University, Sweden in the late 1990’s7. The early attempts were based in Page 20.24.2a Problem Based Learning (PBL) environment with one or two student teams comprising students from 1both universities and a primary focus on technical achievement and competencies was reflected in the assessment. From 2000 the initial PBL course expanded to a larger cohort, and a range of mentorship components and teamwork assessment items were added. The course
Page 24.729.2of instructors’ written feedback and students’ written reflections on electrical engineeringstudents’ speaking skills. Four design courses—sophomore, junior, and two senior designclasses—provided the project’s framework. The research involved assessing the presentations ofa select group of project students and an equal number of control group students, beginning withthe sophomore design class and continuing through the two senior design courses.The project students received feedback via an analytic rubric. The benefits of using rubrics areshown in Conrad et al 7. The Project students viewed their videotaped presentations and wrote areflective paper on their performances. The control group did not receive feedback, althoughtheir
by the authors. In thispaper, the module is described and its effectiveness is assessed using a new civil engineeringsustainability literacy questionnaire, quality of Envision application to the student project, andinstructor reflection. The module and the questionnaire are described in the next section followedby presentation of the results of the assessment.Module DescriptionThe sustainability module described herein builds on a previous set of sustainability curriculummodules by the lead author, which included a lesson on sustainability in the capstone designcourse. The lead author noted the need for increased application of sustainability knowledge andtechniques in the capstone design course to complement the overview lesson. This
Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers PUBLICATIONS (i)Most Closely Related [1] W.J. Stuart ’Problem Based Case Learning - Composite Materials Course De- velopment – Examples and classroom reflections’ NEW Conference, Oct 2011 [2] W.J. Stuart and Bedard R. (EPRI) ’Ocean Renewable Energy Course Evolution and Status’ presented at Energy Ocean Pacific & Oregon Wave Energy Trust Conference, Sept. 2010. [3] W.J. Stuart, Wave energy 101, presented at Ore- gon Wave Energy Symposium, Newport, OR, Sept. 2009. [4] W.J. Stuart, Corrosion considerations when designing with exotic metals and advanced composites, presented at Corrosion Conference of Exotic Met- als, Park City, UT, 2009. [5] W.J. Stuart, Ruth
balancing state academic standards expectationswhile considering new content contexts including engineering design.This paper will provide an overview of the capstone course content, specific teachers'experiences throughout the course based on written reflections, and the preliminary analysis ofthe implementation of a teacher created integrated STEM unit in their own classrooms. Writtenreflections were gathered throughout the course. These reflections, in conjunction with thecourse goals, provide the framework for classroom observations. Preliminary data collected fromwritten reflections, surveys, interviews and classroom observations are included
progress forward. However, thereis no general consensus as to what specific attributes of feedback lead to improved learning, andmultiple lines of research emphasize that appropriate feedback is specific to the learning contextof the student and/or task.9 Researchers have advocated that feedback works best when it directsstudent attention to appropriate goals and actions,10 and encourages student reflection.11 Othersbelieve that students are most receptive to feedback when they are sure their answer is correct,only to learn later that it was wrong.12 Additional factors include a student’s understanding ofand agreement with the feedback provided, the motivation the feedback provides, and the limitson the student’s cognitive load.13While feedback
advanced students and experts in engineering are more likely to gather information than first year engineering students. To determine whether students perceive this behavioral difference, first year (n= 158) and junior (n=154) engineering students were given the Self-Assessment of Problem Solving Strategies (SAPSS). This instrument was designed to measure students’ reported behaviors in gathering, locating, reflecting on, and using information. The factor structure of SAPPS was examined with exploratory factor analysis, which supported that students have distinct areas of information literacy. First year and junior engineering student scores were compared through an independent t-test. The results indicate that there is no
Education, “Experiential education is aphilosophy that informs many methodologies in which educators purposefully engage withlearners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, developskills, clarify values, and develop people's capacity to contribute to their communities.”1 TheExperiential Learning Theory (ELT) highlights “experience” as a key role in the learningprocess.2 The ELT process is an integrated cycle of gaining knowledge through a ConcreteExperience (CE), upon which is the basis for Reflective Observation (RO), followed bygathering these reflections through Abstract Conceptualization (AC) to develop inferences andgenerate new experiences of Active Experimentation (AE).2
