. Figure 2 SenseMaker dyad that probes the overall concept of thriving. After completing their narrative and a series of triadic and dyadic questions, andparticipants were also asked sentiment-based multiple-choice questions (MCQ) relevant to theirstory. One MCQ participants were required to answer was “If you could do so without fear ofjudgment or retaliation, who would you share this story with?” and were given the followingoptions: 1) Family 2) Instructor 3) Peers 4) Prefer not to answer 5) Other. A third of the participantsindicated that they would share their story with their instructor.Additional Analyses Pearson’s chi-squared tests were conducted on the quantitative data of the MCQ statedpreviously to determine if there were
problems on which computer scientists work. - I can describe the use of algorithms in computer science. - I could explain to a friend what it means to solve a computer science problem at the conceptual level. - I can describe how geographic information systems relate to spatial data, attribute tables, and temporal data. Excel Functions - I can write a formula in Excel. - I know several options for visualizing data in Excel. - I know how to nest formulas in Excel. 3D Modeling - I have seen
Paper ID #33688Cloud-based Instruction Model for Electrical Engineering Courses: ARapid Response to Enable Fully Online Course DeliveryDr. Praveen Meduri, California State University, Sacramento Dr. Praveen Meduri is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Sacramento State University. He is also a Technical Liaison to Cadence Design Systems. He received his PhD from Old Dominion University, VA, M.S. from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and bachelors from JNT University, India. His research interests include Embedded Systems, Smart Cities and VLSI Design and has multiple peer
beneficial than internshipexperiences without taking a class. In these structured internship classes, the assignments can be reports,daily log of work activities, projects, portfolios of the work, analysis of a problem faced during theinternship, observation papers, presentations, interviews, or combinations [11], [38]–[40]. Karji et al.’s[11] studies on the construction management internships show that mentors found the interviewassignment the best method of assignment for their interns, and students preferred the interviewassignment over writing reports.With the shortage of skilled workers in the construction industry, the need for new workforces equippedwith the necessary job-required skills is felt more than ever. The internships can play a
-linear sensors is used in the classroom and is exemplified with the NTC sensor. The need to understand the underlying mathematical model of the sensor during calibration are also discussed as part of the lecture. The students wire the circuit and write the LV program. Data is collected in a file and the concept of file input/output was introduced. The experiment uses beakers with distilled water heated to different temperatures along with a digital thermometer to act as the calibration standard. A second LV file is used to read in the data file and perform a calibration curve which was based on the underlying model.i. Linear IC based temperature sensor. ○ In this experiment, an IC based linear temperature sensor
– Right Questions http://vimeo.com/74338298 More Videos & Other Materials https://venturewell.org/i-corps/team-materials/ Table 3. Business Plan Resources Material URL Inc Magazine Business Plan https://www.inc.com/larry-kim/top-10-business-plan- Templates templates-you-can-download-free.html SCORE Business Plan Templates https://www.score.org/resource/business-plan- template-startup-business Small Business Administration https://www.sba.gov/business-guide/plan-your- Business Plan Templates business/write-your-business-plan5. Course-Long Software
University of Minnesota. Her research explores issues of professional development for K-12 science teachers, with a focus on beginning teachers and implementation of integrated STEM learning environments. She has received over $30 million in federal and state grants and published over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. She is a former board member of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching and past president of the Association for Science Teacher Education.Dr. Christopher Barr, Rice University Rice University Office of Assessment and Evaluation of STEM Programs led by Dr. Barr is the Direc- tor of Assessment and Evaluation of STEM Programs at Rice University. He has been an evaluator and
education has been widely noted. Thishas been driven by the need to develop a wide range of skills such as innovativeness, creativity,and problem-solving in engineering students to succeed in today’s technology-driven economy.Increasingly, graduates are expected to adapt their complex problem-solving skills to align withthe modern-day multidisciplinary practice of engineering [1], know how to integrate theirscience and technical training to enhance industrial practice [2], and successfully navigate futurechallenges through continued innovation [1]. As noted by Torres, Velez-Arocho, and Pabon [3],“The contemporary engineer must be able to (a) effectively communicate orally as well as [in]writing, (b) be capable of working in multidisciplinary teams
