leaders to enhancethe leadership and management skills. It is important to emphasize to the HODA leaders that thestudents doing the HODA are not to be told which archetype(s) are applicable. The studentsshould be allowed to experience the systems archetypes and think for themselves whicharchetype fits best. While it would be faster and easier if students were told which archetypes arepresent in the HODA, it is important at the graduate level that the students be allowed to usehigher orders of thinking to identify the archetypes, discuss options with the class members, andpresent their evidence as to which archetypes fit best.DebriefingThe debriefing aims to inspire students to extract experience and observations related to systemsthinking from
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Engineering study abroadprogram with the following percentages (see above). 4 The Problem Engineering Demographics 18% Women, 12% URM 11% of U .S. college students study abroad in 2017-2018, with only 5% being engineering students* Study Abroad Course Pedagogy is lacking Studying abroad provides immersion experience that can change students, but this is not typically measured or planned out to provide developmental change# Gap in the research about pedagogical approaches to support greater intercultural development
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[5] Gee, J, P, "Chapter 3: Identity as an analytic lens for research in education". Review of research in education, 25, 1, 2000, 99-125.all departing students are anticipated. This would yield amore complete picture of engineering identity development [6] Meyers, K, L, Ohland, M, W, Pawley, A, L, Silliman, S, E, andat Campbell University in the 2017-2018 academic year. Smith, K, A, "Factors relating to engineering identity", Global journal of engineering education, 14, 1, 2012, 119-131. Additionally, the data gathered for this study typicallyreflect single points
September 24, 2013.2 https://www.asee.org/about-us/the-organization/our-board-of-directors/asee-board-of-directors-statements/diversity3 EAGER: Promoting LGBTQ Equality in Engineering through Virtual Communities of Practice.NSF EEC-1539140. S. Farrell, PI; A. Minerick, E. Cech, R. C. Guerra, & T. Waidzunas, co-PIs.4 Stephanie Farrell, “Climate Change: LGBTQ Inclusion in Engineering.” Seminar given at WPI.October 25, 2017. 1to our most pressing social, civic and ethical problems.”5 Although socially progressivescholarship is not new —it dates back to John Dewey’s work in the 1920s— it constitutesa sea change in engineering education, which is
Confirm international partner(s) and conduct first conference call September Distribute advertising material and Discuss potential research theme and application form to students project topics October Create a database to collect all student Agree on a research theme. Draft research applications topics November Draft a budget and discuss with partner Finalize research project topics institutions Identify research mentors
(procrastination) Questioning Study groups (peer learning) Use academic services* Prep for and taking exams *Tutoring, professors office hours, library, advising, career center, etc.Assessment:We propose two types of assessment for this assignment. First, an assessment rubric for theinfographics evaluates the quality of the infographic (see Table 2). The rubric is given when thefirst draft is assigned and students peer review the draft infographics using the rubric during thefacilitated in-class workshop(s). The rubric areas inform the authors of areas for improvementincluding creativity, graphics, fonts, and colors, but is also meant to inform instructors towardour
classroom and as homework, that use of the approach be integrated in both classand lab settings, and that use be expanded to course pre-requisites as well as follow up/advancedcourses. Overall, the use of experimental centric approaches to learning and teaching appears tooffer a promising method of increasing and enhancing circuits based classes so that futureengineers will be better able to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world. Further research isneeded on the role of faculty teaching style, specific course content, and long-term achievementoutcomes.References: 1. Suitts, S. (2003).Fueling Education Reform: Historically Black Colleges Are Meeting a National Science Imperative. Cell Biol Educ. 2003 Winter; 2: 205–206.doi
