Page 12.145.8signify thinking about thinking (Nelson, 1989, 1991 November). In other words, 7Nelson says that to learn how to think critically, one must reflect on one’s ownthought processes. Students need to recognize that some selected ideas andtheories may have distinct advantages over others, depending on the context withwhich they are presented to the reader. Nelson further recommends that studentsshould be encouraged to understand and learn how to navigate through the Perryscheme (Perry, 1970, 1981, 1984). The scheme proposed by W.G. Perry Jr.contends that students can apply knowledge and progress with greater ease if thelearners are initially
performances. The objectives of this module are as follows: (1) Perform background research on actionpotentials and muscle physiology. (2) Develop experiments to record and measure humanmotion, ground reaction forces and muscle activation through EMG. (3) Analyze the body as adynamic system, tracking positions and determining joint angles. (4) Apply Newton’s Laws andEuler equations to determine joint reaction forces and moments. (5) Determine muscle activitythrough use of EMG. Measurements and Calculations: By placing reflective markers on body landmarks andrecording motion with the use of high speed video cameras, position data is acquired. Jointforces and moments will be calculated for simple 2-dimensional motions in lower level
Directorate, Editor. 1993, U. S. Air Force.10. Strevler, R.A. and K.A. Smith, Guest Editorial: Conducting Rigorous Research in Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education, 2006. 95(April): p. 103-105.11. Felder, R.M., Reaching the Second Tier-Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science Education Journal of College Science, 1993. 23(5): p. 286-290.12. Fleming, N.D. and C. Mills, Not another inventory, rather a catalyst for reflection. To Improve the Academy, 1992. 11.13. Montgomery, S., Chemical Engineering 580 / Engineering 580: Teaching Engineering., in Lecture Notes. 2004.14. Wankat, P.C. and F.S. Oreovicz. Teaching Engineering. 1992. Available from:
student internships 6 part-time, employed students 5 adjunct faculty 5 collaborative research 5 sponsored research 4 faculty internships 0 Figure 5: Methods of Connecting with Industry (7 reporting) While the survey respondents cannot be construed as a statistically valid reflection of theentire population of graduate manufacturing programs, it is felt that a moderately representativeview has been obtained. At the least, certain
operational defects did have tobe accommodated.Students purchased the CMS access code, either online or from the campus bookstore. Nearlyall of the students bought both access code and the hardcopy text, reflecting the feeling thathardcopy reading was easier than reading from a screen.Navigating with the CMS was effortless in both instructor and student views, with some minornuisances. Involuntary logoff occurred too rapidly. Making alterations to assigned work createda new assignment which awkwardly coexisted with the old assignment. Exporting from thegrade book to Excel never worked properly. With the publisher’s help, some of these flaws wereeliminated.E-LecturesIn the courses discussed here, about one half of the course lectures were electronic
what direction to start. In many cases, astudent’s initial interpretation may be either naïve, too narrow or too limited based on theirexperience. In some cases they may not have any sense at all of the essence of the problem. Oneoption is for a student to look at several initial starting strategies and use them as part of a multi-pronged dialectical strategy in formulating problem interpretation. The process used by studentsfor problem interpretations is outlined in Diagram 3 below.Diagram 3: Process used for Problem InterpretationRead/Review Reflect, journal, Formal group Start research - Discuss & re-Competition informal discussion & formulate heuristic/ assess problemProgram
more informed crystallizes over time consciousness Constructivism Realities are local and Findings are created Findings are elicited and specific, constructed by through transactions refined through further individuals and cultures between investigator interaction and respondentsThe authors believe that paradigms reflect such fundamental beliefs that it is often difficult for aperson to evaluate research from another paradigm18. As Elizabeth St. Pierre states the issue,“Unfortunately, it is often the case that those who work within one theoretical framework findothers
Humanitarian Opportunities for Service, ETHOS, states as theirpurpose to “facilitate research and the development of appropriate technology by formingcollaborative North-South partnerships between universities, research laboratories,engineers and non-governmental organizations in foreign countries.”16New Pedagogy: Service Learning A new pedagogy which has been gaining increasing attention across the universityparticularly in engineering is a form of experiential education known as service-learning.Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful communityservice with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civicresponsibility, and strengthen communities and thus may be an important