/ methodcomparison of student outcomes and observations on adopting the new method.Based on the results of numerous informal classroom experiments and hundreds of informaldiscussions with students, it was determined that most students do not use effective studystrategies to fully understand key concepts and to master problem solving techniques. Instead,the goal of their current studying and test taking strategies is to “maximize partial credit.” Thesestrategies work as follows. 1. Memorize problems from the homework, in-class examples, or previous exams. 2. Match each problem on the exam to one of the memorized problems that most closely resembles it. 3. Write down the memorized solution, making adjustments along the way so that the solution
First-year faculty coauthors at ASEE.Evie Dee Cordell, Northeastern University Evie Cordell is the First Year Experience and Undergraduate Engagement Librarian at Northeastern Uni- versity. She is the liaison to the Writing Program, General Studies Program, Explore Program, ContiNUe Program, NUi.n. and several other First Year Programs at Northeastern University. She also serves on the First Pages (Northeastern University’s common reads program) committee and is a member of the FUNL (First Generation, Undocumented, Low-Income) Network at Northeastern. Evie holds a Bachelors degree in Religious Studies from the University of Virginia and a Masters of Science in Library & Information Science from the University of
remotely online. However, these specialists were vastlyoutnumbered by the sheer volume of faculty in need of assistance. This urgent and desperate needled many faculty to reach out to their peers. Over 700 engineering educators at TAMU raced totransition their courses to a remote online compatible format. In response to this event, there was amobilization by a group of educators, known as the Engineering Education Faculty Group (EEFG),to begin addressing their colleagues’ rapidly changing needs.This group existed pre-pandemic as a community of practice that was formed with the intention ofexploring engineering education as a group and provide resources and support amongst its mem-bers. However, The members of EEFG assumed roles as leaders in the
. This site has 115 alumni to date. He also leads an NSF/Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) site on interdisciplinary water re- search and have 25 alumni. He also leads an NSF-funded cybersecurity education project and serves as a American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Paper ID #28454co-PI on two International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) projects funded by the NSF. He haspublished over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Sustaining
Paper ID #35174Doing the impossible in a pandemic: Delivering student-designedfabricated parts to an industry clientDr. David Olawale, R.B. Annis School of Engineering, University of Indianapolis Dr. David Olawale is an Assistant Professor of Engineering (Industrial and Systems) at the R. B. Annis School of Engineering (RBASOE), University of Indianapolis. He has diverse experience in research and development, as well as technology commercialization and entrepreneurship. His research areas include multifunctional composite materials and manufacturing, as well as innovation engineering. He has pub- lished over fifty peer
the many civil engineering concepts that are related to a sitedevelopment project. As currently structured, four class meetings throughout the semester arededicated solely to the Core Project. Two classes are project working sessions where studentteams can collaborate with each other and ask the instructor questions during class time, whilestudent presentations for each part of the project use an additional two class meetings.For this first iteration with a small enrollment of 14 students, there are two groups of five andone group of four. Students chose their own group, work with the same group throughout thesemester, and complete peer evaluations after each project submittal. In future offerings, the goalis still to restrict group size to
institution or documents in the public domain.” [18]Nonetheless, a limited number of institutions with engineering degree programs publish theirself-study reports. The author conducted a web search in 2019-2020 and identified twentyengineering degree programs with publicly available information. (Note A) The material write-up in criterion four- continuous improvement would demonstrate how each program met ABETexpectations. As one BSCE program put it: “There is a continuing effort to make assessments more standardized and quantitative … so that year-to-year trends can be identified and evaluated in a systematic manner.” (2015 ABET self-study report for BSCE program)This same program noted that its portfolio of assessment
ME department objectives and outcomes, as summarized in Table 2 • Topics covered in the course • Evaluation methods (homework assignments, quizzes, exams, projects, reports, etc.) • Performance criteria (evaluation methods used to assess student performance for each of the course learning objectives) • Course content (Engineering Science, design, etc.)Each course portfolio is peer reviewed by a set of faculty in the area related to the course toensure adequate coverage of topics. The reviewing faculty group will provide feedback on topiccoverage and on whether the course objectives are being met. The course portfolio audit is ashort-cycle assessment tool that provides diagnostic feedback each semester
