development and design skills.To address the goals of this study, the survey used in the GT study16 was modified to includequestions related to perceptions of Engineering Mechanics in addition to SustainableDevelopment and Sustainable Design. The Engineering Mechanics questions serve as a point ofreference to which questions related to Sustainable Development and Sustainable Design can becompared. The survey asked students to rate how important they felt certain engineering skillsand abilities in all three areas are, and how confident they are in their abilities to exercise thoseskills on a 7-point scale. Students were also asked to rate their interest in a variety ofsustainability topics and reflect on the source of their sustainability knowledge
greatly contributed to the globalizationof markets, education, and societies which give place to a massive flow of information and therapid creation of new knowledge. This generates new careers and occupations that requirecontinuous learning and specialization (Candy, Creber, & O'leary, 1994).Several researchers agree that engagement, interaction, reflection, analysis, and discussion fosterautonomous learning (Barr & Tagg, 1995; Little, 1996; Weimer, 2002). Kuh et al. (2009) defineengagement in education as the individual effort to participate in educational activities inside oroutside the classroom. The level of engagement of a student will depend on two main factors: (1)the time and energy invested by the student participating in
thathelped engineering transfer students’ make the adjustment to their new receiving institutions; and(2) to increase awareness of opportunities to enhance transfer receptivity at four-year institutionsfor transfer students in engineering programs. More specifically, we explore the followingresearch questions:RQ1: When engineering transfer students are asked to reflect on their transitions to their receiving institutions, what themes emerge regarding: a. Factors that helped them adjust to the receiving institution? b. How the sending institution could have enhanced their success or eased their transition? c. How the receiving institution could have enhanced their success or eased their transition?RQ2: What
increase in class size from the Fall 2016 semester compared to the Fallsemesters of the three previous years (from an average of ~93 to 196 students). Theobserved decrease in progression may reflect the increase in class size.Then, we looked at the effects of grades on students’ progression. Firstly, we tested thestatistical significances of the differences in the grade distributions of progressed andnon-progressed students using the Wilcoxon rank sum test. The corresponding p-valuesare shown in Table 1. We found that the two distributions are statistically significantlydifferent except for MECH in Fall 2016 and CBE in Fall 2014. This finding preliminarilyshows the significant effects of grades achieved for a student’s decision on progression.We
have begun applying constructivist project-basedlearning and higher ordered thinking into their classrooms. Higher order thinking can be definedas a complex mode of thinking often resulting in multiple solutions. According toResnick,“higher order thinking involves uncertainty, application of multiple criteria, reflection,and self-regulation (Resnick, 1987).” In broader terms, higher order thinking can be classifiedusing Bloom’s taxonomy, overlapping with levels above comprehension (Bloom, 1956). Whilesimple recall of information is an example of lower order cognitive thinking skills, higher orderthinking skills involve analysis, evaluation, and synthesis (Zohar, 2003). Therefore, an essentialgoal of STEM education is to develop these higher
Q insulation=3,623 kJwhich is a rather large number compared to the other heat sources considered above. Uponfurther reflection, one should realize that even when the refrigerator is unused, as long as it isplugged in, it will consume electricity (i.e., compressor will run) throughout the day and night,and imperfect insulation is, largely, to blame.Others: All other heat source contributions may be lumped into an arbitrary constant without theneed for in-depth analysis. For simplicity, it is assumed zero.Putting everything together, rounding up to the nearest integer, the actual COP is Q c Q food +Q opening+Qinsulation+Qothers 898+10+3623 4531 COP actual
) for the creativity scales todetermine if there were any significant changes pre- and post-REU by item. We saw significantchanges in two items on one of the creativity scales (Creative Identity): “In general, mycreativity is an important part of my self-image” (t=2.000, p=.046); “I am confident that I can becreative in my coursework” (t=2.121, p=.034).Research Question #2: How did participation in the CREATE REU impact student perceptionsof creativity and the research process?Student participants were asked to reflect on how learning about the creative process and itsrelationship with the scientific method had impacted their understanding of research. While 4 ofthe 11 students did not feel that the training impacted their understanding of
