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realized that creating the art installation of Convergence would not only require thecreative direction of an artist, but also the design and build skills of an engineer(s). Not onlywould the final art installation provide a metaphor for the coming together of ideas, it would alsoliterally require the coming together of multiple art and engineering disciplines to realize theproject. Convergence would become a true engineering and arts education project.Science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) education has become a populartopic in last decade as government and industry leaders have realized that in a world with greaterpopulation, global interconnection, and technological advancement, complex problems not onlyrequire the
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sciences. Inthese discussions, trust was slowly built, and an understanding of the personal and institutionalmotivations was developed. Shortly into this process, it became apparent that a U.S. coursetaught at the CUJAE would be the best next step in evolving this desired program. Co-authorWilliamson was brought into the discussions in 2014 to help in growing the program andspecifically to help in course and assessment planning. In 2014 a general planning and “get-toknow each other” meeting was held at CUJAE and involved all of the above academic units. Itbecame apparent that some type of course(s) focusing on transportation engineering, fuels,environmental impact and engineering/social issues were of the most interest to parties present.In the
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demographics and trends in the labor market continue to remain an unwaveringissue. Currently, there is a demand in the U.S. to produce qualified students, both at the K-12 andpostsecondary levels with suitable STEM transferable skills and a knack for scientificexploration and innovation through engineering design to aid in the growth and enrichment ofthe U.S.’s economy. In 2004, the National Science Foundation noted that half of the economicgrowth within the U.S. over the past 50+ years is credited to the scientific innovation of theSTEM workforce, which represents a minute 5% of the overall U.S. workforce.1 In order to strengthen the K-12 STEM pipeline and workforce, investments in outreachand student development are continually being
, Assessment, & Data Adminis- tration in the College of Engineering & Computer Science at the University of Central Florida. She is Co-PI of 2 NSF-funded S-STEM programs and program evaluator for 2 NSF-funded REU programs. Her research interests include factors that impact student persistence, identity formation, and career develop- ment in the STEM fields.Salih Safa Bacanli, University of Central Florida Salih Safa Bacanli is PhD student at Department of Computer Science, University of Central Florida (UCF). He received his MS degree in Computer Science from UCF and BS degree in Computer Engi- neering from Bilkent University, Turkey. His research interests include opportunistic networking routing, wireless