with students using the tools to analyze and decide throughout the development. Student teams were then required to make TERM PROJEC T REQ UIREM ENTS final presentations of REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS TOOL BLO OM ’S the results of their TO BE U SED TA XO NO M Y efforts and present EDUCATIONAL these before a group of
Engineering EducationBiographical InformationRALPH E. FLORIDr. Ralph E. Flori was educated as a petroleum engineer (UM-Rolla PhD ‘87). Now an associate professor in theBasic Engineering dept. at the University of Missouri-Rolla, he teaches dynamics, statics, mechanics of materialsand a freshman engineering design course, and is actively involved in developing educational software for teachingengineering mechanics courses. He has earned thirteen awards for outstanding teaching and faculty excellence.DAVID B. OGLESBYDavid B. Oglesby is a Professor of Basic Engineering and a Research Associate for the Instructional SoftwareDevelopment Center at the University of Missouri-Rolla. Dr. Oglesby received a B. S. degree in Civil Engineeringfrom the Virginia
engineering classes in the same traditional manner: theprofessor masters all the knowledge, assigns readings and homework, and spends the class timereciting the knowledge, working problems, and/or fostering discussion. The teacher serves as thefocal point for student learning, and his or her role in the classroom is that of dispenser ofknowledge and arbiter of conceptual disputes. The teaching-learning model could be describedas a wagon-wheel or star model, with all students (S) oriented to and dependent upon theprofessor (P) as the source of information and interactions. Figure 1, Teacher-Centered Learning ModelIn the traditional model, students see themselves as the recipients of knowledge. Their role is tolisten
2002, American Society for Engineering Education4. ConclusionThe design oriented mechatronics examples presented here incorporate a language-neutralteaching approach for mechatronics system design courses that links the educational experiencemore closely with the processes and projects found in industry. The paper presented hereaddressed the recent advances in Mechatronics education as well as several case studies.Bibliography1. Shetty, D and Kolk, R “Mechatronic System Design”, PWS Publications / Brooke Cole, Boston, USA, 19982. Schlemer, L and Alptekin, S “ Team based product Development in Mechatronics Design Class” ASME Presentations, 1998-WA/DE-193. Shetty, D., Kolk, R., Kondo, J., Campana, “Mechatronics Technology Demonstrator
." Page 7.78.12 12“Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2002, American Society for Engineering Education”Chem. Eng. Ed. (accepted for publication) (2002).5 Asselineau, L., G. Bogdanic, and J. Vidal. "A Versatile Algorithm for Calculating Vapor-Liquid Equilibria."Fluid Phase Equil 3 (1979): 273 - 90.6 Michelsen, M. L. "Calculation of Phase Envelopes and Critical Points for Multi-Component Mixtures." FluidPhase Equil 4 (1980): 1 - 10.7 Redlich, O., and J. N. S. Kwong. Chem. Rev. 44, no. 233 - 244 (1949).8 Prausnitz, J. M., R. N. Lichtenthaler, and E. G. de Azevedo, Molecular
Session 2793 Engineering Center Residence Hall Program David R. Thompson, Steven D. Langstraat, and Virgil Nichols College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology Oklahoma State UniversityIntroductionPlanning in the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology at Oklahoma StateUniversity throughout the decade of the 1990’s, called for increased student recruitment andretention. Engineering and Architectural programs in the College operate under the professionalschool concept. Students are admitted to the first two years of pre-professional study and thenmust be
ofservice-learning in their classes in the future.References1. Gokhale, S. and O’Dea M., Effectiveness of Service in Enhancing Student Learning and Development, ASEE proceedings, Albuquerque, NM, 2001.2. Tsang, E. and J. E. Newman, Service-Learning’s Effect on Engineering Students and K-12 Teacher Partnership in an ‘Introduction to Mechanical Engineering’ Course, Proceedings of the 1998 Frontiers in Education Conference, Tempe, Arizona, Nov. 1998. Page 7.743.7 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright Ó 2002, American
career planning documents. TheAmerican Association of Higher Education (AAHE) maintains a database, called ThePortfolio Clearinghouse, which describes portfolio use at more than 50 colleges anduniversities. 3 In the database, portfolios are classified by target population or level,content, purpose, and medium or format.Portfolios serve many diverse purposes and levels in engineering programs, as well. Theycan be used to assess specific learning experiences within a course or program, the entireset of learning objectives of a single course, entire programs, or combinations of these.The following examples, while not exhaustive, illustrate the variety of portfolio use inengineering. The mechanical engineering major at the U. S. Coast Guard Academy
