recently, as Vice Chair of ACM SIGSOFT and General Chair of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering. She has participated in many CRAW and ACM mentoring events; is a founding adviser of MSU Women in Computing, the MSU ACM-W Chapter; and co-led TechKobwa, a technology camp for secondary-school teachers and female students in Rwanda, for three summers. She was awarded the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award in 2017.Ms. Michelle Slattery, Peak Research Michelle Slattery has more than 30 years’ experience as a professional evaluator working with diverse clients on complex project evaluations. Her business, Peak Research LLC, is celebrating 25 years of providing services to evaluate S-STEM, BPC, RED
most currentresearch in a given field of research, or historical reviews that present the development in a givenfield of research over time9. Our review belongs in the historical category as we have includedpapers from 1993.Strategize SearchDatabase We review papers from ASEE (American Society of Engineering Education)’s Journal ofEngineering Education (JEE) (ISSN 2168-9830), a primary publication choice for engineeringeducation researchers, especially in the US10. Pawley et al.11 argue that JEE is the flagship andthe most highly ranked journal of the American engineering education researcher community andchose it for their gender research review that identifies dominant themes and patterns in thestructure of gender research. JEE is
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summer all REU studentsparticipated in a poster sessionwhere they were judged by Figure 1. Images of student participants from the 2016 (left) andfaculty members, leadership 2017 (right) program. (Top) Photos of the group from that year.from the entrepreneurship (Middle) Students participating in the faculty/student softball gameinstitutes, and staff that (2016) and swamp tour (2017). (Bottom) Students presenting their posters during the end-of-summer poster session.participated in the weekly seminar series. Students were judged on their ability to present, theresearch findings, and the entrepreneurship potential of their research project. The top student(s)were awarded a travel
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Administration. Chairman of the Board of the GCC - Computer Graphics Center since 2005. Pr´o-Rector of University of Minho between 2006 and 2009. President of the National College of Informatics (Order of Engineers) since 2010.Prof. Victor F. A. Barros Ing.-Paed IGIP, Science and Education Research Council Prof. Victor Freitas de Azeredo Barros, Ing.-Paed IGIP is Executive Secretary of Science and Education Research Council. He is Researcher at AlgoritmiCentre/University of Minho; University of S˜ao Paulo; Mackenzie University; Pontifical Catholic University of Goias; Goi´as Federal Institute; Amap´a Federal Institute and Catarinense Federal Institute. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal ”Cadernos de Educac¸a