surveyinstruments. Through analysis, patterns and themes emerged that the researchers positionedwithin the theoretical concepts of sense of belonging and academic self-concept. Given the smallnumber of women in the computing programs and the number of those students who participatedin the initiatives, the number of potential respondents was low. Future work includes addingqualitative analysis to the research considering the small number of participants in the study.Additionally, this study did not look to identify the impact of each initiative individually, andthereby can be a limitation. However, this study investigated the initiatives in aggregate. Theresults of this study support [12]’s assertion for the need of multi-pronged institutionalapproaches to
/docs/WEF_GGGR_2022.pdf[6] OECD, “Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Results from PISA 2018, Kazakhstan country note,” 2019. [Online]. Available:[7] Eurostat, “Graduates by education level, programme orientation, sex and field of education,” European Comission, 2022. datasets/product?code=educ_uoe_grad02[8] C. L. Hoyt and S. E. Murphy, “Managing to clear the air: Stereotype threat, women, and leadership,” The leadership quarterly, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 387–399, 2016.[9] M. Cadinu, A. Maass, A. Rosabianca, and J. Kiesner, “Why do women underperform under stereotype threat? Evidence for the role of
instructors’ experiences and perspectives on implementing UDLframework tools in the classroom. Questions are broken down into the two categories of teachingprofile and opinions on UDL features.Teaching profiles were constructed from the following question topics: primary subject area,primary format of course(s), level of students taught, average course enrollment sizes, andexperience in developing digital learning material.Similar to the student survey, instructors’ opinions on UDL features were collected throughLikert-type scale questions. For each UDL feature, instructors rated their experience (novice toexpert) on the feature and the usefulness of the feature for their students. However, unlike thestudent survey, instructors were additionally
Mechanical Engineering and the Center for Education Integrating Mathematics, Science, and Computing (CEISMC). She is involved with engineering education innoDr. Meltem Alemdar, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Meltem Alemdar is s Associate Director and Principal Research Scientist at Georgia Institute of Technologyˆa C™s Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics and Computing (CEISMC). Her research focuses on improving K-12 STEM education throughJoycelyn Wilson, Georgia Institute of Technology Joycelyn Wilson is an educational anthropologist and assistant professor of Black media studies in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication (LMC) at Georgia Tech. Her current area of inquiry focuses on hip
. Steinlicht and B.G. Garry, “Capstone project challenges: How industry sponsored projects offer new learning experiences,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 15-18, 2014, Indianapolis, IN.[4] B. Allison, S. Ludwick, and W. Birmingham, “A mechatronics capstone project with an interdisciplinary team and an industrial partner,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June 10-13, 2012.[5] P.K. Sheridan, G. Evans, and D. Reeve, “A proposed framework for teaching team-effectiveness in
any comments – only the information of the instruments – the operator activatesthe independent variable and collects the information of the dependent variable(s). in the spirit tomake the process INTERACTIVE, the video is, in reality, a Video Quiz. The Video Quizincludes questions during the implementation of the experiment to ensure students' knowledgeand understanding of what they are doing.Given that the implementation of the experiment is remote, all the questions are multiple-choicequestions. Any time a question is presented, the video stops, and the students need to answer. Ifthe answer provided is the correct answer, the video continues. If the answer is wrong, thestudents need to rewind the video, observe the phenomenon again, and
qualitative data using various coding methods. Two research team members readthe reflections and compared results. One researcher read reflections sequentially by student bycategory and identified salient patterns across participants. For example, Reflection 1 fromStudent 1 in the top 10% increase category was read first, followed by Student 1’s Reflections 2and 3. Then, Reflection 1 from Student 2 in the top 10% increase category was read, and so on.A second researcher read each reflection to determine similarities and differences incharacteristics and analyze patterns across reflections. This research team member readreflections as they were written chronologically within each category. All Reflection 1 samplesin the 10% increase category were read