, which are properties of themedium through which the wave passes13,16. Since the scattering and absorption are frequencydependent, attenuation can be used in the quality control of the materials. In this laboratorysession, the immersion technique is used for the measurements of the attenuation coefficient inPlexiglas. Three Plexiglas plates, which have the same mechanical and physical properties anddifferent thicknesses, are used in the experiments. At least two samples of the Plexiglas arerequired for the experiment, since the reflection coefficient of the Plexiglas is not known andshould be eliminated from the evaluation of the attenuation coefficient. The peak-to-peak voltageof the received signal is recorded by the oscilloscope and is saved
opportunity to make several decisions and takeownership of their learning path while constructing solutions to the programming assignments.This relates to problem-based learning5, where students are given problems to solve and theyseek the necessary material, digest it, and apply it to solve the problem. A third learning theorythat informed the creation of the programming assignments is that of metacognition1,2. Learnersmust be aware of their own cognitive system and monitor their own learning process and style.The assignments were devised to have a tandem written summary, where students have anopportunity to reflect upon the learning process while (hopefully) providing a hook formetacognitive activity.2.2 Programming AssignmentsNine programming
engineering to help inform students6-9. Unlike many professions, engineers are rarelydepicted in movies and television shows. The engineers in the Dilbert® comic strip may befunny, but they do not reflect the typical engineering workplace and do not persuade students tostudy engineering.Inadequate academic preparation and lack of information about engineering are the most crucialreasons why students do not pursue engineering careers10, but even students with adequatepreparation who pursue engineering studies often do not persist in their programs. Numerousstudies of students who dropped out of engineering programs have determined that poorpreparation and lack of information account for only a part of the reason why students leaveengineering programs
, 17% chose saturated,and 8% did not respond. The responses on the three parts of Question III as 75%, 92%, and 81%correct are moderately good scores that reflect good, but not complete understanding of theconcepts of unsaturated, saturated, and supersaturated on the phase diagram. The scores werelower than for posttest Questions I and II, which indicates that there was not full conceptualtransfer from the solution understanding in chemistry classes, supplemented by instruction in thematerials engineering class, to the new context of phase diagrams. Additional probing, possiblywith interviews or focus groups, will be necessary to better understand student thinking todevelop more effective teaching on the subject of phase diagrams.Summary and
book How People Learn1, the authors arrive at several important findings including: o Students come to the classroom with preconceptions about how the world works. If their initial understanding is not engaged, they may fail to grasp new concepts and information presented in the classroom, or they may learn them for purposes of a test but revert to their preconceptions outside the classroom. This finding requires that teachers be prepared to draw out their students' existing understandings and help to shape them into an understanding that reflects the concepts and knowledge in the particular discipline of study. o To develop competence in an area of learning, students must have both a deep foundation
the entiresemester. Student tips are commonly used so that students learn the upcoming assignments anddue dates quickly.Findings of the IDEA EvaluationsAs reflected in Figure 3, Manufacturing and Industrial Technology students always enjoypracticing their learning in a laboratory environment. This means that professional skills andapplications are very essential. Topics in IDEA key factors related to social, cultural andpersonal values are not as important as other ones. For the MIT3301 course; applying coursematerials is the essential objective for the student progress. Gaining factual knowledge andlearning fundamental principles are selected as important course objectives.Online MIT3301 IDEA evaluation findings present parallel results when
had a larger pool of notes to draw upon. In addition, it allowed theinstructors to check if the students’ solutions varied from the expected results and correct them ifnecessary.A final observation showed that there is a possible correlation between the student’s social typeand the overall grade the student received in the course. The overall grade for the course reliedheavily on the ability of each student to work in a team and this was reflected using the results ofpeer evaluations. These evaluations are an indicator of how team-oriented a student is and also Page 12.1093.10how much s/he contributes in a social situation. However, homework
