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Displaying results 421 - 450 of 1055 in total
Conference Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University; Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University
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Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
who have decided topursue a computer science and engineering education.Retention of computer science and engineering students is a major problem at many institutionsof higher education. Retention issues have a big impact on the colleges and universities in avariety of areas such as academic affairs, student services, and even recruitment of newengineering students. Nowadays, graduation rates are published and lower rates reflect poorlyon an institution of higher education. Because of these reasons and more, colleges anduniversities have turned their attentions to finding new ways to retain the students that do enrollin their computer science and engineering programs.In order to increase the retention rate of our Computer Science, Computer
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ben D. Radhakrishnan, National University; Jodi Reeves, National University; Jeremiah Jack Ninteman, National University; Charles Hahm
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
counting instruments shown in Figure2. The device uses sensors running across the roadway to count the number of vehicles that passover that given section. Figure 2 California Traffic Counting DeviceThe annual average daily traffic, or AADT, is the average count based on the number of daysdata was collected. The counts only reflect weekday counts, and collections are not made onmajor federal holidays.[7] Peak hour counts reflect the average maximum hourly counts of thegiven routes. In the San Diego metro areas, these peak times are between the hours of 7:00amand 9:00am and 5:00pm and 7:00pm.Predictive ModelingBefore data visualization, the automobile traffic data needs to be converted to greenhouse gasvolumes and used
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca A Atadero, Colorado State University; Christina Paguyo, Colorado State University; Karen E Rambo-Hernandez, West Virginia University; Heather Lysbeth Henderson, West Virginia University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
, but never before did the panels havethis specific structure or the targeted questions. She was very pleased with the questions and thetypes of specific information the questions elicited from the panel. In the ENGR 101 class,students received a follow-up reflection assignment intended to promote the sense-makingprocess in student engineering identity development. The assignment was composed of thefollowing questions: 1. Based on what you learned from the panel, what do undergraduate students need to know and do to become good engineers? Which of these things are already areas of strength for you? 2. What kinds of qualities or skills do you want to strengthen while you are in school to help you become an engineer? 3. What
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 2B: Strategies for Writing and Communication Courses
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole Lynn Larson, University of Calgary; Genevieve Hoffart, University of Calgary; Tom O'Neill, University of Calgary; Marjan Eggermont, University of Calgary; William Daniel Rosehart P.Eng., University of Calgary
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
importance of considering team composition variables when grouping students into projectteams. Second, it calls attention to the temporal nature of exploratory and exploitative learningactivities. Third, it suggests future research is needed to examine the implication of theselearning activities on outcomes other than innovation (e.g., individual learning, project grades,team potency).IntroductionEngineering educators implement team-based project work expecting it will lead to interpersonalskill development, knowledge sharing, information dissemination, and individual and teamlearning. Unfortunately, practice has outpaced research, reflected in a lack of studies on teamlearning processes1, and a call for more research on team-level learning
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Effects on Student Learning
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tela Favaloro, University of California, Santa Cruz; Tamara Ball, University of California, Santa Cruz; Zachary W Graham, University of California, Santa Cruz; Michael S. Isaacson, University of California, Santa Cruz
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
was always available whenever a break was neededfrom the main project or if an intern wanted to work on their soldering skills.Methodology: Assessment of Innovation as a ProcessWe assessed the overall impact of the internship as a learning intervention to supportmultidisciplinary group participation in innovation and individual learning achievements byapplying three different instruments: a) an exit survey focused on relationships betweenemergent group-dynamics and evidence of innovation-in-practice b) regular “audio-diary”journal entries recorded by participants in response to a weekly repeating prompt c) focus groupexit interviews that prompted participants to not only reflect on what they had gained from theexperience but challenged them
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division Poster Session: Works in Progress
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bradley Bowen, North Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