hasdecided to conduct all 2021-2022 reviews virtually and it expects to review over 1080 programsacross all four commissions during the accreditation cycle. Over 730 of these programs will beevaluated by EAC.The objectives of this study were to: • gather input on best practices and opportunities for improvement in all elements of the virtual review, including pre-visit preparation, virtual “on-site” operations, team dynamics, communication and training, and • provide recommendations for future virtual reviewsResults of surveys, author(s)’ observations, and recommendations to improve future reviews -whether in-person or virtual - are presented in this paper. Lessons learned address suggestionsfor improvement for future virtual reviews
/indicator_reg.asp (accessed Mar. 07, 2021).[8] C. Riegle-Crumb, B. King, and Y. Irizarry, “Does STEM Stand Out? Examining Racial/Ethnic Gaps in Persistence Across Postsecondary Fields,” Educational Researcher, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 133–144, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.3102/0013189X19831006.[9] J. Rothwell, “The Hidden STEM Economy,” Brookings, Jun. 10, 2013. (accessed Mar. 07, 2021).[10] S. M. Pennell, “Queer cultural capital: implications for education,” Race Ethnicity and Education, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 324–338, Mar. 2016, doi: 10.1080/13613324.2015.1013462.[11] R. Straubhaar, “Student Use of Aspirational and Linguistic Social Capital in an Urban Immigrant-Centered English Immersion
impact your ethical knowledge, reasoning, or behavior?” Alumni rated sixengineering related activities, three non-engineering related, and could add other(s). Theresponse options provided were: did not participate, involved but no impact (0), small impact (1),moderate impact (2), large impact (3). Near the end of the survey, individuals were askedwhether they might be willing to participate in an interview about how their ethics instruction asa student impacted them after graduation. The survey concluded with demographic questions:year they had taken the targeted course, year they had earned their Bachelor’s degree, open-ended line to fill in the major of their Bachelor’s degree, whether or not they had earned graduatedegrees, types of
ensure qualityCommittee Size: Depending on the program, the committee consists of anywherefrom 6 students to 20 students. These numbers do not include additional volunteersthat may be recruited closer to the actual event.Recruitment/Membership: For BEST of CWIT and Cyber 101 Program, thecommittees are led by a staff member, as well as the Student Lead(s) for thatparticular program. Student Lead(s) apply for their positions each spring for thefollowing academic year. Bits & Bytes is led by a staff member. Recruitment for theplanning committees is done through email to current scholars and affiliates, andstudents apply by completing a Google Form. Student Lead(s) and staff select theplanning committees. The students on the planning committees
schematics, transient simulations, and transfer functions for the original driven- right-leg design and the design that uses a 3.3 V power source Eagle layout Voltera board pictures, if available (both sides), and populated board pictures (both sides) Solid works model picture(s) Case pictures Examples signals (scope screen, Analog Discovery II software screen, app, etc.) App screen with signal Signals as a function of electrode placement Picture of student holding their board design Items of interest and lessons learned at each stage: - Transfer function rolloff rates; filter challenges at low frequencies - Ideal versus real op-amp behavior; component choices
devise equitable system(s) that allow faculty to gain theengineering experience they desperately need, in order to keep up with newdevelopments in their areas of specialization. Thus asserting the view thatengineering faculty “with practical experience under their belt” would, in general,make better teachers. Administrator (deans, chairs, and decision makers in general)should investigate ways for helping new faculty members gain industrial experienceby spending a semester on-site at a cooperating industry, using summer release timeto work within industry, or allow for a dual appointment, say fifty-fifty, i.e., fiftypercent of faculty time at the College and the other fifty percent at an industry nearby.Perhaps the legal and organizational
rewardstructure) as it affects faculty attitudes and behavior. Using incentives to encourageyoung faculty to increase their commitment to teaching may help, but continuing tohire new faculty whose primary emphasis and interests is in research, inevitably doesreinforce existing cultural norms that favor research over teaching.Facilitate and Support Faculty in Acquiring Relevant Practical Experience:Encourage faculty members, particularly the young, to get involved with the practicein their locale, and devise equitable system(s) that allow faculty to gain theengineering experience they desperately need, in order to keep up with newdevelopments in their areas of specialization. Thus asserting the view thatengineering faculty “with practical experience under