why theymatter. s.l. : Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2008.4. Unmasking the effects of the student engagement on college grades and persistence. Kuh, G.D.,Cruce, T., Shoup, R., Kinzie, J., & Gonyea, R. M. s.l. : Journal of Higher Education, 2008, Vol. 79.5. Baxter Magolda, M. B. Self-authorship as the common goal of twenty-first century education. [bookauth.] M. Baxter Magolda & P. King. Learning partnerships: Theory and models to educate for self-authorship. Sterling : Stylus Publishing, 2004.6. Cardone, T., Turton, E. S., Olson, G., & Baxter Magolda, M. Learning partnerships in practice:Orientation, leadership, and residence life. American College Personnel Association and WileyPeriodicals, Inc. 2013.7
” education to haveinsufficient curricular coverage at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Research is less clearas to if and how considerations of gender and race are integrated into environmental engineeringlearning frameworks (e.g., it is possible that these considerations are included within the “socialjustice” or “engineering and poverty” topics in Bielefeldt et al.’s [13] survey, but not known ornamed precisely). Many faculty members and cross-sector partners have strong interest increating learning settings that highlight the human health, cultural, social, and justice relateddimensions of environmental studies [5], [8], [14]. Yet course experiences that aim to expandunderstanding of how different gender and racial groups enter
Senior or More n 5,819 1,722 4,097 807 932 2,714 2,384 721 % Total 100% 30% 70% 14% 16% 47% 41% 12%2 For the purposes of this study, underrepresented minority (URM) is defined as any respondent who indicated a Latino/a, African American, Native American or Pacific Islander race or ethnicity. First Generation College (FGC) is defined as any respondent whose parents(s)/guardian(s) had less post-secondary education than an Associate degree. There are many possible definitions of a first generation college student (see Choy 2001; Auclair et al. 2008; Toutkoushian, Stollberg, and Slaton 2015) and this
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colleges and universities. This emphasis is echoed inmultiple policy documents, such as the Chinese Ministry of Education (MOE)’s “Opinions onVigorously Promoting entrepreneurial Education in Universities and Start-ups by College Students”[1] (2010) and “Opinions on Comprehensively Improving the Quality of Higher Education”[2](2012).The Chinese State Council’s annual “Report on the Work of the Government” in 2015 furtherclinches governmental support for entrepreneurial by encouraging people to “start their ownbusinesses and to make innovations” as a way to create jobs and increase their income. In May 2015,the State Council General Office provided a blueprint for implementing this national strategy inhigher education through its “Opinions on
), “What Defines Effective Chemistry Laboratory Instruction? Teaching Assistant and Student Perspectives”, Journal of Chemical Education, 80(10), 1197-1205. 4. Yalvac, B., Smith, H. D., Hirsch, P. L. and Birol, G. (2006), “ Teaching Writing in a Laboratory-Based Engineering Course with a “How People Learn” Framework”, Chapter 5, New Direction for Teaching and Learning, No. 108, Winter 2006, Published by Wiley Periodicals Inc., 59-73. 5. Tan, R. H. (2014), “Project-based Learning Cycles Design Framework” http://sites.psu.edu/racheltan/2014/05/13/project-based-learning-cycles/ 6. Watai, L. L., Brodersen, A. J. and Brophy, S. P. (2005), “Designing Effective Electrical Engineering Laboratories using Challenge
of Writing andSpeaking in the Classroom and Workplace,” Journal of STEM Education, Vol. 7, Number 1-2. The Institute forSTEM Education & Research, Auburn, AL, 2006[4] National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020, Visions of Engineering in the New Century, NationalAcademy of Engineering, The National Academy Press, Washington DC, 2004. p.55.[5] Waggenspack, W.N., Liggett, S., Hull, W.R., Bowles, D.F., Davis, P. “Development and Assessment of anInnovative Program to Integrate Communication Skills into Engineering Curricula.” Proceedings of the 2013Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, GA, June, 2013.[6] Young, Art. “Writing Across and Against the Curriculum.” College Composition and
identitydevelopment as engineers?Literature Review: Students’ Involvement in Outreach Programs Engineering students’ desire to be involved in outreach. A sense of purpose is amotivating factor that describes an individual’s goal(s) for their actions [5] . Students may be 4attracted to organizations that convey values aligned with their personal and professional goals [6-9] . For some students the messages that engineering outreach programs convey, such as theapplication of engineering to solving the world’s problems [10], the need for diversity amongengineers [11] and the fact that engineering involves problem solving, [12] are congruent with theirown