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Displaying results 6151 - 6180 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Embedded Computing
2005 Annual Conference
Eduardo Montanez; Andrew Mastronardi
MON08 communication andwiring up the MC68HC908QY4 in both normal and user monitor modes refer to Getting Startedwith the Microcontroller Student Learning Kit (MCUSLK): Using the MC68HC908QY44 userguide on the Freescale university program website.Software SetupIncluded in the MCUSLK are the Metrowerks’ CodeWarrior development tools. We recommendthe CodeWarrior development tools because they support the same user interface in theirintegrated development environment (IDE) and debugger across their HC(S)08, HC(S)12, andDSP architectures. Therefore, a student starting to learn about MCUs in an introductory coursewith the MC68HC908QY4 would begin using the CodeWarrior development tools for theHC(S)08. Then, if the student decides to pursue the next
Conference Session
NEW Lab Experiments in Materials Science
2005 Annual Conference
Xinyu Wang; Manohar Konchady; Joshua Mason; Jagannathan Sankar; Sergey Yarmolenko; Balasubramanian Kailasshankar; Devdas Pai
FRICTION PERFORMANCE OF COATINGS D. M. Pai, B. Kailasshankar, M. S. Konchady, X. Wang J. Mason, J. Sankar, and S. N. Yarmolenko Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures NC A&T University Greensboro, NC 27411IntroductionCoatings are thin layers of materials that are deposited onto a bulk material to achieveproperties not easily attainable with substrate alone. They have attracted considerableresearch interest because of their numerous technical applications. Coatings are usedwidely in optical, microelectronic, packaging and decorative applications as they impartgood mechanical, chemical
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
Daniel Pack; Kenneth Soda
networks is based on the belief that humansmake better decisions than machines due to our abilities to process information in parallel.By treating a large amount of data while extracting and processing relevant contextualdata from diverse source simultaneously, we are believed to fuse the necessaryinformation to arrive at fairly sophisticated decisions.The idea of parallel distributed processing models received significant attention whenMinsky showed a number of applications of connected networks called perceptrons1 in Page 9.1096.11 M. Minsky and S. Papert, Perceptrons, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1969.Proceedings of the 2004 American Society
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
Vijay Rajappa; Steve Watkins; Ray Luechtefeld
Experience with Industry-Sponsored Multidisciplinary Team Projects,”Proceedings of the ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education ‘96, 19966. Loehr Linda, “Between Silence and Voice: Communicating in Cross-Functional Project Teams,” IEEE Trans.Prof. Commun., vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 51-56, 1991.7. Fornaro Robert J., Margaret R. Heil, and Steven W. Peretti, “Enhancing Technical Communication Skillsof Engineering Students: An Experiment in Multidisciplinary Design,” Proceedings of the ASEE/IEEE Frontiersin Education ‘01, 2001.8. Bhavnani, Sushil H. and M. Dayne Aldridge, “Teamwork across Disciplinary Borders: A bridge between Collegeand the Work Place”, Journal of Engineering Education, January 2000, pp 13 – 16.9. Watkins, S. E. and Hall, R. H., “Smart Materials and
Conference Session
Industry-Based Projects
2004 Annual Conference
Pramodh Viswanathan; Molu Olumolade
2 s= (2) n −1The design layout involved the use of the sample mean in equation 1 and sample standarddeviation, equation 2. The mean and standard deviation were determined for each of thevariables height, grips and reaches. Other variables included in the design are the weight andbody surface area. The weight and body surface area were used respectively to determine thetype of flooring and clearances at the workstation.A sample of 13 workers was used and some of the data collected is shown in table 1. Reach isdetermined by the farthest distance the operator can reach with only about 20o of bending (seeFigure 4) while standing comfortably in
Conference Session
Student Learning and Research
2003 Annual Conference
Paul Lin; Harold Broberg
years and have also beenwidely studied with regard to engineering students. The personality types, originallydefined by Carl Jung (1875-1961)11 can be briefly summarized using the descriptionsshown in Table 212. Table 2: MBTI® Dimensions Extroversion (E) Introversion (I) (discussion, trial and error, groups) (reflection, careful, work alone) Sensing (S) Intuition (N) (facts, applications, hands-on) (hunches, concepts, imagination) Thinking (T) Feeling (F) (logical, objective, cause and effect) (relationships, values, process
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Manuel Toledo-Quinones
. However, instructors teaching analog electronic circuitscourses still devote considerable time explaining how to analyze feedback amplifiers becausemany practical aspects, such as the consideration loading effects, do not show up in other courses.This paper presents some examples that illustrate some aspects of feedback amplifier analysisrelated to the correct use of input and output impedances. It is the author´s experience that therelevant material normally found in undergraduate textbooks on microelectronics does notillustrate how to properly use these quantities. The objective of this paper is to provide educatorswith an additional tool to clarify these aspects of the subject.Overview of the Feedback MethodAn ideal feedback amplifier can be