Design-Build-Test-Communicate ClassIntroductionIn the following paper, we describe our initial experiences in replacing the detailed analyticrubrics used for assessment in our team-taught first-year engineering technical andcommunication course with a holistic rubric. We address the issues we identified with theanalytic rubrics we had been using, the holistic rubric we developed to address these issues, andthe preliminary understandings we’ve developed--through our own reflections and an informalonline survey of our students--of the impact of this change on our teaching and our students’experiences in the course.Rubrics are frequently used to convey assessment criteria to students; their use in post-secondaryeducation has been shown to have
confirming student preference foractive, engaged learning experiences. All teams were able to complete a product in time (mostlythrough a large push right up until the deadline). Additionally, students documented andcommunicated their experiences through a written final report and presentation. Bothrequirements allow students to reflect on the project, making activity, and better understandwhere there was room for improvement. Unsurprisingly, the largest point of reflection is toavoid procrastination.In the surveys, students reported exploring more than one engineering discipline during theproject with exposure to Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical being the most common majorsreported. The students found communicating with their group members as one
apartment for the twelve-week research experience. From an evaluative standpoint, students were given a survey both pre and post travel,which included questions on their perception of their global aptitude (or awareness) and howwell prepared the students felt from a cultural and technical standpoint (post survey only) (Table1). A Likert scale was used as follows: “Strongly disagree” (1), “Somewhat disagree” (2),“Neither agree nor disagree” (3), “Somewhat agree” (4), “Strongly agree” (5). Students alsocompleted journal entries approximately twice a week reflecting on their cultural experiences,technical and research progress, and any other topics they found important. These journals actedas a method to reflect on all experiences while abroad
completed in two parts: withindividual students brainstorming for a period of time and then working together to exchangeideas and brainstorm as a pair. After completing the redesign activities, students were asked aseries of reflection questions related to the difficulty and engagement of the activities as well asquestions about their experiences, if any, with similar kinds of activities. We have preliminaryfindings from the cog labs conducted with all students working in pairs and a few comparisonsbetween the two sets of cog labs. Redesign ChallengeStudents were provided information about the relative access people worldwide have to drinkingwater. And they were given a labeled diagram and description of a solar still that can producepure water
about harvesting Ex: "Harvest" Ex: "Ease of harvesting"Extract not mentioned without mentioned with specific or technical mentioned elaboration details about harvesting Ex: "Extraction" Ex: "ease of extracting"Table 2. Scheme used to code student reflections on the jigsaw activity. Students were given ascore of 1 if the idea was present and a score of 0 if the idea was absent.Code Description and examplesPerspective They got to understand a different perspective or point of viewtaking Ex: “It is helpful to get different perspectives and clear up misunderstandings”Peer They learned
enumerates numerous additional reasons that engineers may not use physicallibraries, ranging from the practical (having to travel some distance compared to the convenienceof remotely accessing online resources) to the psychological (the phenomenon of libraryanxiety).21-27 To overcome this, the scholarly record reflects numerous innovative efforts bySTEM liaison librarians to reach these hermetic students and researchers. Previous initiativesrecorded in the literature include reorganizing staffing at service points to provide subjectspecialists with more time for advanced research questions,28 revamping libraries’ web presenceto make subject specialists more visible,29 launching satellite reference services within academicbuildings,30-32 creating
review and the iterative process ofdeveloping classification systems. For instance, in both cases we used an inter-raterevaluation process to increase the reliability of the final results. The second phase was morequalitative, so we followed the eight “Big-Tent” criteria for excellent qualitative research37.For instance, to meet the “credibility” criteria, we extensively used the “member reflections”approach by sharing the interview transcripts and our results with the participants of ourstudy. The use of RTR, especially, allowed us to enhance the opportunities and the quality ofthe “member reflections” as our participants were highly engaged in reviewing and revisingthe transcripts and providing feedback on the analysis. The combination of