, mouse trap, tape, pins and similar items; aregiven to the students with some form of fun problem to solve. Time is given to develop anddemonstrate their solution and class time is set aside for evaluation and reflection on the process.The project for the past two years was to launch a marshmallow a distance of ten feet and have ateammate catch it in their mouth.Throughout the semester various assignments are developed to integrate the SolidWorks andMultisim computer tools, technical writing assignments and ethical discussions into the othercourse activities. Students are aware that this is only a beginning. 1) They will see many differentcomputer tools throughout their time at the university. 2) Writing is not just an exercise for theEnglish
ongoingsense of accomplishment as I tracked my scholarship activities. The dossier was also useful inhelping me identify gaps in my scholarship and goals for next year. A dossier can also be usefulin identifying areas for improvement (although this required me to really try to be objective).One of the hardest things I had to learn to write was my teaching philosophy. I think this wasdifficult because I had focused on discipline specific content at university but had not takencourses in teaching. By reviewing examples on the Internet, I found some useful ones thatallowed me to reflect on my teaching philosophy and document it accordingly. In particular, Ifound that the dossier helped me review my research program and from time to time, identifysome
courses, students finish the course much more homogeneous in theirmastery than they begin. The assessment provides direction for our program of continuousdesign. We find that high school experiences and interests change as the technology changes.The level and specifics of instruction must be monitored while maintaining the rigor of thecourse work.In addition, we are interested in identifying students’ attitudes regarding courses. The surveyfocuses our attention on the importance of student attitude toward production engineering.Although given at the end of the project, the survey provides an opportunity for reflection by thestudents as they internalize the importance of the specifics to their career path. In summary, thesurvey provides a focus
Successiveprocess/method/assumption point/project Approximation/Discovery management Process/probability /predictabilityPlanning Precise Planning/ Successive Linear/Incremental Approximation/Action- Reflection cycles/DisruptiveChange Manage it Catalyze emergenceDecision-Making Leader decides Consensus emergesIn the context of the foregoing discussion, the goal of Engineering Africa! is to support andaccelerate the emergence of an African innovation ecosystem by helping to build the
by the Bro-ids and transformed into the Network connection datasuitable for data mining.Bro is an intrusion detection system that works by passively watching traffic seen on a networklink. It is built around an event engine that pieces network packets into events that reflectdifferent types of activity. Some events are quite low-level, such as the monitor seeing aconnection attempt; some are specific to a particular network protocol, such as an FTP request orreply; and some reflect fairly high-level notions, such as a user that was successfullyauthenticated during a login session. Bro runs the events produced by the event engine through apolicy script supplied to it by the administrator. Bro scripts are made up of event handlers thatspecify
engineering curriculum haspositively impacted our program as is evidenced by increased matriculation rate. The result ofthe outreach activity in the form of Bridge Building Competition and Engineering Workshopsalso has created a greater awareness among the high school seniors which is reflected in verysignificant improvement in enrollment numbers.However, retention continues to be a serious issue that is being addressed at all levels. It hasbeen seen at ASU as in other institutions that early intervention and remediation at the freshmanand sophomore levels do make a difference in students understanding the concepts better as wellas provide confidence to face the challenging tasks ahead in their course work. As such, apartfrom continuation of academic
difference,” value of teamwork (among others) students recorded a range ofagreement to non-agreement on a 1-9 point Likert scale. The averages were all 6 or Page 12.1274.3above, disagreement ranged from 7 % to 14% and agreement from 60 to 75%. Mostfaculty cited time as the biggest barrier to implementation. Improvements are plannedwith more student/faculty analysis of broader impacts.IntroductionService-learning is the integration of academic subject matter with service to thecommunity in credit-bearing courses, with key elements including reciprocity, reflection,coaching, and community voice in projects (Jacoby, 1996)1. Service-learning (S-L) hasbeen shown
