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Displaying results 541 - 570 of 1671 in total
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Development Opportunities for Diverse Engineering Students
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna Wolfe, Carnegie Mellon University; Elizabeth A. Powell, Tennessee Technological University; Seth Schlisserman; Alexandra Kirshon
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ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity
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Minorities in Engineering, Women in Engineering
Kirshon is a Decision Science major at Carnegie Mellon University with an additional major in Professional Writing and a minor in Public Policy and Management. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Teamwork in Engineering Undergraduate Classes: What problems do students experience?AbstractWhile teamwork is commonly integrated into engineering programs, it often discourages womenand minorities. The purpose of the current research is to better understand what teamworkproblems women and minorities most frequently encounter and the resources they currently havefor solving these problems. The researchers report findings from a two-part study. In Part I, 677engineering
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Brian Limbrick, North Carolina A&T State University
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Computers in Education
see if it is capableof solving ten puzzles.Interactive Exercise: Blindfold and Lead In order to teach the students the value of giving explicit instructions the students were requiredto navigate their peers across the room. One student volunteered to be blindfolded and two studentsvolunteered to give instructions. The blindfolded student had the objective of traveling from oneside of the room to the other side based purely on the instructions of his/her peers. This exerciseemphasized the level of precision necessary to describe a sequence of steps.Standardized Test Preparation: System of Equations The students were given a pair of linear equations and instructed to solve for the unknownvariables using an algorithmic approach. The
Conference Session
PBL and Flipped Classrooms in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Noel Fedesco, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Cary Troy, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Civil Engineering
of flipping a large fluid mechanics course isassociated with small but positive improvements to quiz and final exam performance. However,it is best to rely on other indicators beyond course performance in order to more accuratelydepict the impact of a course transformation. To supplement the results of the quantitativeanalyses, student comments about the course and instructor observations of the transformationimplementation were assessed. Students found the work sessions to be very effective, enjoyedcollaborating with peers and the instructor, and thought the online videos were helpful. Theinstructor indicated that the benefits of the flipped class include the following: heightenedstudent engagement during class periods; greatly increased
Conference Session
Track 5: Technical Session 5: Successful mentoring practices for women undergraduate STEM students
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Suzanne Zurn-Birkhimer, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Elizabeth Hart, University of Dayton
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
at Dayton and WiE at Purdue have developed a collaborative relationship wherethey have shared tips and strategies to develop mentoring programs as they standtoday.We will start with a brief description of our programs and then talk about ourcollaboration and transferability of mentoring components.Research shows that mentoring works. In particular, longitudinal research is beingconducted by the Purdue team through and initial results indicate that students in thementoring program graduate at higher rates than their peers not in the program.Reviewer 1 stated: “Oftentimes, in academia especially, mentorship programs are usedas a superficial band-aid for systemic inequities and toxic cultural norms.”We acknowledge that there are systemic
Conference Session
Track 6: Technical Session 8: Title: Real life experiences in recruiting, retaining, and supporting LGBTQIA+ engineering students
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Amy Rachel Betz, Kansas State University; Craig Wanklyn P.E., Kansas State University; Rachel Levitt, Kansas State University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
identity that includes or supports both their engineering and LGBTQIA+ identity?• Group 3 - What student support and training/professional development do you have to minimize the devaluation and marginalization of LGBTQIA+ students?• Group 4 - How does your campus ensure equitable access to health and wellness resources? What about your classroom? Policy or advocacy work? 10Depending on early feedback (and the set up of the room) we may use differentmodels for working together and sharing out the responses. This may includedworking at each table or having large notepad across the room that people can get upand write on
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pablo K. Cornejo, California State University, Chico; Kevin Orner, University of South Florida
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Environmental Engineering
, include student peer review of writing, and emphasize technical writing skills.Instructor Insights and Future RecommendationsFuture studies are needed to understand the importance of culturally-relevant pedagogy for localand international experiences in environmental engineering education. This could be done byexploring differences in student performance between groups that conduct in-country visits andgroups that do not. Alternatively, comparisons could be made to assess student performancewhile addressing local versus international environmental issues to better understand theimportance of global engagement. Local issues could focus on environmental problemsimpacting marginalized communities (e.g., water contamination issues in rural
2022 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Howard S. Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of Technology; John D. Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ronald H Rockland, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Mark R O’Shea, California State University Monterey Bay