your students engage in the following learning activities?  Defining a problem when given probable scenarios  Brainstorming  Exploring multiple solutions to a problem  Evaluating criteria or constraints to a problem  Designing models or prototypes  Building physical models or prototypes  Testing possible solutions to a problem  Communicating solutions to a problem in written format  Communicating solutions to a problem in oral format  Communicating solutions to a problem by formal presentation  Reflecting in a notebook or journal  Developing a design portfolio  Critiquing their own work  Critiquing other students' work  Reworking solutions based on self or peer evaluation  Listening to
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Fundamental; K-12 Students & Engineering Division: Fundamental; K-12 Students & Engineering Design Practices: Best Paper Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chelsea Joy Andrews, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
groups are not synced, so times do not line up with each otherperfectly (up to 5-minute offsets are likely). The bottom group, Julian and Alex, only have sixcoded turns; this group was difficult to hear on the camera because they spoke very softly,answered many facilitator questions with “I don’t know,” and spent much of the task time offtask building “launchers.” Even so, they had the most successful designs of any group (threeunique designs, one was tested twice).Note that ideas, factors, and designs are related but distinct. While ideas are often reflected indesigns, designs include a multitude of ideas of varying scale, many of which are not explicitlyexpressed. Ideas may or may not be expressed as factors about a design or the test related
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Firdous Saleheen, Temple University; ZIcong Wang, Temple University; William Moser, Temple University; Vira Oleksyuk, Temple University; Joseph Picone, Temple University; Chang-Hee Won, Temple University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
encouraging and showed the benefits of VOLTA. Theeffectiveness assessment showed VOLTA students performed better thanthose of traditional lab students in eleven pairs of similar tests. VOLTA students were taught in asimilar way as the traditional lab students, except without any handouts. Outside the lab,VOLTA students obtained help from VOLTA any time and from TAs during office hours. Thetraditional lab students got help from TAs only. VOLTA students received a greater amount ofhelp compared to the traditional students, which was reflected in the effectiveness analysis.The Spring 2015 version of VOLTA achieved p < 0.001, which was much better than the Fall2014 version.The Spring 2015 version of VOLTA had one new feature “Hardware Help”, which
Conference Session
Computing & Information Technology Division Technical Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mayari I. Serrano, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Alejandra J. Magana, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Baijian Yang, Purdue University
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Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
engage students inlearning and allow translation from conceptual knowledge to practice. We propose to use Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs) to develop students’ representational fluency in the cybersecuritydomain. MEAs are activities that intent to simulate real-word client-driven scenarios. And thesuccess of these MEA activities rely on teamwork and the students’ abilities to apply concepts.Properly constructed and implemented MEAs can increase the use of: (1) student reflection toolsin assessments, and (2) learning technologies. MEAs require students to iteratively build, test andrefine their knowledge by encouraging students to build different forms of representations andconnect and translate among them [3]. These activities focus on
Conference Session
Works in Progress: Facilitating Student Success and Inclusion
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie P. Martin, Clemson University; Samuel S. Newton, Clemson University
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
currently included in the CCW framework, such as spiritual capital. Thus,we believe that our work has the potential to extend these frameworks.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), undergrant number 1463808. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin these findings are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References1. Frehill LM. The Gendered Construction of the Engineering Profession in the United States, 1893-1920. Men Masc. 2004;6(4):383-403. doi:10.1177/1097184X03260963.2. Pawley AL. What counts as “engineering”: Towards a redefinition. In: Pawley AL, Riley DM, eds. Engineering and Social Justice: In
Conference Session
Social Responsibility and Social Justice I: Pedagogical Perspectives
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Devin R. Berg, University of Wisconsin, Stout; Tina Lee, University of Wisconsin, Stout
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
stand behind morals and ethics (n=2) • You must take into consideration all who might be effected by your work (n=2)From these responses we can see that some students were less influenced by the course when itcame to changing their outlook. It is unclear whether the lack of influence reflects that somestudents came into the course already sharing the viewpoint presented and their views did notchange for that reason or whether some inherently disagreed with the notions communicated inthis course and the course did not change their minds. These results may also indicate that greaterrepetition of these messages is necessary before the ideas take hold and they begin to mold moreclosely held beliefs such as their world views. Some examples of
Conference Session
Student Success III: Affect and Attitudes
