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Displaying results 5461 - 5490 of 6366 in total
Conference Session
Online and Professional Graduate Programs
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael J. Dyrenfurth, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Mitchell L. Springer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kathryne Newton, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Carmen Torres-Sánchez , Loughborough University; Timothy J. Jacobs, Texas A&M University; Charles M. Wolf, Texas A&M University
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
Industrial c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Paper ID #30121 Technology from 2007 to 2010. Prior to her appointment at Purdue University in 1993, she spent seven years teaching for Texas A&M University’s Department of Engineering Technology. Dr. Newton has a Ph.D. in Educational Human Resource Development, a Master’s degree in Business Administration, and a B.S. in Industrial Distribution, each from Texas A&M University.Dr. Carmen Torres-S´anchez CEng, Loughborough University Dr Torres-S´anchez is an Associate Professor at the University of Loughborough, England, United King
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 7
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Rennick, University of Waterloo; Nadine Ibrahim, University of Waterloo; Gordon Krauss, Harvey Mudd College
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
… something to present. And it felt like we hadn't really… even started on it. So like I think and for the sake of like having more time, I think … it would have been more helpful if we'd started earlier on projectsInterestingly, even though most felt anxious about completing the projects in the time allotted,when interviewed at the end of the program, most of the participants felt that 9 weeks wasenough time for the SSEF. The most common feedback from the students was to move theproject and group selection earlier in the program so that expert talks could be arranged thatdirectly apply to their selected topic area(s) and/or to provide them more time for their projects. P4: “Definitely, not. like did not have enough time for
Conference Session
Duff's Dynamic Duo: Harnessing the Power of Teamwork for STEM Excellence!
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joshua D. Carl, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Amii LaPointe, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Cindy Miller, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Cory J. Prust, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Elizabeth Taylor, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
for the app. Students individually used post-it-notes to identify potential users of theapp. Once completed, the students returned to their groups and identified a primary andsecondary user of the app.After exploring the users, students then went into ideation with an exercise called “How MightWe?” [18]. In this exercise students, using post-it-notes, generate ideas on how might they solvethe problem to meet the user needs identified in “Define”. Students then got the opportunity tomeet with Milwaukee Bucks representatives to ask questions to validate their thoughts on usersand how they might solve the problem.The next step was Sketching. Using the Crazy 8’s [19] method of sketching, students engaged intwo rounds of sketching where they
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division (MVD) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyson G. Eggleston, Pennsylvania State University; Angela Minichiello, Utah State University; Allison Miles, Utah State University; Hannah Wilkinson, Utah State University; Samuel Shaw, Utah State University; Robert J. Rabb P.E., Pennsylvania State University; Jerry Lynn Dahlberg Jr, University of Tennessee, Space Institute; B Grant Crawford P.E., Quinnipiac University; Oscar Barton, Jr. P.E., Morgan State University; Catherine Kime, Utah State University; Michael Scott Sheppard Jr., Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Military and Veterans Division (MVD)
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON) Technical Session 2 - Engineering for One Planet (EOP)
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Brian Dittenber P.E., Cedarville University; Mackenzie Booth, Cedarville University
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Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON)
SDGs in light ofBiblical principles. Finally, students work in small groups to research one or several SDGs todetermine the importance of each topic, current progress toward each topic’s achievement, andprogress yet needed. As a follow-up assignment, students are asked to write a short paper orcreate a poster highlighting the SDG(s) they studied.Discipline-Specific Systems Thinking ModulesWith the final three topic areas (systems thinking, design, and communication & teamwork),multiple learning modules were developed for each relating the topics to specific applicationswithin the field of civil engineering. The first five modules of the SaS framework wereconstructed was to allow them to remain the same for any design discipline, while
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Huihui Qi, University of California, San Diego; Minju Kim, University of California, San Diego; Carolyn L Sandoval, University of California, San Diego; Zongnan Wang, University of California, San Diego; Curt Schurgers, University of California, San Diego; Marko V. Lubarda, University of California, San Diego; Saharnaz Baghdadchi, University of California, San Diego; Xuan emily Gedney; Alex M. Phan, University of California, San Diego; Nathan Delson, eGrove Education; Maziar Ghazinejad, University of California, San Diego
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