Conference Session
Remote Sensing and Telemetry
2003 Annual Conference
Ingvar Gustavsson
provides the componentsnecessary for each laboratory session. Every exercise is described in an instruction manual. Thenormal procedure for performing a single experiment is as follows: 1. The student forms the circuit specified in the laboratory instruction manual using the breadboard and some of the components provided. The instruments are connected to test points. 2. The instructor checks the circuit formed to avoid possible damage. If the circuit is harmless the student is allowed to go on and activate the voltage source. 3. The student reads the instruments and evaluates the results. If they are acceptable s/he
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2004 Annual Conference
Jeff Frolik
which the curriculum enhancements were based, thedevelopment of two new instructional laboratory benches and the adaptation of laboratoryassignments to enhance the new curriculum. UVM’s ECE program is relatively small (~100undergraduates) and thus the presented approach may serve a model for similarly sizeddepartments.Curriculum Development Prior to this project’s inception, UVM’s offering of undergraduate telecommunicationcourses was limited to a junior-level Intro to Communication Systems course and a self-studylaboratory course (Senior Lab II) based on Feedback Instruments Ltd.’s computer based trainingequipment 1. Beginning in Fall 2002, the telecommunication curriculum was restructured due tothe hiring of the author whose background
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
Mesut Muslu
profile in asmall power distribution system with a three phase ideal source, a transformer, two feeders,and three loads. The radial power distribution system was given as: 3 1 2 Feeder 1 M r. M ill's Load # 1 M s . C h ip 's Load D is t rib u t io n T h re e p h a s e T ra n s fo r m e r id e a l s o u r c e
Conference Session
Raising the Bar and Body of Knowledge
2003 Annual Conference
Wilfrid Nixon; M. Asghar Bhatti
Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University ofIowa. He is a Professional Engineer in the State of Iowa. He is active in ASCE, ASEE, and theTransportation Research Board and also serves on several technical committees in these organizations.Dr. Bhatti received Ph. D. in Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1980 and sincethen has been on the faculty at the University of Iowa.Addendum AThe survey used in this paper is presented here. Knowledge Statement Importance at Importance at Graduation Licensure A N D S St
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2003 Annual Conference
Steven Braddom; Charles Campbell; Shad Reed; Robert Floersheim
instructors can be moreefficient and more effective with their course websites by focusing on the basic coursemanagement features that students want while at the same time eliminating or reducing the moretime consuming content students do not typically use. Instructors creating or maintainingsupplemental course websites might be advised to start with the basics and build from there withperiodic feedback from students. In terms of website content, more is not always better.1 Chen, J., Ellis, M., Lockhart, J., Hamoush, S., Brawner, C., and Tront, J, “Technology in Engineering Education:What Do the Faculty Know and Want?” Journal of Engineering Education, July 2000, pp. 279-283.2 Dutton, J., Dutton, M., and Perry, J, “Do Online Students Perform as
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanical Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Subrata Bhattacharjee, San Diego State University
for example), the changes in the systemschematic and governing equations (mass, energy and entropy balance equations) are displayed.Finally the working fluid is chosen and a customized Java application, called a daemon, aware ofmaterial properties and governing equations for this particular problem is launched. (Takes about10-60 seconds over the Internet and less than 2 seconds when locally installed). Like Maxwell's demon, this custom calculator is a thermodynamic wizard that takes careof the menial task of a solution. The core of every daemon is its robust state calculator, whichbundles an extended state (p, T, u, h, e, s etc.) into a single graphical interface called a State. Auser enters any known state variables in any preferred
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Anant Kukreti
accomplish this, the incoming freshman must meet thefollowing requirements in order to make room for an additional 46 credit hours:• Requires advanced standing for Calculus I and II = 10 credit hours (helps course scheduling by satisfying math prerequisites at start of school);• Requires advanced standing for two H/S courses = 6 credit hours;• Attends school during the summer quarter of the second year = 16 credit hours;• Takes distance learning courses during off campus co-op terms: 1 course per each of first four terms- 4 x 3 credit hours = 12 credit hours; and,• Takes undergraduate courses during on-campus co-op terms- 2 credit hours = 2 credit hrs. All ACCEND students take a number of
2001 Annual Conference
Rafiqul Islam