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to ensure that their contentknowledge and instructional practices keeps up with the changing base of knowledge andpractices needed for effective classroom instruction. Our experience with providing web-basedprofessional development programs for teachers can serve as a model for distance learningprograms for teachers, where they can enhance their content knowledge and instructionalpractices, and also network with others.Two professional development programs are described that are responsive to teacher isolationfrom peers during a pandemic. Lessons learned from these programs can serve as a frameworkfor the implementation of teacher professional programs during a pandemic or even after apandemic.IntroductionBy its very definition, a
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kathleen Buse, Advancing Women in the Workforce; Lyndsey McMillon-Brown, NASA Glenn Research Center; L. Nicole Smith, NASA Glenn Research Center; Brian P. Kirkmeyer, Miami University
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
“Gender, Work andLeadership”, which was focused on best practices to engage and retain women and minoritizedindividuals in STEM. The committee created and leveraged personal relationships via grassrootscampaigns to recruit, matriculate, retain, and support women students in the CEC. For example,committee members began a letter writing campaign, writing to high school senior girls who hadbeen accepted to the engineering program encouraging them to enroll. The committee membersbegan conducting outreach at their respective local high schools, and represented the Universityat the TechOlympics, one of the largest annual gatherings of STEM-interested high schoolstudents in the metropolitan area and state. The committee met with University staff
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 3 Slot 4 Technical Session 1
2021 CoNECD
Andrea Haverkamp, Oregon State University; Michelle Kay Bothwell, Oregon State University; Devlin Montfort, Oregon State University; Qwo-Li Driskill, Oregon State University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
Oregon State University.Michelle Kay Bothwell, Oregon State University Michelle Bothwell is a Professor of Bioengineering at Oregon State University. Her teaching and research bridge ethics, social justice and engineering with the aim of cultivating an inclusive and socially just engineering profession.Dr. Devlin Montfort, Oregon State University Dr. Montfort is an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engi- neering at Oregon State UniversityDr. Qwo-Li Driskill, Qwo-Li Driskill is an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Oregon State University. They hold a PhD in Rhetoric & Writing from Michigan State University
Conference Session
Integrating Teaching Assistants, Tenure-track, and Non-tenure-track Faculty into a Cohesive Department
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel; Ally Kindel Martin, The Citadel; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel; Kevin C Bower PE, The Citadel
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Civil Engineering
, 5 points for edited volume, 4 pointsfor book chapter/book edition, 3 points for peer reviewed journal, 2 points forresearch/technical report, 1 point for peer reviewed conference paper and presentation, 0.5points for non-peered reviewed conference paper and presentation, 0.25 points forpresentation only. The goal of this point system is to visibly increase the amount ofscholarship while determining the average scholarship amount for motivational effect. Allnew faculty (15 since 2012) have attended a Mini-ExCEEd teaching workshop taught by oneof the authors and four of these have attended the week-long ExCEEd. These same newfaculty are the primary foundation of faculty modifying and invigorating the freshmencourses. The institution tracks
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Technical Session 4: The Best of the All: FPD Best Papers
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chao Wang, Arizona State University; Jennifer Mott, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo
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First-Year Programs
timely feedback. 4. Students make complex decision on course concepts during class that are reported in simple form.In a team-based learning course, it is recommended that large (five to seven students per team)diverse teams are formed by the instructor at the beginning of the course, and stay consistent forthe duration of the course. To motivate every student to contribute and hold them accountable forin-class teamwork, peer evaluations are used. Either a fixed percentage grade or a scale factor forteam portion of the total grade is often incorporated in the grading scheme based on the result ofpeer evaluations.In a TBL class, course materials are divided into modules. A typical module spans several classperiods. Every module follows
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Capstone Design Projects
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Geoffrey Recktenwald, Michigan State University; William F. Resh, Michigan State University
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Design in Engineering Education
students continue on the project throughtheir education they can see how the engineering sciences interact in design and how changingthe design to improve performance in one area may degrade it in another.The experiential learning elements of the ISD project are many. Multi-year projects are commonin industry, so the ISD experience starts early in the students’ educations to break the classroomexperience that after 15 weeks everything resets and you start over. With the involvement ofstudents over many years, it is common to have Freshmen and Sophomores working with Juniorsand Seniors, providing peer learning, leadership, and mentoring opportunities. The ISDexperience is run more like industrial projects with student teams assigned tasks, and the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: REU 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University; Jyhwen Wang, Texas A&M University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