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cole H. Joslyn, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Morgan M. Hynes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, promotingracial understanding, and helping others in need) are more associated with personality traits. A T-test did not confirm that any of the changes were statistically significant. Possiblereasons may be attributed to: we were unable to match the results of individual participants fromtime 1 to time 2—all responses were anonymous and we did not include a way to match time 1and time 2 responses for each participant; the sample size at time 1 (n = 84) was noticeablysmaller than the sample size at time 2 (n = 115); the time between surveys was only 3 weeks;apart from requiring field observations and testing prototypes with actual children, no otherinterventions were made to promote self-awareness or social-awareness (e.g. critical reflection
Conference Session
The Philosophy of Engineering and Technological Literacy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Krupczak Jr, National Science Foundation; Mani Mina, Iowa State University; Kate A Disney, Mission College
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
engineer- ing philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Initial Results in Developing an Engineering Reasoning Assessment for General EducationDespite the importance of technology to our well-being and the significance of engineeringprinciples to economic prosperity, limited work has been done measuring the degree to whichundergraduate students possess a broad understanding of the principles, products, and processesof technology. While assessments of learning gains within courses that form part of anengineering major have been developed under ABET
Conference Session
UAV and other Team Projects in Aerospace Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter J. Schubert, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
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Tagged Divisions
numbers were really so huge, I offered him a story, referencing the film The Matrix, and the overarching goal of our work to save the planet with clean energy. “Remember what the Oracle said to Nemo,” I began, then spoke to him directly: “You’re not The One, kid. Sorry.” He quipped, respectfully and with a lop-sided grin: “But he was The One.” Everybody on the team chuckled. It was a turning point for this student, and his progress accelerated after that and concluded with rock-solid engineering work.Almost every student had some level of anxiety which is reflected in the results of a surveyconducted 6 months after the conclusion of their internship. It is clear that the students did notfully appreciate that
Conference Session
Research Methods II: Meeting the Challenges of Engineering Education Research
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reed Stevens, Northwestern University; Alexandra Vinson, Northwestern University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
that were (at the time of this paper) informally committed. These experienceshave led us to carefully document and reflect on our recruitment experiences and in what followswe present data and analysis of these experiences. In turn, we speculate about the broadercontext that may be generating the unusual difficulties we have faced in securing fieldworkparticipation.Encountering difficulties in mediated recruitmentIn the first phase of research, we employed a direct recruitment strategy, which involved aresearcher directly contacting potential study participants (i.e. new engineers) and asking them tobe involved. While this process yielded eight engineers who consented to be part of the study,none ultimately were enrolled in the study because
Conference Session
Ethics Instruction in Context: Civil and Construction Engineering and Engineering Technology
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Colin M. Gray, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Luciana Debs, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Marisa Exter, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Terri S. Krause, Purdue University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
from variousethnicities and cultural backgrounds also reflects my very shelteredness in this corner ofcampus. I don’t...there are no international students who take theater. So I don’t engage in thosestudents very often here on campus. So I think we can’t necessarily put that on the studentseither.” He continued, noting that the students did a reasonable amount of research, but that the“biggest barrier for them right now would be for those people to actually test those things.”This theme was strongly reinforced when a cross-cultural group of panelists were invited toattend and critique the students’ final presentations. Panelists remarked several times that theyknew people from the targeted regions on campus, and wondered why none of the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Naima Kaabouch, University of North Dakota; Deborah Worley, University of North Dakota; Matthew Cavalli, University of North Dakota; Nuri Oncel, University of North Dakota
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
approachencourages collaborative and multidisciplinary learning for the students and helps them acquirethe knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the global market and to contribute to the NSNTfield in an environment that is reflective of today’s workplace.II CoursesFor this project, the collaborators developed and offered two NSNT courses that satisfy electiverequirements for mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineering Bachelor of Science (BS)degrees as well as for chemistry and physics BS degrees. The first course, “Nanoengineering andNanoscience” (cross-listed course numbers: CHEM 431; EE490; ME490; PHYS492) was offeredduring Fall 2015. It covered the fundamentals of nanoscience and nanoparticles based on theirphysical and electronic
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lesley Strawderman, Mississippi State University; Shuchisnigdha Deb, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