a mixture of existing and new technical skills that are applied to projectsof varying complexity with some level of correlation to real industry applications. The mostcommon form for capstones in engineering are team based, some of which are single disciplinewhile others are multi-disciplinary. Literature on capstone studies have documented how toformulate teams, team group dynamics, and team peer surveys. Given new technologyadvancements, an area for continued study are strategies for how to have student teamscommunicate, collaborate and manage their designs with technology. This paper presents a seriesof trends over a 10-year span on how multi-disciplinary Architectural Engineering (AE) teamscollaborated, interfaced and communicated
engineering.This career may vary drastically from their peers in terms of industry, specialization, project scope, orexpectations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the breadth of job responsibilities within a wide range ofmechanical engineering positions in order to gain an understanding of the typical activities a mechanicalengineer is expected to complete in the field.This study analyzed 923 job postings collected through the job search and posting site “Indeed.com”, duringa one-week period in the summer of 2020. The jobs represent various industries, geographic locations, andposition titles. Design activities were used as a guiding framework to develop an ontology of engineeringactivities. This study developed an increased understanding of the
CollectionStudents’ Pre and Post SurveysOn the first day of the engineering camp, the students completed a pre-survey that includeddemographic information and the STEM-CIS (Career Interest Survey) based on the work of Kier,Blanchard, Osborne, & Albert [9]. The STEM-CIS consisted of 44 questions that took the formof a 5-point Likert scale from ‘Strongly Agree’ to ‘Strongly Disagree’. The 44 questions weredivided up into four sets of 11 questions based on the four areas of STEM. An example questionwas “I am interested in careers that involve engineering”.Based on the work of Talton and Simpson [10], four more questions were in the pre-survey in theform of a 5-point Likert scale that looked into peer perceptions of science. An example questionwas, “My best
toosmall to be SL. Thus, the use of SL as aneducational tool, especially in higher education,is to both to teach and to serve in equal measure. Figure 1. Conceptual diagram explaining theConsidering a broad sampling of SL in STEM uniqueness of service-learning (SL).education as provided in peer-reviewed literature, SL has shown beneficial outcomes particularly withregard to the types of learning objectives that have generally been more challenging to achieve in traditionalengineering coursework. These objectives include instruction in ethical responsibility, engineeringsolutions in a global context, and contemporary issues5. SL has documented effectiveness for instructionin related ideas including effective learning of sustainability6, broadened
material by the end of the course, to show cumulativeknowledge, or to test on a final unit of material. Students also noted that forming an epic finalethat covers all of the course material or relates and probes the technical content deeply may be achallenge (yes, students, it is!). One student expressed concern that with the group nature ofsome of the work, students may ‘ride the coattails’ of classmates. However, that student noted,and the instructors have observed, that this has not happened during our experiences. The peer-accountability, the quick pace, the interesting topics, and the buzz and excitement in the roomhave thus far carried along even the least motivated students.Ultimately, one student astutely put it this way:I think this model
policies, indicating that individuals create behaviorpatterns or have consistent justifications and logic. The most significant types of pressures toviolate workplace policies included peer behavior, wanting to seem better that they are, andsomeone telling them to do it. On the opposite side, conditions that caused them to hesitate toviolate workplace policies included negative consequences, fear of getting caught, and it wouldrequire more work or money later.Incidents of less-than-exemplary behaviors of engineers may lead us to question the adequacy ofthe educational preparation of engineers during college. A majority of engineering facultybelieved that the ethics and/or societal impacts education of undergraduate and graduate studentsin their
isbased on one such bank of questions pertaining to ABET, including an effort to capture thesubject’s attitude towards accreditation, general accreditation practices at their institution, andtheir opinion on known issues such as PEV training and consistency. We are preparing a separatearticle, slated for a peer-reviewed journal, which reports more directly on the issue of howacademic institutions and their programs responded to EC 2000, and a more robust account ofhow assessment and accreditation are practiced at engineering schools today. We note that eachinterviewer was given full discretion regarding how to direct their questions and where to focustheir interviews. We deemed 200 of our 277 interviews to have substantial content related toABET