) interpreting acquitted data. Scientific writing; National fellowships. BBL Jul. Continue research tasks. Plan/adapt &/or invoke Seminars: Effective poster presentations; Writing (Week-8) contingency plans to finish on time. abstracts, papers & publishing. BBL Jul. Abstract due! Wrap-up research. Prepare Seminars: Conflict Resolution; Transition from (Week-9) paper/presentation/poster. Trial presentation. undergrad to grad school/beyond. BBL Aug. Research paper due! Group presentation. Poster due/presentation! TAMU Summer(Week-10) Formulate individual career plans (guided). Research Symposium. Awards ceremony.@ TAMU Post-program survey (by
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division (SYS) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Drzymalski, Temple University
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Systems Engineering Division (SYS)
showedsignificant increases in performance in underrepresented groups with no loss in achievement ofoutcomes [16]. The creation of active learning modules to teach Finite Element Analysis resultedin an increase in student learning across all demographics and particularly benefitted reflectivelearners more than active or sensory learners [17]. Calibrated Peer Review (CPR)- a disciplinenon-specific online tool developed by Han [18] that facilitates writing assignments in courses –was used by Culver, et. al. In their lab course [19], the use of CPR was shown to not onlyincrease student performance but significantly reduce disparity in grades across demographicgroups. Angrave [20], utilize ClassTranscribe, an accessible video viewing system invarious
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Postcard Session 1: Retention and Student Success Strategies
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Knaphus-Soran, University of Washington; Ann Delaney, Boise State University; Katherine Christine Tetrick, Washington State University; Sonya Cunningham, University of Washington; Pamela Cosman, University of California, San Diego; Tanya D. Ennis, University of Colorado, Boulder; Beth A. Myers, University of Colorado, Boulder; Jana Milford, University of Colorado, Boulder; Donna C. Llewellyn, Boise State University; Eve A. Riskin, University of Washington; Janet Callahan, Boise State University; Kevin Pitts, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Michelle Ferrez, University of California, San Diego
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First-Year Programs
yearengineering and computer science students.At UIUC, Redshirt students take a course for credit that focuses on academic support, studyskills, and engineering projects. This course is similar to an introductory engineering coursetaken by all first year students, but has a stronger focus on academic and professionaldevelopment. Students are also required to take a writing course, introductory chemistry course,introductory physics course, and a math course.Pre-matriculation Summer Programs/Community-BuildingAll Redshirt programs have a required pre-matriculation summer program to help students get ajump start on their academics and begin bonding with their Redshirt peers, though theseprograms look quite different from school to school. At CU-B, UW, UIUC
Conference Session
Preparing Engineering Students for Their Professional Practice
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jia Zhu, Florida International University; Ellen Zerbe, Pennsylvania State University; Monique S. Ross, Florida International University; Catherine G. P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University
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Educational Research and Methods
- Preparing job talks - Excellent written and spoken English - Networking with industryIndustry Career Skills - Resume and cover letter writing - Transitioning from postdoc to industry - Leading a collaborative research team in the lab - Leadership on research projects Leadership Skills - Diversity awareness - Openness to critique - Mentoring graduate students and junior postdocs - Managing small groups Mentoring - Peer - mentorship - Access to role models
Conference Session
Improving Retention & Self-Efficacy through Experiential Learning and Research Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sydney Donohue, University of New Mexico; Kamryn G. Zachek; Alex Webster, University of New Mexico; Timothy L. Schroeder; Anjali Mulchandani, University of New Mexico
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Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED)
resources research and interested in building acommunication project related to their own work. The students were asked to write a 300-wordstatement about what water resources research they were conducting, who their current facultymentor was, why they were interested in applying for the fellowship, and their ideas for acommunication project. The application portal remained open for one month. Approximately 1/3 of therespondents indicated that they applied after having the Fellowship opportunity presented tothem in one of their classes. The other 2/3 of the students applied after being told about theopportunity directly by a professor or peer. In the first year of the GC WSC Fellowship, 12 applications were received, 12 offerswere made
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 11: Projects
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Randy Hugh Brooks, Texas A&M University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
, and math involved in an engineering course) together insuch a way that student thinking is changed. Referencing Gagne’s design guidance [11], it iscritical to get their attention with an engaging opening and then pair that with a connection totheir past learning.Engineering students are often directed to the major because they are proficient in math andscience, yet they may or may not also possess impactful professional skills (writing, speaking,audio/visual production) that are not typically applied in engineering course work. The use ofthese skills needs to be encouraged as preparation for their engineering career. Recent feedbackfrom industry partners has yielded that many interns and recent graduates are technicallycompetent yet lack the
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Monday Potpourri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gustavo B. Menezes, California State University, Los Angeles; Deborah Won, California State University, Los Angeles; Mark Tufenkjian, California State University, Los Angeles; Emily L. Allen, California State University, Los Angeles; Eva Schiorring, Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges
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First-Year Programs
presenting on a particular topic of interestin designing and running student success initiatives, followed by an open-ended discussion.Topics included peer-facilitated learning, web-based advising tools and the use of technologymore generally in career development and advisement, the transfer evaluation process, how tobreak down barriers to collaboration, and the growth mindset (as defined and described bypsychologist Carol Dweck). A quick online reflections survey was made available to the PLCafter each meeting, and summary notes of the discussions were posted on the PLC forum. 1. What is the main reason you came to the meeting today? 2. What is one thing new you learned from today's meeting? (if nothing, please write N/A) 3. What is one
Conference Session
Socially Responsible Engineering I: Context, Innovation, and Reflection
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ryan C. Campbell, Texas Tech University; Ngan T.T. Nguyen, Texas Tech University; Jeong-Hee Kim, Texas Tech University; Linda Ann Duke, Kansas State University, Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art; Roman Taraban, Texas Tech University; Danny D. Reible P.E., Texas Tech University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
technique that uses art to foster visual literacythrough facilitated group discussion, has been shown to promote the development of skills thattransfer to other domains. In this paper, we report findings from our use of VTS in anexperimental graduate course in environmental engineering that aims to foster students’capacities for reflection. Using data from writing samples with methods of thematic analysis, weexplore students’ perceptions of their own learning from the VTS portion of this semester-longcourse called Developing Reflective Engineers through Artful Methods. One significant themeidentified was “Knowledge/Skills”, in which students identified specific knowledge gained orskills developed through their VTS experience, including skills of
Conference Session
Alternative Methods of Teaching and Learning Mechanics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Keith D. Hjelmstad, Arizona State University; Amie Baisley, University of Florida
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, similar to an exam. The students spend the class period solving theproblem and do peer grading at the end (to familiarize them with the grading rubric). Theproblem is the same level of difficulty as the module assessment, so it serves as practice (hencethe name ‘rehearsal’). The rehearsal exam environment is the same as recitation—theinstructional staff are all there, students work in groups, and students can use their notes andexamples.The last 10 minutes of the rehearsal exam period are spent peer grading another student’srehearsal exam. The students exchange exams with their peers and grade while the instructordiscusses the solution to the problem. The students are given guidance on how to grade the exam.The peer grading is an important
Conference Session
M1C: WIP - Readiness and Professional Development
2019 FYEE Conference
Anetra Grice, Western Michigan University; Edmund Tsang, Western Michigan University; Matthew Cavalli, Western Michigan University
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Diversity, FYEE Conference - Paper Submission
], presented in workbook format for students. The workbook encourages writing andreflection, group work and group sharing for students and provides opportunities for detailedinstructor feedback and intrusive academic advising.Moving ForwardStudents in EXEP cohorts sign an Academic Success Contract during summer orientation whichspecifies they must receive a B or better in their Algebra II course in no more than two attemptsin order to be admitted to their desired pre-engineering program. Initially, the procedure forstudents who failed to pass Algebra II with a B or better in their first semester included thesubmission of a written essay to a committee of academic advisors who decided if studentsshould be allowed to continue in the CEAS. We are
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gloria J. Kim, Northwestern University; Casey Jane Ankeny, Northwestern University; Mark James Fisher, Northwestern University
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Biomedical Engineering
engineering research.Northwestern University’s Master’s Certificate in Translational Biomedical Researchdistinguishes itself from existing programs within Northwestern University and translationalMaster’s (MS) programs offered at other peer institutions in the background of the participatingstudents and its focus. Participants are recruited from the MS student pool within the school ofengineering. The curricular focus is on the integration of engineering in the translationalpathway.The interdisciplinary program is designed to immerse the students in the integrative approachand experience needed to take their engineering background to the clinical space and industry.The certificate program capitalizes on the existing extensive research collaborations
Conference Session
Global Graduate Studies and Programs Abroad - Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary K. Nave Jr., Virginia Tech; Amy L. Hermundstad, Virginia Tech; Michael Stewart, Virginia Tech; Michele Ruth Waters, Virginia Tech; Emily Garner, Virginia Tech; Mohammed Seyam, Virginia Tech; Chelsea R. Corkins, Virginia Tech; Karen P. DePauw, Virginia Tech
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Graduate Studies
Professoriate, students are encouraged to thoughtfully andpurposefully engage with their peers through the course discussions. This is especially true in thelectures covering global perspectives in higher education. Since its inception, the course hasattracted students from a variety of backgrounds around the world. International students in thecourse are invited to present on the educational formats, standards, and requirements of the earlyeducation and higher education systems in their home country. These presentations evoke a richdialogue around differences and commonalities between education systems around the world.Throughout the semester, students are required to keep a weekly journal of their thoughts andexperiences throughout the course, blog