Optimization Students use complete PLP A C Compiler for PLP Add to the C Compiler for platform in embedded using GNU tools. PLP; perform multi-pass system applications optimizations.Figure 1: Courses that can use PLP. Ample course materials are available for a sophomore/juniorcourse on microprocessors, and for a computer architecture course. Materials are being developed for theother courses.On the hardware side, PLP is a System on a Chip design written in Verilog that can besynthesized on contemporary FPGA boards, with accompanying tools reflecting a contemporaryCPU architecture. All hardware components of PLP are
attract college STEM majors into the teaching profession and bydeveloping a rigorous middle grades teacher preparation program that reflects core commitmentsof effective middle grades educators. We will present some of our progress thus far related toSUSTAINS development.IntroductionBeginning in 2012, teacher educators throughout Pennsylvania launched programs to prepareteachers who specialize in middle grades (4-8). The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s newemphasis on highly qualified middle grades teachers provides a unique opportunity to impactchildren at a crucial time in their formal education experience, when they are developing a senseof their efficacy as learners, exploring career aspirations, and developing as adolescents alongsocial
). Moreover, at the ten universities graduating the largest number of civilengineering undergraduates, two (of eight) engineering leadership criterion emerged as the most widelyintegrated within the current curriculum: “The Ability to Conceive and Design within RealisticConstraints,” and “Understand Economic, Environmental, Global and Societal Contexts and Impacts.”One criterion emerged as entirely absent from the ten universities: “Reflection and Lifelong Learning.”Introduction and BackgroundMuch has been written on the distinctions between management and leadership. Bass (1990) separatesmanagement from leadership in the following way: leaders facilitate interpersonal interactions andpositive working relations and generate excitement at work
constructive critical reflection on “what is engineering for?”• Vehicle for praxis, where students can see the relevance of engineering to social problems Humanitarian Engineering is…Complicated! COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES Engineers and scientists Families AcademiaHistory, culture CorporationsCommunity Labor unions Governments groups Humanitarian Engineering is … COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES
way that promotes and encourages reflective and analytical thinking. The idea is toengage students in a context-rich problem, through the use of a driving question, to guide themthrough active learning modules exploring core concepts, and to lead them to a solutionmethodology. The production of a final report serves as a mechanism that allows them to revisetheir original solution based on a synthesis of the knowledge and understanding gained throughthe learning modules.The developmental framework for instructors using EFFECTs begins with the identification ofthe concepts to be studied; in general these are difficult concepts. Next, these concepts areassociated with active learning activities; each concept could be associated with a single
/reflective learners,sensing/intuitive learners, visual/verbal learners, and sequential/global learners. The differentconglomeration of these scales for the students in any cohort forms a specific cognitive profile.We used the Felder-Soloman index of learning styles survey to determine the dominant learningstyles within a cohort of students. Knowing the students’ cognitive profile helped us adapt ourteaching styles to achieve an optimal learner-centered classroom. We mainly focused onactivities that would engage the majority of the students, to help facilitate the learning processand consequently, improve the students’ achievement. The effectiveness of this approach wasquantitatively verified by assessing the students’ satisfaction with the learning
providing feedback to instructors is likely to help them to reflect on their owninstruction. Comparison of achievement among groups indicated that there are statisticallysignificant differences among groups. No students scored very low for their final grades (lessthan 60% in achievement in T condition), and it seems that students in the T group tend to dobetter than students in C1 or C2 groups, although effect size is relatively small. However, thenature of the review session at an individual meeting needs to be refined for highlighting theutility of feedback provided by G-RATE. This paper concludes with insight about future workusing the G-RATE.Introduction and G-RATE Background The Global Real-time Assessment Tool for Teaching Enhancement