resources. Engineering self-efficacy is emerging as a usefultheory in evaluating the confidence of students to pursue engineering related professions and theconfidence of teachers to teach engineering related content. In particular, Faber et al. [5] andYoon et al. [18] developed the Student Attitudes toward STEM (S-STEM) survey and TeachingEngineering Self-Efficacy Scale (TESS) survey, respectively. Such surveys used in conjunctionwith outreach activities may help allocate time and resources to more influential activities. In summary, the literature provides valuable information about engineering education inK-12, including typical types of program offerings, what has been most effective, andsuggestions for assessment to help evaluate the
the James F. Lufkin Award for the best conference paper—on the intersections between professional communication research and social jus- tice—at the 2012 International Professional Communication Conference. In 2015, he won the Ronald S. Blicq Award for Distinction in Technical Communication Education from the Professional Communica- tion Society of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). His current research focuses on rendering visible and integrating the social justice dimensions inherent in three components of the engineering curriculum—in engineering sciences, engineering design, and humanities and social science courses. That research, conducted with co-author Juan C. Lucena, will
opportunities.IntroductionMost universities use a capstone senior design course(s) to address ABET’s General Criterion 5which states “students must be prepared for engineering practice through a curriculumculminating in a major design experience” [1]. These programs likely use the capstone course(s)to assess at least some combination of ABET Student Outcomes 3b (design and conductexperiments, analyze and interpret data), 3d (function on multidisciplinary teams), 3e (identify,formulate, and solve engineering problems), and 3g (communicate effectively) [1]. In theory,the benefits students gain through exposure to such an experience and the advantages facultyhave in using the experience for assessment are substantial and well-documented. However,students who have never
Report NSF 15- 311. Arlington, VA. Retrieved from Mann, Allison and Thomas A. DiPrete (2013). Trends in Gender Segregation in the Choice of Science and Engineering Majors. Social Science Research 42(6), 1519–1541.4. Settles, I. , Cortina L. , Malley, J. , Stewart, A. (2006). The Climate for Women in Academic Science: The Good, the Bad, and the Changeable. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 30(1), 47-585. Seron, C., Silbey, S. S., Cech, E., & Rubineau, B. (2016). Persistence Is Cultural: Professional Socialization and the Reproduction of Sex Segregation. Work and Occupations, 43(2), 178-214.6. Leskin E. , Cortina L. , Kabat D. (2011) “Gender Harassment: Broadening our Understanding of Sex
careers improve society. This could thentranslate to an engineering profession that places overall societal benefits above the needs ofindividual clients and corporations.AcknowledgmentsSome of this material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant #1158863. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.Works Cited1. Layton Jr, E. T. The Revolt of the Engineers. Social Responsibility and the American Engineering Profession. (ERIC, 1986).2. Wisnioski, M. Engineers for change: Competing visions of technology in 1960s America. (MIT Press, 2012).3. Vesilind, P. A. Evolution of
modelled and analyzed individually without changing the nature of the remainder of thematerials. When combined with an in-depth understanding of the structure, the creation processbecomes more precise. Furthermore, this program is currently the industry standard, much likeAutoCAD was when it arose in the 1980’s; it has become the design standard and a larger part ofthe Building Information Modeling (BIM) movement within the construction industry and so ifany adjustments had to be made to the actual building, multiple firms could use the files toinform the changes. This also allows for the opportunity to test certain conditions, such as anychanges to be made and determine their impacts within the software prior to construction.Finally, Revit
substantial qualification in engineering education pedagogy.Our assertion is that the USA should not risk being left behind, and thus it is imperative that awider cohort of early career engineering educators should acquire substantial pedagogical andeducational training during their initial year(s) of teaching. “Pedagogy” being taken to meaninstructional techniques, and “educational” to encompass the curriculum and the philosophiesthat underpin pedagogies. Four propositions support this view: 1. Assuming that teaching is a professional activity, it is incumbent on a professional to be aware of the knowledge that constructs the activity and act therein taking into account the evidence available. 2. Without such knowledge it is difficult