FPGA to implement the FIFO.The Aerospace Corporation clinic team designed a 622 Mb/s BERT. The clinic team firstdeveloped a low-speed proof of concept. The method of building a full-speed product wasinitially unclear and the clinic team commissioned a chip from the freshmen to operate atintermediate speed as a further proof of concept. In the meantime, the clinic team has exploredusing a Virtex II FPGA. The chip was simulated and verified with Electric and was tested to befully operational using the chip tester. It has been delivered to the clinic team.The projects have involved a combination of effort from the freshmen, the lab assistant, clinicteams, and the advisor. The clinic teams act as a client, providing specifications and
restructuring National Research Council, NRC, in 1990.2 Chemical Engineering Education The courses for the chemical engineering have fundamentally changed in many universitiessince early 1900’s. This indicates that the chemical engineering education has been evolvingduring this period. Arthur Little stressed the concept of “unit operation” in 1915. This concepttook hold and became the central educational theme for a decade1. During 1935-1945 appliedthermodynamics and process control courses were added. Applied chemical kinetics and processdesign came to era between 1945-1955. After 1955, instead of unit operations, more emphasiswas given to engineering sciences such as momentum, mass and energy transfer. Professor OlafHougen shifted the chemical
(maximum of two per team) will utilize the TSIS/CORSIM micro-simulation software developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for thisanalysis.The I-70 network consisted of a mainline freeway stretch of just under 2 miles and twoparallel arterials with the corresponding intersections. The students were asked toanalyze the effects of the following changes on a section of the I-70 network:1. An increase in the free-flow speed from 65 to 70 mph on two major links on I-70 (82-84 and 89-87). This change can show the effects of a possible change in the speed limitsuch as what happened when the national speed limit law was repealed in the mid 1990’s.2. A change in the grade from 0% to 8% on the same links on I-70. This changeexamines the
. Page 7.598.12 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ã 2002, American Society for Engineering EducationReferences1. Smith, T.Y., “The Retention and Graduation Rates of 1992-98 Engineering Science, Mathematics, Engineeringand Technology Majors in 119 Colleges and Universities,” Center for Institutional Data Exchange and Analysis,University of Oklahoma, 1999.2. U. S. Department of Education, Digest of Education Statistics, 2000, Website URL[http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2001/digest/ch3.html], site visited 1/8/023. Mannix, M., “Getting It Right,” Prism, vol. 10, no. 7, Mar., 2001, pp 14-20.4. Thompson, J., “Engineering Success for Minority Students,” Techniques
using computers for junior levelelectrical engineering courses” ASEE Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, July 2001.[9] Nigim, K. A. and Delyser, R. R. “Using MathCAD in understanding the induction motorcharacteristics”. IEEE Transactions on Education, Volume: 44 Issue: 2, May 2001, Page(s): 165–169.[10] A. L. Alolh, and M.A. Alkanhal, “Optimization-Based Steady State Analysis of Three PhaseSelf-Excited Induction Generator”. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 15, No. 1,March 2000, pp. 61 - 65.[11] N. H. Malik, A. A. Mazi, “Capacitance Requirements for Isolated Self Excited InductionGenerators,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. EC-2, March 1987, pp. 62 - 69.[12] L. Shridhar, B. Singh, C. S. Jha, “A Step Towards Improvements
individual impact of each of these technologies will be far reaching, thesynergistic blending of the three has the potential to change society in truly revolutionary ways.Correspondingly, these technologies will also profoundly change the nature of the engineeringprofession and of engineering education with the advent of computers that exceed the processingcapability of the human brain, high quality virtual reality, and molecular manufacturing, amongother possibilities. The Information Technology innovations of the 1990’s will look tamecompared to the technological revolution that will occur during the first decade of the 21 stCentury wrought by the synergistic combinations of these emerging technologies. The observation that technological