, hiring committees and faculty mentors follow this implicit model of astraightforward academic pathway to the detriment of a diverse professoriate. We address thisby presenting an alternate model that better reflects alternate pathways that currently exist andcould be better encouraged and supported through infrastructure and social means.A Traditional Model of a Faculty CareerA traditional engineering faculty career moves from high school, to a bachelors degree, to a PhDprogram and then into a tenure track position, followed by promotions to associate and fullprofessor and then eventually a happy retirement, perhaps with an emeritus position to maintainan active mind until death. This is shown in Figure 2. In attempting to follow the
, were conducted intwo sections of a freshman engineering course at a large southwestern university in the UnitedStates. Evaluation data were collected regarding student knowledge gains and attitudes. Both theoverall gain in technical knowledge and positive attitudes toward the field of biogeotechnicalengineering were reflected in participant responses. With the advent and development of thisnew field, this work represents a pioneering effort in the biogeotechnical engineering educationspace. Looking ahead, the study could contribute toward longitudinal research in understandingthe best practices of interdisciplinary approaches to developing engineering instruction.IntroductionThis study is situated in the context of an interdisciplinary
English or mathematicsclassrooms. The advantage of the TAGS framework is that science/engineering content andpractice can be reflected together as integration. In contrast, the revised Bloom’s taxonomy doesnot have this advantage, because the integrative nature of science and engineering content andpractice is missing. Therefore, we chose TAGS in this research.Process of Design (POD), Engineering Literacy, and Technology Literacy The Process of Design (POD) is a framework derived from the key indicators identifiedby Moore, Glancy, Tank, Kersten, Smith, & Stohlmann12 within their Framework for QualityK-12 Engineering Education. It is a research-based, rigorously evaluated framework which mapsto the common design processes
working on better understanding of students’ learning and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the human side of engineering, new ways of teaching engineering in particular Electromagnetism and other classes that are mathematically driven. His research and activities also include on avenues to connect Product Design and Engineering Education in a synergetic way.Kate A Disney, Mission College Kate Disney has been teaching engineering at the community college level since 1990. Her interests are promoting greater gender and racial balance in
added new content to reflect the latest advances in theengineering discipline. The author was exposed to Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)at the 2010 International Council on Systems Engineering’s International Symposium inChicago; by 2011, he had begun the first steps to integrating MBSE into the MPD curriculum.Early attempts included the use of DoDAF (the Department of Defense Architecture Framework)in addition to SysML.3 However, DoDAF did not add sufficient incremental value to warrant itsuse; it has been dropped from the courses and both Systems Architecture and SystemsEngineering now focus solely on the use of SysML. Instead of requiring students to learn, inessence, two systems engineering languages, the courses instead focus on
be situatedin a world with social and material components, in which they interact. The sociomaterial worldshapes our students’ cognition (red arrows directed at subject), and then as part of their cognitiveprocess, they act in the world, reflecting their understanding back onto it (blue arrows).Figure 1: Situated cognition in a sociomaterial world. The subject, indicated by the head silhouette, issituated within and interacts with social and material agents within the world. The social and materialagents are intertwined such that they must be studied as a system, rather than individually. As one of thosesocial agents, the subject thinks, indicated by gears, about the world they are in, and the problem they wishto solve. This cognitive
Undergraduate Community Lifelong Colleges Learning Figure 1 - Promoting lifelong learningPre College Programs The FREEDM Center’s precollege program was revised in 2016 to reflect the vision andmission of the Center via modernizing the electric grid and to engage participants in engineeringeducation-problem solving, engineering