help. In addition, in versions of the oral exams that wereintended to give the students extra credit, students found that having a second chance to provetheir knowledge increased their motivation to learn. This highlighted to them that the class wasabout increasing their knowledge rather than penalizing them for their mistakes. D. Did oral exams increase students' understanding of the subject matter?In the end-of-quarter survey, students were asked whether they believe the oral exams increasedtheir understanding of the subject matter. Overall, the majority of students found the oralassessment(s) increased their understanding of the subject matter. 72.1% of the valid responsesanswered “agree/strongly agree” to the prompt, while nearly 21.4
Conference Session
Identity Formation and Engineering Cultures
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexis Suzanne Capitano, Colorado School of Mines; Ryan Miller, Colorado School of Mines; Kathryn Johnson, Colorado School of Mines
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
themes/concepts table to fill in with evidence and brief narrative Concept Name Instructions Mindset If possible, be more descriptive than just “problem- solving,” e.g., “growth mindset,” “problem identifi- cation,” etc. If relevant, particular problems could be mentioned here. Illustrative Add 1-3 quotes that illustrate this mindset. Include Quote(s) page numbers. Prevalence 1-5 scale (with 5 high) and very brief description Narrative Write a short paragraph (3-6 sentences) summariz- ing the concept and its
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL) - ASCE Collaborations
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Timmy Elwin Kipfmiller III, United States Military Academy; Alexander Tucker, United States Military Academy; Charles James Richardson Reeves, United States Military Academy; Nicholas Ryan Parker, United States Military Academy; Scott M. Katalenich, United States Military Academy
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 1
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pallavi Singh, University of South Florida; Luis Miguel Quevedo, IEEE Educational Activities; Grisselle Centeno, Florida Southern College; Wilfrido A. Moreno P.E., University of South Florida; Liliana M. Villavicencio, University of South Florida
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
Conference Session
Principal Skinner's Secrets: Cultivating STEM in Remote Locations, Steamed Hams!
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Taryn Melkus Bayles, University of Pittsburgh; Claudia J. Morrell, STEM Equity Initiative, LLC; Sandra Staklis, RTI International; Kevin A Jordan, RTI International
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 6: Challenges and Coping Strategies of Engineering Graduate Students
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Aldridge, The Ohio State University; Nicole M. Else-Quest, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Joseph Roy, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE); So Yoon Yoon, University of Cincinnati
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Tagged Divisions
Aerospace Division (AERO), Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
to reveal gender disparities and a lack of policy usage (i.e., paidtime off), yet existing research tends to focus on faculty and not doctoral students [84]. Ouranalysis did not uncover any results or findings that could be directly associated with work-lifebalance climate for doctoral engineering students.Discussion Our review demonstrates that 1) when there are studies of climate, constructs were notdefined, ill-defined, or derived from literature outside of organizational science, 2) participantclimate perceptions were often captured in studies of phenomena other than climate and 3)while engineering study results and findings often indicated the presence of organizationalclimate(s), engineering education researchers did not
Conference Session
Technical Session 7 - Paper 3: Forming and Fulfilling Expectations: Perspectives of Underrepresented Computer Science Doctoral Students
2022 CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity)
Vidushi Ojha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Raul Enrique Platero, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Beleicia B Bullock, Stanford University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
’ understanding of what their advisor (or supervisor) wanted them to dowas an important contributor to student outcomes, with the authors noting that “open, supportive,and frequent communication with [their] supervisor was found to be essential for student successand satisfaction” [6]. Sverdlik et al.’s analysis also noted that poor communication of departmentalrequirements may lead to a discrepancy between the student’s and the department’s expectations ofwhat the student needs to do [6]. Such a discrepancy can lead to the student insufficiently integrat-ing into their institution and discipline, resulting in a decreased likelihood of degree completion[7]. In addition, clear communication of expectations may impact students in more ways than sim-ply
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 10
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shuvra Das, University of Detroit, Mercy
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
an issue or a project that would benefit from a technological solution.Considering the divergence between the code of ethics and the design justice principles, it isprobably necessary to re-consider and revise the code of ethics to be more expansive and includethe design justice concepts. Inclusion of the design justice principles and their practice will be aworthwhile effort for NSPE and ABET to undertake and will be an important step on the path tomaking the engineering education system more diverse, equitable and inclusive.References 1. 2. 3. Das, M., Ostrowski, A.K., Ben-David, S., Roeder, G.J., Kimura, K., D'Ignazio, C., Breazeal, C., & Verma, A
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 4: Mentoring Programs in Graduate Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dayna L. Martínez, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Inc.; Susan Arnold Christian; Esther Gonzalez; Andrea D. Beattie; Ashleigh Tierney; Kimberly D. Douglas, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Inc.
