=XGtable&output_vie w=data&include_graphs=true. Retrieved February 28, 2023.5. BLS me outlook website. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/architecture-and- engineering/mechanical-engineers.htm. Retrieved February 28, 2023.6. “LinkedIn article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LinkedIn. Retrieved February 28, 2023.7. [Marklines] https://www.marklines.com/en/global/usa. Retrieved February 28, 2023.8. [SDSMT career fair] https://www.sdsmt.edu/CareerFair/9. Atman, C. J., Sheppard, S. D., Turns, J., Adams R. S, Fleming, L. N., Stevens, R., Streveler, R. A., Smith, K. A., Miller, R. L., Leifer, L. J., Yasuhara, K., and Lund, D.. Enabling Engineering Student Success: The Final Report for the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education
Paper ID #36644Which is more Equitable: Hands-on Labs, Virtual Labs, or No Lab at All?Dr. Charles D Newhouse P.E., Virginia Military Institute Charles D. ”Chuck” Newhouse received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech after working nine years as a consulting structural engineer for MMM Design Group in Norfolk, Virginia. He spent three years teaching at Texas Tech University before joining the faculty at the Virginia Military Institute in 2008 where he is now the Charles S. Luck, Jr. ’20 Institute Professor in Engineering. He is also currently serving as the department head of the Civil and Environmental
what modifications are required, through end-of-course/workshop surveysand evaluations. For each of these surveys and evaluations, a standard rubric was prepared andprovided to the participants with consultation with the EAC members to properly reflect theproject activity objectives. These formative and summative measures are listed in Table 2. Table 2. Evaluation plan including formative (F) and summative (S) measures. Activity Description Evaluation Measure Continuous consultation and feedback from (i) New course and laboratory External Advisory Committee (F & S); Early and end-of-term
will be available to answer questions and offer guidance to attendees. • Goal: The goal of this session is to provide female minority students in the bachelor STEM degree programs with the opportunity to connect with junior and senior female minority students in the same program and gain valuable insights and confidence from their experiences. Peer-led activities have been shown to create a sense of community and increase retention of minority students [18]. Building a supportive network can enhance the academic success of these students.The findings from these initiatives will be reported at a future ASEE conference.Work Cited[1] C. Botella, S. Rueda, E. López-Iñesta, and P. Marzal. "Gender diversity in STEM
oflearners. This involves uncovering implicit biases in our own training as engineering educatorsthat favor one set of learners6.Documenting the continuing race, ethnicity, and gender-based achievement gaps in science &engineering (S&E), the National Science Foundation concludes, “Maintaining the preeminenceof U.S. S&E higher education, while serving Americans of all backgrounds, represents acontinuing aspiration.”7 Data collected by the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rightson access to Mathematics and Sciences courses in high schools across the nation indicatessignificant demographic-based gaps.8 “Nationwide, 78% of high schools offer algebra 2, 48% offer calculus, 72% offer chemistry, and 60% offer physics (Table
me because I am too… Blond? [S Contractions o you are breaking up with me because I am too…✨Neurodive rgent✨] Remove So you are breaking up with me because I am too Blond So y Punctuation and ou are breaking up with me because I am too Neurodivergent Symbols Convert to Lower so you are breaking up with me because i am too blond so y Case ou are breaking up with me because i am too neurodivergent Remove breaking blond breaking neurodivergent Stopwords Lemmatize break blond break neurodivergent Tokenize WordList(['break', 'blond', 'break', 'neurodivergent'])5.4.3. Describing the CorpusPrior to training the LDA model, we first explored the contents of
viewtransfer students through a variety of accumulated capital in an assets-based perspective. It alsohas the ability to illuminate new more accessible and diverse pathways into STEM andengineering baccalaureate education and fields of practice.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.EEC 2144213. References[1] F. Laanan, S. Starobin, and L. Eggleston, “Adjustment of community college students at a four-year university: Role and relevance of transfer student capital for student retention,” J Coll Stud Ret, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 175–209, Jan. 2010, doi: 10.2190/CS.12.2.d.[2] The College Board, “Improving student transfer from