demands more and more networkcapacity every day. This trend for growing data rates is expected to continue in the foreseeablefuture. Optical fiber communication technology has kept up with the growing traffic volume.The concept of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) has increased the capacities to greaterthan 1 Tb/s (1012 b/s ) over a single fiber by means of more than a hundred channels at 10 Gb/seach. Many research groups and developers in communication companies are exploring theways to extend this capacity from the backbone to some high-end users such as business premiserouters and high-speed workstations. The design and development of communication systems isgreatly focused on SONET/SDH (Synchronous Optical Network/Synchronous
2001 Annual Conference
Judith Waalen; Malgorzata Zywno
Session 1330 The Effect of Hypermedia Instruction on Achievement and Attitudes of Students with Different Learning Styles Malgorzata S. Zywno, Judith K. Waalen Ryerson UniversityAbstractThe goal of this ongoing action research project has been to increase student learning andsatisfaction using an innovative approach to instruction, evaluation and interaction with students.A process control course in electrical engineering was redesigned, introducing collaborative, activelearning using real-life applications. The course utilizes interactive hypermedia
2001 Annual Conference
Mohammad Naraghi; Bahman Litkouhi
knowledge of computer programming makes anengineering graduate more attractive to research oriented engineering employers as wellas graduate engineering programs. In order to enable students to use their programmingskills during the four years of engineering education, the best time for teachingprogramming is freshman year.In the past, Fortran was the engineering and scientific programming language. Duringthe1960’s, 70’s and, to some extend, the1980’s, Fortran was the only language withscientific functions. With the emergence of object oriented programming languages(C++, Java and Visual Basic) more attractive alternatives to Fortran became available.All of the new object-oriented programming languages have a comprehensive scientificfunction library
2001 Annual Conference
Hakan Gurocak
remote control software (GROUP 1). Student #1 Student #2 Student #3 Task Completion # of Completion # of Completion # of time mistakes time mistakes time mistake s 5 questions Under 5 min. 0 Under 5 min. 0 Under 5 min. 4 Simple tasks (5 min. total) Task #1 20 sec. 0 20 sec. 0 20 sec. 0 Task #2 5 sec. 0 3 sec. 0 5 sec. 0 Task #3 25 sec. 0
2001 Annual Conference
Doria Hickman; Bala Ram; Sanjiv Sarin; Paul Stanfield
(2 t( t( s( s( rm n
2001 Annual Conference
Denny Davis; Larry McKenzie; Steve Beyerlein; Michael Trevisan
., Gentili, K. L., Calkins, D. E., and Trevisan, M. S. (1998). Mid-Program assessment of team-basedengineering design: Concepts, methods, and materials. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.4. Davis, D.C., Gentili, K. L., Calkins, D. E., and Trevisan, M. S. (1998). Transferable integrated designengineering education – Final report. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.5. Trevisan, M. S., Davis, D. C., Crain, R. W., Calkins, D. E., and Gentili, K. L. (1998). Developing and assessingstatewide competencies for engineering design. Journal of Engineering Education, 87 (2), 185-193.6. Herman, J. L., Aschbacher, P. R., and Winters, L. (1992). A practical guide to alternative assessment.Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
2000 Annual Conference
Raul Ordonez; Harriet Benavidez; Anthony J. Marchese; James A. Newell; John L. Schmalzel; Beena Sukumaran; Ravi Ramachandran; Julie Haynes
Conference, West Long Branch, New Jersey, pp. 30-34, April 17, 1999.6. A. Waitz and E. C. Barrett, "Integrated Teaching of Experimental and Communication Skills to Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering Students", Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 255-262, July 1997.7. P. Lewis, D. Aldridge and P. M. Swamidass, "Assessing Teaming Skills Acquisition on Undergraduate Project Teams", Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 87, No. 2, pp. 149-155, April 1998.8. A. J. Muscat, E. L. Allen, E. D. H. Green and L. S. Vanasupa, "Interdisciplinary teaching and Learning in a Semiconductor Processing Course", Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 87, No. 4, pp. 413-421, October 1998.9. G. D. Catalano and K. Catalano, "Transformation
Conference Session
Programming and DSP Potpourri
2002 Annual Conference
Murat Tanyel
development system. The few that duplicate the original set have beenindicated by italicized names. These few have been duplicated for pedagogical reasons and mayhave different nuances from those in LabVIEW’s set.Name Inputs (type) Outputs (type) x (DBL) b (Boolean array) Converts the decimal number x to binary R (DBL) (2’s complement) with the given range R B (integer) and the number of bits Input Array (DBL Output Array Pads the input array by n 0’s. array) (DBL array
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
Clark Merkel
(Eq. 1)For any other angle of spring deflection, the cord forms side, S, of a triangle, which isshown in Figure 2b. Using law of cosines to find S gives S = L2 + B 2 - 2 LB cos(180 - q ) (Eq. 2) Page 7.870.3 “Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ã 2002, American Society for Engineering Education”The total pulled distance of the cord, Lpulled, is the difference of these two lengths. Lpulled = S - So (Eq. 3)At the rear axle, this pull length causes the axle
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Engineering Education
2002 Annual Conference
Terra Smith