; Clark et al., 1999; Mercer et al., 2011;Torres et al., 2010; Bair & Steele, 2010; Salvatore & Shelton, 2007). In addition to the adverseeffects on cognition, students of color who are the targets of repeated microaggressions struggleto persist in STEM majors at higher rates than White peers due to a lack of belonging (Johnson etal., 2007; Reid & Radhakrishnan, 2003). Critical race theory (CRT), therefore, is an appropriatetheoretical lens to examine the effects of racial microaggressions. CRT posits that racism isendemic and pervasive throughout American institutions, and education is no exception (DuBois,1920; DuBois, 2004; Gillborn, 2008; Solorzano, 2020). Using a CRT framework in this study,we hope to illuminate how racism may
15 mins of operation followed by 15 mins break. The pumpsare powered by a 1-kW solar PV system connected to a 3-kW inverter and 2 12-V batteriesoperating at 200 Amp.MeasurementsMeasurements are taken via a local weather station installed at the same height as the wind pump’sturbine, a water counter on the pipe leading from the wind pump to the fishpond, handheld devicesmeasuring pH, water temperature, oxygen, and salinity of the water in the fishpond on a regularbasis (every 1-5 days), as well as a field spectrophotometer used to sporadically measureAmmonia, Phosphate, Nitrate, and Iron levels in the fishpond’s water. At the time of writing, datacollection is ongoing and what is presented here is merely a first batch of data that shows how
alumni more likely to be employed full time in non-engineeringareas than white alumni. Gender differences were minimal in the first ten years aftergraduation, but became pronounced after ten years at which point salaries were 25%higher for men than for women with similar experience. Men were also 25% more likely,at the ten-year mark, to be promoted to senior managerial roles than their female peers.Finally, white men expressed the highest levels of job satisfaction and Black and femalegraduates leaned more toward pursuing graduate education than their peers. Morerecently, Sheri Sheppard’s large-scale school to work transition surveys have put careerpath analysis on the engineering education research map.11 Briefly, Sheppard and herteam used two
, industry tours, tutoring, and internship preparation assistance,chosen to address the expected needs of the student population. To select students to enter theprogram, an application with four essays and demographic information was developed. In orderto select applicants from this pool, the team needed a method for analyzing these applications.Rubrics are often used to rate the quality of a submission, whether graded work submitted by astudent, a report or performance for a competition, a paper presented to a journal or conference,or myriad other situations. Faculty are often trying to improve rubrics, and engineering educatorsare no exception – there are 3869 results for the term “rubric” in ASEE’s PEER repository [8],ranging from apps to help
goal and scope of the problem scenario. Further, some groups evidenced use ofproblem typology as a metacognitive aid to direct and redirect their discussion about the problem(e.g. to limit “out of scope” discussion). This differs from the pre sessions, where only one studentexplicitly mentioned the problem type in the pre (but did not get a confirmation from his partner).Similarly, in the pre none of the student groups were reflective about the relevance of their ideasand strategies during the discussion with their peers, which may explain some of the out of scopediscussion. This finding suggests that problem typology can facilitate interaction among studentsin directing their inquiry and supporting discussion along productive problem solving
something you heard (someone else say) in your small group that pushed your thinking? • In the professional workforce, whose responsibility is it to ensure a team’s design process is ethical?Lastly, to wrap up the module, we would engage the entire class in a final discussion to highlightkey themes relating to their small and medium breakout rooms. We envision this type of modulehappening earlier in the semester, thereby later in the semester, we would build on this work byhaving students write individual reflexivity statements to discuss how their identities,background, and lived experiences might relate to the design space in which they are working.AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank the authors of the framework and
other pre-professional programs)Lessons LearnedThis event is planned and facilitated by a staff member and student planningcommittee working together as a team. The team meets with the keynote speaker inadvance of the event so that the students get to provide their input to the speakerabout what topics they think their peers will be most interested in hearing about,among the possible topics offered by the speaker. Committee members also host andintroduce the speaker on the night of the event, plan an open networking event for thefirst 30 minutes of the event, help the speaker plan for the table discussions after thekeynote, and sometimes manage the question and answer period at the end of theevent. These responsibilities give the