experience. He includedmechanisms for both rote learning and generalization and eventually his machine won one game against aformer Connecticut checkers champion.An important aspect of intelligence is the ability to reason logically, and it has always been a major focusof AI development. In 1955-56, Allen Newell and Herbert Simon wrote a “theorem-proving program”that portrayed the reasoning aspect of AI. At some point, a proof written by the theorem-proving programwas more elegant than the proof given in the books. In 1969, man landed on the moon surface because of the calculations made by series of computers thatwere used in the space programs. In the year 1997, IBM 's Deep Blue computer made history when itbecame the first digital computer to win
skills in the following areasare needed to effectively manage construction projects: teamwork, leadership, communication,conflict management, motivation, and trust building [10] [16].Some of these soft skills are correlated with personality traits in past studies. Using the Big Fivepersonality assessment model, [7] discovered that project managers that had the openness toexperience and conscientiousness traits possess the inborn abilities to be good leaders, do not onlydemonstrate concern for projects but would take corresponding actions to ensure project goals areachieved. [13]’s study compared the personality traits of construction workers using the HEXACOPersonality Model. The study found that field leaders had lower inquisitiveness than
: www.annualreviews.org[3] R. W. Lent, S. D. Brown, and G. Hackett, “Toward a Unifying Social Cognitive Theory of Career and Academic Interest, Choice, and Performance,” J Vocat Behav, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 79–122, Aug. 1994, doi: 10.1006/JVBE.1994.1027.[4] C. Carrico, H. Matusovich, and M. C. Paretti, “A Qualitative Analysis of Career Choice Pathways of College-Oriented Rural Central Appalachian High School Students:,” J Career Dev, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 94–111, Aug. 2019, doi: 10.1177/0894845317725603.[5] H. Matusovich, R. A. Streveler, and R. L. Miller, “Why do students choose engineering? A qualitative, longitudinal investigation of students’ motivational values,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 289–303
engineering educators to research more holisticstudent networks than previously studied. Results of these future studies may yield moregeneralizable and accurate conclusions about which social practices help students succeed.Acknowledgements This material is based upon work supported by the second author's National ScienceFoundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. DGE1745048. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. References[1] A. Kozulin, Vygotsky’s Psychology: A biography of ideas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990.[2
choose the grading option before the end of the semester at a specific deadline: 04/28/2020, 11/06/2020, or 04/30/2021. All deadlines, even in Spring 21, were before Final Exams.Description of SurveyOur study participants (second, third-, and fourth-year students who had taken at least one APMA course)completed a ~50-question online survey [1] early in Spring 22 semester about their experiences in APMAcourse(s) from Spring 20 to Spring 21 semesters. Survey questions were related to demographic data,motivation, technological tools/ applications used, office hours, help sessions, quizzes/tests in an onlinesetting, grading options, and questions comparing APMA courses with major-related core courses.Analysis Methods, Results, and
increasing student performance but also help the students tobecome self-directed learners which is essential for them to become lifelong learners.6References[1] G. Fellner-Röhling, K. Hromek, J. Kleinknecht, and S. Ludwig, "How to counteract biased self-assessments? An experimental investigation of reactions to social information," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 206, pp. 1-25, 2023/02/01/ 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2022.12.002.[2] R. Sharma, A. Jain, N. Gupta, S. Garg, M. Batta, and S. Dhir, "Impact of self-assessment by students on their learning," International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research, vol. 6, p. 226, 07/01 2016, doi: 10.4103/2229-516X.186961.[3] G
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impossible, but thanks to allthe support and direction from the LSAMP program and MARC U* Star program, I feelconfident applying to graduate school! Watch out world, future Dr. . . . is coming for ya!” - FinalJournal EntryCritical self-reflection is a pedagogical tool that can benefit staff and undergraduate researchers.Through reflection, undergraduate researchers can compose and express their thoughts andfeelings about their experience while acknowledging potential areas of improvement and theirdedication to their overall academic and professional goals.References[1] F. A. Herrera, S. Hurtado, G. A. Garcia, and J. Gasiewski, “A model for redefining STEMidentity for talented STEM graduate students,” American Educational Research AssociationAnnual