percentages reflect that engineering majors often take more than four years toearn the bachelor degree. Table 4 shows these comparisons in table form, with counts andpercentages. Table 3 --- Demographics of LSAMP REU Participants for Summer 2005 and Summer 2006, Plus WIMS REU Summary for Summers 2002 to 2004 --- Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Academic Level, and Academic MajorCategory Summer Summer Summers 2005 2006 2002 to 2004 REU Programs (LSAMP REU) (LSAMP REU)Totals 7 6
simply expressed – the provision of free health servicesfor the benefit of all the citizens of Saudi Arabia – and King Fahd has shown, throughout hisreign, a very real understanding of the importance of adequate health provision for those whoneed it, both within and outside the Kingdom.The Ministry of Health policy reflects the Government’s national development strategy,which is committed to improving the quality of life of the Saudi people, and to helping themto participate fully in the development plan and to benefit from it.To carry out this policy, the Ministry of Health provides a whole range of health services(preventive, corrective, educational and rehabilitative) to the entire population. This isachieved through a network of hospitals
. Actually this argument is also astrong reason why engineering needs more women trained in engineering to increasediversity in the values and perspectives of engineering personnel and to change methodsand processes of delivering material to future generations of engineers.In 2001, Lazarus, Ritter, and Ambrose underscored the seriousness of the lack of womenin engineering and science doctoral programs in “The Woman’s Guide to Navigating thePh.D. in Engineering & Science.”2 They reported that of the 5,919 engineeringdoctorates awarded in 1998, only 769 (13%) were earned by women. These figures donot reflect the continued under representation of domestic women in engineeringprograms. Table 1 presents the national summary of PhD degrees in
t T 3000 i m e 2000 1000 0 4 1 2 3 Basic Aggressive Lookahead Nodes Requested Multiple Queue Figure 7: Nodes Requested versus Waiting Time6.2 Gang Scheduling and BackfillingA policy is evaluated by scheduling criteria which reflect user’s parameters of interest. A fairand quick response time is
from 11% to 49%, and the percentage who admitsto copying on examinations has increased from 26% to 52%.It has been well documented that the rate of undergraduate cheating differs by college major4, 8, 9,31, 33, 40, 44, 49, 52, 53 , and for the E3 Team, the pattern of cheating among engineering students is ofparticular interest. The findings in this regard are consistent, and they reflect those reported byMcCabe40–the percentage of undergraduates who report engaging in any type of cheating ishighest for those students enrolled in “vocationally-oriented majors such as business andengineering”: business (91%), engineering (82%), social sciences (73%), and natural sciences(71%).Over the past seven years, the E3 Team has designed
biomolecular tools for engineering applications.The initial cohort will consist of 10 students divided into groups of two students each. With theassistance of the instructor, each student group will select and present one article to the class.Presentation of the article will be followed by group discussion. Also students will be requiredto keep a journal of their thoughts and reflections on the reading and lecture material. Supportmaterial from initial teaching of this course is posted on the course This course wasoriginal developed at the University of Cincinnati and has been taught in schools withengineering programs 1. The model for ASU is new since this is the first
her hand guides the eye down through the image.1 I think the reflection should be farther to the right. It's too centered right now. Draws too much attention to an unimportant part.1 Lights around the mirror give good motion. The angle looks good.1 The lights on each side of the picture really keep your eye onto the center of the page on her, which is good since she's the main focal point.1 You’re right about not using a straight on shot. The angle is more dynamic.10. How well did the color fit the mood or theme of the piece. Does the image havean attractive and/or appropriate color scheme?1="Just didn't do it for me", 10="fabulous!!" Average rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
indicate that these adaptations were successful.The Reading Certificate MEA was unexpectedly very difficult to implement. The local teacherswere perhaps too familiar with the context of the problem. Issues arose with the data set thatprevented the teachers from engaging in the mathematics of the problem. The teachers maderecommendation to improve the book list for each child and the level of difficulty associatedwith each book on the list. They also recommended the addition of a reading level for eachchild. Certainly, the assessment results reflect teachers dislike of this problem. This MEA wasnot carried over into INSPIRE Academy II.The NASA MEA was originally targeted for first-year engineering students. Attempts to adjustthe MEA to a 5th-6th