time helping to fill a community need. Service-learning combinescommunity engagement, critical reflection, reciprocity, and public dissemination in an effort tocreate effective partnerships2-3.Studies have shown that service-learning is a high-impact practice that increase student effort ina course through the process of solving real-world problems4-6. The application of service-learning to the classroom allows for students to participate in “active, challenging, learningexperiences, experience diversity, interact with faculty and peers about substantive matters,receive more frequent feedback, and discover the relevance of their learning through real-worldexperiences.”2 Additional benefits of service-learning have been found related to
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session I Study Abroad Programs
2016 ASEE International Forum
Fabiola P Ehlers-Zavala, Colorado State University; Anthony A. Maciejewski, Colorado State University
Tagged Topics
International Forum
resistance thatwould become evident shortly after the inception of INTO CSU. Unfortunately, this initialsentiment continued to exist in varying degrees among many departments at CSU for severalyears. In the following paragraphs, we describe the journey of ECE in this new context.The ECE journey relative to INTO CSU. In analyzing and reflecting back on the journey of theECE department since INTO CSU came to be, it is possible to identify the following four stages: 1) Resistance 2) Awakening 3) Collaboration 4) InnovationFigure 1. Sample Standard PW for Engineering—UndergraduateFigure 2. Sample Graduate PW in ECE (old version 2012-2015)The stage of resistance. As it should have been predicted, in any organization (big or small)when
Conference Session
The Intersection of Higher Ed and Industry
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nikitha Sambamurthy, Purdue University - West Lafayette; Monica Farmer Cox, Purdue University - West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
prerequisite for validity, refers to the consistency of assessmentscores; validity refers to the degree to which interpretations of scoring are correct andappropriate [12]. Moskal and Leydens [12] describe three types of evidence to support the validity of arubric: content, construct, and criterion-related evidence. Content-related evidence refers to howmuch a student’s assessment response reflects the student’s knowledge of the content area.Construct-related evidence refers to a student’s reasoning process for performing a task orsolving a problem. Criterion-related evidence refers to the extent the results of an assessmentcorrelate with current or future events. Criterion-related evidence are commonly found inengineering courses where classes
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Pedagogy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashley Bernal, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Scott Kirkpatrick, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Anneliese Watt, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
device,such as the government. Also, features were accidentally included such as lifespan which shouldbe captured in the stakeholder/feature model, whereas things that reduce the lifespan could havebeen included. An example would be wild animals that accidentally step on the device due to itsuse in the Savannah or birds that defecate on the device, reducing its reflective properties,ultimately diminishing its capability of purifying water. Students also had difficulty with thedirectionality of various interactions. Next, we had the students develop the logical architecture.It seemed fairly obvious to us that the domain model that was developed would influence theinternal components that comprise the logical architecture; however, the students
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saniya Leblanc, The George Washington University; Steffi A Renninger, George Washington University; Ekundayo Shittu, George Washington University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
colleagues. There is a nice balance between realizing that we are students early in our undergraduate career, in the mini-lectures, and fully capable colleagues in the EBL training or researcher seminars… this program provides a hands-on and personal experience unlike a lot of other opportunities. I like that were running our own projects yet we have a professor or graduate student to refer to.There may be a need for more scaffolding related to experiment and research methodology. Thestudents’ lack of experience led to apprehension and anxiety during the research project in spiteof the advising and mentoring resources as expressed by multiple fellows’ reflections: …my least favorite part of the program has been
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
George Tremberger; Vazgen Shekoyan; Sunil Dehipawala; Rex Taibu; David Lieberman; Tak Cheung
affective learning, the inclusion ofthe relationships of physics, technology and society has been found to be welcomed by students.The affective learning would reinforce cognitive learning of the course objectives, supportentrepreneurial- minded learning as advocated by the KEEN Foundation 28, reduceprocrastination as reflected in their submission promptness, and improve academic creativity asreflected in the writing assignments. The design of a smart heater device that can detect linevoltage fluctuation due to another heater on-switch flipping and then would shut off to avoid ahouse fire is a service to society in the context of entrepreneurial- minded learning. Theentrepreneurial- minded creativity of having new designs for the needs of society
Conference Session
Influencing the Next (Third!) Edition of the Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allen C Estes, California Polytechnic State University; Thomas A. Lenox , Dist.M.ASCE, F.ASEE, American Society of Civil Engineers; Kenneth J. Fridley, University of Alabama; Richard O. Anderson P.E., Somat Engineering, Inc.