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
Christian currently serves the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers as a Manager for the Research & Innovation office. She helps lead the MentorSHPE and InternSHPE programs in this role. In her former roles she has served as the Assistant Director for the Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity (CEED) at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA from 2010-2020. Prior to joining Virginia Tech in September of 2010, she served as the Outreach Program Coordinator for the Women in Engineering & Science Program at Kansas State University from 2000-2010. She began her work in STEM outreach and student support at Girls to Women, a private not for profit in Kansas City, in the late 90’s. She has also served on the
Conference Session
Teaching Tools: Student Experience and Reflection (NEE)
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremiah Pina, Smith College; Glenn W. Ellis, Smith College; Rebecca Mazur
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Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
: Goodman Research Group, Inc.Hadzigeorgiou, Y., Klassen, S., & Klassen, C. F. (2012). Encouraging a ‘‘romanticunderstanding’’ of science: The effect of the Nikola Tesla story. Science & Education, 21(8),111121138., P. A. (2013). Listening to students: A study of elementary students’ engagement inmathematics through the lens of imaginative education [Doctoral dissertation]. University ofBritish Columbia., B., Alper, M., & Reilly, E. (2013). T Is for Transmedia: Learning ThroughTransmedia Play (Rep.). Retrieved from Education Research Group [IERG
Conference Session
Diversity Trainings, Inclusive Learning, and Distance Learning
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joaquin Rodriguez, University of Pittsburgh; April Dukes, University of Pittsburgh; John Andrew Keith, University of Pittsburgh; David V.P. Sanchez, University of Pittsburgh
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
Education, 144 (2020) 103702. [Online] Available: [Accessed June 4, 2022][6] D. A. Trytten, R. Pan, C. E. Foor, R. L. Shehab, and S. E. Walden. “Inclusion or Exclusion? The Impact of the Intersection of Team Culture and Student Identity and Pathway on Team Diversity”. Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Seattle, Washington, June 14-17, 2015. [Online] Available: [Accessed February 9, 2023][7] E. Jensen, N. Jones, K. Orozco, L. Medina, M. Perry, B. Bolender, and K. Battle. “Measuring racial and ethnic diversity for the 2020 Census”. US Census Bureau, 2021 [Online] Available:
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division 1 - Empowering Students and Strengthening Community Relationships
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hannah Cooke, University of Connecticut; Rebecca Campbell-Montalvo, University of Connecticut; Todd Campbell, University of Connecticut; Chester Arnold; Maria Chrysochoou, University of Connecticut; Byung-Yeol Park, University of Connecticut; Peter C. Diplock
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division (COMMENG)
exploratory study offer next steps for university-communitypartnerships and service learning research and practice.This research is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation ImprovingUndergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resource (IUSE: EHR) program,award number 1915100.References[1] J. Botelho, “Uncovering the quality of STEM service-learning course implementation and essential elements across the California State University system,” Mich. J. Community Serv. Learn., vol. 26, no. 2, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.3998/mjcsloa.3239521.0026.201.[2] M. Salam, D. N. Awang Iskandar, D. H. A. Ibrahim, and M. S. Farooq, “Service learning in higher education: A systematic literature review,” Asia Pac. Educ. Rev., vol. 20, no. 4
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eleanor Leung, York College of Pennsylvania; Stephen Andrew Wilkerson, P.E., York College of Pennsylvania
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
-Teaching-and-Learning- Toolkit.pdf. [Accessed: Feb. 12, 2023].[6] The Helping Hand Project, [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Feb. 12, 2023].[7] K. Talbot, ”Using Arduino to Design a Myoelectric Prosthetic”, Honors Theses, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University, 2014.[Online]. Available: theses/55[8] S. Yagli and S-J. Hsieh, ”MAKER: Designing and Building a Prosthetic Hand for a High School Engineering Design Course”, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2018.[9] ”Limb Loss Statistics - Amputee Coalition”, [Online]. Available: topic/limb
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division (MVD) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert J. Rabb, P.E., Pennsylvania State University; Alyson Grace Eggleston, Pennsylvania State University; Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel
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Tagged Divisions
Military and Veterans Division (MVD)