% 4.36% 2 or More 3.09% 3.26% 3.05% (n=150) Native Amr 0% 0.09% 0.14% (n=4) Hawaiian(n=0) 0% 0% 0% Table 1. Demographic classification of the data of 4796 studentsStatistical method S Statistical software SPSS version 24 was used to analyze the data. First, generativedescriptive statistics are used to develop a preliminary understanding of the data. Second, A One-Way ANOVA analysis is conducted. To ascertain whether there are any statistically significantdifferences between the means of three or more independent (unrelated) groups, the one
will help to enhanceprogram visibility.References[1] R. L. Layton et al., “Career planning courses increase career readiness of graduate and postdoctoral trainees,” F1000Res, vol. 9, p. 1230, Feb. 2022, doi: 10.12688/f1000research.26025.2.[2] J. M. Blaney, A. M. Wofford, S. Jeong, J. Kang, and D. F. Feldon, “Autonomy and Privilege in Doctoral Education: An Analysis of STEM Students’ Academic and Professional Trajectories,” The Journal of Higher Education, vol. 93, no. 7, pp. 1037–1063, Nov. 2022, doi: 10.1080/00221546.2022.2082761.[3] H. Xu, R. S. T. Gilliam, S. D. Peddada, G. M. Buchold, and T. R. L. Collins, “Visualizing detailed postdoctoral employment trends using a new career outcome taxonomy,” Nat Biotechnol, vol. 36
more sophisticated searchers.References[1] CJ Anderson, M Glassman, RB McAfee, and T Pinelli. (2001) An Investigation of factorsaffecting how engineers and scientists seek information. Journal of Engineering and TechnologyManagement. 18: 131-155. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0923-4748(01)00032-7[2] C Tenopir and DW King. Chapter 5 Information Seeking and Use. Communication Patternsof Engineers. (2004) Wiley-IEEE Press. ISBN 0-471-48492-X s[3] P Pirolli and S Card. (1999) Information Foraging. Psychological Review. 106 (4): 643-675.https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/0033-295X.106.4.643
-course student feedback, of the few students who commentedon the use of PROCESS, some found it beneficial and enjoyed using it, while others felt that itwas a waste of time, especially on exams. We hope that these concerns from students can beminimized by spending some additional time at the beginning of the course explaining tostudents that documentation of work is critical in engineering, not only having the correctanswer.Figure 1. (Top) A blank exam question that requires students to follow the PROCESS format.(Bottom) The solution to the question including all the required steps in the PROCESS format.[1] S. J. Grigg and L. C. Benson, “A Coding Scheme for Analysing Problem-Solving Processes of First-Year Engineering Students,” European
educational psychology, vol. 77, pp. 15-46, 1996.[5] J. S. Brown, A. Collins, and P. Duguid, “Situated cognition and the culture of learning,” Educational Researcher, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 32-42, 1989.[6] J. Lave and E. Wenger, Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1991.[7] R. T. Putnam and H. Borko, ‘What do new views of knowledge and thinking have to say about research on teacher learning?,” Educational researcher, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 4-15, 2000.[8] S. Semken, “Sense of place and place-based introductory geoscience teaching for American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduates,” Journal of Geoscience Education, vol. 53, pp. 149-157, 2005.[9] L. M
)References 1. Connor K, Kelly J, Scott C, Chouikha M, Newman D, Gullie K, Ndoye M, Dabipi I, Graves C, Zhang L, Osareh A, Albin S, Geddis D, Andrei P, Lacy F, Majlesein H, Eldek A, Attia J, Astatke Y, Yang S, Jiang L, Oni B, Zein-Sabatto S “Experiment Centric Pedagogy – Improving the HBCU Engineering Student Learning Experience,” ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, June 2018, USA. 2. Connor K, Scott C, Korte R, Sullivan B, Velez-Reyes M “Mini-Workshop Series for Minority Serving Institutions with ECE Programs,” ASEE Virtual Conference 2021 3. Connor K, Scott C, Chouikha M, Leigh-Mack P, Sullivan B, Kelly J, Goodnick S, Smith M, Klein M, Abraham S, Oni B, Ososanya E, Eldek A, Yang S, Erives H, Joslyn C
resources: funding and team A Organizing course notes (if available) A S: studentPlanning collaborators Consultation with open education S A librarians Defining the scope and audience A L: open Selecting open license, open platform S L A education and book style librarians Creating book style guide A L