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
. He is a consulting geotechnical engineer in Michigan. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Accreditation Insights and the Next Body of KnowledgeAbstractThe American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) organized the Civil Engineering ProgramCriteria Task Committee (CEPCTC) in October 2012. The CEPCTC charge was to determine ifthe current ABET Civil Engineering Program Criteria (CEPC) should be changed to reflect one ormore of the 24 outcomes of the second edition of the Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge. Aftertwo years of work, a proposed CEPC was approved by the relevant ASCE committees andforwarded to ABET for approval and incorporation into accreditation criteria. Two previous
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 2A: Using Alternative Measurements to Look at Students and Their Success
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Schar, Stanford University; Angela Harris, Stanford University; Robert J. Witt, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Robert Rice, University of California - Merced; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
(mechanical, civil, aero/astro, for example) so eventhough many of the students are chronologically second year students they experience “firstyear” dynamics.A “large class” is usually defined by the institution offering the class. For example, in a stateuniversity a “large class” could be 300 to 500 students, while in a smaller, private institution itcould be 30 to 50 students. Certainly, classroom dynamics will be different between the 500students and 50 student classroom if only reflected in the size of the classroom space. Theimportant point is that Introduction to Solid Mechanics or Statics will be one of the largerclassroom experiences for entry-level engineering students at the location where they areenrolled. In this research, classroom sizes
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 3; The Best of All the FPD Papers
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan F. Freeman, Northeastern University; Courtney Pfluger, Northeastern University; Richard Whalen, Northeastern University; Kathryn Schulte Grahame, Northeastern University; Joshua L. Hertz, Northeastern University; Chirag Variawa, Northeastern University; Jennifer Ocif Love, Northeastern University; Mark L. Sivak, Northeastern University; Bala Maheswaran, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
reflections thatthe desired outcome of being able to integrate the course threads and skills as shown in thetheoretical framework were also achieved.Cornerstone students also reported similar positive outcomes for learning in the new coursecompared to students in the traditional courses, and even reported how they couldn’t imagine thecourses not integrated. In teaching evaluations, the reported scores for each instructor wereslightly lower, but not significantly different than the teaching evaluation scores received on theseparate courses. Since this was the first time with the new curriculum, this result is notsurprising. Comments were reviewed carefully in order to improve both courses for the nextyear. One prevalent comment was the desire for more
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 5
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John K. Estell, Ohio Northern University; David Reeping, Ohio Northern University; Heather Sapp, Ohio Northern University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
either workingwithin the immediate community or as part of a mission trip to a foreign country, but thisapproach blurs the distinctions between community-based learning and service learning. In anattempt to provide clarity, Weigert offered the following six elements to describe servicelearning:3  the student provides meaningful service,  the service that students provide meets a need or goal of some kind,  members of a community define the need,  the service provided by the students flows from course objectives,  service is integrated into the course by means of one or more assignments that requires some form of reflection on the service in light of course objectives, and  assignments rooted in the service must be
Conference Session
Student Success II: Self-Regulatory, Metacognitive, and Professional Skills
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald R. Ulseth, Iron Range Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
becomeresponsible for their own learning, which necessitates reflective, critical thinking aboutwhat is being learned22. In PBL, students are asked to put their knowledge to use and tobe reflective and self-directed learners.”23Barrows and Kelson24 identify five goals behind the design of PBL instruction. Self-directed learning is explicitly stated. The goals are the following: 1) construct knowledge; 2) acquire problem-solving skills; 3) become self-directed learners; 4) develop effective collaborative skills; and 5) enhance intrinsic motivation to learn.The act of engaging in SDL is an essential component of the student learning in PBL.Whether this is implicit for the students or made explicit by their facilitators, the studentsare
Conference Session
Pathways to Success in STEM through Computer Science and Making
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stacy Kastner, Mississippi State University ; Sarah B. Lee, Mississippi State University; Tori Holifield, Mississippi State University
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
already trying to resolve existing gender gaps, there was a 64 percentdecrease in the number of first-year female students interested in concentrating in ComputerScience from 2000-2012.6 The problem of representation is even more distinct with regards torace; for example, in 2014, though only 26% of jobs in computing were held by women, only 3%of those jobs were held by African American women.6Such circumstances make it imperative to develop middle and high school initiatives to supportcomputing literacies for all, but particularly for those students whose demographic characteristicsare not currently reflected by the populations supporting the computing workforce. Similarly, itis as imperative for researchers to better understand variables that
Conference Session
Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Nathan E. Canney, Seattle University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
regarding how their work impacted people, society, and/or theenvironment. This may truly reflect a lack of these circumstances, or may indicate that someindividuals are not adept at recognizing such issues. For 34% of the jobs, ethical/moral dilemmaswere encountered infrequently and were not of significant personal concern, compared toethical/moral dilemmas encountered infrequently but of significant personal concern in 16% ofthe cases. Smaller percentages of the jobs were reported to have frequent ethical dilemmas thatwere and were not of significant personal concern; 9% and 8%, respectively. Finally, 2%indicated that the moral/ethical dilemma was the primary reason that they had left their job.These cases might reflect that the individual was in