. Articulate correspondences and differences between education theory and education practice 3. Perform peer reviews of other instructors and constructively discuss their performance 4. Productively reflect on your teaching practices to enhance or improve the student learning environment 5. Draw on your classroom experiences to develop useful formative assessments 6. Develop a teaching portfolio that articulates and illustrates your teaching philosophy 7. Develop a workshop class on a specific topic to experience curriculum and assessment design.The class met weekly for 2 hours and 45 minutes, and was typically a casual round-tableenvironment where GTAs, facilitated by an experienced engineering faculty member
about theirteaching.Introduction: What Type of Teaching Portfolio are We Talking About?Teaching portfolios take a variety of forms (e.g., papers collected in a three-ring binder;multimedia-rich electronic documents), are used in a variety of educational settings (from pre-Kto post-graduate education), and are prepared for a variety of reasons. For example, a portfoliomay be formative in nature, serving as a place for collecting evidence of improvements inteaching, reflections on one’s identity as a teacher, or to share experiences with colleagues in anorganized way. The main purpose of these portfolios might be described as ‘improvement’1(both documenting and encouraging improvement). Portfolios can also be summative in nature,designed to
retirement age within the U.S. government.2 In addition, students who do pursueengineering degrees do not reflect the diversity of students in the United States, a pattern ofenrollment that is likely to have a number of negative consequences, both for the successfulpractice of engineering and for the resolution of broader societal issues. Concerns about the lackof engineering exposure for all children and ensuring a larger, more reliable supply of futureengineers have been accompanied by the realization that we have not yet determined the bestway to inform children of engineering skills and concepts.3 There is also continued debate on whether national standards should be developed andimplemented for K-12 engineering education. A 2010 report
; absorb formal, preexisting knowledge about atopic; demonstrate ways to apply content in actionable ways; evolve in their career andprofessional development, and reflect on ways to process and summarize their thoughts.This paper presents an overview of the development of modules that will guide studentsas they prepare for their professional positions. Future studies will discuss the findingsfrom piloted learning modules.IntroductionGraduate engineering programs largely aim to prepare students for careers in academia.Programs emphasize research, academic publishing, and leadership in relevant nationalorganizations. As a result, engineering students tend to develop professional skillsrelevant to academia regardless of their career interests outside
perspectives and teamwork skills; however, studentsmade little to no changes in their interdisciplinary skills and reflective behavior over the courseof the semester. The course contained students from chemical engineering, civil andenvironmental engineering, and microbiology and immunology. Through coding responses tohomework assignments, we identified an increase in the use of engineering terminology inmicrobiology and immunology students as well as an increase in the use of microbiologyterminology in engineering students. During the fourth week of the course only 27% of studentsused terminology in responses to a homework problem that predominantly related to bothengineering and microbiology or a discipline other than their own, while in the
provides awareness to all students whileproviding avenues for other students to self-select a deeper understanding. This concept ofoperations is developed to reinforce key skills (create, innovate, collaborate, and deliver) andsupport a student’s accountabilities for becoming a leader (Learning the Most from TheirEngineering Courses, Joining the Journey Expanding Their Resources, Experimenting withCreating and Innovating, Learning from Experiences, Gathering With Other Engineers &Disciplines, Learning from Leaders/Courses, Gaining Work Experiences, Reflecting onThemselves and Their Experiences). This paper provides the foundation for further impactassessment in the future. A person responsible for developing and running an
Page 24.66.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 A Method for Adjusting Group-Based GradesAbstractGrades for assignments completed as an individual are a reflection of a student’s actual work,whereas the grade for a group assignment is easily confounded by the effects of their teammates(positively and negatively). Assigning grades to individuals for a group project is importantbecause instructors want to assign grades that reflect effort as well as content. Since all studentsin a group typically receive the same grade for a group assignment, group grades have theundesirable effect of obscuring a student’s true performance. Thus, it is desirable to develop amethod which could be
; Page 24.440.2 discuss experimental outcome. 8. Reflection: Students reflect in writing on the prompt: “Describe the process & outcome of building a water filtration system. What 3 recommendations would you make for others doing this for the first time?” For more activities, download our complete curriculum:
