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the organization’s growth as it sought n ew funding sources and s ustainability . These factors were frequent topics of discussion, as many of the subprojects involved researching them to create selfsustaining solutions in the community. Viewed from an organizational level, this idea of mission creep could be viewed as improvisation of the entire organization in response to shifting funding sources, or conditions for achieving their goals. Apparent abandonment of core goals can appear in any organization as shortterm shifts are made in order to accommodate new expectations from funders
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engineers in the workplaces remains relatively low. There has been a significantimprovement compared to the 1980's, during which only about 5.8% of engineers were woman,but the numbers remain relatively low with female engineers only making up about 14% of theengineering workforce within the United States. Suggested reasons for this phenomena includelack of female role models and young women having fewer technological problem solvingopportunities throughout K-12 than when compared to their male counterparts13.To attempt to combat the lack of female engineering students within an Engineering Technologydepartment at a University of Louisiana, the department developed a “Girls Who Draft”program, which is partially motivated by the Girls Who Code
science properties, including elastic modulus, strain, displacement, stress, yield, anderrors. The “Theory” section gives the students the opportunity to use the equation editor and toapply a general and consistent way to reference the equation(s) in the body of text. Similarlearning objectives are on adding a figure or drawing a new one using the drawing editor. The“Results and Discussion” section offers the students the opportunity to learn about datamanipulation and presentation, both in form of tables and graphs. Finally, the students learn howto refer and incorporate the necessary references.Two projects are usually assigned during this section. In the first one, the students receive anexample of a lab report without equations, figures
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course. 1 1 1 1 10𝑘𝑘Ω ∗ 0.1µ𝐹𝐹 1000 ∗ 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = =𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 + 1 1 1 𝑠𝑠 + 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 𝑠𝑠 + 1 𝑠𝑠 + 1000 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 10𝑘𝑘Ω ∗ 0.1µ𝐹𝐹The following four lines of code can be used to find the Bode plot:num = [1000];den = [1, 1000];TF = tf(num,den)bode(TF)1000--------s + 1000(h) – For analog communication Tutor TIMS software could be used. Thefollowing is an example of one of the experiments in my communication course.Figure 6. Example of TIMS in the Data Communication course.4- SUMMARYThis paper discussed software tools for online
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speed controller powered by a 3S LiPo battery pack. Costs for the propulsion systemwere approximately $60 for the motor, controller, transmission shaft, and propeller with anadditional $30 for the battery pack. Parts were connected through machined couplers and shafts.These were made by students in the campus machine shop to increase student exposure to theequipment and reduce costs. These are expected to provide a speed of 4 MPH (1.8 m/s) and anendurance of 30 min. Future work will determine the real-world speed and endurance of thevessel.The environmental scientists currently use a package from Vernier Software and Technologyincluding a LabQuest 2 DAQ and three Vernier probes. The Vernier package is extremelyexpensive relative to the rest of
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isincreasing [13] as more industries are finding a positive impact on their business activities.Figure 2b. Morgue room (Modified from Rockay 3D, Unity) virtual scene with wall of fire effectand explosion fire effectFigure 3a. Particle effect and lightning applied to the project house to imitate the darkenvironmentFigure 3b. Fire particle effect Figure 3c. Entrance and the aisles of a burning houseTotal number of five students participated in the experimental virtual fire environment. Thestudents were asked to wear the Oculus Rift S VR headset to receive immersive experience in thevirtual fire scene simulation (Figures 4a & 4b). All the participants started with the Cabin scene
and lidar sensor. In 2015, Teslaintroduced its autonomous car. Google and Tesla take different approach in their design. Googleuses LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and Tesla uses an array of cameras for computervision. The autonomous cars can be fully autonomous without a need for a driver or can bedriver-managed autopilot-enabled. Google SDC is an example of an autonomous car without adriver and Tesla Model S is an example of the second type.The area of autonomous vehicle design has been gaining a tremendous growth in recent years. Amajor aspect of this growth has been advanced technology, a rich set of sensors and cameras,advances in computational intelligence and machine vision. The autonomous vehicle hasattracted the researchers, the
Foundation under GrantNumber [redacted]. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. We also wish to thank [redacted] and [redacted] for help with datacollection.References[1] C. Carrico, H. M. Matusovich, and M. C. Paretti, "A qualitative analysis of career choice pathways of college-oriented rural central Appalachian high school students," Journal of Career Development, 2017.[2] C. A. Carrico, “Voices in the mountains: A qualitative study exploring factors influencing Appalachian high school students’ engineering career goals,” Ph.D. dissertation, Engineering Education, Virginia Polytechnic
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constraints (e.g. space limit, regulations, etc.) 4. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: • List the design requirements you have identified for this project, based on what you learned doing the background information phase. Prioritize by which requirements are a must-have versus those which would be nice to have. • Each requirement must be complete, unambiguous, consistent, verifiable, and independent of the specific design. • Separate requirements into categories based on form, function, performance, reliability, maintenance, etc. • For each requirement, list the user need(s) which are satisfied if this requirement is met. Note that this document is not an essay – it should be short, to
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positive impact on the female participants.Future WorkThe learning materials will be revised for the following summer camps based on the feedback ofthe teachers and the assessment results. Additional data will be then collected during the upcomingsummer camp. It is expected that the larger sample size will increase the statistical power of theanalysis. The project team will be installing the software and hardware in the local middle schoolsso that the teachers can start using the learning modules in their classrooms.References1. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/02/15/u-s-students-internationally-math-science2. https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pisa/pisa2015/pisa2015highlights_3f.asp3. https://www.nea.org/assets/docs/18021