receive up to $10,000 per year to cover tuition, books, and feesand the STA-21’s pay costs above $10,000 per year [17].Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program (BDCP)Designed to assist current college students, the Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program(BDCP) not only pays for the degree, books, rent, and food but also provides full-time Officerpay and benefits while in college and a guaranteed job upon graduation. This program is open tocivilians, enlisted Navy Reserve Sailors, and those inactive in other branches. Applicants must:be enrolled or accepted at a four-year accredited college or university with no NROTC Program;be a full-time student; have completed 60 semester hours; and maintain at least a 2.8 GPA [18].Specialized College
Conference Session
Analysis of Feedback Loops, Understanding the Impact of a LSAMP Scholar Program, Sustainable and Equitable Infrastructure, and Indigenous Innovators
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas M. Bittner, University of North Dakota; Rebecca Kennedy, University of North Dakota; Elizabeth Parton, University of North Dakota
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
Supporting Students at Minority-Serving Institutions, vol. 2019, no. Issue 167: Models and Bridges for Supporting Students at Minority-Serving Institutions, 2019.[9] “In Our Own Best Interest: A (Brief) History of Tribal Colleges in America.” Interest-Tribal-Colleges-in-America.aspx (accessed Feb. 09, 2023).[10] C. A. Nelson and J. R. Frye, “and Local Funding AUTHOR ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AUTHOR AFFILIATIONS MINORITY-SERVING INSTITUTIONS Series,” 2016.[11] M. M.-I. J. of Q. S. in and undefined 2012, “Welcome to a new world: Experiences of American Indian tribal college and university transfer students at predominantly white
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine Drinkwater, Duke University; Charlotte Sendek; Allison N Stocks, Duke University; Paula Kworekwa; Julius Mugaga; Robert Tamale Ssekitoleko; Ann Saterbak, Duke University
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
students across the world.References[1] S. Roslund, E. Rodgers, “Makerspaces” Minnesota: Cherry Lake Publishing, 2013[2] N. Lou, K. Peek, “There are 14 Times as Many Makerspaces as There Were a Decade Ago” Popular Science. Available:[3] Fab Foundation, “Registered Fab Lab Map” Fab Labs. Available:[4] A. Hira, M. Hynes, “People, Means, and Activities: A Conceptual Framework for Realizing the Educational Potential of Makerspaces,” Educ. Res. Int., vol 2018, Available:[5] G. Pallaris, P. Zaphiris, A. Parmaxi, “Mapping the landscape of Makerspaces in higher education: an inventory of research
Conference Session
Mentoring, Case Study of Racial and Ethnic Diversity, Identity Dilemmas, Cultural Homelessness and Intersectionality, and Transfer Students
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Farmer Cox, The Ohio State University; Kristen Moore, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
After the Social Justice Turn: Building Coalitions for Action. Routledge, 2019.[23] K. Moore, R. Walton, and N. N. Jones, “Redressing Inequities Within Our Margin of Maneuverability: A Narrative Inquiry Study.” Jul. 26, 2021.[24] Zakaria, Against White Feminism: Notes on Disruption . 2021. Accessed: Apr. 05, 2023. [Online]. Available: a+against+white+feminism&ots=5OR7_iGAL1&sig=VWD0DbfaMPmIGkyQWHfl1W3tQhE#v= onepage&q=zakaria against white feminism&f=false[25] W. Reynolds-Dobbs, K. M. Thomas, and M. S. Harrison, “From Mammy to Superwoman Images That Hinder Black Women’s Career
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division (CONST) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Behnam Shadravan, Florida A&M University
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Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering Division (CONST)
Access to Them, and Why They Matter. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2008. Developing and Assessing College Student Teamwork Skills 63 New Directions for Institutional Research • DOI: 10.1002/ir5. Eddy, E. R., D’Abate, C. P., & Costello, M. (2019). The Impact of Enhanced Teammate Evaluations on Important Individual and Team Outcomes. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 9(2), 158-158.6. Graupensperger, S., Benson, A. J., Kilmer, J. R., & Evans, M. B. (2020). Social (un) distancing: Teammate interactions, athletic identity, and mental health of student-athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Adolescent Health, 67(5), 662-670.7. Goodwin, C., and Bonadies, M. L
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 9: Identity & Belonging 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna Newsome Holcomb, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jacqueline Rohde, Georgia Institute of Technology; Lakshmi Raju
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
. B. Cuseo, and A. Thompson, Peer-to-Peer Leadership: Transforming Student Culture, 1st edition. Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2013.[14] J. Cuseo, “Peer power: Empirical evidence for the positive impact of peer interaction, support, and leadership,” E-Source Coll. Transit., vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 4–6, 2010.[15] J. P. Martin, “The invisible hand of social capital: narratives of first generation college students in engineering,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 1170–1181, 2015.[16] N. Lin, “Building a Network Theory of Social Capital,” Connections, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 28–51, 1999.[17] J. P. Martin, D. R. Simmons, and S. L. Yu, “The role of social capital in the experiences of hispanic women engineering majors: social capital and