Session 1408 The problem of fluid viscosity management: An interdisciplinary approach to a community-based problem emphasizing undergraduate engineering research Terra L. Smith, Aaron Haga, William S. Janna College of Education, The University of Memphis/ The Herff College of Engineering, The University of Memphis Medical errors are on-going concerns due to their relationship with patient safety. 10 Toheighten patient safety and medical errors concerns in the American health care community, theInstitute of Medicine (IOM) published the report on entitled
Conference Session
Effective Energy Laboratory Ideas
2002 Annual Conference
Joseph Callinan; Gary Hikiss
velocity of 450m/s (about 1475 ft./sec.) and a Machnumber of about 0.8.The instrumentation provided with theSR-30 engine includes temperature andpressure sensors at the followinglocations: compressor inlet, combustor Figure 6. Drawing of the SR-30 Turbojet Engine,inlet, turbine inlet, exhaust nozzle inlet Reference 1.and exhaust nozzle exit. The temperaturesensors are Type-K thermocouples and the pressure sensors are piezoresitive pressuretransducers. The engine speed sensor is a 2-pole generator driven by the engine. Fuel massflowrate is determined using a pressure transducer system that monitors the fuel injector returnflow pressure. Engine thrust is measured using a strain gage type load cell. The load
2001 Annual Conference
Luis Ortiz; Elisa Mestorino Bachofen
the UniversidadTecnológica Nacional (UTN) and Universidad de Morón, (UM), Buenos Aires, Argentina.The proposed Experimental Method is framed in Kolb´s Learning Model. We have begun toapply progressively this Method in the Structures courses, of which we are professors.The use of the Experimental Methodology helps to reorganize student´s knowledge, improvingthe connections between different concepts in different subjects, and puts them in contact withthe resolution of engineering problems that will appear in their future professional activities.We have also observed that this Method encourages students to deeper researches of thestructural problems, thus helping them to achieve higher levels of knowledge as independentthinkers, according to
2001 Annual Conference
Fazil Najafi
ASession0143@ Funding Sources for Research and Scholarship Fazil T. Najafi University of FloridaAbstractA direct lead between existing research funding needs and research funding sources is lacking.This problem creates a burden on the part of science and engineering college professors whomust spend excessive time and effort to search and identify a funding source(s) in order toobtain the information necessary for preparing a research proposal. Since writing a researchproposal is time and energy intensive itself, it would be very desirable to develop a simple
Conference Session
IE Technical Session II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jo Min, Iowa State University; Wenbo Shi, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
discussion. In each phase, student teamswere required to analyze 3 or 4 questions, and make strategic as well as tactical decisions:For example, (i) How does the company allocate the production quantities to different plants while optimizing the profit of the whole company? (ii) At what tariff and exchange rate levels should the board of managers decide to shut down the off-shore plant in China? (iii) From both economic and environmental perspectives, which transportation mode(s) should be utilized? In what quantity? In the context of these technical contents, we present how the outcome items (d), (j), and Page 22.1003.4(m
Conference Session
Design Education I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dhananjay Kumar, North Carolina A&T State University; Devdas M. Pai, North Carolina A&T State University; Mainul Kader Faruque, North Carolina A&T State University; Kwadwo Mensah-Darkwa, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Divisions
Microscopy and Physical Properties MeasurementSystems.Graduate students and post-doctoral scholars have always been trained and mentored. Carefulplanning and grant-writing has enabled leveraging of this research work for deployment intocurricular education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Beyond extending classroomlectures to hands-on participation opportunities and demonstrations in the authors‟ labs, thestudents have been afforded the opportunity to experiences a day of touring at a world-renownednational research lab as well as to explore career opportunities. Further, multi-level outreachactivities that have been successfully organized utilizing the lab‟s resources have benefited alarge number of the community and other
Conference Session
Research on Engineering Design Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas D. Fila, Purdue University; Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Page 25.475.6 existing systemIn addition to individual quality scores, we calculated an overall innovation score, which was thefifth root of the product of each category score. This method retained the 1-5 scale and rewardedconsistent ideas (e.g. an idea that scored all 3’s is more innovative than an idea that scored two1’s and two 5’s). Once scoring was complete, we calculated the mean (out of five) and standarddeviation in each category and for overall innovativeness.ResultsStudents identified 26 unique solutions to the design problem. Among these, automatic lighting,energy-efficient lighting, and renewable energy devices (including solar panels, piezo-electricflooring, windmills, and river turbines) were the most