Paper ID #9277Writing Abstracts of Homework Problem Solutions: Implementation and As-sessment in a Material Balances CourseDr. Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University Kevin Dahm is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. He received his B.S. from WPI in 1992 and his Ph.D. from MIT in 1998. He co-authored the book ”Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance,” published in 2007, with his father Donald Dahm. His second book, ”Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics,” a collaboration with Donald Visco of the University of Akron, is expected to be released by January 10, 2014. Kevin has received the
their beliefs pre and post their engagement in a semi-open design basedtask. The results presented highlight a shift in the value placed on the process of learningthrough design from students’ initial understanding and their experience of designingfollowing their engagement in the design task.IntroductionDesign based technology education as a catalyst for 21st century skills is seen in itseducational goals, through promoting the development of students as autonomous, creative,reflective and innovative learners3. The development of these characteristics through designbased technology education, it is envisaged, will equip students with a set of transferableskills which can be adopted to address specific problems in real-life contexts outside
than the others,to make sure that the final product is of the quality that is expected. As a result, thosestudents should be getting higher grades than the others, if they are doing more work, andthat work is of a higher quality.In order to ensure that the students receive a grade that reflects their level of effort overthe entire semester, and not just the final product, the instructor in the transportationcapstone has turned the grading over to the students for the last three years.Instructors in the US have used peer grading and self-evaluation with varied success. Ageneral concern of this system is that grade boosting and reduction will take place,interfering with the objectivity of the evaluations. A study done by Kaufman, Fleder
first hand experience of theinfluence of learning style or motivation, then questions of understanding, then a tutorial aboutlearning style or motivation strategies, and finishing with reflection questions and an evaluationof the module. The learning style module creates the “first hand experience” by asking studentsto learn material that is presented in different learning styles. The motivation modulemanipulates task value and control beliefs in its presentation of new material to learn.The modules have been implemented in two mechanical engineering classes: a sophomore levelmanufacturing class and a junior level design processes class. To test the effectiveness of themodules, we compare results from a lifelong learning readiness
their course content, they are less aware of effectiveteaching practices. This weakness was particularly detrimental to our large enrollment gatewaycourses, undermining student persistence and subsequent academic success. Consequently, inaddition to providing funding, the SIIP initiative attempted to provide on the fly faculty andcommunity development. In this paper, we will discuss our observations and reflections onsuccessful and halted reforms and will describe modifications to our approach to administratingand leading this pedagogical change effort.IntroductionIn February 2012, the College of Engineering (COE) allocated an unprecedented level of fundingto solicit proposals for the Strategic Instructional Initiatives Program (SIIP) – a new
professional development research. Cognitive science research indicates that conceptualunderstanding is necessary for situating information, content, and ideas into a particular context,for example engineering into science. Concepts provide learners with the components needed tocreate a connected web of knowledge, allowing learners to apply what they have learned to newsituations and learn related information3. From an instructional standpoint, concepts provide away to organize knowledge into meaningful instruction4. In addition, research indicates thatprofessional development should take into account teachers’ conceptions of teaching and of thelearning process and allow for active learning and reflective participation5, 6, 7. Engaging inactivities
process, an emphasis that distinguishes ELT from other learning theories.1According to Kolb, students must complete four learning stages in order for learning to takeplace. Learners, if they are to be effective, need four different kinds of abilities- concreteexperience abilities (CE), reflective observation abilities (RO), abstract conceptualizationabilities (AC), and active experimentation (AE) abilities. That is they must be able to involvethemselves fully, openly, and without bias in new experiences (CE). They must be able to reflecton and observe their experiences from many perspectives (RO). They must be able to createconcepts that integrate their observations into logically sound theories (AC), and they must beable to use these theories to