Conference Session
Engaging Faculty Across Disciplines, Colleges, and Institutions
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jack Bergquist, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Anahid Behrouzi, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
earthquake damageimages, coding and testing the machine-learning algorithm, to writing papers for and presentingat conferences. In addition, the unique nature of this project exposes students to a field andpossible career path they may not have encountered in their typical course of study. The authorsprovide a comprehensive discussion of the results of faculty and student surveys/ interviews andconclude by highlighting some of the greatest benefits of the multidisciplinary project. They alsopoint out lessons learned engaging in a project with a large scope, diverse experts (who havelimited knowledge of the partnering disciplines), and a number of undergraduate students whobegan as novices in their respective research area.Introduction:The
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Metacognition, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation #1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jill Davishahl, Western Washington University; Sura Alqudah, Western Washington University
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First-Year Programs
motivation and engagement as well as increased retention rates and academic performance [3-5].Research indicates that females and underrepresented students (URM) have a lack of sense of belonging inSTEM departments and in engineering, specifically [6-9]. Studies suggest that students’ sense of belongingcan be positively impacted through interpersonal and academic validation which increases with positiveclassroom climate, appreciation of diversity, faculty connection, peer relationships, and growth mindset [10-12]. A work-in-progress paper has been previously published and includes a full literature review related tothis research project [13].This research study took place at Western Washington University (WWU), a public master’s-grantinginstitution
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 7
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Haroula M. Tzamaras, Pennsylvania State University; Sierra Hicks; Gabriella M. Sallai, Pennsylvania State University; Christine Mathilda Cummings; Lauren Elizabeth Dennis; Hannah Nolte, Pennsylvania State University; Andrea Mesa Restrepo; Cynthia Howard-Reed, Pennsylvania State University
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Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
graduate students in theCollege of Engineering to gauge need for community and student interest in creating a GraduateWomen in Engineering (GradWIE) group. Results from the survey indicated that students lackedcommunity and had an overwhelming desire to be involved in a graduate women in engineeringgroup. As such, we felt compelled to form an official student organization for the engineeringcommunity, GradWIE. GradWIE welcomes people of all gender identities to support thepersonal and professional well-being of graduate students through peer support, the creation ofsafe spaces, social events, and diverse resources. In its first year, the organization has sponsoredseveral community-building events, reaching over 150 students across all departments
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Ohanian Perez, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
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Women in Engineering
entering and matriculating with an engineeringdegree. Current efforts to improve graduation rates have exacerbated the achievement gap forfirst generation degree seeking students, who trail behind their peers by 13% [16] Within theirengineering courses, first generation students are .15 to .2 GPA points behind their non-firstgeneration counter parts in core classes with some achievement gaps as high as 1.02. The samegaps are seen with women in engineering courses [2]. When the CSU and the UC systems arecompared there is a greater mismatch in degree production. The CSU offers its 480,000 students73 accredited engineering programs housed at 16 of its regional campuses compared to 54 degreeprograms offered to the 222,000 undergraduate UC students
Conference Session
Underrepresented Populations
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kayla R. Maxey, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Morgan M. Hynes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Pre-College Engineering Education
socioeconomicbackgrounds, social positioning influences peer-to-peer relations and their status within anengineering team. Furthermore, we aim to explore how this position relates to their engagementwith engineering concepts, practices, and habits. We expect the rich examples of how K-12students experience status in collaborative engineering projects to inform curriculum design andinstructional practice.The methods applied follow a case study approach where video-recorded observations of peerinteractions and one-on-one interviews comprise the data in this case. The case is a two-weeksummer engineering camp for students in grades 6-8. In this case study, we conducted interactionanalysis of the video data by coding peer-to-peer exchanges and the associated impact
Conference Session
Education Programs in BME
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine E Reuther, Columbia University; Michael John Cennamo, Columbia University; Tiffany Wen-an Guo, Columbia University
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environment has traditionally been dominated by alecture format, with students passively listening to the course instructor. This format has beencriticized as an ineffective way to learn and many strategies have been suggested to improve this,including that of blended learning. Blended learninga is defined as “the organic integration ofthoughtfully selected and complementary face-to-face and online approaches and technologies”.3By integrating these complementary approaches in the classroom, it provides students with theopportunity for increased interactions with course materials, instructors, and peers, creatinga The term “flipped classroom” is a form of blended learning where the student is exposed to new concepts outside of class and class time is