Conference Session
Broadening Participation through Access, Equity, Inclusion in ECE
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Geoffrey L. Herman, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Muahmmad Suleman Mahmood
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Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
productive route for instructors to explore in their efforts to improvetheir teaching.References [1] Jonathan Wai, David Lubinski, and Camilla P. Benbow. Spatial ability for stem domains: Aligning over 50 years of cumulative psychological knowledge solidifies its importance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(4):817–835, 2009. [2] Yukiko Maeda and So Yoon Yoon. A meta-analysis on gender differences in mental rotation ability measured by the purdue spatial visualization tests: Visualization of rotations (psvt: R). Educational Psychology Review, 25(1):69–94, 2013. [3] S. Brownlow, T.K. McPheron, and C.N. Acks. Science background and spatial abilities in men and women. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 12:371–380
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Zheping Xie, Tsinghua University; Xiaofeng Tang, Tsinghua University; Fujun Jin
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Tagged Divisions
shun away from—global cooperation. To prepareour best engineers to tackle these global challenges, engineering education community needs tofurther push for academic cooperation. Tsinghua’s ongoing efforts of renewing its global strategy– possibly the global strategy 2.0 – indicates its continuous commitment to the global communityof engineering education.AcknowledgementsThis study is supported by the Engineering Education 111 Project (B20073).ReferencesAndreas, J. S. Rise of the red engineers: The Cultural Revolution and the origins of China's new class, Calif.: Stanford University Press. 2009.Bao, Ou. “Soviet Experts and the Construction of the New Tsinghua: A Micro-investigation of Sino-Soviet Union Communications.” 2nd
Conference Session
Engineering Education Culture: Mental Health, Inclusion, and the Soul of Our Community
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jessica R. Deters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
DefinitionAn engineering way of thinking The kinds of knowledge that are valued and the prevalent way of thinking within engineeringAn engineering way of doing Shared beliefs about how teaching and learning should be done within engineeringBeing an Engineer “Beliefs and assumptions around the attributes and qualities inherent in being an engineer” [1, p. 14]; engineering identity and enculturation into engineeringAcceptance of Difference Issues of diversity and homogeneity in engineering; values and norms associated with the dominant group(s
Conference Session
Educational and Professional Issues of Strategic Importance to the Civil Engineering Profession and ASCE
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Matthew K. Swenty, Virginia Military Institute; Brian J. Swenty P.E., University of Evansville
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Paper ID #33427Is Engineering Education the Weak Link in Licensure’s Three-legged Stool?Dr. Matthew K. Swenty, Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T and then worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation. After obtaining his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech, he worked at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. He is currently a professor of Civil Engineering at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). He teaches engineering mechanics and structural engineering courses and enjoys working
Conference Session
Teaching Methodology & Assessment 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amelia Greig, University of Texas at El Paso
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Tagged Divisions
Students Collate and distribute peer-review comments 7 March Instructor Slides/Posters Due 11 March Students Oral Presentation Session(s)* 14 March All Poster Session* 19 March All Peer Review Response and Updated Paper Due* StudentsCase Study 3: The Funding ProposalFor the third case study, graduate students in a graduate elective class in advanced propulsionsystems (AERO 570 at California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly))responded to a fictional funding call from a fictional research agency (see
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Capstone Projects
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jorge Antonio Tito P.E., University of Houston
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
use 2 trucks spaced 50-ft and consider the 90% of the loads.Service Limit State, Strength I: Qn <= 1.25DL + 1.75LLImpact Factor, IM=1.33 applied to the truck or tandem loads ➔ LL = Lane + IM (Truck or Tandem)Figure 6: Live Loads (LL) from HL-93 loads.a.Stress at beams due Dead Load (fresh b. Stress at beams: LaneLoad + concrete for s/w + hard concrete for railing) 1.33TruckLoad @ Centerline Design Stress at Centerline (tension at bottom flange) = 1.25*15.1 + 1.75*(11.3) = 38.7 ksi Design Stress at Supports (compression at bottom