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students “to disengage fromlearning situations” or to commit only to “the minimum amount of work that is needed to just getby” [13]. In view of these challenges, Ambrose and her colleagues recommend several strategiesdesigned “to increase the value that students place on the goals and activities” of a course [13].Among them are connecting course materials to “issues that are important to students” and to“real-world event[s]” and the needs of “an actual client in the community” [13]. Common tothese strategies is an emphasis on the real (or at least the simulation of reality). Reality conveysrelevance, which in turn persuades students that a course is worth the investment of time andresources required to facilitate deep learning. It would
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of 2014, the J. B. Speed School of Engineering (SSoE) at the University of Louisville(UofL) commenced an endeavor to renovate the school’s existing course(s) focused onintroducing first-year students to the profession and fundamentals of engineering, resulting in atwo-course sequence that all first-year SSoE students are required to take. The first component ofthis sequence, Engineering Methods, Tools, & Practice I (ENGR 110), is structurally analogousto the previously existing introductory course and is primarily focused on introduction to andpractice with fundamental engineering skills. The second component, Engineering Methods,Tools, and Practice II (ENGR 111), is a makerspace-based course primarily focused onapplication and
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Engineering Technology program (or similarly named) in the USA has atleast one or two required course(s) in embedded system technology. In general, such coursesare offered either at freshman, sophomore and/or junior level. They train the students withtheory and application of embedded systems including how to program a given micro-controller and interface with different peripherals.In the author’s department, there is a sequence of two embedded system courses at the 1xxxand 2xxx level and they are required courses for the Electrical and Computer EngineeringTechnology (ECET) undergraduate program. At the time of writing this paper, the 2xxx levelcourse used a popular microcontroller platform ATMEGA 2560. In addition, the author’sECET program also has
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sensitivity/awareness) and decide on ethical actions (similar tojudgment/imagination). The table also indicates if there was evidence of each code for the threecourses based on if any student discussed something that was coded to the element of the 4DDD.Table 2: Deductive codes from the 4DDD and evidence from focus group of students fromthe courses (F = Fluid Mechanics, E = Sustainable Energy, S = Energy and Sustainability,No = not observed)Code Definition CourseMastery Competence, proficiency in understanding and applying No knowledgeBroader context Understanding of the subject’s societal implications F, E
education funding –Department of Defense basic and applied research –Specific research accounts for other mission agencies (e.g. DOE, NASA, NIH) –Pell and other student aid• Protect Against Threats to Engineering Schools and Colleges –Science and Security –Immigration – high-skilled immigration and student talent pipeline (e.g. H1B visas, OPT, DACA)• Inform Education, Research, and STEM Policy –Research agency reauthorizations (e.g. NSF, Defense, NASA, Applied Energy) –National Defense Education Act reauthorization –Higher Education Act reauthorization – student impacts, teacher training2019 Begins…2019 Comes to a CloseBig Picture: Federal Outlook for Engineering Federal S&T enterprise has enjoyed significant funding increases in
) is a 5-day program offered byMissouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) to introduce high schoolstudents to various engineering disciplines. The Intro Camp occurs at three different timesduring the summer and typically attracts incoming high school juniors and seniors. The IntroCamp was established with the following goals: (1) increasing students’ knowledge of variousengineering disciplines, (2) enhancing students understanding on how math and science relate tothe field of engineering through hands-on activities, (3) introducing the educational and researchopportunities at Missouri S&T, and (4) preparing high school students for making a thought-outdecision on choosing career or disciplines they want to
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departments asan initial step in deciding future curriculum changes. For example, Pitt may decide to make somerequired courses technical electives, in line with ASME Vision 2030’s suggestion for increasedcurricular flexibility. Likewise, CMU may decide to increase the flexibility of its curriculumeven further noting that other curricula (e.g., the MIT 2A curriculum) have substantially greaterflexibility. This method is transparent and adaptable by other universities as a first-step inanalyzing their own curricula.Challenges and limitations of this approach include the somewhat arbitrary separation ofengineering courses into Mechanical or non-Mechanical and the difficulty of categorizingcourses based on course descriptions alone. Furthermore, the
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course. In addition, most of the available scholarly work on EngineeringThermodynamics course focus on incorporating new teaching methods such as using videomedia [6], implementing experiential learning model [7], and developing MATLAB Functions[8] for improvement of student learning in the course. For instance, A. Karimi and R. Manteufelconducted and experiment by implementing Flipped Classroom Concept in their teaching of theThermodynamics course [9]. As another example, A. Smith and S. Brauer presented an alternateapproach to convey the conceptual content of the Thermodynamics course. They played anonline quiz game, called Kahoot!, to reinforce the content covered in the reading assignments[10].Author of the current paper believes in