work was provided by NSF CAREER Award 0093994 (P.I. Turner), UCSBScience Partnership for School Innovation (Phase 3) Beyond the Classroom, Supplemental Grantfor 3 years to Materials Research Lab, from NSF Education to Human Resources Directorate(EHR), and UCSB Research Experience for Teachers, NSF Math and Physical SciencesDivision, Supplemental grant to MRL.Bibliography[1] K. Turner, MESA demonstration for 9th grade girls, 2000, observations.[2] L. D. Edwards, Coddington, A., Caterina, D., “Girls teach themselves, and boys, too: Peer learning in a computer-based design and construction activity,” Computers in Education, 29 (1), (1997) pp. 33-48.[3] P. J. Cornwell, Stienstra, D., Smith, S., “Fast Forward—An adventure in Engineering for
10, the LED shows red. Bit 3 of Port A isthe frame (“vertical”) sync signal for the CRT display, and normally generates a 60 Hzsignal under the control of Output Compare 5 in the timing system. This is described inmore detail in the “CRT Display” section below. Bits 2 and 1 of Port A are not connected,but bit 0 is brought out to the expansion connector so that user circuits can make use of theInput Capture feature of the MC68HC11’s timing system.Port BPort B is the simplest of the five ports in the MC68HC11, serving only as a general purpose8-bit output port in the configuration used in the lab. In this lab station, Port B drives therows of a multiplexed matrix alphanumeric keyboard, and also drives the cathodes of an 8-digit 7-segment
Session 2255 A STRATEGIC ALLIANCE BETWEEN REGIONAL UNIVERSITIES AND INDUSTRY AT A NATIONAL LABORATORY Fred S. Gunnerson, Ph.D., Richard T Jacobsen, P. E., Ph.D. Idaho National Engineering & Environmental Laboratory Gautam Pillay, Ph.D. Inland Northwest Research AllianceIntroductionThis paper presents a unique partnership between academia, industry, and government to manageand operate the multi-purpose Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory(INEEL) for the United States
and 3. Table1 focuses on responses to questions concerning the use of the articles in classroom discussions.Note that “Agree Strongly” receives a score of 5 while “Disagree Strongly” receives a score of 1.Table 1. Student responses concerning use of articles in classroom discussion(s). Question Agree Agree No Disagree Disagree Avg. Strongly Somewhat Opinion Somewhat StronglyThe discussions were interesting. 6 30 2 3 0 3.95The articles contained relevant 13 24 3 0 0 4.25Engineering Economy topics.You would
Session 3238 Enhancing Engineering Graphics Courses Through Animated, Sophisticated, Multi-Media, Graphical Presentations Dr. Wafeek S. Wahby Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IllinoisAbstractExploring new instructional methods that use technology tools adds an important aspectto the cognitive abilities and visualization skills of on-campus undergraduate students.This paper presents visual examples from an ongoing experiment that was started in 1998at the School of Technology, Eastern Illinois University to study the effectiveness of the“show-and-tell-and-let-apply” (SATALA) approach
or effort (Figure 7, Part 2). In addition, in three different two-person teams,teammate #1 reported that team coordination and teamwork were very good, while teammate #2expressed an extreme dissatisfaction with teammate #1’s participation and provided detailedcommentary to justify assigning a low grade to teammate #1. In cases of two-person teams,where an additional teammate is not available to corroborate the student comments, the authorbelieves caution is necessary in adjusting grades. In two of the three cases mentioned above, theauthor agreed with teammate #2’s assessment. However, in the third case, the author felt thatteammate #2 was overstating their case and thus a grade adjustment was not warranted.IX. ChallengesStudents and faculty
Session Number 2557 Modeling for Educational Enhancement and Assessment* Mary Besterfield-Sacre1, Larry Shuman1, Harvey Wolfe1, Alejandro Scalise 2, Siripen Larpkiattaworn 1, Obinna S Muogboh1, Dan Budny 1, Ronald Miller3 and Barbara Olds3 1 University of Pittsburgh/ 2TransSolutions/3Colorado School of MinesAbstractIndustrial engineering programs have typically adopted the new ABET accreditation criteria withmore enthusiasm than other engineering programs, in part since the principles of continuousimprovement and statistical measurement are commonly
Session 3130 Threats to Validity in a Study of the Effects of Hypermedia Instruction on Learning Outcomes - a Switched Replications Experiment Malgorzata S. Zywno Ryerson UniversityAbstractEducational researchers in university settings face many difficulties in trying to conduct controlledaction research studies on the effects of hypermedia on learning outcomes, where threats tovalidity and reliability are often beyond the influence of the investigator. Switched Replicationsexperiment and another, semester
