported by NSF through grant # 0343154.References1. Timoshenko, S., Strength of Materials, New York, Van Nostrand (1955).2. Beer, F. P. Beer, Johnston, E. R., Jr., and DeWolf, J.T., Mechanics of materials, 4th edition, McGraw-hill (2005).3. Hibbeler, R.C., Mechanics of materials, 6th edition, Prentice-Hall (2004).4. Blackwell, G.R. “Direct Chip Attach” in The Electronic Packaging Handbook, Ed. Blackwell, G.R., Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC (2000).5. L. B. Freund, L.B., Suresh S., Thin Film Materials : Stress, Defect Formation and Surface Evolution, Cambridge University Press (2004).6. Brain, M., How Thermometers Work,
of changes always keeping in mindcustomer satisfaction. Reduction of defect level and accuracy in production are terms that defineSix Sigma. While people, rather than computers, are the ones who seek for constant innovation andimprovement, executives should be educated and trained. A course in Six Sigma is the base forfuture success in operations. Page 11.508.17 BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Alukal, G., (n.d.), Create a Lean Mean Machine, Retrieved on December 6th 2005 from Anupindi, R., Chopra, S., Deshmukh, S.D., Van Mieghen, J.A. &
placed on the far side of the simulated Public Switched Network (PSN).Among the many tasks, it is used to simulate congestion on the PSN by transferring largeamounts of data back and forth across the PSN.Figure 1 shows the general schematic of CNL. The laboratory houses the 24 computers thatconstitute the 24-node rack-mounted Beowulf as a central component of B-CEIL. Networkdevices are required to simulate a real-world PSN. This consists of a pair of T1-to-V.35 devicesto simulate a leased line8, a pair of DACs to aggregate or cross-connect different channels ofT1's, a pair of routers to provide WAN-to-LAN connectivity at each end of the leased line, andVoIP units on each end to simulate real-world voice grade channels. The Beowulf nodes andother
? Not at All Only a Little Some A Great DealKnowledge-Centered 1 2 3 4Learner-Centered 1 2 3 4Assessment-Centered 1 2 3 4Community-Centered 1 2 3 4Organization 1 2 3 4Comment(s)___________________________________________________________________ Page 11.1422.4