the engineering community of practice. What isunclear from the engineering identity research and related literature is if students are providedopportunities for reflective learning regarding their leadership experiences, the fourthenvironmental condition. As shown through the discussion of engineering identity this reflectionis typically left to chance at best or, at worst, actively discouraged through the viewpoint thatleadership is a “soft” skill not worthy of consideration in an engineering curriculum. Thequestion of incorporating effective reflective learning is central to the work underway.Moving engineering students from a positional to relational understanding of leadership has twobenefits: first, they should have a more stable sense
measurement, inappropriate height, uncertainty (5) Reflecting: remedy suggestion Air track adjustment, air hole testing, string not caught on pulley axle, hanging mass misreading, block Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, October 6-7 – Penn State Berks mass measurement error, standard value comparison (6) Recognition of applied calculus PE, KE, velocity error contributes concept twice in
. A productive student-instructor relationship has resulted in a collaborative effort to address student challenges as evidenced through student feedback and reflections. One instructor suggested hiring initiatives take place prior to the beginning of a semester to facilitate course preparations with the potential contributions of the ESEPs in mind
: Newly formed small groups will be organized in the same manner as the first storytelling groups. The facilitators may further formalize the order or timing for participants’I. Welcome – Introductions to Facilitators, Participants, storytelling within the first 20 minutes based on theirand Workshop Goals (5 minutes) experience with the first groups. The last five minutes willAll of the facilitators will briefly introduce themselves by be again for more summative and reflective discussion.sharing
domain identity reflects theTech First Year Experience course designed to equip extent to which a person believes that domain is anstudents with problem solving skills, inquiry skills, and important part of who they are [3].integration of learning skills necessary for navigating The model of domain identification by Osborne andcollege level curricula [1]. Jones explains the process by which a set of social and A series of surveys are administered to GE students academic background factors can affect one's domainat three times over the course of their first year: in August at identification and motivation beliefs, and thus, affectthe beginning of the
design ofretaining walls. Additionally, a reflection assignment was created to guide students in criticallyexamining what they have learned and where they feel they need to concentrate their efforts.Real-world homework assignments directly linked to the course learning objectives were devisedto scaffold student understanding of the key geotechnical concepts.To further deepen the understanding of the geotechnical engineering concepts and help with thedevelopment of teamwork and leadership skills, students were asked to design an appropriatefoundation system for a proposed two-story steel frame building structure on campus. Studentswere divided into teams of five, and teams were selected based upon overall academiccompetence and learning styles
Utilizing Modules as an Objective in ATE Projects”) to the Community CollegeJournal of Research and Practice and the manuscript has been published. The ATE-RAMPLeadership Team also submitted an abstract to the American Society for Engineering Education(ASEE) which has been accepted as a poster presentation at its Annual Meeting (June 2017 –Columbus, Ohio).E. AcknowledgementThis paper was made possible through funds from the National Science Foundation under grantnumbers DUE-1501828. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.
streamlining and strategizing to maximize efficiency to prepare for sustainabilityas our grant funding comes to an end.AcknowledgementsPrior versions of some of the information provided in this executive summary has been presentedin various forms in previous ASEE papers1,2,3,4,5 that address other aspects of this project. Thedata provided here has been updated to reflect the state of the project at the time of this writing.This project, entitled First-Year Initiatives for Retention Enhancement, is supported by theNational Science Foundation under Grant No. 0969382. Any opinions, findings, and conclusionsor recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.1
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the federal government.References[1] Oakes, W., Duffy, J., Jacobius, T., Linos, P., Lord, S., Schultz, W. W., & Smith, A. (2002). Service-learning inengineering. In Frontiers in Education, 2002. FIE 2002. 32nd Annual (Vol. 2, pp. F3A-F3A). IEEE.[2] Duffy, J., Tsang, E., & Lord, S. Service-learning in engineering: What why and how? ASEE Annual Conference 2000.[3] Eyler, J., & Giles Jr, D. E. (1999). Where's the Learning in Service-Learning? Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult EducationSeries.[4] Sax, L. J., Astin, A. W., & Avalos, J. (1999). Long-term effects of volunteerism during the undergraduate years. Thereview of higher education, 22(2), 187-202.[5] National Academy of Engineering