Paper ID #37262Board 273: Engineering PLUS (Partnerships Launching UnderrepresentedStudents) - Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES National AllianceDr. Karl W Reid, Northeastern University Karl Reid, Senior Vice Provost and Chief Inclusion Officer, Professor of the Practice at Northeastern UniversityMrs. Claire Duggan, Northeastern University Claire Duggan is currently the Executive Director for The Center for STEM Education at Northeastern University and Co-Principal Investigator for The Engineering PLUS Alliance. She is also current the Co-Principal Investigator for the REU site, REU Pathways and the S-STEM initiative, S-POWER.Dr
these participants. We will also enhanceour recruiting strategies and assess what prevents students from volunteering. We will continueto expand our data size and we will continue to collaborate with more local community partnersand student organizations within Wright College to organize volunteering opportunities. Withmore activities and larger data size, we will compare the impact of all terms on the STEMidentity and STEM efficacy of volunteers.V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.DUE-1832553. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience
, F. Aqlan, J. Brockman, D. Lapsley, and K. L. Meyers, "Building andReplicating a Community-Engaged Educational Ecosystem - a STEM Learning Commons,"presented at the National Science Foundation Improving Stem Undergraduate EducationSummit, Washington, D.C, June 1-3 2022, 2022.[10] D. Wood, A. Gura, and J. Brockman, "Critical Findings in the Development of theCommunity-Engaged Educational Ecosystem," in American Society for Engineering Educationproceedings: ASEE, 2020.[11] D. Wood, A. Gura, J. Brockman, A. Rayna Carolan-Silva, S. Boukdad, and J. C. Alarcon,"Informing Replication of the Bowman Creek Educational Ecosystem Pilot," in American Societyfor Engineering Education proceedings, A. Genau Ed.: ASEE, 2019.[12] D. Wood, A. Gura, J
Science and Engineering Road Show mobile lab and creates programs for local youth to educate and entertain with hands-on projects to challenge students’ math and science skills.Tala Katbeh, Texas A&M University at Qatar Tala Katbeh is a STEM Instructor and Program Coordinator at Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ) where she applies her enthusiasm for engineering to create curricula and engineering courses for school students. Katbeh is currently also pursuing her PhD at Texas A&M University, having graduated from TAMUQ with a BSc and MSc both in chemical engineering.Prof. Hassan Said Bazzi, Texas A&M University at Qatar Dr. Hassan S. Bazzi is the senior associate dean for research and advancement and
begins to investigate different first-year engineering (FYE) programmethods and teaching pedagogies to apply to an introduction to engineering technology course ata regional campus that has a 47% first-generation college student demographic. The overall goalof this study is to turn an introduction to engineering technology course into a first-yearengineering technology (FYET) program. A first-year program is being described as acurriculum that requires a majority of the students to take the same college specific course(s)within the first year of their college career regardless of what their major is.Literature ReviewFYE programs are common in engineering schools across the United States with a large portionof universities restructuring their
, concerns related to security continue to grow.Since the early 2000’s, the number of cyberattacks against deployed software systems has significantlygrown. In 2014, recognizing this concern, a modification to the ABET EAC program accreditation criteriafor software engineering was made, explicitly requiring topical coverage of security for accreditedprograms. Since taking effect in 2016, all programs in software engineering have been required todemonstrate appropriate coverage of the topic as part of the accreditation process. While the criteriarequires that the topic of security be covered, the implementation has been left open to individualprograms.This article serves two purposes. First and foremost, it provides an updated status on the
,frequent feedback and regular interactions between students and teachers [4]. Assessment andfeedback are crucial components in teaching and learning in engineering education [5]. Therefore,the impact of assessments on students can be significantly influenced by the quality of feedbackthey receive.Feedback serves various purposes including notifying students about their current performance,their achievement of course objectives, and bridging the gap between students’ currentperformance and desired performance [6]. Furthermore, good feedback practices encourage self-assessment, provides clarification on what is good performance, motivates and fosters self-esteemand informs the instructor’s teaching [7].According to Subheesh, N. P., & Satya, S. S