grasp on the world (much as I did when I was in my early 20’s, only to figure out that I was a bit brash)” “There is a curiosity for the students on what they can do with their ChemE degree, beyond the obvious heavy- industry chemical plant design or academic route like their professors” “I really learn a lot about the University, the Chemical Engineering department, and how things have changed since I graduated in 2004. It is great to stay in touch with the University and current students. I get to re-live the wonderful memories I made as a student whenever I talk with them! To the extent I can pass any of my work experiences that can help students (especially those interested in non-traditional career paths, like in law or data analytics), I
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answer morepertinent questions regarding life as a student at our university.Academic, Social Support: Academic and social support starts as soon as students arrive oncampus for the mandatory three day New Student Orientation. During orientation (see figure 8),students are introduced to offices on campus that support their successful transition to theAmerican Educational System, for example, the Registrar’s Office, Tutoring Center, HealthCenter, Counseling Center, Student Financial Services, etc. The CGE is staffed by experiencedprofessionals in the field of international education who serve as Designated School Officials inthe Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s Student and Exchange Visitor InformationSystem (SEVIS), the immigration
integration of engineering with humanities topics is a natural choice.Some integration is done in an on-campus course [3] with multiple case studies [4], using amodule in a first-year course [5], with virtual interactions with another institution [6], or during asemester-long course with an attached faculty-led component [7].As a supplemental pedagogy, faculty-led trips are especially impactful when students areimmersed in another culture for several weeks, under the guidance of familiar faculty member(s)from their main campus (see [8][9]). During the faculty-led trips, the students will encounter,with first-hand experiences, the differences in how things run, which often spark inquiries onwhat factors have contributed to those phenomena, and these
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to schools SHPE has formed a relationship with. Parents andcaregivers are invited to register their student(s) for participation through an online registrationform (JotForm) for each VSL. The registration form has been developed in English and Spanishto support registration for Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers. Caregiver and studentdemographic information is collected in order to be able to speak on communities served andimpact. Caregiver information collected includes name, address, email, phone number,education, demographics, and eligibility for free/reduced lunch. Student information collectedincludes name, address, birthdate, grade, and school information. Participants are selected on afirst come, first serve basis until the
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students. He is an advocate for DEI&B as well as graduate student well-being.Dr. Grace Gowdy Dr. Gowdy is an Assistant Professor at North Carolina A&Tˆa C™s Department of Social Work & Soci- ology. Dr. Gowdy currently works on multiple studies examining how formal and informal mentoring relationships can support educational outcomes for histoShea Bigsby, Dr. Shea Bigsby is the Coordinator of Graduate Writing Services in the Graduate College at North Car- olina A&T State University. In this position, he develops resources and conducts workshops to help graduate students improve their writing skills and complete thesis/dissertation formatting and submission requirements. He also develops programming
short and part of longer events, but the participant reflectionsfrom six months later show an effect on affective, skill-based and cognitive dimensions ofunderstanding DEI. With attention to workshop design using currently available psycho-socialand learning theory, we have the opportunity to have influence. If the message isinstitutionalized, that influence can build over time, resulting in the positive societal results thatwe hope for. Repeated reminders, experiences, and workshops will be more effective in the longterm, but this work shows that it is possible to have influence with a single training, particularlywhere what is learned is immediately put into practice.References[1] Bezrukova, K., Spell, C. S., Perry, J. L., & Jehn, K. A
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