properties panel is what students will see. Page 7.1165.13 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2002, American Society for Engineering EducationFigure 6. This figure shows the "Stages" panel of the map property interface. This panelallows the author to set the "Next stage trigger." In this example, the author has checkedtwo next-stage policies for stage 1: "Time expiration", and "User decision." The authorhas set a 10-minute limit on stage 1. The author has named this stage "1930's." Each stagecan have a unique start and end message. In addition, an
presently available. Notechnologies were integrated into the analysis, which do not exist on an industrial s cale.The power plant is a single 1000 MWe unit. It contains one reactor capable of generating3000 MWth, with a 33% efficiency. The reactor uses UO2 enriched to 4% and a plannedfuel burn up of 43,000 MWD/MTU. The plant is situated near a fresh water body suchthat 50,000 m3/hour of makeup water are available. The plant has a single 400-foot tallhyperbolic wet natural draft-cooling tower situated in close proximity to the plant. Theplant (reactor, service buildings, cooling tower) consumes 200 acres of land for theduration of its operation and is surrounded by an additional 1200 acres of undisturbedland. The power plant is situated 20 miles
] for a course. The instructional objective must 1. Describe what the learner will be doing when demonstrating that s/he has reached the objective; i.e., What is the learner to do? 2. Describe the important conditions under which the learner will demonstrate his competence; i.e., Under what conditions will s/he do it? 3. Indicate how the learner will be evaluated, or what constitutes acceptable performance; i.e., What will you expect as satisfactory performance?Of these three components of an instructional objective, it is the second one that relates to theteaching of “skills” that students need in order to learn successfully. Consider the work of Light [1] again. Students who make the most out of
Scribner'sSons, 1979.9. Parnes, S., Source book for Creative Problem Solving, Creative Education Foundation Press, 1992.10. Weisberg R., Creativity: Beyond the Myth of Genius, W.H. Freeman & company, 1992.11. Wycoff, J., Mind Mapping: Your Personal Guide to Exploring Creativity and Problem Solving, BerkeleyPublishing Group, 1991.12. deBono, E., DeBono’s Thinking Course, Facts on File Books, 1994.13. de Bono, E., The Use of Lateral Thinking, Penguin Books, 1990.14. de Bono, E., Lateral Thinking for Management, Penguin Books Ltd., 1971.15. de Bono, E., Six Thinking Hats, Little, Brown & Co., 1985.16. de Bono, E., CoRT Thinking, Advanced Practical Thinking Training, Inc., 1995.17. de Bono, E., Serious Creativity, Harper Collins, 1992.18. Isaksen
F2 + F 8 cos(b) - F1 sin(a) = 0 SFvertical = 0 - P - F7 - F1 cos(a) - F8 sin(b) = 0 By considering the free body diagram of each joint, the number of equations of equilibrium is2j and they are in terms of the m+3 unknown forces. Because of the relation between m and j for a simple truss, the number of equations and thenumber of unknowns are the same. These equations can be solved simultaneously. The stress, s, developed by a member is the member’s internal force divided by its cross-sectional area, A. Assumptions The self-weight of the truss members and joints can be neglected incomparison to the applied loads. Criteria The following criteria must be included in those used to select the best design:cost
Page 7.32.9 2002, American Society for Engineering Educationinclude the preservation of consistency between component interfaces as well as correctbehavior. System-level integration and test is an enormous task since it evolves the entire system,external interfaces and the environment. To address these issues in the curriculum, we will placean emphasis on the following two approaches: incremental integration with progressive andsystemic testing, and white-box testing of temporal properties.Various integration strategies have been investigated since 1970’s with the most effectivetechnique being incremental integration, either bottom-up or top-down approaches. To performincremental integration and progressive test at
writing-to-learn have been employedin Software Design (course CS 456 13 in the School of EECS at Ohio University). The purpose ofthe course is to provide students with skills needed in the software engineering profession. Whilethey have completed numerous courses requiring development of software (students take C S 456in their senior year), they typically lack several important perspectives. They have focused Page 7.506.1 “Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright Ó 2002, American Society for Engineering Education”almost exclusively on the